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I too am trying to lose weight but not because H had A. I was heavy when we met, I just got alot heavier through the marriage. He would like me to lose weight for health reasons. I started last year and lost 50 lbs in 6 months, then I started putting it back on. Was planning to join a gym and that same day found out about the A. Lost 15 lbs the first week. I did join the gym "Curves for women" if you don't like to exercise this is the place for you. I've lost an additional 8 lbs and 16 1/2 inches. The workout only takes 30 minutes. I still have a long way to go but not for H but for ME and our son! <p>We are all beautiful [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] , lose weight for health reasons not for beauty.

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Hi, I am struggling with my quick weight loss diet... I had fajitas last night... so I cheated a little , but they were pretty healthy- only 2 tortillas.... <p>and no beans... little bites of rice... anyway... the alanon meeting yesterday was wonderful... did I say WONDERFUL. I also did a PILATES home video with focus on the back and it was WONDERFUL Too... really made me feel better.... <p>I am going to do my video work out again today... I was a little suprised , I ha ve never been good at the video work out ... but I do need to work out so bad... and it is so much less time thatn the drive to mmy gym and back.<p>Cleopatra... the quick weight loss diet is awesome and worked for me very well when i had my first baby.l. I got down to 115 from around 140 or so... I had lost the rest alone... before going to qwloss... I gained 70 lbs with first baby... second baby did qwl by myself and pd for some visits and lost it all again down to 120... right now... I need to lose 30.. to get back to my dream figure... size 4... I really do want to be there... I felt so good at that size and I was there 2 yrs ago before letting my health go and my body go...<p>So now... I know a ex qwl dietician who counsels from her home.. and she is working with me... maybe I need to ask her to gruel me a little more.. that could help... she is nice.. and I cheat a lot... but I feel thinner after one day... two days... of mostly sticking to it... except for ri ce and tortilla and a few chips... [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] <p>what else.. went out and bought myself a new scale at walgreens... my other one did not work - so I never knew true weight... I think part of my issue was that I actually bought the bigger clothes this time ...in thepast I refused except for pregnancy... <p>anyway.. thanks for the support and I am glad so man y of you are here.. if anyone wants to try qwl I have the diet... let me know and I will email it to you... [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] )<p>Let's get beautiful... and thanks for your sweet comment luv and protect me... by no means in a size 8 am I way overweight, etc... it is not just h pressuring me, but me... I feel better thin... and I have ability to look better... might as well why I am still young... 33 ... almost 34 next month [img]images/icons/shocked.gif" border="0[/img] <p>so I better reclaim my youthful figure while I can... anyway.. it helps my back issues... and increase my strength.. I am only 5'5'' so that and a fairly small , med. frame... needs to take a little off the thights, hips and buttocks... but h is a little off base with his massive criticis m of me.. and yes.. it hurts... and HEY... I would not mind ... making him jealous...<p>and wonderinf if others are interested when I start to look HOT... and it will make me feel good.<p>saturday, h sd... I was already looking better and he better watch out or some guy would start bringing me flowers and trying to wine and dine me... sad.. but attractiveness must be big big big to my h...he has sd so... and most of my marriage... I met that need... so sad to be told you are not pretty enough.. when you always have been, and to find out how much it means to your h... <p>my h is sexy and good looking... so that mya be his issue.. in his stuck up tone and words sat... he sd... a man like me... oh my g! likes to have a beaut woman on his arm to show off... ok dude... get a grip... but that is what he sd...<p>well anyway.. ck in later..<p>glad to hear so many of us are working on ourselves.. great thread thanks to everyone!<p>H

