I can sort of agree. Waking that soon is not in the child's best interests. If you are the one who decided to not work on the marriage then it kind of lays on your shoulders to take the losing end of the deal. When two people with children separate, it affects everyone. I agree with the stbx. You made your decision. As for the child support issue, it wouldn't matter to me if I made the most money or not. I think you should pay for raising the child also. Raising children is an expensive thing these days. If you make the same amount of money and she is financially responsible for the children, then you still come out on top as the money-maker because all of your money is for you and not your children. Why should she share her income with them and you shouldn't because you make about the same amount of money. It doesn't matter how much money you make. You, as a father, should take on half of the children's expenses. I agree with the stbx. I am sorry.