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He has just left. thankyou for being with me, for helping me to have a gentle spirit, and not LB.
Also thank you for causing an interruption jsut before I was going to say something relationship related.
Please let him read the book I gave him, and let it teach him that he is just a normal guy who says and does things that hurt. and that he can forgive himself and learn to relate to me in a better way.
Let him pick up the book and be intrigued as soon as he looks at it, enough to read it.
Thank you Father, for letting us have a truce.
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I am struggling with discouragement tonight.
But I am not going to look at the wind and waves. I know you are at work in my husbands heart, in his life, right now.
You have perfect timing, and you know exactly what to do, how to reach him. this is not too hard for you. It is what your Son came for - to save sinners.
And it is your department. I have felt for so long that so much depended on me being perfect, loving perfectly, obeying you perfectly, and it has been such a strain. I have felt so responsible , so discouraged when I fall short in word or deed.
I am doing my best to be light, but I need you to do what you do.
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Dear Heavenly Father, Protect me from the evil words and from the evil one. He is hard at work against me by telling me things about my husband from my husband. If it is Your will to restore the marriage, so be it. If not, so be it. Your will Lord, not mine. I hurt Lord, the pain is real. Help me to come to peace with all that is now transpiring. All the glory and praise will be Yours. Amen!
Lunadove <small>[ August 06, 2004, 01:05 AM: Message edited by: LunaDove ]</small>
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Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers. I could not have gotten through this far without your help and support. Please give me continued strength and patience to support FWH through his withdrawal period. Give me the wisdom to do what You would have me do.
Please give FWH the strength and courage to remain free of contact with OW and to continue working on our marriage. Open his heart to me so I can fill it with the love we once had. Also, Lord, please, if it be Your will, place your healing hand upon him and heal him from the cancer and all that goes with his disease. Give him the courage to pray to you fro guidance and direction in his life.
Praise be to God. Amen....
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Dear Heavenly Father,
Please protect all of your children who are struggling with the evils of infidelity. Please guide the wayward spouses and give them the wisdom to return to their marriages, to their faithful spouses and loving families. Please give the betrayed the strength to continue their journey to show their WS their neverending love and forgiveness. Please protect the spouses in withdrawal from the temptation of evil and give them the courage to resist and accept the love and peace of their spouses. Please continue to bless those in true recovery, guide them with your Word and your love and encourage them to be shining examples of the true convenant of marriage. Bless all who come to this board, searching for comfort, searching for hope and searching for You. AMEN.
PS - Thank you LORD for my wonderful husband and relieve him of his shame and guilt and help him realize he is still the good man he was!!
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Almighty God,
Thank you that you are the shepherd who goes looking for his lost sheep.
Thank you that you can move mountains and change the hardest hearts to transform them with your love.
Thank you that you know our spouses, and exactly what to do, what is needed to bring them to repentance, and reconcile them to You.
Help me to be sensitive to what you are doing in my husbands life today so that I know how to pray and how to respond to him- what you would have me say and do.
I pray that these new circumstances would cause him to wake up. I pray that your word, the light of truth would give him a revelation of your love and dispel the darkness and lies of the enemy today.
Your will be done in his life.
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Heavenly Father, please give me strength. Help me Lord resist the enemy and not fall into his traps again. Please! You know how much I love my H and how much I miss him. I don't want to ruin or prolong the plans you have for "us". Open my eyes. Let me see what is wrong so that I may do what You want me to do. Father, I want to please You. Soften my H's heart Lord, remove his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. Thank you Lord for leaving the ninety-nine and going to look for that one lost sheep. Bring him back to where he belongs. Into Your loving arms and mine. Guide us both completely back to You and help us stay there. Please Father, answer my praying according to Your will. If it is not what I am asking, help me understand and accept, knowing that you know best. Help me make a wise decision on living on my own or not. May your answer be clear to me. Thank you Father. I love you Lord. Take good care of my H, today and always. Remind him how much I love him and how I am waiting for his return. Thank You Lord. In your name I pray, AMEN!
