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Hi Sue,
I just got up I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa then just got up went to bed and slept in till a little after 7 this morning,very unusual for me I guess the past month just cought up with me.
Lets see,the dinner thing.First why would he go to a place like that alone.He is just like my H says things that sound so stupid even the dog would not believe it. With my H it is always about how much he has drank,he tells me things like he gave a couple of beers to some guy out side.I think he still has imaginary friends <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
As for the cake I am not sure but I think you can pick up an already made pie just for diabetics. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> That might work. My H was diagnosed with diabetes last Nov.(he told OW before me I found out listening to him talk on the phone)any way I think sometimes that is his problem he is in a diabetic coma!!!!!!
I hope you get your letter soon.Glad to hear all turned out with the check. Did H call the people?Is that how you recieved a new check?
Have a good day.
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Oh by the way where is our good friend SS?
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Hi Sue,
Here's a cake recipe I found. Most of the diabetic desserts are pies and stuff. I did find a really nice strawberry shortcake though. But if you want a real cake (and I haven't tasted it):
Cocoa Cake Yield: 16 servings 1/2 c Cocoa;
1/2 ts Cream of tartar; 1/2 c Boiling water; 1/3 c Sugar; 3/4 c (1 1/2 sticks) margarine @ Room temperature 2 1/2 c Cake flour; 1 ts Baking soda; Liquid sugar substitute equal To 1/2 cup sugar 2 ts Baking powder; To 1/2 cup sugar; 1/4 ts Salt; 2 ts Vinilla; 1/2 ts Cinnamon; 3 Large egg whites;@ rm temp; 1 c Cool water; Mix together cocoa and boiling water to blend and set aside to cool to room temperature. Cream margarine at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add sweetener and vanilla to creamed mixture, along with cooled cocoa mixture. Mix at medium speed until well blended. Beat egg whites at medium speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar and beat at high speed, gradually adding sugar, to form a meringue. Set aside for alter use. Stir together flour, soda, baking powder, salt and cinnamon to blend well. Add 1 cup water to creamed mixture along with flour mixture. Beat at medium speed for 1-2 minutes or until well blended. Stir batter carefully into pans that have been greased with margarine and lined on the bottom with wax paper. Bake @ 350 degrees F. for 30-35 minutes, on until a cake tester comes out clean from the center of the cake and the cake pulls away from the sides of the pan. Turn cake out onto a cake cooler, remove the paper, and cool to room temperature. Put diabetic jelly between the cake layers and frost at the last minute with Fluffy Frosting. Cut cake into 16 equal servings.
Food Exchange per serving: 1 1/2 BREAD EXCHANGE + 2 FAT EXCHANGE; CAL: 170; CHO: 20gm; PRO: 3gm; FAT: 9gm LOW-SODIUM DIET: Omit salt. Use salt-free margarine and low-sodium baking powder.
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Sue said: There are very few smart men, so we are stuck with what is left.
So true, however my W says even though I am slow, she believes I CAN learn in time. So someday I hope to be smart.
Ginger said: Your right about the men. Wouldn't it be great if they were as smart as us and as wonderful, could you imagine how great that would be.
Never happen, and I will even explain later.
Sue said: I noticed, now you got the picture. The mistake women made was letting men think they could think (I wonder what SS will say to this) (giggling)
I thought about going along with the joke, but I think I will actually address the underlying reasons for your comments. No joke. Since this is one of the few things I have really done well with after learning it on MB, I want to talk about it a little bit.
Women have jokes about how men don't get it, and men have jokes about how women don't get it. The thing is, men and women are different and IN GENERAL, THEY ARE GOOD AT DIFFERENT THINGS. Perhaps it would be better to say they do things differently.
If we take the population as a whole, it applies to everyone - to an extent. Almost anyone can learn to play the piano. Some people have a ...........gift - for lack of a better word. Have you noticed it? It still takes work, because your hands don't fly over the keys without training, but it applies to sports, music, math, science, and everything. Some people are better at some things, some at other things.
The jokes about men and women THINKING come from those differences. We understand that someone can be really good at something - like Tiger Woods at golf, and that others are not going to be able to perform at that same level, but when it comes to differences between men and women we often are not willing to accept the difference. We tease each other at best, and hold things against each other in the middle ( with things like " I am sure if they really cared, they would help me out with this.") and at the worst we D because we know they are never going to get it.
So, you are right, compared to you in many cases, men can't think. I can't multitask worth a darn, but I can concentrate on something and stick with it like glue until it is done. I could go on and on about the differences, but you already know what I am talking about. One of the things that got me started here was those very differences. I was frustrated that my W couldn't seem to understand a point I was trying to make and I expressed my frustration out loud in our differences. She winked at me and said: " I thought you liked those differences." I had to admit I did, and it got me to thinking about it in more detail.
