Thanks for advice.
I do excersice alot. Even considering entering a fitness contest this summer. That is what he was training OW for.
I don't usually break down in front of him. Last night excepted. I also had one too many glasses of wine during conversation. Not a good idea I guess.
I am going to try your advice and try not to obsess about it.
The thing that eats at me the most is that he said "it just happened, I have no attachment and I want to forget about it." Yet his actions have said different. He got my kids involved. Did I mention the "coincidental" meeting after my D's martial arts class one night. He usualy always stops at Krispy Kreme with her on Wed. night. Well the OW met them there. She just happened to see him driving by on a dark rainy night. Ya right. And taking her to a tournament with all 3 of my kids while I was home preparing for dinner company. If this among other things is not emotional attachment I don't know what is.
Maybe he has not been with her since but he has tempted his feelings by going where she might be.Am I right? Of course it wasn't hidden from me because my children are old enough to tell me where they have been. But he might hide it now.
O.K. there goes my mind again.