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#872716 06/22/00 11:01 AM
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Does anyone else have this problem. The OP's name is Shannon. A week after D-day, H and I went on our scheduled trip to Ireland. Do you know how hard it was for me to navigate us through the city of Shannon. Then, last night, I was watching Far and Away with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Nicole's character name was Shannon. I had a hard time everytime someone called out to her.<P>Anyway, I managed to make it through the evening without any LBs, so I guess I did okay, but sheesh, that's hard. I almost wanted to stop the movie, but I knew that would look silly. Then I had some chest pains and a really bad asthma attack in the middle. H was about ready to haul me to the ER when I was laying down struggling to breathe. It was kind of nice to have it reinforced that he does care about me.<P>I keep praying that God gives me the strength to make it through this. Thanks for listening. At least this girl doesn't have a real common name, so it's not like I hear it all the time.

#872717 06/22/00 11:06 AM
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Oh yeah, been there for sure !<P>OW # 1 was Virginia, when he was talking to her on the phone I was in the state of Virginia ! My niece is named Virginia, I refuse to call her anything but Ginny now. I used to have a "Virginia is for Lovers" coffee cup. It *somehow* got smashed into a billion pieces.<P>OW # 2 was Sherry. H called her lady. Ruined every song I used to love with either word in it.<P>All I can tell you is it gets easier with time.<P>------------------<BR>Just call me - Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>The only day I can do anything about is today, yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet mine.<P>Hepatitis C, educate yourself ! <A HREF="http://hepatitis-central.com/" TARGET=_blank>http://hepatitis-central.com/</A>

#872718 06/22/00 11:10 AM
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The bimbo's name is (now lets's see if I can actually type this) Karen. Yuckkk!!! Do you know how many friends I have with that name? The thought of her sharing the same name as some very nice people makes me sick. That's why she is "the bimbo" to me. I won't relate that name to her.

#872719 06/22/00 11:23 AM
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Oh, I just had to chime in on this one! OW's name is Jennifer! Our neighbor's name is Jennifer and one of my son's tutor's name is Jennifer. I have it in my face almost daily! SHEESH! I used to like that name! Yek,blech.A few months after H met OW and our daughter was about 5 months old,he said "I wish we would have named her Jennifer" OMG! I was clueless then.Now I could just puke!LOL So glad our D is not Jennifer. It's bad enough that I have to speak that name at all. I can totally relate!It takes awhile to get over it,that's for sure.

#872720 06/22/00 11:53 AM
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OW's name is Becky. I absolutely hate hearing the name, but my former MIL from first marriage (whom I cared about very much) is named Becky also.<P>Hard for me to hate the name when there is another person whom I like that has the same name too...

#872721 06/22/00 11:59 AM
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YES!!!!!!! So I'm NOT crazy!!!! OW's name is Julie Ann. I used to like the name Julie before this...now I cringe every time I here it or see it. I wouldn't buy a book recently because the main character's name was Julie!!! H calls her "my beautiful Julie Ann" and "Pretty Ann" YUCK!!!!!!! Ptooohey!!!!! Well, H & I are getting divorced so I guess he and Julie together will have to be a sight I endure and I will hear her name undoubtedly from my kids once he marries her. I am NOT looking forward to it. sigh [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P><BR><P>------------------<BR>Blessed be.<BR>****************<BR>Keridwen<P>Keridwen_7@yahoo.com

#872722 06/23/00 12:29 AM
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Well, I am unable to abbreviate the name of my favorite airline, Air Jamaica...for just this reason. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]

#872723 06/23/00 12:34 AM
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OW's name is Kesha. Wouldn't you know that my best friend's name is that also! The only thing that helps me out on that is that my friend & I are goofy enough to call each other really funny names! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]

#872724 06/23/00 12:36 AM
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how about Lynn!!! <P>I have a sister in law I now only call Linda and used to think I wanted to use that as a middle name for one of our kids - NOT NO MORE!<P>I still choke when I say it - it just doesn't roll out very easily these days. <P>YUCK!