We can use them to compliment each other, or to have something to argue about. To use them to compliment each other, we have to understand, at least I have to. I have seen couples at the end of their lives, married for over 50 years that never studied relationships but they seem to understand and make use of each others strengths, and leave the weaknesses alone. I am not sure why I could not do it without a lot of study, but probably it is because I am so dumb. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Our natural abilities and training can make it worse. We understand something really well, and we won't leave our spouse alone about us knowing, and them not knowing. When they make a mistake we rub it in instead of being kind and understanding. See, I am explaining something that many more women understand than men, but I had to learn it the hard way, by experience. I even went to school to learn it - the school of hard knocks.
Now when my W doesn't get something, and she apologizes for having to ask me for help, I say: "That's why we make such a great team, because we can help the other with our strengths and do a much better job together than either one could do alone." I really mean it too, because even though I am not very smart, I can learn SOME things.
All it took was a change in attitude on my part to make a perceived weakness into a great strength in our marriage. My W had the "help each other " attitude all our married life, so you are correct in saying that many men never get it. I was one of them for years. I have tried to explain it to some family members and I get blank stares, and dumb looks - like something is wrong with me. Maybe something is wrong with me, but my W loves it, and it is reflected back in the way she treats me.
I like being in love. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
I usually post at work ( self employed) and I was gone yesterday to help with a community event.
Well, well, that was probably more than you wanted from a joke. I did laugh when I read your comments, but I wanted to say something positive about those differences in us that often has us thinking the other will never get it. I am still learning, and I hope I will "get" a lot more things over the years. I don't worry much about the ones she or I don't get yet, because we make up for the other person if we need to, and we love to do it
All this talk about MB 2x4's has me thinking President Teddy Roosevelt had it right all those years ago when his policy was to "walk softly but carry a big stick." Maybe if you beat your H's more, they would listen better. One never knows until one tries. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
SS <small>[ July 25, 2003, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: still seeking ]</small>
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I have missed you.And after what I just read,I think I would put you in the catagory of one of the few smart men <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
My H never thinks anything I say is right.We just had this discussion on his lunch break(maybe this is one reason I have a selfesteem problem <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> )Anyway we were talking of taking a trip in Sept.He said maybe Vegas,during the week the rooms are less expensive he says about 25$ a night. I say not anymore they are at least 50$ a night if not more.He told me I was wrong. He comes home from work on his lunch and tells me some customers told him of a really nice place to stay just out side of Vegas where the rooms are about 30$ less a night. He tells me how they told him in Vegas during the week the minum room is about 60$.Now didn't I just say that the night before?????????????
Right now my H still does not get it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />
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Star* - thanks for the recipe, I will give it a try.
SS- I could not resist the joke. Honestly, I do not believe all men are dumb.
I like how you addressed it.
Ginger - good to see you.
Today is not bad. As usual, busy. Tomorrow is H's birthday, we are going to have a BBQ. His suggestion.
Here is a selfish prayer, we are trying to refinance. We close on Tuesday, I am praying nothing goes wrong. Last May, it fell through, near the end. This will help financially. On one hand, it is not great, on the other, it will help. Interest is not too bad. Not as good as I was hoping for. It will help us repair our credit. I trust this loan officer. The last, one, I had my concerns.
I have to get up and go grocery shopping tomorrow, ran out of time today. Finish cleaning the house, maybe a movie. Then the BBQ. Lets not forget the cake.
Monday we take the car to the bodyshop. Should have it back by friday.
Next week, I expect things to settle down. I decided that on Sunday, after church (if I dont' oversleep, been doing that lately) I will apply for jobs online. Get that over with.
Wish me luck.
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Hi Sue,
Good luck!!!
I have to work all weekend.
Sounds like you have a very busy day tomorrow,try and rest just a little ok.
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I'm thinking of buying myself some wine coolers and keeping them to myself. (the problem with that is, one puts me to sleep, I cannot stay awake long enough to get drunk). Okay, lets face it, all alcohol has that effect on me. I'm a lightweight and proud of it.
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I am not a drinker myself,that was something H said he wished for,that I would have a drink with him once in a while. I said ok, so he would make me these frozen mixed drinks in the blender they were pretty good I must say, but I would drink one and pass out. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> He said he did not understand he could not even taste the alcohol in them.He could drink the whole blender full and not even get a buzz.
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Weekend was good and busy. Still busy.
We have so much leftover food and beer and pop we could do this again.
