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#71618 10/26/99 10:27 PM
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ok molly this was your idea you start<BR>love lesa<P>------------------<BR>maybe someday

#71619 10/27/99 06:36 PM
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Lisa<BR>What is going on. Why don't you e-mail?<BR>I've been really worried. Whats going on?<P>We really need to talk Lesa. Are you really Ok?<BR>Me and Ldlb talk all the time. We have a continueing story going on on e-mail. Things are going great for me Lesa. I'm divorced now and have since found out about a two year affair. I'm seeing a guy name Mike and would love to tell you all.<BR>It's much more private and secure by e-mail.<BR>Rhen it's just us reading this.<P>I have to go work-out but I'll write again later<BR>Love and hugs<BR>Molly

#71620 10/28/99 05:55 PM
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Lesa<BR>Now I'm really worried about you!!!!! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>Please e-mail me Lesa.<BR>What the hell is going on?<BR>Please Lesa, you need to talk to me. Your not alone and you know it! I'll always be right here. <BR>I went back and read your last message before you left Alaska and now I see a whole different person. Come on Lesa, my friend, sit down and put it all out there. Start an e-mail and write till you can't write anymore then stop, take a deep breath and push send! Tomorrow start where you left off and do it again and again until you feel better! It works hon, I drove poor Ldbb crazy, and she me. I miss you Lesa. I really do. Your stronger than you think girl, That Lesa that skips is still in there honest.<BR>So here goes.<BR>Ready, set, go<BR>Skip<BR>Now I know your smiling. I am too<BR>Please write Lesa.... It has to come out and what better place than to me. I've been on that cliff Lesa. I nearly jumped. God help me, I nearly jumped. But then I found three things that made me smile again and laugh and love life. And smile while you skip.<P>GOD<BR>LaDonna<BR>AND YOU LESA<BR>My friend, please don't shut me out.<BR>I miss you<P>Love and hugs<BR>Molly

#71621 10/31/99 04:25 PM
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Ok Lesa my friend<P>You have not started writing yet. Or did you and your still writing? [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] Press the send button silly.<P>I'm dying to tell you about Mike. Sooo mauch has happened and I think it will cheer you up. Truely, Lesa there is hope at the end of this horrible trip. I wish you could see for just a second, what it's like when your really happy and you don't have to pretend or wonder what HE's thinking or doing. It's like having a whole new life. I can think clearly again and I act completely natural. No more trying to be what HE wants. I'm ME and that's what the next guy is going to fall in love with. Not some figment of his imagination.<BR>I want that for you so bad. If it's with your husband, or with someone else. It really is the answer. Make you happy Lesa. Everything falls into place after that. No-one can make you happy. Just you!!!! It's absolutly amazing how good it makes you feel when your happy inside and people are drawn to you because they sense that there's something about you that they would like to be part of.<P>Did I tell you I have lost 84 lbs? No kidding. 84 lbs in 4 months. Now that's a drastic change!!!!! I wear a size 7 now and workout all the time and love it. Mike is an athlete and got me hooked. It's great when you can eat anything and just workout and maintain. I'm firming up all over the place too. Love this. I now weigh what I swore I weighed on my drivers licence. LOL [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com].<P>You didn't talk much about the kids. How are they? Did they adjust well to your parents ranch? Are you still there with your parents? Are you working yet? So many questions. I have millions Lesa. My friend you've been away too long.<BR>I have to go now. I'm going over Mike's to avoid the trick-or-treaters. Every year it costs me a fortune for candy. They bus kids in from all over. Some of these kids are 15 & 16. I'll save the money this year and enjoy the evening too. Cool!<P>Ok now I really have to go.<P>Take care and please e-mail me.<BR>Love and Hugs<BR>Molly

#71622 10/31/99 04:57 PM
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I have been E-mailing you are you not getting them Try me at LMS20ish@cs.com. I'll keep trying from the other<BR>love ya lesa

#71623 10/31/99 09:47 PM
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Hi Lesa<BR>Sorry I haven't gotten your e-mail. Maybe I tyed the address wrong, here it is again<BR>moni@net-magic.net<P>I'm going to download ICQ again tomorrow. So after that we can talk again. Do you still have it?<P>Mike just left, he was here for dinner and we watched TV and I gave out halloween candy. Pretty good night! This is going really good Lesa. I'm dying to tell you about it. Call me on ICQ tomorrow night.<BR>around 8pm. I'll try to be here.<P>Keep your chin up and skip your little heart out. Smile my friend.<BR>Love and hugs<BR>Molly [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]

