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Have you heard back from Dr. Harley yet?

FWW/BW (me)
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Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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Yes, he reached out to me today. I used the radio email link accidentally. Thank you for following up.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
Yes, he reached out to me today. I used the radio email link accidentally. Thank you for following up.
Fantastic. What did he tell you?

FWW/BW (me)
2nd M for both
Blended Family with 7 kids between us
Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
i WILL call that lawyer, see a therapist...

Be careful what type of therapist you choose. I tell you by experience: Getting one that wants to go into the past can deepen your wounds. Get one that focuses on lifting your self-esteem and approaching positive actions in your current life. I did post before several things you can do in this aspect (I wrote all not from books or reading, but from experience from an extremely recent therapy I started attending). Once your mental state is strong and you are happy, by positive actions, you'll see how much better you start feeling.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
Which mommy forum do you recommend?

I don't really know if we are allow to mention other sites.

Please do not post links to other websites.

Last edited by MBeliever; 02/24/15 01:17 PM.
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Has Dr. Harley given you advice regarding your next steps?

me, DH
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I finally found the email you sent. Sorry for the delay.

The impression I get reading your post is that you fell in love with a man who had great needs that you have been trying to meet for him. You may have a natural attraction to men who need you and appreciate what you do for them. But this man seems to have such serious problems that you may not be in a position to help him. In fact, his problems may be so great that they put you and your son in great danger. Ask your counselor if he or she feels that you should stay separated until your husband has gained control over his anger and would be safe for both of you. I would certainly advise you to stay put until you and your son can be guaranteed safety. I know that separation may put a financial strain on you, but that would be better than for you or your son to be permanently injured or killed.

You are getting quite a bit of support from those on the forum, so continue to post to them. They care about you very much. Write me back if you have any questions about what I have written to you.

Best wishes,
Dr. Harley

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He's right, you know. We do care about you, a great deal. None of us want you miserable or hurt, which is sure to happen if you go back. Praying for you tonight.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
I finally found the email you sent. Sorry for the delay.

The impression I get reading your post is that you fell in love with a man who had great needs that you have been trying to meet for him. You may have a natural attraction to men who need you and appreciate what you do for them. But this man seems to have such serious problems that you may not be in a position to help him. In fact, his problems may be so great that they put you and your son in great danger. Ask your counselor if he or she feels that you should stay separated until your husband has gained control over his anger and would be safe for both of you. I would certainly advise you to stay put until you and your son can be guaranteed safety. I know that separation may put a financial strain on you, but that would be better than for you or your son to be permanently injured or killed.

You are getting quite a bit of support from those on the forum, so continue to post to them. They care about you very much. Write me back if you have any questions about what I have written to you.

Best wishes,
Dr. Harley
So what do you plan on doing?

FWW/BW (me)
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Blended Family with 7 kids between us
Too much hurt and pain on both sides that my brain hurts just thinking about it all.

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Idk what to do. I would prefer to stay here and keep my son here. But he is throwing it in my face that not bringing back his kid is wrong, that our son's safety is in jeopardy here because of the negative comments my parents make to each other back and forth and because my grown brother that lives here is borderline mentally handicapped and isn't emotionally stable. He has had emotional breakdowns in his past in which he became combative and suicidale as well. The last occurring probably 3 years ago and my parents immediately had him put into a hospital. And he threatens that since it's actually documented, That it would hold up in court in his favor. But the difference, I feel, is that my parents don't put up with that behavior (mostly because I have an 11 year old sister who lives here with my parents too) and it hasn't happened since. And my brother nor parents are the PARENT. I talked to a lawyer and my options are super limited as far as not having to return home if this goes to court. Can I, should I file a PFA? Is it even possible without any documented evidence?? I really don't want to go back frown

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Please wear my shoe,

if you move back, which I gather from what you have said you are contemplating, your options will not only be super limited, but you will have NO options any more. By talking to him instead of a women's shelter you are being manipulated.

He is threatening you with court between the lines. Have you ever thought about what could happen if he starts telling stories about you when you live with him, your chances would be very limited.

Why is he talking about court anyway? If he had found Jesus and that he new self was all about making up to you what he has done wrong. This is not sounding like a changed man. Please stop listening to him and taking his calls. You know that you are an intelligent women. And you also know that if he talks he can make you believe black is white.

No court is going to hold it against you if you spend an extended vacation at your parents and you should not act as if there are only two places in the world that you and your son could live: either the psychologically damaged and dangerous boy-something, or your parents, that are not ideal.

You will have a much, and I'm saying much better case if you go to a women's shelter NOW and tell them about all that has happened.