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Hey Honey,<p>Keep up the great work!! One of the best bits of advice I got when things were really bad, was to find something new that I enjoyed and WS would probably be impressed by it and if not, then I still have something new that I like about myself.<p>Lucky for me it was working out... WS was very impressed, I feel much better about myself and I get noticed whenever I go to the pool or wherever. It's been a great confidence builder! I do have to admit... I did lose about 25 pounds in the beginning due to depression, but I've been working out ever since and I've never been in such good shape.<p>FYI: I use and would highly recommend the AbSlide. Only about 3-5 minutes a day and you'll see results in about 2 weeks. Sorry, don't mean to sound like an advertisment but it's great for lazy people like myself. Now it's not a fat burner really... but it's a great muscle toner for you abs, shoulders, arms and back.<p>TTFN - JB

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I want to point out about carb reduction.<p>Be really careful. I have noticed that if I'm really good about my eating, then I will cut and cut and cut--not good.<p>Fact is, we cannot survive without carbs. Glucose is the brain's food. The body can convert meat to glucose, but it's slower. I wouldn't cut out all breads or starches. It will help you with energy. Now, the key there is to not overdo it. If you're really conscientious, I would suggest you make your own whole grain bread. That way you pretty well know what's in it. I think Gold Medal's flour has 3g of fiber which will reduce the glycemic index. Same with brown rice vs white. White rice, to the body, is like eating candy.<p>I don't think I'm contradicting anyone here. Although, I did feel like Carb Addicts diet (though right on the Insulin process) is a little bogus in its application. From the outside, I look like the carb addict. Yet, when I took the quiz, I wasn't. Go figure. <p>Also, you mean to tell me that if I pack in 1500 calories in one meal (believe me, it can be done) that if I follow the plan, I won't gain weight? My insulin won't rise above normal, and then drop out? I don't think so. <p>I have noticed that some of what they say is true. Like, I have tried to balance my carbs and proteins a little more, and even out my fat intake. That has helped a lot. <p>There is value in these plans, but not a lot. The best plan is a balanced one. And, when my sugar starts to get low, I restoke my metabolism with a snack of protein and carb. I leave off that amount from my meal, beforehand, so that I can have it. (Well, at least that's the goal.) It's more common sense than eating a weird schedule, or a humongous meal at the end of the day.<p>Also, eating that big a meal before bed can have other adverse affects. One I learned recently is restless sleep. If your blood-sugar drops in the night, your adrenaline will go up (because your insulin is too high). Now, I know protein is supposed to have something to do with preventing that. But the fact is that any meat (just about) has fat. How can you lose fat if you're packing it right back in?<p>Also, perhaps it's a misapplication of CAD, but my FIL eats sausage and any fatty meat he wants on it. There is organ damage that can be done by doing this, and you need to be monitored carefully, for cholesterol and other things. That seems like too much trouble. Also, your triglycerides are a lock to increase. Triglycerides are made from a glycerine (stored glucose) and 3 fatty acids.<p>Note: for oil, I use Olive and Canola (canola has Omega-3 and the other good properties of Olive).<p>HTH someone.

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kb4jb - I am interested in the abslide, where do you get that? how much does one cost, thanks.<p>H

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I have been on the Jenny Craig diet for a few months and have lost 20 pounds (my goal is to lose 30). It is a great diet and has made me feel better than I have felt in a long time. Best of all, I'm doing it for ME! The plan is a bit pricey.

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Hi Renee Steph... I would like to try jenny craig sometime maybe... do you buy all prepared food for it? can you make any of it yourself? so why is it pricey, registration and plan maitenance fees? I have heard it is good too, also a poster above mentioned they did not like the food... I will stick with quick weight loss for a while. I am just bored with the quick weight loss diet so it is hard...
thanks, Lisa

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Honey Offline OP
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Hi Renee Steph... I would like to try jenny craig sometime maybe... do you buy all prepared food for it? can you make any of it yourself? so why is it pricey, registration and plan maitenance fees? I have heard it is good too, also a poster above mentioned they did not like the food... I will stick with quick weight loss for a while. I am just bored with the quick weight loss diet so it is hard...
thanks, Lisa

