Marriage Builders
Posted By: Dawn71 Princpiles on this site - 06/07/02 01:30 AM
I have a question about the principles. I e-mailed my sister the newsletter. And she is currently listening to his needs her needs. We were talking and she seems to think Dr. Harley says that we should not have anything private between each other. For Example, I should let my H read my e-mails if he wants and he should do the same for me. My sister feels uncomfortable letting her boyfriend reading her e-mails because sometimes she is writing to me about her boyfriend. I said I do not know if Dr. Harley means that there should be nothing private between each other or not. Her boyfriend thought it was a good idea because he wants to read all my sisters e-mail. I told my sister I really do not care if my H reads my e-mails.<p>Dawn
Posted By: tigger4jdt Re: Princpiles on this site - 06/07/02 01:41 AM
Dawn,<p>From what I understand, it is the radical honesty that you are talking about. I think it is a good idea, because if your sister has a problem with her boyfriend, she should discuss it with him if that relationship is one that truly matters to her. If she can't share her frustrations openly with him, and they plan to get married, it will carry into their M, and it will leave the door wide open for either to end up in your situation!<p>Just my $.02<p>Love,<p>Tigger
Posted By: terri Re: Princpiles on this site - 06/07/02 05:19 AM
Hi, Dawn71,<p>While Dr. Harley's principles are designed very specifically for married couples, the Rule of Honesty is pretty important. If they can't be completely open and honest with one another before they are married, what says they will ever be able to be so?<p>If they don't want to be open with one another, then they need to think about why that is. It might be that they really don't belong together.
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