I predict that you will waffle and because you have not canceled your flight, you will return to this manipulating person, who only cares about HIS rights. And I also predict that you will regret it very dearly. And the next time you flee, you can be certain that your boyfriend has now understood that the child is your week point. You will then either stay with him and endure his abuse untill you realize how much it is affecting your child, or you will be in a women's shelter and he will be telling lies to you to the courts. That will be best case, because it is also very possible that he will do something outrageous and decide that if he cannot have "his" women and and "his" child nobody will. In which case we will be wondering why we aren't hearing from you on this forum any more.

I am not just saying this PWMS. I have lived this. It gets worse every time you cave in and go back. Oh, and in my case the "loving" man also said that he had found God all of a sudden and that I should have the chance to have a good life after his "mistakes". At least until he decided, that him having forced me into sex at a young age (at an age comparable to you in your story), and staying with him and even having his children, should obligate me to make it work with him for the rest of my life. And yes, I have heard everything else also, from: I will say things in court that will make you never see the children agein (I caved, but knew at that point what kind of person he really was, that was the straw). I have also heard outrageous things about stepparents and abuse and how important... yadayada. The point in case was: stay with me or you and "my" children will be miserable.

I am now a succesful medical doctor and I have done extensive research about abuse and long-term stalking (I leave it to your imagination why that is...). The children are fine, but they would be better off, had I left as they were babies, or before I had them, I might add. I have always wished I had known this forum back then, but then again, I may have continued my wishful thinking about our intact "family". The more you expose your child to him, the more chance his character will be compromised.

I will be late for work for posting this. Heed my words. Go back even for the weekend, and you will be made to deeply regret it.

I wish that you will have more wisdom than I had.

God bless,


P.S. this is what I wrote some time ago, so that you will have a feeling for what I went through.

Originally Posted by happyheart

Your story really moved me.
You chose the words to describe exactly what I have lived.

If I only love enough, eventually some of the love must come back to me.
If I could only be helpful and kind enough, the other person will eventually trust me.
If the other person would only understand how it hurts he/she will stop doing that.

Talk and self-help books only work for spouses which are fairly normal. The gaslighting, the entitlement, the lack of love, the lies, the fact that you start doubting yourself, if it is really your fault... After having spent way too many years trying to love a narcissist into a warm-hearted person, I could write a book (or two). (By the way NPD and BPD have overlapping characteristics, you might want to have another look at the DSM IV concerning your ex.)
You probably know the famous experiment of the little monkeys which grew up without their real mother, and who clutched unto the fur or unto the iron mother. In hindsight I was hanging unto the iron-wired mother, trying to melt a lifeless rock into a real person. You cannot love somebody like that back to health. It is a bottemless pit. Sad for you, but even sadder for them. They will never know the reason for their unhappiness.

I am an M.D. too. I was amazed how easy a relationship could be once I found my true love. How easy it is too be with a normal person. You can't imagine. After years having done everything in every book and having sore knees from praying. It was like having struggled though thick mud and suddenly discovering you can fly!
You might want to read up about love and the Stockholm syndrome.

Some quotes which I found applicable:

There are no victims, only volunteers � Dr Phil

if i could only make him/her understand what he/she is putting me through... They do understand and are making it perfectly clear to you that your needs do not matter to them. - Wayne and Tamara Mitchel

forgiveness does not mean that you put someone in the position to let them coninue to hurt you. - Wayne and Tamara

If a person is nice at first and then turns nasty, the easiest explanation is that they weren't nice to begin with and succeeded to hide that for some time. (Instead of the other way around.)
Sometimes the first impression you had from a person is not the real them. They were just pretending and manipulating long enough so that you would be captured. - me

If you go into a relationship with a loving heart and honesty and the other person sets out to deceive and manipulate and lie to you, you will in all probability not see through it as an honest person. It is not your fault. - Oprah (to the woman who had a relationship with a nice man... who murdered his pregnant wife while dating this woman)

People will always give themselves away with the stories they tell about themselves and by what they brag about. - Dr Joe Carver

So when you vote for a politician, or hire an employee, or choose a neighbor or a date: don�t ask yourself if they are charming or make you feel good. Ask yourself if they listened and thought about what you said. (Note from me: in the beginning they can listen to you, until they know what makes you tick, so they can manipulate you. Listen to the stories from how other people treated them (badly of course, they were the innocent victims of their environment) Look for examples of when they learned from making a mistake (you can even ask them that question). Ask what their self-doubts are. Charm can interfere with your objective observations and even your negative gut feelings.
Beware! Never stop paying attention and thinking. That�s what pathological narcissists do. It�s not surprising that what offends us most about them is that they are rude, uncaring, and �thoughtless people.� I think that�s the key difference between healthy narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder: thoughtfulness. - Bill Eddy