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THANK YOU Father , for showing me once again that you ARE working in our marriage. I never thought my H would ever call me, but he did. He wants 3 things and 2 of them I don't understand what for. But I do know that those 2 things will bring back ALOT of memories of "us". Father, you know I've been afraid to let go of one of these things. Afraid that I will never see it again. Lord, I trust You and I will leave it in Your hands. If we are meant to hold on to these memories, we will. If not, I know you will help us create NEW memories and start from scratch. Thank you Father for loving me so much and taking such good care of me. I PRAISE Your Name!! May my H learn to do the same! AMEN!! <small>[ August 10, 2004, 01:18 PM: Message edited by: hopeful98 ]</small>
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Father ,
I know that you are at work in my husbands life. He has run out of places to hide, and by now he is realising that his ways are not working.
Father, let him have a love for his child, let him remember the love I have shown him, and give him a desire to be the man he has shown he has in him to be.
I pray that someone would speak the truth to him in love and wisdom, that he would know clearly what he needs to do to set things right.
I pray that you will give him a strong longing for his family, and a vision of hope for a future walking in your ways.
I pray that he would come to his senses, and see the danger he is in, and the way the enemy has cheated him.
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I am so restless in my spirit. Please help me know how to pray and if there is anything else I need to do or not do.
Thank you that you are drawing my husband back to you, to the right path.
Protect him from the enemy tonight I ask in Jesus name.
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Dear Father in Heaven,
Thank you for always being there for me. Please continue to be with me as I struggle through this mess. Protect me from H's "fog talk" and let me see the good that emerges some of the time.
Please be with H as he struggles with his feelings for OW. Let him again see what she can be like, her controlling behavior, her hypochondriac tendencies, her manipulation, and her constant need for attention. Continue to open his eyes to these and other faults and allow him to open his heart to me and our family. Most of all, give him the strength and courage to continue to stay away from her and for his desire for her to become less and less over time. Help him to trust in Steve Harley and the MB philosophy and give it the time it needs to work.
Please be with me. Continue to give me strength and courage as I try to keep our family together. Also, be with the others who are dealing with infidelity. Help the WSes to see the error of their ways and to return to their families. Give the BSes courage to keep trying to repair the marriage. Help the OW/M see that what they are doing is wrong and break it off with the WSes.
Please bring my WH back to You and to the moral way of life. Give him the courage to stand up to what he knows he should do. Let him clearly see the right path to follow. Please give him an obvious sign pointing the way back to us.
Praise be to God and to Your power and glory. Amen.....
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I know that you can turn all things to be used for your purposes. I pray for those in MB who live in the hurrincane area, that you will use this circumstance to turn their spouses hearts , that they will have a great love and concern for their rightful husbands and wives, and that this will snap them out of the fog.
I pray that they will all be found trusting in you, during this scary time.
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Heavenly Father,
I ask for clear direction today to know if I should call my husband or not.
I know you are healing him, and doing a work in his heart. Help me to know your will in this so that I don't get in the way of what you are doing.
Thank you for your grace and mercy toward him, and that nothing is impossible for you.
Father, thank you for making us one. Let me be a light to him, a reflection of your love today.
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Hi prayer partners- if you have access to it I am reading a very good book- PRAYER by Dr. Myles Munroe.
Our Father- your words are what I pray in. I believe your word as you have given it to me and I know you do not break your law. I stand boldly before your throne and pray for You to turn my h heart back to You and his feet back to his family. I know You do not want divorce and I stand by the covenant I made with You when I married. I offer my h the AGAPE love You offer me thru my repentance. AS you forget my sin, I will not repeat it- you cast it to the sea and I will not repeat my transgressions over and over and make you wonder what I am talking about- since you forgave and forgot! I believe you have answered my prayers already and anticipate your answer and have prepared they way for them. Lord, I am practicing active belief in Your Word- I will get up and look for what I have asked for- I will seek and knock and YOUR WORD will come to pass. Glorious God- I pray in Your precious Sons name and thank you for washing me daily in your Holy Spirit. Amen Amen Amen
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My hope is in you.
You know my husbands ways and you can heal him, you will heal him.
Thank you that he is being reborn , and that he is safe in your hands.
