Marriage Builders
Posted By: jlinch6 Never, ever thought I would be here - 12/13/09 08:17 PM
My Husband of 27 years just out of nowhere told me he wants a divorce. I had no idea. I am shocked,& feel like I am going to die. How do I even begin to pick up the pieces?
Posted By: redhat Re: Never, ever thought I would be here - 12/13/09 10:29 PM
Take a deep breath. Learn as much as you can about MB, read the basic concepts and threads for newbie. Find a laywer too.

What did he said ?. Have you snoop into phone records, bank records, etc ?.

Any kids ?

Posted By: Fred_in_VA Re: Never, ever thought I would be here - 12/13/09 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by jlinch6
My Husband of 27 years just out of nowhere told me he wants a divorce. I had no idea. I am shocked,& feel like I am going to die. How do I even begin to pick up the pieces?
My wife did the exact same thing. It didn't take much to determine that the "reason" she wanted this divorce seemingly out of the blue was that she'd been having an affair for the past couple of months.

It's amazing how true-to-form these things go. This is what you need to do: Start being the best wife ever. In MB terms, you have to start being a "giver" and put your "taker" on hold. At the same time, you have to become Sherlock Holmes and find out everything you can about what your husband is up to. Put a keylogger on his computer. Put a voice-activated recorder (VAR -- available at Radio Shack, etc.) in his car. Get a GPS and track his every move. Put spyware on his cell phone (if he has a Blackberry) and capture his text messages and other data. If need be, hire a private investigator and have your husband followed.

Yes, you'll feel awful about doing these things. But not as awful as you do right now, and how you'll feel if you simply let him walk out.

Read the posts on the "Surviving an Affair" forum. In fact, start a thread of your own there, and see how the "veterans" here can help you make sense of all this.

I'm sorry you're here. But this is the best place you can be for support in this very trying and emotional time.
Posted By: catperson Re: Never, ever thought I would be here - 12/14/09 12:54 PM
Download a keylogger on his computer TODAY! Go to your phone company and get the phone and text records for the last 3 months. See what numbers he's been calling. You have about a 95% chance that he is having an affair.

This is the BEST place to be for that. Do your snooping today. Let us know what you find.
Maybe he found another woman... I think you should check his computer and phone. I'm sorry...
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