Marriage Builders
Posted By: Topie25 It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:13 AM
I know for a fact that I'm not the only one 'lurking' on here tonight. So... anyone else on here up for some idle chit chat in this thread?<p>Karen
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:16 AM
Sure Karen you pick the topic and I would be glad to talk to you. Just remember I'm shy<p>231
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:21 AM
Nope. Shy people aren't allowed!!! [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img] JUST KIDDING!!!! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] <p>All I can think of to chat about right now is the weather! It's AWFULLY COLD out there! BRRRRRR!!! This is NOT end of May weather. More like early April. YUCK! (I'm in London, Ontario by the way) <p>Karen
Posted By: jamup Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:24 AM
We are having a cool spell here too. Spent the day car shopping with H. Drove a Volkswagen Beetle for the first time. Felt real cute except I was allergic to the sales lady's perfume!! [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] But the sun was shining, and I enjoyed a bunch of quality time with the man I love. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:26 AM
jamup: My brother is allergic to women's perfumes too. I tell you... it's amazing how difficult it is to enter a large department store without passing by some! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] At least it's that way with the Eaton's Centre in downtown Toronto - back before Eaton's went under.<p>Karen<p>[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: Topie25 ]</p>
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:28 AM
sounds like you are in my part of the world. I live in ontario canada but feels more like Moscow in summer<p>231
Posted By: nikko Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:34 AM
hey all-jersey checking in. cold here too. i got a great fire going now. watching silence of the lambs and conversing with you all. good night i guess.
Hi Karen - if you're bored, see my post on D/D. I suspect you can relate.<p>Dave
Hot, muggy, rainy S. Florida here. Love bugs are bad, 'skeeters will be here soon.<p>Can y'all bottle some of that cool air and send it my way? <p> [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:37 AM
Hmmm... silence of the lambs, huh? That's one creepy movie!! (at least is was when I saw it about 10 yrs ago! hehe).<p>I don't have a tv by the pc in my basement anymore. But it's nice and quiet (aside from the furnace right now..hehehe). The twins are sound asleep... and H is with the 3 yr old for an overnight trip to a friends' cottage. It was too cold for me to take the twins. [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] <p>My only problem with H's trip is that his 'buddy guy friend' is there. H and I can't get past that hurdle. SIGH! It's one of those things that he just 'doesn't get'.<p>Karen
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:39 AM
Okay WAT.. I'll go and check it out now. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] (I only seem to visit other boards when someone makes a note of it on GQII... hehehe... lazy maybe??? hehehe).<p>Karen
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:41 AM
A nice bottle of wine and some romance would make for a fantasic night.wouldn't happen to have a bear skin rug would you?
We're having a long weekend here in canada and Me and GF where thinking of doing something but her mother is in town.I'll tell if I had my way I would take her to the niagia falls, rent a room at the Day's inn, get one with a fireplace and a jacuzz,plus wine and not come out until monday morning.By the way I'm near Brantford.<p>231 [img]images/icons/shocked.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img]<p>[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: 231 ]</p>
Posted By: hanora Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:46 AM

<small>[ February 06, 2005, 10:15 PM: Message edited by: hanora ]</small>
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:54 AM
Too bad all us Ontarians couldn't get together and throw a party. some of us hard working spouses,GFs,Bfs and lonely people here need some fun<p>231<p>[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: 231 ]</p>
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 01:55 AM
hanora: OUCH!! Do you have a funny story to share on how you sprained your ankle? (in my experiences as a listener to others who have hurt their ankles - they were usually doing something out of the ordinary... like my SIL - she was skipping down a driveway! - at 18yrs old!! LOL).<p>Campfires!!! I would ADORE to be in front of a fire right now (and burning down my house is completely OUT OF THE QUESTION!!! hehehe [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] ). H and I just bought a used camper trailer (it sleeps 8!)... but until the weather warms up, it must remain in our driveway. [img]images/icons/frown.gif" border="0[/img] <p>231: near Brantford, huh? London is considered to be 'near Brantford' too. LOL. 45 minutes away on the 403 anyways. hehehe.<p>WAT: I read your post.. and my opinions match jdmac1's. I know how it all must be hurting you, mostly because life is moving forward, and you still need to deal with issues from the past.... at least that's how I feel. You should at the VERY LEAST pride yourself for not pummelling OM to the ground. I hate to admit it, but I know that's what I would do if I were to see OW#1 again.<p>Karen
I'm in the Pac NW, Gig Harbor, WA .. and the weather is beautiful ... not our typical May weather. Usually it's rainy and cold. Been outside gardening. Hydrangeas all over the place. It's a variable garden of purple spray everywhere. Purps my fav color. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Karen, how are you doing?<p>Nikko, I read your thread regarding your frustration on strides in Recovery. Your story mimics Cali's and is very similar in terms of how she was feeling for a very long time. You two are somewhat alike in how you view the situation and possibly control aspects. I hope she posts to you. I know I read her posts for months and she was truly an inspiration in how she kept vigilant in understanding how to manage thru it.<p>Just a hello to all on htis thread. I hope you all are well and safe.<p>Love,
Posted By: hanora Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:01 AM
Nope not especially funny. However if anyone else out there is a small woman in her 50's, it might not be the best idea ever to try moving a couch downstairs with your burly 20 year old son.
At least tell him to take the corners slow. Son and couch are fine.
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:11 AM
Not to be a fly in the oikment but have you read the thread living together but not trusting, very scarey situation there. I think you guys should put your two cents worth in also.
