Marriage Builders
I call on the MB family to please pray for my mother who was admitted to intensive care with a suspected heart attack and fluid on her lungs. I ask for guidance for the wonderful medical team that they will identify the problem and be able to treat her appropriately.

I also ask that you pray for my children who are faced with her illness whilst they are still struggling with the effects of infidelity.

I pray for continued strength so I can support my mother and children during this time of emotional trauma.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.
I prayed for you and your family, happyfuture. I am very sorry about your mother. frown
pray for you and your family happy.
pray Prayers going up for all of you, happyfuture. Please keep us posted.
May the God of mercy and grace be with your mother. I pray for her healing. I pray for the family that God would provide peace. I give thanks to God with listens to our prayers and is with us in our times of need.

In Jesus name,
Thank you Mel, Brainhurts, MaritalBliss and Askme I sincerely appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my mother and children.

My mother currently has hear and respiratory faliure. She also has pnuemonia and as a result of an infection her kidneys are not working and she is on diaylsis. We will know in 3 -6 weeks if her kidney will function again. She has edema (fluid in her tissues) and her liver is also struggling.

I ask fellow MBers for your continued prayers for my mother and children.
Father we pray for this mother who is in the hospital. We ask that you surround her with those who can help. We pray for an answer that can be resolved. We pray for the family that you may give them strength and guidance. Father we pray you minister to the needs of those around them.

We pray these things in Jesus name,
Originally Posted by happyfuture66
Thank you Mel, Brainhurts, MaritalBliss and Askme I sincerely appreciate your prayers and thoughts for my mother and children.

My mother currently has hear and respiratory faliure. She also has pnuemonia and as a result of an infection her kidneys are not working and she is on diaylsis. We will know in 3 -6 weeks if her kidney will function again. She has edema (fluid in her tissues) and her liver is also struggling.

I ask fellow MBers for your continued prayers for my mother and children.
I am so sorry, happy. I had to deal with the same failures in my parents' health. It's so distressing - hugs to you! (Darn, why didn't anyone tell us how hard it could be to be a kid? Our parents were never supposed to get sick! frown )
Mum passed away on 28.8.12. My DS19 and I were with her holding her hands when she passed away. My children showed their love and support for mum, each other and for me during an emotionally traumatic time. It was not easy maintaining a brave face and trying to provide calmness and reassurance. Showing love and support was much easier.

Thankyou to BrainHurts, Maritalbliss, Askme and Melody Lane for your support, thoughts and prayers. I sincerely appreciate and know this helped me find inner strength.

My children have faced so much grief, loss and change this year ... infidelity, abandonment, wayward behaviour and mum's death. I am so proud of my children that throughtout the emotional trauma they have remained true to themselves and the values they have been taught. They have shown each other, my mother and myself love, compassion, care and support.

I ask for your prayers for my children as the continue along this journey.
I'm so sorry for your loss happy. hug

You and your children are in my prayers. pray
Thank you BH I appreciate your support ... it has helped.
Originally Posted by happyfuture66
Thank you BH I appreciate your support ... it has helped.
The MB family is the best, aren't they?

I'm so glad you're part of the family happy. Your growth shows so much especially when you've been through the ringer.
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