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Day 6:
P2P: Living here on earth versus heaven would be like taking a vacation to Europe [earth] tho I live somewhere else [heaven]. I go to see the sights, but I am not planning to build a home there. I am not going to do anything for the long term there. Therefore I will be a cheerful observer with good advice, but not a resident. Jesus said we are to be " ambassadors ".
V2R: It would be like saving to buy a plane ticket, going to Hawaii, never having been there before. Not even having seen a picture, only reading about how beautiful it is from a brochure. Hearing that it is the PERFECT place to live, you want to get there with all your heart and soul. You put your faith in the person who wrote the brochure.
Q2C: Wouldn't you want to build your house where you want to live? And be constantly planning your dream home where you plan to spend the rest of your life. Your thoughts would always be on your dream, and all your energies would be focused there.
Last nite, Joel Osteen talked about how a person who has torment inside never has peace. If there is a war going on inside of a person, how can there be peace. If a person is still fighting their own battles, then you are still at war inside. When you " truly " give it to God, the war inside ends.
We will never motivate someone by condemnation. The bible says" Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen ". Ephesians 4:29 NIV If we " cut up " our mates with our sharp tongue, we have foolishly destoyed ourselves. Gary Smalley says to think about the most precious thing on earth to you and then trat your spouse that way regardless of how they treat you. Genuine honor and respect WILL soften the hardest of hearts.
The reason we have time on earth is so that we can measure progress. If we lived in a perfect place like heaven,and there was nothing to " fix ", we wouldn't need time. It would be unneccessary.
God Bless singleguy <small>[ November 03, 2003, 02:55 PM: Message edited by: singleguy ]</small>
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Good morning, all,
Day 5: Seeing Life From God's View
How do you see your life? I guess I would have to answer that I have alwasy felt like my life is "a game" - where it seems everybody else had the rule book and I was floundering around, trying to figure out how to "play," but never getting it right. Sad, but true. This is how I have felt many times.
P2P: Life is a test and a trust First off, as a test, I guess this said to me that God continually tests us.....to show us what we're made of......... where we're weak, where there's still work to do. It is up to us to Thank Him for the tests! These tests are a mirror TO US of what still needs to be done.....to teach us to run directly to Him, and learn the lesson the test was there for. If we would do this first, we could save ourselves a lot of pain. Ultimately, the "journey" through this life is to prepare us to live in heaven, so we must have LOTS of work to do before we're ready (in my case, I feel like TONS of work to do!!!) It's no different from the Israelites in the wilderness.........around and around the same stupid mountain for 40 years, when they could have made the trip in 11 days!! Talk about hard-headed!! In the end, the orginial wanderers ended up dying OUTSIDE the Promised Land, since they never did "get it." I don't want to waste that much time. Or end up the same way, so close, but so far away.
As far as this life being a Trust, my thinking on this is that ALL that we have been given is ENTRUSTED to us from God (again, as a test). If we do a good job, we are entrusted with more. If not, then it is taken away. I liken this to my M. I DID have a good H. I had all I needed to make a good M, but I failed. Again, I NOW feel like THERE WAS A RULE BOOK MISSING (like knowing about MB would have helped............) Like reading the Bible and praying for each other would have helped!
V2R: "Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won't be faithful in large ones". Luke 16:10 a
Q2C: What has happened to me recently that I now realize was a test from God? What are the greatest matters God has entrusted to me? This is LoveNCare's answer, but it is absolutely true for me, too. quote: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
answer: My husband left our marriage and God is testing my faith. God entrusted my husbands belongings to me for safe keeping when everyone said to sell them because I needed the money. I trust God to help me through these tough times!
I also feel that the greatest matters entrusted to me lately is the command to continue to Stand for my M. I feel there are so many souls at stake (both family and friends) who will be won over by the testimony of this reconciliation, that I can't quit. God has very clearly shown me that He wants me to stand. I have been led to proclaim this fact to many, so God's Word and Faithfulness is "out there" and on trial. I simply cannot walk away.
