Marriage Builders
Posted By: oklahappy Calling Lady Clueless - 11/21/09 06:38 AM

Sure hope you remember me I was hurtinginokla. I was wondering about you the other day. I came back here to update and saw so many new names. I was just reading some posts and saw your name.

Sure hope you are doing well. Would love to have a chat with you sometime. So many things have happened good and not so good.... Sure have missed talking with many of you.

Let me know how you are.

Okla (hurtinginokla)
Posted By: Lady_Clueless Re: Calling Lady Clueless - 11/22/09 12:19 AM
Hey, there! Of COURSE I remember you! I posted to you on your update thread.

I'm OK. Having some health problems, but nothing life-threatening. Marriage is in the toilet, but until I figure out how to support myself, I'm stuck here. We're getting along pretty well, but I want out. Lord Clueless doesn't love me and hasn't for a very long time. He has refused to do anything that he doesn't want to do in terms of fixing the damage that his cheating and lying did over the years. My love bank is empty and I'm fed up; but, I'm not able to work anymore, and he's too broke to pay alimony, so here we are.

We're a classic example of what happens when the MB plans are not followed to the letter. I also think that he has some personality disorders which are not fixable.

On the whole, though, I manage pretty well. We get along fairly well, for the most part. He does tell me that he loves me, but his actions say otherwise. IF this marriage is to ever recover, it will take some major effort on his part, and I don't think he's up to it.

So, it's up to me to make myself happy. I'm lucky that I have a creative bent and can express my creativity, which is how I keep myself happy.

I'm so glad that you're finally happy, and I'm so glad that you came back to tell us!
Posted By: oklahappy Re: Calling Lady Clueless - 11/23/09 03:10 AM

I am sorry to hear about your health. I thought you had posted on my update but I was to lazy to look for it. lol

To bad Lord Clueless is still clueless. I guess some people never get it. Sounds like your doing the best you can for you. I hear you on the creative part though, doing things like that make me happy as well. I feel like I am doing something positive.

I never thought I would be happy again but wham something happened and look at me now. Life is good and calm. No drama or yelling and especially no cheating.

EXWH is still in the fog himself. Guess he is one of those who always will be. He is miserable and unhappy but still says he was right. The hole he dug for himself is so deep he can't see sunlight anymore.

My kids are doing good though. I now have 5 grandbabies 4 boys and one girl. Oldest DS has 3 boys, DD has the baby girl and my baby DS has a 9 month old son. They are so wonderful.

Hope to hear from you again.

Posted By: Lady_Clueless Re: Calling Lady Clueless - 11/23/09 07:26 AM
Grandbabies are the best! Spoil 'em and then send 'em home!

We also have 5 grandchildren...same as you, 4 boys and 1 girl.

Our oldest grandson is 18 and about to graduate from high school. I can't believe it!

Our granddaughter is 13, going on 30. LOL! The other 3 grandsons are 16, 15, and 2. Our DS has the 18yo, the 16yo, the girl, and the 2yo. He remarried a few years ago, and his new wife wanted her own child, hence the 2yo. Our son has custody of the older 3. The 15yo belongs to our DD.

Our granddaughter spent the afternoon with me, and the 16yo came home with me to spend the night. I'm so glad that they want to spend time with me! I've always been close to the older 3, as they practically lived with me while DS and his ex were going through the divorce. I'm close to DD's son, too, as they are here almost everyday, but he is more of a grandpa's boy. DD says that I made our son's 3 older kids into lil' clones of me. LOL!
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