#872725 06/22/00 01:49 PM
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<BR>Wow, now I know I am not just a crazy person, we call XOW "Sarah" after watching Forces of Nature, and thats because I refuse to say her name, it makes my skin crawl.<P>I thought I was a terrible person for that.<P><BR>

#872726 06/22/00 05:48 PM
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Well, I can top you all.<BR>OW name is Gladys! I guess I'm lucky cause none of my friends have it and you don't often see it in the movies...LOL But my best friend in colleges' mother had the same name first and last! What do you think the chances are shes the same Gladys? 80 years old and from Wisconsin?<BR>Lora

#872727 06/22/00 08:33 PM
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Okay, I have to answer this one. Boy oh boy do I have a name. One that comes up tons and tons.<P>Her name is Pam.<P>The cooking spray I use is "Pam". The first time my husband and I went grocery shopping together after discovery I went to grab it and called it by name. The word got stuck in my throat and I started to tear up. My husband said it is really a stupid name isn't it? We ended up buying a different brand.<P>That brand didn't work for baking banana nut bread so, I ended up going back to the original one. I couldn't handle seeing that name in my spice cabinet. Now I take a steak knife and scrape off the word where ever it appears.<P>One day I was cooking with our daughter and she said "Mom pass the &itch." <P>Another story is that the first place my husband "did it" with OW was in his pickup truck at the parking lot of Walmart. So naturally going there was hard for me. Well, one day I got up the nerve to go there by myself to buy some vitamins, (they have good prices on that stuff.) I had just dropped him off at work which was in itself a hard ordeal for me.<P>I pull into the driveway to the parking lot and there is a big white semi there and it has the letters P A M trucking on it. I started laughing and crying out loud at the same time. Guess you could say I was a little nuts or experiencing a split personality.<P>Then once we were bike riding (again a place they had been together) and we came out of the woods and rounded a corner to the city to head home and low and behold there is another one of those semi's there. Tears again. All I did was pedal really fast up ahead by myself crying and reciting the Lords Prayer. (I do that when I can't handle a situation, a way to get my mind off of it. I use the 23rd Psalm too.)<P>Now we have a few friends with wives named Pam. One day we were coming home and I noticed our neighbor's wife at home, a fellow buddy and coworker of my hubby's, and I said "Did Pam quit working?" He looked at me startled and said "What?" and proceeded with "No she hasn't quit working why would you ask that?" I realized he meant the "Pam/OW" and I said "No! Your buddies wife!" Then he said "oh?".<P>I worked at an answering service and I can't tell you how suddenly every other female I spoke to had the name of Pam. (okay I am exaggerating a bit, but not much).<P>Years and years ago I had a boyfriend that I lived with, (the hippie era, complete in a commune) (yes, I am showing my age here. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] ) that happened to be my boss as well at the restaurant I worked at. Well, one day I find this hair ornament in his car. I asked him where it came from? He told me he didn't know. No one at the house owned it so, I decided to wear it at work. Well, low a behold this fellow waitress comes up to me and says what a cool hair thing and that she had one just like that but, recently lost it. Just as she was saying it (she wasn't too awfully bright) she stopped on the last word. It was hers! I bet you can already guess? Yes, her name was Pam.<P>When I was a child there was a playmate in my neighborhood who usually was causing me tons of grief. Her name was Pam. <P>So, you see the name "Pam" is the bane of my existence.<P>See, none of us are nuts. It is a common thread to this whole mess.<P>I won't even go into the long stories about the rest of her name. Mary being the middle one and Bell being the last.<P>With this woman I just can't win, except I won my husband's love back. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>Funny isn't it how a simple name can bring such emotions forward. I have always asked my husband why couldn't he have picked a Matilda or something. He couldn't have picked 3 more common names if he'd put some effort into it.<P>All I can say ladies is that it does get easier with time. It still hurts but, not as deeply and I can say the name now. I still have a hard time hearing it but, I can at least say it and because I met a really dear lady from here with the same name, I have finally a wonderful association with the name "Pam". Only took over 35 years for that to happen. [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<P>------------------<BR><B>God bless you and all of us. We are all going to make it, all of us! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] With God on our side we can't lose! [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com] What God has joined together let no man put asunder. <P>Samantha</B><p>[This message has been edited by A blessed Samantha (edited June 22, 2000).]