#71624 11/03/99 12:23 PM
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Molly,<BR> hey girl you get any e-mail from me yet? I have sent evry thing fron notes to jokes. anything? and by the way WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I'm alone again even with my computer [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] just kidding I cant even go to the bath room with out company,or at least a little hand under the door [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com].I went out yesterday and bought a scanner so now I can put all my pictures on disk and all kinds of stuff! I got to go we have to move some horses today and I got up late cuz I read to long last night.<BR>love ya <BR>Lesa<P>------------------<BR>maybe someday

#71625 11/04/99 04:44 PM
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HEY WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#71626 11/04/99 08:19 PM
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Hey Lesa<BR>Glad your back. Yes I finally got your e-mails. Come on girl get me caught up on all the happenings in the last 2 months. I have alot to tell you too.<BR>This is going to have to be short, because I'm waiting to hear from Mike and I still have to take a shower and change. I think we're going out to eat tonight.<BR>I'll try to write again later tonight, if not then I'll write you a real long one tomorrow.<BR>Be back soon my friend<BR>Love and hugs<BR>Molly

#71627 11/05/99 01:41 AM
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wow you live LOL [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] hun not alot has happend I got on the plane got off and have been terably lonely ever sence, but you tell me about this guy E-mail me at my cs lms20ish addressand tell me.<BR>I'll have to write more later<BR>love ya lesa<P>------------------<BR>maybe someday

#71628 11/05/99 08:16 AM
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Thanks for the invite LMS. Well, here I am<BR>battered and bruised! From the looks of things you guys seem to be doing well. Anyway I was hoping perhaps someone could maybe answer some questions. My wife and I are going through a seperation. We have been apart 5 weeks and it has been tough. She has taken off her wedding rings and replaced it with a ring made from her mothers wedding diamond. She says that me are moving in the "direction" of divorce but will not say we're getting a divorce. She has asked me to lunch and we enjoyed the time. She said she loved having lunch with me. However, I have some skepticism about the authenticity of her remarks as she is fighting tooth and nail for sole legal and physical custody of the children. Could she be trying to feel me out for my positions and collecting info for the lawyers? She "seems" genuine but divorce most often brings out treachery. She hasn't signed papers yet. Could this be a good sign? Any help would be greatly appreciated.<BR>Thanks in advance,<BR>Rob

#71629 11/05/99 12:17 PM
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Rob,<BR>sorry hun I dont know, I aparently cant tell when I'm being decived, my H told me he was fakeing the love for the last 6 years,but we still talk and he is even comming to vist this month and is going to stay with me,in seprate rooms but I'll take what I can get. how many kiddos ya got? I have two 2 & 6 but we would never fight over them unless one of us did something to hurt them in some way. but I would be careful I have heard of lawyers who do have their clients do stuff like that ,but dont accuse her of it, she may just like your company and need some space and time, but she may still want a divorce just dont get your hopes up,becouse beleave me it hurts twice as bad when they fall.<BR>LMS<P>------------------<BR>maybe someday

#71630 11/05/99 04:10 PM
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Thanks LMS,<BR> Talked with her today. We are still going to sign seperation papers. She stated that she needed time to heal and see me make changes that are lasting. That is she wants to see me doing the right thing on a consistent basis. To me this is great news, however it in no way, shape or form will affect my decisions on the legal issues. I am firm on the custody thing. I hope for her sake that it is not a ploy, because frankly it has NOTHING to do with how I will handle the legal aspects. Those documents could become my life for the next 14 years. I have three children, twin boys age 7 and a daughter age 3. She will turn 4 in December. As much as I want to believe her, wherever there are lawyers there typically will be duplicity! However much I want to think she is being honest, only time will tell! Thanks for your insight, I am praying for you and your situation. I sometimes just don't understand how people can hold some things in for so very long! I really don't! This ring thing has really gotten me confused! Could it be she needs that much seperation from me ("the little things"). She won't say! Well take care!<BR>rob

#71631 11/06/99 02:34 PM
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Rob,<BR> whaat do you mean see you do the right things,what things? (by the way this is me being nosey [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] ) One thing I learnd the hard way is that you cant change for any one but your self,or it will never really be changed,and you'll grow resentment for changing things before you were ready, trust me I tryed that, it worked for a year.<BR>just think about it ok.<P>by the way a friend on here precribes skipping for the bad days, and it works just skip a round the house and you'll catch yourself smileing [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Lesa<P>------------------<BR>maybe someday