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I love this post - My WH biggest complaint about me was my weight - I lost 70 pounds 2 years ago on Medical Weight Loss and put all but 20 back on - When I found out about my H's A I lost 20 in the first 3 weeks, I have continued to lose and have lost 35 and we just hit the 2 month mark. He has told me that one of him biggist EN's is physical attraction and my weight - I'm going to the gym 2 - 3 times a week along with doing some at home and this has been a big help for our relationship - I'm proving to him that I care about what he wants and the added bonus of feeling better about myself - Yes I still have 50 pounds to lose and I will lose it but this time I'm doing it right - exercise and cutting down on food intake - not starving myself. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]

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sad but true this is big need of my h... [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] ... alwyas thought I was loved for me... I guess looks count... [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] luckily we can all do something about it... H! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img]

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hoping4future:
<strong>I want to point out about carb reduction.<p>Also, perhaps it's a misapplication of CAD, but my FIL eats sausage and any fatty meat he wants on it. There is organ damage that can be done by doing this, and you need to be monitored carefully, for cholesterol and other things. That seems like too much trouble. Also, your triglycerides are a lock to increase. Triglycerides are made from a glycerine (stored glucose) and 3 fatty acids.<p>Note: for oil, I use Olive and Canola (canola has Omega-3 and the other good properties of Olive).<p>HTH someone.</strong><hr></blockquote><p>Hoping,<p>You made several good points, especially about cutting TOO MUCH carbs. No carbs is just as dangerous as refined carbs. The idea is to cut BAD carbs, in the form of refined sugars and flours, though, and to cut back on iffy ones like high starch, nutritonally dense vegetables like potatoes, corn and certain fruits. <p>I think that whole grains are a great substitute when you HAVE TO HAVE bread, but I much prefer to get my fiber from fiberous vegetables, nuts and berries, because they are easier on my blood sugar levels. It just depends on what you prefer. <p>As far as cholesterol, it is a proven fact that a high fat diet/low carb [not trans fats!] causes a reduction in triglycerides and an increase in HDL. A diet high in carbs INCREASES triglycerides and reduces HDL, not a good thing. The Harvard Nurses study implicated a high carb diet in an increase of coronary heart disease.<p>The reason is because the body only needs so much glucose and any superfluous glucose just turns to body fat and prevents the body from regularly burning it's own stored body fat. When you keep your carbs at a healthy level [every person is different, it could be anywhere from 50g to 120g] then your body has the glucose it needs but can also burn it's own stored body fat. And if it ain't burning off, it's sitting in there clogging up arteries. <p>That would explain why my triglycerides went from 496 to 66, and over all cholesterol from 318 down to 221. My HDL was under 25 and it is now 73, so my low carb/high fat diet dramatically corrected my lipid profile. <p>Also, I don't know of any studies that point to organ damage from eating meat and I stay up on the latest research. Can you elaborate on what you mean?

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Hi there!
Thought Id pop in and give the other side of the coin. Im a guy trying to put more weight (muscle not fat) on. Back a few months near d-day i couldnt eat or sleep for a few weeks and I hit an all time low 160. But I've been working on myself, eatting more, working out more. I think im getting there. I dont know my fat/muscle percentage, but im 6'2" 190. Unfortunately Im more lanky than anything... working on it!<p>For any guys, at menshealth.com there is a diet and workout scheduler. Its helped me a get more definition and a bit more bulk. WW says she notices and likes my new muscles. go me! <p>Keep up the good work all!<p>-HI

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Honey:<p>I would like an email of the qwl diet you have please. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>4topie25@rogers.com<p>Thanks!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Karen

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by HangingIn:
<strong>Hi there!
Thought Id pop in and give the other side of the coin.
-HI</strong><hr></blockquote><p>Hey HI, that sounds great! You reminded me of something that Barry Sears of the Zone said:<p>From the Zone website..thought it was a new way to see low carbing <p>If you wanted to find out the best way to make people fat, who would you consult? One industry has spent millions and millions of dollars studying this question, and that's the cattle and hog industry. Why? Because for them, learning the quickest way to fatten an animal leads to the highest profits. <p>So how do they do it? Do they feed their livestock diets high in fat? Do they put out tubs of butter and ice cream to get their animals nice and plump? No! The cattle industry knows that the quickest way to fatten cows and hogs is to restrict their activity, not let them roam on the range (sort of like our couch potatoes), and feed them lots and lots of low fat, complex carbohydrates, in the form of grain.

