Marriage Builders
Posted By: jet2112 FWW affections seeming to wane again! - 09/20/07 07:01 AM
When I first discovered my wifes affair she started to show me so much attention it was almost as if she was making up for lost time.

Now 9 weeks later its back to how it was before all this ie: its me who says 'i love you' first, me who sends the texts, leaves the little notes, reaches out for a cuddle, tries to initiate sex etc etc.

Was her initial show of affection just that - a show?

Does it take time for the genuine feelings to come back?

You would think it would be her making all the effort but its me.
Posted By: bigkahuna Re: FWW affections seeming to wane again! - 09/20/07 07:23 AM
well it depends - there can be some hysterical bonding just after d-day.

It could also be a sign of contact. I presume you are still snooping....
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