#71632 11/06/99 10:34 PM
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Hi Lesa<P>How are you, my friend? Are you ever going to fill me in on all thats gone on for the last two months? I'm dying to tell you about all that's happened to me.<BR>I've missed you and the talks we used to have. Have you still got ICQ? I'm downloading it again, had to reformat my c drive so I lost it.<P>It seems funny to me that your suggesting skipping!!! I love that. I still think about it and it makes me smile. I guess we use what ever works. Oh I found another thing. But trust me this won't work for you fella's.<BR>I painted my toenails red! Yep!! Hooker RED!!<BR>Not because it's sexy....Because when you see some girl in sandles or bare feet with red toenails..don't you think she's happy? Well when I'm sad or feeling down, I think about my secret red toetails and smile. Kinky YES but shoot it works.<BR>Can't be any sillier than skipping around your neighborhood [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>Now Lesa, I'm waiting for my e-mail. Oh yeah. I LOVE THE ALIEN!!!!!! Don't you wish you could put a 1999 on the ball?<BR>This year has absolutely sucked!!!!!!!<BR>Bring on Y2K!!!!!!!!!! 2000 has got to be better than this!!!!!!!<P>Come Lesa, Skip to the e-mail program and write down all the STUFF that you haven't said yet. Molly's listening!<BR>Hey, don't you want to hear about all my little goof-ups? Shoot Lesa, this dating stuff is really weird. I'm clueless!!! I have no idea when someone (male) is coming on to me until it's too late. Then I'm caught and don't have any idea how to get out of it. Some sticky situations already!!!<BR>So I need your imput here!!!<BR>Maybe I've lived in a bubble for my whole life! But I'm actually having fun Lesa.<P>Hey have to go. Call me on ICQ tomorrow night.<BR>Say hi to the kids for me.<BR>Love and hugs<BR>Molly

#71633 11/07/99 01:29 AM
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Thanks LMS for your receint comments...<P>This is really like a roller coaster... But I am enjoying the ride... Letting it take it's own course is not always easy... We e-mail, and talk constently... There are days that things are on such a high, then they level out a little... We are going to be doing lunch together on Friday, and the following week, the two of us, and my children, and her daughter are going to go skating...<P>Looks positive... Thank you again LMS...

#71634 11/07/99 12:16 PM
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Molly,<BR>your back!!!!!!!!!I have missesd you my friend, on I'll icq you tonight but what time? <BR>cant wait to hear about your new found life [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>see ya later <BR>Lesa

#71635 11/07/99 12:16 PM
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Molly,<BR>your back!!!!!!!!!I have missesd you my friend, on I'll icq you tonight but what time? <BR>cant wait to hear about your new found life [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>see ya later <BR>Lesa<BR>oops hit the send key twice [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>------------------<BR>maybe someday<p>[This message has been edited by LMS (edited November 07, 1999).]

#71636 11/07/99 11:33 PM
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Molly, its 9:30 this will be the last time I get on here tonight just wanted to see if I could find you, next time give me a time [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<BR>C U then <BR>love Lesa

#71637 11/08/99 08:08 AM
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LMS,<BR> Again many thanks, I cannot tell you how much it helps to have someone to listen to your hurts and pain. Some good, news to report; I had dinner with my wife and kids Saturday night! It was wonderful. It all started when she called and said she was lonely, so I took the children home early. We talked and she began to cry. I listened and then she hugged me and cried on my shoulder. I cried! I ended staying and talking about our situation. I asked her if she still loved me. She bursted out crying and said yes but stated she was afraid I would start drinking again (I don't when we are apart). I told her that we need help to fix and enhance our marriage. The drinking was a sympton of deeper issues in our marriage. Anyway, I left after many and strong hugs. On the way back to the folks, I felt a strong urge to call and see if they wanted to have dinner. She laughed and said "I was thinking the same thing!" I returned to an emmaculately cleaned home, with candles burning and soft music playing. I complimented her on the house and she said "I wanted it just right for my company". We played cards with the kids and had an enjoyable time together as a family. I caught her several times staring at me and smiling as I played with the children. I winked at her and she glowed. Well enough said, I really hope that this is a giant leap. I'm considering asking her to meet with our pastor about some counseling. In your experience, would this be appropriate at this point? Am I moving to fast? Any advice? Also, I'm sorry I havent been much help otherwise, but I'm new to this situation.<BR>thanks,<BR>Rob

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