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MelodyLane,<p>I try to stay away from the "latest research" because next week it will be different. However, I do think knowing some of what's going on is important. Just not buying in to everything new research tells us.<p>About meat causing organ damage&#8230; (I may quote more from this book, so if you see a quote, assume it&#8217;s the same book.) In &#8220;Total Nutrition&#8221; from the Mt Sinai School of Medicine, it says, &#8220;High protein diets have never proven to be a serious hazard for healthy people, although processing excess protein can overburden a liver or kidneys that are damaged by disease&#8230;Overconsumption of protein is not totally benign. Two-thirds of the protein in the American diet today comes from animal sources, and most meat-based proteins come packaged with fat, particularly saturated fat, which, in excess, can contribute to the development of artheriosclerosis as well as obesity.&#8221; It goes on to say that excess protein is not stored except that amino acids are present in all the tissues. Also, when I studied about amino acids, eating meat increases homocysteine levels that prevent the AA responsible for rebuilding tissues to do its job. Vitamin B6 will help combat this problem.<p>Also, its saturated fat that is mostly responsible for rise in cholesterol levels, not just cholesterol.<p>I agree that carbs are not to be eaten without limit. Esp. starchy foods and no fiber breads.<p>Check out this section from the book (ha! The Book&#8212;heehee!):<p>The main fuel of the brain and central nervous system is glucose, which is most easily obtained from carbohydrates. Less easily from protein, and very poorly from fat. When the body&#8217;s limited carbohydrate stores become depleted, as when a person is fasting or on a very low carbohydrate diet, if available, or from the body&#8217;s lean tissues, such as body organs and muscles. Of course, if the body continued to break down its tissue protein to supply all the required glucose, death would result within three to four weeks. So, if carbohydrate remains unavailable for several days, the body attempts to conserve essential protein by producing an alternative fuel source from the partial burning of fatty acids. These ketones, as they are called, serve as a glucose substitute, fueling some, though not all, central nervous system cells. As the breakdown of fat continues, these ketones build up in the blood, causing an abnormal condition called ketosis&#8230;ketogenic diets are often popular because they usually cause a dramatic weight loss in the first week or so of the diet. However, this initial weight loss is not fat, but water, caused by the kidney&#8217;s attempts to rid the body of the excess ketones and of the by-products of the breakdown of protein&#8230;Longer adherence to such diets usually does cause a loss of body fat, since caloric intake is reduced, but the high-protein regime is no more effective for weight reduction than a better-balanced diet of equal caloric value. Ketogenic diets make the blood more acidic, upsetting the body&#8217;s chemical balance and causing potentially unpleasant side effects such as headache, bad breath, dizziness, fatigue, and nausea&#8230;Ketosis can be particularly dangerous for diabetics and pregnant women.<p>If this causes you severe concern, I suggest you move to a more balanced approach as quickly as possible. Although, if you have limited doubt, I say you should stick as diligently to what you&#8217;ve got going now until you work it out. If I was in your shoes with doubt cast on my diet, I would probably go back to my poor eating habits within a couple of days. I don&#8217;t want that to happen. I want you to remain determined in your goals. Stick firmly to your plan, until you make your decision. That way, if you decide to stick to it, you have lost no time. Also, perhaps you should put off changing your diet until you talk to your doc. They might help you find a diet right for you.<p>For BrambleRose:
I have heard both, if you have gestational diabetes when you&#8217;re pregnant, you are susceptible to Adult diabetes and that you&#8217;re not more susceptible. I was borderline with my first, not at all with my second, and borderline with my 3rd. Explain that one! I truly think it has something to do with the placenta as I have heard. Also, I think I&#8217;m more prone to Hypoglycemia than Diabetes, but time will tell.<p>I also wanted to add that I have been doing Tony Little's Ab workout. Man is it tough! But I discovered that I still have a strong back even after (or because of) 3 kids, it's my ab that is all stretched out-LOL! I've also been doing Tae-Bo twice a week, TL's Ab vid 5 days and step for 15 min 3 days.<p>Keep up the good work ya'll!<p>Hoping