In general: beware of people who have a history of being mistreated and are pityfull beings, or who tell you over and over about their problems. Run, you are not their therapist. Let them find someone else to deal with their whining. You had better choose someone who is cheerful and has a realisticly positive outlook for the future. Someone resilient and dependable who can pick herself up after falling.
I also made the mistake of wanting to rescue people. You can't rescue them, they will only drag you down with them. Let them join a self-help-group. Nowadays I run from disfunctional people, because it does not work that way and you know as a licensed psychologist, that you cannot treat someone to which you have too close a connection.

I wish you all the happiness in the world. In 2 years from now you will be more of your true self than you have been in the last years. I am certain, that you will not make the same mistake. You will have learned and naturally be more cautious.
I wish you God's blessing.

me, DH
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Thank you. I am STILL struggling to believe that he is a threat to my child. I think I do need to follow up with a woman's shelter. I did cancel my flight again, and he has been using that against me. My biggest concern is that the judge will order me to return my son to the state.

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Did you make sure to tell the lawyer that you are not married to this man? Effectively, this man will have to take you to court to have any rights to your son. No courts are going to make you move back. A man who will wrestle with you over a gun is not a safe man. You know that.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
And my brother nor parents are the PARENT. I talked to a lawyer and my options are super limited as far as not having to return home if this goes to court. Can I, should I file a PFA? Is it even possible without any documented evidence?? I really don't want to go back frown:(

Your options will be about NIL if you go back. The best place for you and your son is there with your parents where you can get support. If your husband wants to see your son, he can come there and visit. You need to stay put and stop wavering.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
Thank you. I am STILL struggling to believe that he is a threat to my child. I think I do need to follow up with a woman's shelter. I did cancel my flight again, and he has been using that against me. My biggest concern is that the judge will order me to return my son to the state.

There is no court order, no nothing. Don't act on idle, meaningless threats.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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Originally Posted by MelodyLane
[quote=pleasewearmyshoe] If your husband wants to see your son, he can come there and visit. You need to stay put and stop wavering.

Don't forget ML, this is a boyfriend, not a husband!

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
Thank you. I am STILL struggling to believe that he is a threat to my child.

I still struggle to believe your son survived that gun incident with a) his life and b) his mother.

You are your childs world and even without the gun incident - miserable for years. He deserves better than a miserable mother and home life - and so do you.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

"Fear is the little death. Fear is the mind-killer" Frank Herbert.

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Originally Posted by pleasewearmyshoe
Thank you. I am STILL struggling to believe that he is a threat to my child. I think I do need to follow up with a woman's shelter. I did cancel my flight again, and he has been using that against me. My biggest concern is that the judge will order me to return my son to the state.

This article is just the latest in a slew of sad situations where the children paid the price...and this guy was a former police officer!


You can find stories all over the news about seemingly "normal" people killing their children, wife or girlfriend. You have a person who has outright demonstrated he is unstable.

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Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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Originally Posted by Woundednotbroken
Did you make sure to tell the lawyer that you are not married to this man? Effectively, this man will have to take you to court to have any rights to your son. No courts are going to make you move back. A man who will wrestle with you over a gun is not a safe man. You know that.

x 2

BW - me
exWH - serial cheater
2 awesome kids
Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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Does it make a difference that most of the wrestling was him trying to keep me off of him so that he could hurt himself? I was trying keep him from closing himself behind a door, and then once a was able to get in and snag a piece of the gun he was trying to put together, I was clinging to him trying to keep him from going to the basement after the rifles... That's when he started punching himself in the face to scare me off of him I guess... Then I let go and ran outside screaming, pounding on doors, begging for somebody to help me. Nobody answered. After a while of that, that's when he came out somewhat collected... I suppose either way, I was being stupid and selfish as far as it comes to my son--- I was hysterical and not thinking rationally. I felt guilty for his actions and thought I was doing the right thing by trying to keep him from harming himself. I realize now how fatally ill thought I had been. I then allowed him to pity and guilt me into remainig with him for many months after... I struggle, in general, to ever feel justified in my rights in a controversy... I suppose that is because of my "not so bad" childhood. I do intend to remain put, especially since Dr. Harley once again has reassured me that it's the right thing to do. But I find that I am still feeling as though it's wrong to ceice communication with him and allowing him to skype with the baby. Even though I know that It is only when I communicate with him that my thoughts start stirring. Thank you all for your continued support in my unbelievable moments of irrational thought.

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