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lupolady, I urge you to let go of the " everything happens for a reason " thinking. That would justify a lot of people's actions. The bible clearly tells us many times we can control our destiny. I choose the decisions that I make, I have control!!!!! Do you think your ex was " wired " to do what he did. No, he chose his actions. I chose to write to you about this. God isn't holding a gun to my head. If He already set all our actions into place, why would He give us the ability to love? We wouldn't need it.
Think about it!!!! singleguy
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My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Day 6 P2P: "This world is not my home." I must have faith. I must not hold on to things around me. V2R: "So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but is what unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." It is difficult for me to see happiness around me (many of these people are in Christ) and not feel sad and lost for my own situation. Q2C: "How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living now?" It SHOULD enable me to accept ANY adversity brought my way. Trivial things should not matter as much. I feel I have gotten better with that; at least I check myself when something happens. ==========================
This was a difficult day. I have finally gave into my situ and have started looking for a lawyer. I want a Christian lawyer, and I am looking to do some unprecedented things in my state. After talking with many friends, co-workers, etc. of my wife's behavior, they have said she sounds bi-polar or chemical imblanced. I know women "change their minds frequently"...but...her erratic behavior is beyond reason (IMHO and observation). Case in point. I come home from work to take our D to a Dr's appt. My W is yelling at our D (7yr old) because she didn't bring home $0.20 change from her lunch money. Our D is crying and my W is treating her like she is a teenager; saying she is lying about he money, she's not responsible, telling her that she will make lunch for her since she can't be trusted, etc. I stepped in and told my W she could not make those decisions without consulting me first. *Note: This is not the first time she has laced into our D abusively. She told me it was not my decision, and that I am always challenging her, etc. I am paying for our D's lunch, so I should take care of it. "Yeah, like you know anything about nutrition. You used to eat potato chips for dinner.", she said.
This is a sad day, because once I find a lawyer, which I can't afford, it will eat into the equity of our home. She will not get the home like she so desperately wants. She even slipped yesterday saying that the home was for her; then she corrected saying for the kids. With her errational behavior, NOT ALWAYS, I will be asking the court for a full mental and physical evaluation for both of us when it comes to custody of our children. Again, I am very scared.
Please pray for me that I make the right decisions in the days/weeks to come through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.
May God cradle us in His Mighty Arms when the sorrow is too much to bear, Trying!
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Day 6 P2P: "This world is not my home." This helps me get my eyes off my "worldly possessions." I am a somewhat materialistic person, and a packrat.......so I tend to get "Sentimental" about my possessions. I need to always remember this stuff is just temporary. A thought I had as I was looking deeply into this thought process is that we were made by God to ENJOY our possessions! I think - again a lesson we're here to learn - this is so we will KNOW what it feels like to enjoy elegant, "pretty" things, (not sure I'm saying this properly), the kinds of glorious things we will be surrounded by in heaven.
V2R: "So we fix our eyes on not what is seen, but is what unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Difficult to do, but absolutely necessary to bring us closer to God, which is our ultimate goal! This is a good exercise, since it helps us think in these terms in our M's as well. IF we have been "promised" certain things by God, but have not yet recieved them, we need to remember to have our eyes fixed ON HIM (who is unseen) and NOT look at what we see (our circumstances).
Q2C: "How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living now?" Don't hold so tightly to what I can see or possess, and KNOW that what awaits me in heaven will be FAR, FAR better! That should take some of the pressure off, and allow me to RELAX and trust God more. ============================================
On a personal note, TTsMm, I am extremely sad for you, my brother.
I will pray for peace and GOD's direction for you. I don't know what path you should take, but God will reveal it to you, and I hope you don't stop praying and finding it and walking confidently in it. HIS PEACE will make it clear to you.
God Bless you, my brothers and sisters.
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Hi everyone,
I just wanted to let you all know that I was praying for all of you while you go through this book. I have have the privlege of reading it and it is great.
Lupo... Glad to hear your arms are getting better.
TTSMM, Sorry you have to go through all the stuff you are(praying for your W).
