Marriage Builders
Posted By: Duff Controlling/Addictive Husband - 01/15/02 09:26 PM
I am reading countless posts all about how the female is the addictive personality; this may be very hard for you all to relate to, but my husband is the co-dependant/addictive one. We have been together for seven years, married for three (never lived together before then) and we are just now going to counseling because I am thinking of leaving. My husband probably may sound like every woman's dream in his over-attentiveness and
dependancy, but try and put yourself in my shoes. I am going crazy from lack of breathing room. <p>He cannot stand to be without me, ever. If we are in our house, he has to be by my side at all times. If I am in the bathroom too long, he comes knocking on the door- if he isn't already in there with me (when I am getting ready for the day only, of course). He whines when I go to the gym, or anywhere without him, and he hates the fact that I have a lot of friends to socialize with. He won't go anywhere without me, not even to a convenience
store. He says "I love You" and "You are my best friend" at least 20-30 times a day, and it feels like overkill. Meanwhile, I have been slowly falling out of love with him.<p>Lately, within the past year, I have putting my foot down and he is trying to loosen the nuce, but it is still tight. I know that he is trying to change, but I am so turned off. Hence, I am depressed and wanting out. The kicker is that I love solitude, and always have. He can't stand it, or allowing me to have it. We are like night and day, and I can't believe that I married him.
Posted By: ThornedRose Re: Controlling/Addictive Husband - 01/16/02 12:34 AM
Duff,<p>Does he work? Does he have friends of his own to do things with? if not..maybe the counselor could help him see that he needs that for himself..<p>That way it will give you time to miss him..and him time to miss you..
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