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hoping4future:
<strong>MelodyLane,<p>I try to stay away from the "latest research" because next week it will be different. However, I do think knowing some of what's going on is important. Just not buying in to everything new research tells us.<p>Hoping</strong><hr></blockquote><p>
Hi Hoping,<p>Thanks for the feedback! I am glad that you clarified what you said about meat harming the organs, because I would agree that protein is only harmful to an already diseased kidney or liver. It is an essential part of any normal healthy diet for healthy people, though. <p>I do disagree with the contention that ketosis is "unnatural" [they don't go quite as far to call it "unhealthy" because they know that won't fly.] Ketosis is simply a by-product of burning the body's stored fat and if you ain't burning fat you are packing it in your arteries and you aren't losing weight. [maybe muscle if you are on a low calorie/low protein diet] Ketosis is only unnatural to those who are on an unhealthy high carb standard American diet because they sure are not burning fat with all those carbs in thier diet. It would be "unnatural" to them for sure! The average American has a diet with over 60% carbs, which is not healthy. However, if ANYONE is in a state of weight loss, I GUARANTEE you they are in ketosis. It is completely benign.<p>I would agree that it is not a healthy state for pregnant women, they should never be on any weight loss diet. Any diet in which one is losing weight must result from ketosis [burning of body fat] or it is from muscle, very undesirable. <p>And yes, the initial weight loss on any diet is going to be water. The liver releases the stored water first. That is not something that is exclusive to a low carb diet. <p>Anyway, there are several recent studies that show that low diets are very healthy [Harvard even recommends them now] and I can send them to you if you want! Woman's World featured the diet this week. The diet has done absolute wonders for my health and my doctor just says "keep doing what you are doing" when she sees my cholesterol plummeting. My heart disease risk and my low blood sugar has all but disappeared on this eating plan. <p>Thanks for the feedback and kiss your poor aching fingers from all that typing! [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img]

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by hoping4future:
<strong> Stick firmly to your plan, until you make your decision. That way, if you decide to stick to it, you have lost no time. Also, perhaps you should put off changing your diet until you talk to your doc. They might help you find a diet right for you.<p>Hoping</strong><hr></blockquote><p>hoping,<p>I am extremely happy with this diet and so is my current doctor! It was another doctor that initially put me on that low fat/high carb diet that GAVE ME hypoglycemia and a dangerous lipid profile! I quickly dumped that guy! Anyway, the diet I have been on for 3 years now [low carb] immediately corrected my low blood sugar and my cholesterol. Not to mention eliminated my daily throbbing headaches and fatigue. <p>So while I think doctors can be a valuable tool, many don't have training in general nutrition so it helps to research nutrition yourself [as you and I have done] to find out if you are being steered in the right direction. Most doctors just prescribe the standard one-size-fits-all low fat diet/high carb for everyone even though research shows that it is a very ineffective, unhealthy diet for many people. It does not work for everyone, nor are there any studies that show long term success with such diets - most show a net gain! <p>sheeeeesh, did I babble on or what?? lol!