Glad to see you're doing this too. I would like to ask you to consider something regarding your post to lupolady. What came first the "choice" or a "reason to make a choice"? You see, we are born into this world lost and separated from God. His first and foremost desire is to have us reconciled to Him. We have to make a choice to do this (free will and all). So God puts circumstances in our lives in order for us to make choices (hopefully Godly ones). It just so happens, that the choices others make affect us too. That's when we start to understand the scripture; Romans 8:28 "we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." When people choose to do ungodly things, we can trust God to make them work out to our benefit: ...if, we, continue to make Godly choices in the mists of it.
If you would like to discuss this more, we can start another thread or you can e-mail me sandc_mb@hotmail.com). I would not want to highjack this one. You all are doing so well here, I don't want to see the enemy distract anyone.
God bless you all richly.
Love in Christ.
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Dear S&C, I think we are saying the same thing, but explaining it different. What I'm trying to say is that God's circumstances to lead us to Him, or to the right decision, may be seen as reasons, I agree. What I'm trying to say is that even when God creates circumstances[reasons] to bring me in line, it is still my choice. If I rob the convenience store, I chose to. If I get hurt because I'm in the store while someone else robs it, I am hurt by their choice. But it is still a choice. Then God makes all things work together.... on top of it. Prayer is a choice, and can affect a choice. If everything was a reason, I wouldn't need to love, or forgive, or teach. The outcome would already be determined. I'll email!!!!! singleguy
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sg, s&c, Don't email. Start a new thread. Predestination, choice, free will, and reason, has always been a strong theological pull for me and I would love to hear both of your opinions (outside of this thread).
God Bless, Trying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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God Bless, Trying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <small>[ November 04, 2003, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: tryingTOsaveMYmarriage ]</small>
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Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you be with ttsmm today. Father, let your love hold him and keep him in this time of pain and hurt. Father, we lift this marriage, this family up to You and ask that Your healing mercy would repair it and set it back on track. We ask that You restore this covenant, and cause it be a light in a broken world. Holy Spirit, penetrate the hardness of her heart, speak Your truth to her, and show her the right path. Holy Spirit,remove all evil things from her thoughts and replace it with forgiveness, and love. In Jesus name. Amen
God Bless You ttsmm singleguy
PS: God Bless you too lupolady. I say what I say in Christ's love. Please forgive me if it appeared as anything else.
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Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you be with ttsmm today. Father, let your love hold him and keep him in this time of pain and hurt. Father, we lift this marriage, this family up to You and ask that Your healing mercy would repair it and set it back on track. We ask that You restore this covenant, and cause it be a light in a broken world. Holy Spirit, penetrate the hardness of her heart, speak Your truth to her, and show her the right path. Holy Spirit,remove all evil things from her thoughts and replace it with forgiveness, and love. In Jesus name. Amen
God Bless You ttsmm singleguy
PS: God Bless you too lupolady. I say what I say in Christ's love. Please forgive me if it appeared as anything else.
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Hey, S&C, it's good to hear from you, my brother. Yeah, I can type again!! YIPEE!!! Soft cast came off last Wed. I'm happy about that, but have to remind myself all the time NOT to think it's healed. Actually, my arm reminds me when I try to do something I shouldn't do (OUCH!). I'm slated to go back to work next Monday (DON'T want to do that). Pray for endurance, and also compassion from my kids, as I'll need their help for a couple of weeks, since I can barely write, and can't really pick up anything slightly "heavy."
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by singleguy: <strong> God Bless you too lupolady. I say what I say in Christ's love. Please forgive me if it appeared as anything else. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Don't worry about it, sg. It's just a difference in perspective, I believe.
We'll work through it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
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ttsmm, You seem to be doing a little better this afternoon. Your posts remind me of seven years ago when I was going thru all that. I couldn't handle it again!! I am glad God has given me the CHOICE to forgive and forget. I am free of any anger, or bitterness, and it feels so good!!! Pray for that, regardless of the outcome.
What do you want to do about tomorrow night? It is also church night here, but I can miss for a while. Don't like to, but I will.
I will start the new thread; God and Me, versus {{{{them}}}}. I have to do this, it was predestined!!!!! God and I will also win!!!! Again predestined!!! Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> I'm humorous today. What shall we call the thread?