Anyways Karen, we watch the new pl here cause my mother was from london.Man I wonder what is happening to your town these days?
sorry I'm not up to speed on your story,so I may look it up to see what it is about.Me, I think you have posted me a couple of times but things are a blurr right now.Man I need more than a couple of days off. If I won that super seven jackpot I would be in Hawii right now.<p>231<p>[ May 18, 2002: Message edited by: 231 ]</p>
Idle chit chat.. I have some of that.. THe weather is good here in Northwest Arkansas, so my neighbors and I had a bar-b-que and let the kids out to play. We flew kites, threw water balloons and sprayed each other with guns, the kids had a blast.<p>Unfortunately I've been bitten by something and my eye is swollen almost shut, it looks like I got beat up pretty bad. Hopefully it will open up by tomorrow because I am not leaving the house looking like this, no telling what people will think my b/f did to me [img]images/icons/shocked.gif" border="0[/img] (NO, he is not abusive, its just a jokie joke).<p>Well so far it seems like everyone had a pretty okay day, I'm glad, we could all use a few more of them. Good night to all.
Bridgette [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img]
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:17 AM
We played the super7 too. We hardly ever play the lottery - but 34 million tax free (albeit canadian) dollars is too good to not try. [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>I have posted to SO MANY people since I joined MB... that I'm at the point where there are very few stories I remember for certain.<p>The main gist of my MB story is that within 5 months of our (almost) 4 yr old son passing away in his sleep (for reasons still unknown), when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with our twin sons and tending after our not even 2 yr old, my H told me the typical WS script. I kicked him out a few days later. He was in an EA with a now former friend of mine (who had been at Andrew's viewing!!! ... and who's daughter had been a playmate of Andrew's too!). It turned PA by early March. H then had 2 more PA's. We are now in the process of working on all of the crap that lead to his 'need' to have his A's. It's NOT FUN, that's for sure! (the recovery honeymoon is long gone - sigh!).<p>Karen
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:31 AM
Gf told me if we won there would be a limo outside my door, with her hanging out the sunroof yelling"Forget about packing we'll by new stuff, just get you a$$ down here cause we have a plane to catch to somewhere warm.
Me,I would get her ex husband and when he'd wake up he would be in a room full of dark fellas with ideas on their mines and I would be saying to them that I brought them a new little puppy to play with and I would say to him that what happens when you cross me. But hey I watched pulp fiction too.
Anyways everyone here has gone to bed and after a 60 hour week I'm about to turn in. what about you guys
Posted By: hanora Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:31 AM
Geez Karen you wanted a little chit chat and you got the causualities of the day, the ones who can't leave home for one reason or another.<p>Can't someone come up with something to argue about. How many games will it take for the Leafs to put the Hurricanes away?
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:35 AM
some say the leafs will do it in seven while others say in four.I think they'll win it but not without a fight.If they do meet up with detriot both are going to be very bruised and tried. so I think that will make them fairly even.<p>231
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:35 AM
Shoot me if you must... but I don't watch hockey. I used to love baseball (go jays go!) until they went on that super long strike a few years back. I lost interest then, and never got back into it.<p>If you want to talk 'series'' ... how about ER or Friends???? hehhehe. I'm an addict to those two! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Karen
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:40 AM
Sorry, I don't get to watch much TV cause I have to get up at stupido"clock in the morning,and besides it's my mother's Telly. She maybe almost 80 but she still wheels a frying pan good.<p>231
Posted By: 231 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:51 AM
Well folks it's time to see the dark side of my eye lids so can we pickup tomorrow. night all<p>231
Posted By: hanora Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:52 AM
I don't watch TV either but I used to like ER when I remembered to watch it. I can't watch now, no place to sit. <p>Like you I turned off baseball after the strike, a plague on all your houses is what I thought. We aren't alone, the Skydome used to be filled, not now.<p>I had to get interested in hockey with 3 boys. I was a hockey mom, spent about 20 hours a week in cold rinks and driving around, lacing up skates. I'm glad those days are past.
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 02:57 AM
Hockey is one sport I hope that my boys don't have an interest in. I'm more worried about the cost of it - and at the rate my boys grow, it'll cost a mint! [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] <p>H doesn't watch sports either (unless you count robot wars... LOL)... so if the boys find an interest in any... it sure won't be from OUR house! HAHAHA [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/tongue.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Karen
Posted By: hanora Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 03:09 AM
You're right about the cost, it is steep. My husband was shocked when I told him how much hockey was costing per year. I sort of thought my kids should learn to swim and skate so they'd have a summer and winter activity.
Posted By: Topie25 Re: It's Saturday night.... come on in here! - 05/19/02 03:15 AM
My sister did bowling as the winter activity for her kids. I like that idea. [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] For summer, they do baseball.... although... I'm thinking that my boys would be more interested in soccer (based on their energy and ability to move around for so long!! LOL).<p>I think I'm going to sign off for the night. I should be taking advantage of H being gone for the night... but I'm too tired to stay online much longer.<p>Good night all!! And peaceful dreams to all!!! [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif" border="0[/img] <p>Karen
hey Karen, can you do something about that weather? My mom is going home to London next Saturday and she's been sorely disappointed with the weather here in Calgary. Can you order up some warm weather for her? I haven't been very successful in doing it for her here. Oh yeah, and have them lay off the humidity til after I've been there in June, haha [img]images/icons/grin.gif" border="0[/img] I'm really looking forward to my trip out there next month, although almost as soon as I land we'll be rushing off to Toronto to my nieces for a turkey fry and then to take her for a run around the block to hurry that baby up. [img]images/icons/wink.gif" border="0[/img]
It's cold here, too. I planted my flowers last week the stupid weather guy is calling for frost, telling me to cover my plants, does he realize that's easier said than done!!!!!
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