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<blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr>Orgiginally posted by MelodyLane:
I do disagree with the contention that ketosis is "unnatural" [they don't go quite as far to call it "unhealthy" because they know that won't fly.] <hr></blockquote><p>Actually, and this is picking between the straws for the needle in the haystack, but I would think that ketosis is unhealthy. I say that because it has the nomeclature of too much of something (whatever that word would be) like Lactic-acidosis or something like that. (Boy did I botch that scientific-sounding sentence!LOL!)<p>Ketones are natural.<p>And I contend that a person eating carbs (not an outrageously high carb diet, I will explain in a sec) can and will lose weight. When I was in high school, I went for a couple of weeks without breakfast. That was just to get the ball rolling, shrink my stomach so that I would eat less. I started jogging and then my diet was this:<p>shallow bowl of cereal and whole milk.
Sandwich with 1 sl white bread, or lt wheat, sl of meat and sl of cheese, with a small handful of chips or other snack and then a soda (not diet)
fast food (lived with my father and he rarely cooked and if he did, it was spaghetti with only sauce, no meat)<p>I lost 30lbs in 3 months. Now I am eating healthier equivalents. Not hamburgers all the time, but meat and veggies and some sort of starch. Since I've really started putting a real effort forth, I have actually gained weight, this is two weeks of exercise, now. But, I think I'm about back to where I was before. I'm hoping that I will start to lose in the next 2-week block.<p>If your diet is balanced, then go for it. But I'm afraid that some are on diets that limit too much. If I remember correctly, the Carb Addicts diet doesn't let you eat many carbs during the day, unless that's when your "Reward Meal" is. It just seems lopsided and some of it doesn't seem to add up to me.<p>I have a diet that I like from Woman's Day. It is based on the Diabetic Exchange system and increases the protein a little. <p>I plan to go to school someday for nutrition. I want to get as level as I can, because these places sure turn out some quacks! Like the guy at the health food store, anything to make a buck.<p>Have you heard of Pam Smith? I love her! I wish I could meet her. She's my inspiration. Boy, does that sound weird or what?! Anyway, I think she's got a great head on her shoulders.<p>Hoping<p>[ April 10, 2002: Message edited by: hoping4future ]</p>

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hoping4future:<p>No problem on the email address! I wonder if you are thinking of KETOACIDOSIS, rather than ketosis? The former is very dangerous, while the latter is simply a benign state of ketones in the bloodstream. I found a small article about the difference:<p>What is ketosis?
Ketosis is really a shortening of the term lipolysis/ketosis. Lipolysis simply means that you're burning your fat stores and using them as the source of fuel they were meant to be. The by-products of burning fat are ketones, so ketosis is a secondary process of lipolysis. When your body releases ketones in your urine, it is chemical proof that you’re consuming your own stored fat. And the more ketones you release, the more fat you have dissolved.<p>If you are restricting the amount of carbohydrates you eat, your body turns to fat as its alternative source of energy. In effect, lipolysis/ketosis has replaced the alternative of burning glucose for energy. Both are perfectly normal processes.<p>People (and even some ill-informed doctors) often confuse ketosis, which is a perfectly normal metabolic process, with ketoacidosis, which is a life-threatening condition. The latter is the consequence of insulin-deficient subjects having out-of-control blood sugar levels, a condition that can occur as well in alcoholics and people in a state of extreme starvation. Ketosis and ketoacidosis may sound vaguely alike, but the two conditions are virtually polar opposites and can always be distinguished from each other by the fact that the diabetic has been consuming excessive carbohydrates and has high blood sugar.

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Hi honey! I want to take you up on that offer for the qwl diet plan. Could you email it to me at: cckolyer1@aol.com <p>I would appreciate it. Although I have gotten back into exercise ( I stopped going after D-day, just didn't have any motivation anymore. Too depressed, I guess) I have found that w/o really watching what I eat, I never lose weight or sometimes have gained weight because all that exercise makes me hungry! So I am working on making better food choices. Hopefulyy the weight lifting will rev my metabolism back up. Great posts everyone! Carmen

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