Marriage Builders
Posted By: JoeCool55 Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 05:57 PM
I have a friend who recently found out his wife was cheating on him. He has the eviedence etc. He has no plans in wanting to fix the marriage and has made that clear. The wife doesn't want to either. The question he had was, should he expose his wifes affair to others? Family/freinds etc? I have no clue what to tell him he should do. I personally do not see how it will benefit anything or anyone. However thats just my opinon, so I was hoping others here could tell me if this is something he should do and if so why? Thanks in advance.

Posted By: weneedhelp Re: Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 06:05 PM
If there is an A and no intention on either's part to fix the M, then why are they still married? Doesn't sound like much of a marriage to me.

I just saw your other threads. Are we talking about your own situation? If so it sounds like something has changed.
Posted By: JoeCool55 Re: Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 06:13 PM
No this is not about my situation, this is about a buddy of mine. This is something he just recently found out about, so yes they are still married. He found this out for sure last week. In the state in which we live people have to be seperated up to a year before a divorce can go through.
Posted By: weneedhelp Re: Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 06:17 PM
Huh. That's different. If they don't want to save the M, then what is their objective? Peaceful painless D? Fight like crazy? What are they trying to accomplish. Any kids?
Posted By: JoeCool55 Re: Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 06:30 PM
Yes they have kids. I have no idea really what their plans are, other than divorce. I have spoken to him a few times since he told my wife and myself about his wifes affair. Its hard for him and her both I would imagine being that the wounds are still fresh. He just wanted to know if this is something he should expose to family and other friends about what has happened. Maybe its for revenge since they are not going to work it out, I really do not know. He doesn't have a computer, so when he asked my opinon on the matter, I thought I would ask what others thought about what he wants to do as far as exposing it.

Posted By: weneedhelp Re: Should it be exposed? - 12/29/05 08:46 PM
JoeCool, can you send either or both of them to this website? I think they will get lots of good perspectives, and it's better to talk directly with them. They may want to start with a good vent, just to get it off their chest. Then who knows where the discussion will go. Could be the wise experienced MB posters, together with God's help, could give them a start in a new direction? Some couples talk about kiling off the old bad M and restarting with a new better M. Same cast, just a completely different script.
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