I bought a couple of cases of beer. H didn't know it, so his friend went out and brought a couple cases (so now that is 4 cases of beer for about 10 people and 6 were children. (A few did not come yet). Anyway, another couple came and they brought a couple of cases of beer. So, now we are up to 6 cases of beer and two more people. Two more people show up (thankfully they did not bring beer, only themselves). No body got drunk and we have got sooooo much left over beer, it should last the summer. (I tried to get them to take some home with them. They wouldn't.
At least everyone had a good time. (We have tons of left over pop too, but that will go quickly in my house.) The beer, will last a while. We don't drink alot. I sometimes use it as a hair rinse, or in my chili.
H has been very nice to me lately. Calling my hon, honey, that sort of stuff. He wanted me to go with him to a farwell dinner at the legion. We could not get a sitter, so I told him to go. He really should show up. He went for the dinner, and came home.
I also found out, that one of the guys that was at our house plays on the team that I'm not allowed at. I guess only 1 guy on the team, his girlfriend goes. The girlfriend of one of the guys at the party, told me that she goes once in a great while. As a general rule, no wives or girlfriends go. But, she will if she wants to. She suggested we go together sometime. I work.
I'm thinking I am wrong about the OW being there. I dont' think it would be tolerated by this guy or his girlfriend.
I like this bunch of people H has been hanging with. Very family orientated people.
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Hi Sue,
Glad you had a "better" weekend. It's about time.
SS- I could not resist the joke. Honestly, I do not believe all men are dumb.
I know, Just me - I know what you are getting at.
Hey, knock it off, I was just kidding. How did you do that where you hit someone through the monitor? I can think of someone I would like to try that on.
You know what? I hope you finish your test, and get your good job on one of these nice weekends. I think if you are in a good mood, you just may be able to pull this whole thing off.
I had some more to say about the dumb husband thing, but in all the excitment I forgot what it was. My wife's husband sure was dumb for a long time. Sometimes I really wonder about him.
Ginger, is that you?
SS <small>[ July 28, 2003, 05:17 PM: Message edited by: still seeking ]</small>
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Yes its ME.You knew I would be hear could not wait to hear about your weekend Sue.
I'm glad I am not your nieghbor or I probably would not be able to find my H and you know where he would be!Thats right at Sue's helping her get rid of all that left over beer.I know he would not want it to go to waist :
SS I hope my H decides to join the "I'm not dumb anymore,I finally get it"group of men real soon.
Sue glad to hear your H is treating you better it makes life so much nicer.
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I'm glad you are not my neighbor too. Then you would be mad at me because your H would have been on my deck helping make sure no beer went to waste.
I think I will try to talk the guys into coming and getting some of it to take to the field. After all, they contributed to the supply.
I really hope the A is over or ending.
H also commented, that after seeing one of the guys and his longterm girlfriend, he said, boy, you are not so bad after all.
If she does not want him to go out, he does not go out. If she does not like something he said or did, she says so, right in front of everyone.
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SS, as always, you are very supportive,
So, how about a Road Trip in a couple of weeks to good ole WI. I promise, no cheese wedge hats. I cannot say the same for Cerri. After all, it is her place. She may insist that all guest wear them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
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Sue I hope he has finally seen the light.That a wonderful wife and three great kids is the life a lot of men just dream of.
I feel a little jealous and left out that I am so far away and can not join in on the road trip.It sounds like alot of fun.If you have to wear a hat maybe you could take a picture and send it to me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
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Ginger, I am only a couple of hours out of Las Vegas NV. So, I will probably not be going either. It would be quite a road trip for you or I.
Actually, my Aug is full already. I have a trade show the week of the bonfire and I will be attending it that Saturday. Oh well, it would be nice to meet so many nice people.
Sue, I was thinking a little bit about you inviting your H. Something along these lines: We have been invited to a party hosted by friends of mine from Marriage builders. They want to talk to you about your association with ( insert name of OW) and what it means to our marriage. I am kind of interrested in seeing what you have to say myself, would you like to go with me?
Well, I better go before I wear out my welome.
Oh no, one more thing. I saw on GQ where someone was leaving and I felt sad that I had never told her how highly I thought of her before she felt it time to go. I want you gals to know that I feel it an honor to know both of you. Thanks for putting up with me. I continue to pray for both of you, and that you might enjoy success in your marriages. Thanks again -
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SS A couple hours out of Vegas,which direction? I am only about 4/12 from Vegas.I say we all plan a Vegas trip <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Hi Sue hows life today?
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oops I did not mean to type 4/12 I ment 4 1/2hrs but I'm sure you all figured that one out.
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Ginger, I'm the other direction from you.
We could probably get a lot of takers for Vegas, but it's not my favorite place. I am a small town boy, and the bonfire fits my lifestyle pretty well.
I don't know if I could handle living where you live.
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How do you know where I live?
And I am not much for Vegas myself but I would go.
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