I loved it. And I would love to go to counseling but my husband just says it's too late. He doesn't want to anymore. He's just done. I love the suggestions they gave me.
Joyce Harley and I and have been in contact via email as well and she suggested to have my husband email reasons if why he wants the divorce (his thinking and reasoning)
My husband barely even wants to talk to me, and when we do I can tell he gets frustrated even though he is trying to control it.
I do not know where to go from here. He wants me sign the uncontested divorce ASAP. I don't want to. He gets mean and angry if I don't. He doesn't want to go to counseling anymore. He'd love to have me out of the house. He is interested in a friendship down the line, but I don't know if I can.
I think what is behind this (I'm not sure if I mentioned it in my original post) is that he is hurt that I didn't move with him for his job. (He was offered a job in a different part of the state, and I stayed behind to finish my degree at the university I went so but ultimately failed classes over and over). I think he has so so so much resentment towards me because he felt lonely and unsupported. And I feel like he cannot see past that resentment at the moment. I feel like he just looks at me and gets mad/annoyed. And I am just not sure if there is a way past the intense resentment. The therapist I am talking to and knows him as well says yes there is, resentment can be overcome if there is genuine change on my part, but it just takes time.
I am not sure what to do

I am weeks away from being divorced and I truly think we can work through these things. Nothing terrible happened (abuse/cheating.....)