I pray that the lies of the enemy would be revealed. That he would see the ow for a liar and a selfish cruel person, and that he would drive her away. Let him see that she is not a friend, that she is destruction to him.
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Lord Jesus,
You said in your word concerning my husband that you 'quickeneth whom you will..'.
Thank you that even as God raises dead people to life, you are able to give life to those who are spiritually dead.
Let your spirit give life to my husband today. Let him see all things new by the light of truth. Open his eyes, and his ears to see and hear and let the darkness be overcome by the light of love and truth.
Than you Lord that nothing is too hard for you, and you are able to heal his heart and mind just as you healed the crippled man.
Let my husband take up his mat and walk in newness of life today.
Heal him in spite of himself Lord, for the sake of your name so that others can see your power.
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In his beautiful book, "I Shall Not Want," Robert Ketchum tells of a Sunday School teacher who asked her group of children if anyone could quote the entire 23rd Psalm. A golden-haired, four-and-a-half-year-old girl was among those who raised their hands. A bit skeptical, the teacher asked if she could really quote the entire psalm. The little girl came to the front of the room, faced the class, made a perky little bow, and said, "The Lord is my shepherd, that's all I want."
She bowed again and went and sat down.
That may well be the greatest interpretation of the 23rd Psalm ever heard.
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Dear Father in Heaven,
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! You are our comfort and our strength. Thanks be to God.
Thank you for yesterday and the sudden change in H. I know Your hand was at work in his heart. Please continue to work on him, to get him to see where he is and what needs to be done. Give him the strength to refrain from seeing OW and allow him to heal and return to Your fold.
Please continue to be at work in my heart as well. Please allow me to show love and support to H as works through the withdrawal. Give me the strength to love enough for both of us at this time.
Also, Dear Lord, please heal not only H's spiritual and emotional soul but also his physical body. You know of his afflictions better than anyone. Please, if it be Your will, place Your healing hands upon his body and make it whole again. He is a good man who was led astray. Help him to recover from all his pain.
Thank you God for caring about us and guiding us through the tough times. All the power and glory are Yours now and forever... Amen
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Heavenly Father,
Thank you for how much you love us all, and for all that you are doing in each of our situations.
Cause us to see your hand in things and to look for you before we go ahead.
the path we are on is a tricky one, and there are lots of times that I want a safer easier path, but I am following you, adn I know you know this way is best; that it is the path of life.
Loving our spouses is so painful and there is so much rejection. I pray for healing for all those who are hurting tonight. Give them grace to forgive their spouses so that they can heal.
I pray for all those who are in planA that you will help them to walk in love, no matter how hard it is. Let them learn to speak a soft word, to return love for hate, and to recognise that it is the enemy who is really the one who is at fault here, and to direct their anger at him, not at their spouses.
Lord, I pray for those who have no contact with their spouses, that you will give them assusrance that You are at work in their lives, even if they can't see it, and to expect good things, adn to pray constantly for your will to be done in all things. That they will come to the end of themselves and be brought to repentance. That they will find themselves in very unconfortable circumstances , and realise the mess they have made of things, and turn to You for help.
I pray esp. for Graycloud, that you will draw them both to you and make them one in you. That you will break crsuh and destroy the relationship between her and om. Be with OM's wife and children , and let this court stuff be the wake up call to OM.
In Jesus nmae I ask these things and for his sake.
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Dear Lord and Savior,
Praise Your Holy Name. You are always there for us even when we doubt Your presence. Thank you for taking us into Your loving care and leading us when the going gets rough.
I know all things happen for a reason and sometimes, only You know why. Please help us to accept Your plan for our lives and lead us in the direction You want us to go. Be with everyone here who is in pain or trying to recovery from infidelity. Help the WS's and the OP's see the error of their ways and give them the strength and courage to return to their families. Be with the BS's and give them strength to continue fighting for their relationships, even when the pain gets to be unbearable.
Thank you for Your support of me through the past year and giving me the strength and courage to not give up when I wanted to. Thank you for the recent events in our lives and the emotional return of my WH. Please give him the strength to continue on the road to physical and emotional recovery.
We have truly been blessed and praise Your name forever. Amen.....
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