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Hey lupo, Exactly how did you break your arms? Was it that time you fell just a while back? I broke my left arm twice. Once in second grade, and once when I was a freshman. The casts had to be on for six weeks, and they would itch like crazy. I stuck a kitchen knife in once to itch and ended up cutting myself. I went to school with blood all over the cast. Everybody wondered what happened!!! Anyway, thanks for just being you. It must be that stallion in me that gets me a little off course once in a while!!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> singleguy
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by singleguy: <strong> Hey lupo, Exactly how did you break your arms? Was it that time you fell just a while back?
It must be that stallion in me that gets me a little off course once in a while!!!! </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hey, sg, don't worry about your "wild side....."
I have a good friend who has a new little stallion..........his name is "Pistolero" and he's a CUTE LITTLE DEVIL!!!! Full of it......know what I mean? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
I see you being like that little guy........always testing and teasing. He snuck up behind me one time (he was 3 months old at the time) amd NIPPED MY BEHIND!!!!! Cute, but naughty!
Anyway, yeah, I just tripped over my own clumsy feet (and some trash on the floor from unpacking the game table) and started to fall, tried to break my fall and broke my right arm. The left one turned out not to be broken, just badly bruised, as was my left shin, where I went down the 4" step! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
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I have not booked the time <img border="0" title="" alt="[Embarrassed]" src="images/icons/blush.gif" /> because of lupo's previous post. I didn't get to all of you though, my bad <img border="0" title="" alt="[Embarrassed]" src="images/icons/blush.gif" /> . I don't know how we should handle this. My W is on the warpath more with Jesus in this house (tell more later). How late will all of you stay up to do this? Next week, the schedule will be pretty open; my W just got a job working at a bakery in the newly opened Shoprite. She is really, really good, and wants to open her own bakery someday. I hope I will be involved with that (God's Will).
I will post my Day 7 later.
God's Peace rest on our hearts, Trying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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Day 7 P2P: "It's all for him." Day 1, told us, "It's not about me." This has not taken me full circle, but it has definitely changed my focus. V2R: "For everything comes from God alone. Everything lives by His Power, and everything is for His Glory." Q2C: "Where in my daily routine can I become more aware of God's Glory?" Every breathe is a grace. Nature, my children's laughter, love of my family and friends. Sunsets, clouds in the sky, stars, moon, the beach, wind, rain, snow, dogs, cats, birds, rainbows, EVERYTHING. All the things I take for granted that pass through my daily life. I have been attracted to nature all my life. More so, these past two years. If it is all for God, them I must take care in everything I do and handle.
MAy we accept God's unimagineable love, Trying <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> <small>[ November 05, 2003, 05:15 AM: Message edited by: tryingTOsaveMYmarriage ]</small>
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Hello TTSMM, I can do our conference at any hour. Will check back to see what was chosen. Sorry I did not do 5-6 yet but will in a few minutes. Had a 3 hour run up and back yesterday for my Aunt who fell and broke many bones in her face. I did not get back till late. Then today I had papers for divorce court come and a big surprize within telling me my husband got fired and I no longer have insurance and he is begging the courts to dissolve my support. Lupolady says we have the devil trying harder to misfocus all of us. Guess we better get busy with more praying and praising God!
God Bless you all
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Hello all, Day 6 Life is a Temporary Assigniment
P2P This World is not my home. answer: I now understand why I feel so in between things....pulled...pushed...driven... uncomfortable...not at home! Do not get me wrong - I love my home and all God has given me...5 acres of beautiful land, beautiful animals, a great home filled to the brim, great family. I have been told many times I was not from here but another planet! Lol! Yes I am visiting!
V2R: This verse has alot of meaning for me as I always feel better with what I do not see and know it is better in heaven than here!
Q2C: How should the fact that life on earth is just a temporary assignment change the way I am living right now? answer: This helped me through a tough day already just by being reminded through this Book that my situation is only that - A SITUATION! I have to be reminded daily that God will fix all that is wrong in my marriage through my patients and trust. This life is temporary, Heaven and God is Glory! God does not want us to love this home to much or what would we have more to love when we really go home?
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