#872728 06/22/00 08:38 PM
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Esther!!!!!!! Every time I open the bible there it is...<P>And here she is this 42 y.o.woman who has known my H for about 5 years...worked closely with for 2..(I have known she and her h and children that long as well) pining away for my H whining to her H that she is going to lose my H and her H!!!!!<P>plus she has her H call to see if my H is getting close to me....it got to sick for me...

#872729 06/22/00 08:47 PM
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Unfortunately, I think I can top all of those - the OW and I have the same name. A few months after discovery, she started going by a nickname, and she apparently does not allow my H to refer to me by my name, just my initials - he has done this in front of our children.

#872730 06/22/00 09:37 PM
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All I can say is thank God my name isn't Pam. LOL.<P>The OW here is Karen. Hard to even type that word. Of course, I don't have a last name, H would rather die than give me access to her.<P>The worst thing is when we are talking and he says her name. I can't do it. I call her "your freind". It's just way to familiar for me when he calls her by name.<P>I'm glad I don't know any Karens. I would have to hate them I think.<P>allison

#872731 06/22/00 09:52 PM
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The OW in our case had a pretty unusual name, Hayley, so I didn't run into it too much altho I can't watch any old Disney movies with Hayley Mills any more without cringing. <P>The thing that always sent me for a loop was that everywhere I looked was something from the state she lives in. You would be amazed at how many things come from that state!! Or how many times it comes up in crossword puzzles. And in the last week we have seen stuff on the TV about the town she lives in like three or four times. Enough that my H made a comment about it and he always thought I was loony for noticing stuff like that.<P>I think we can all rest easy on this one, unfortunately...we are just being normal [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<p>[This message has been edited by JodiC (edited June 22, 2000).]

#872732 06/22/00 10:14 PM
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Okay I'll join in.<P>My stbx's first OW was Deborah. Then there was Julie. Next was Debbie. Moving on to Susan...Patty....Debbie (another one)...and lastly Debbie (the second one-again).<P>I have no idea if he is seeing anyone now. Probably another Debbie. He seems to like that name. LOL<P>And yes, the name Debbie does send shivers up my spine. And who in there lives doesn't know at least 50 or 60 of them?

#872733 06/22/00 10:40 PM
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Glad it wasn't Pam - that's my bestest friends name and I have a sister in law named Debbie. Jennifer's my niece, Becky's my cousin and her mom, my aunt is Karen - eeeekkkss! <P>I can't say her name to my husband - I call her 'your little friend' or 'the big fat lier'. I know she's an accomplished lier, but I don't know if she is big and fat - it just comes out together.<P>Glad I'm not alone - thought I was being super sensitive.....

#872734 06/22/00 11:09 PM
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Let's see...<P>1. Esther<BR>2. Kara<BR>3. Madolyn<BR>4. Kathy<BR>5. Shaina<P>Shouldn't be here, but admit, I lurked tonight... couldn't pass this up!

#872735 06/23/00 12:07 AM
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The OW in our saga went by the the name of Bear. It fit her pretty good, as she was as ugly as they come. Her real name is Ines. I never really liked bears, so it was no big deal to me. I thought it was very unattractive to even want the name Bear as a nickname. She is of German descent, and the History channel with all the war stuff sometimes bothers me. All in all, it does get better, but it does take time. My H affair lasted a year and died its own natural death. He finally chased the bear away! Oh, my name is Karin, at least I spell it with an I [Linked Image from marriagebuilders.com]<p>[This message has been edited by WeNeQn (edited June 23, 2000).]

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