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GH31 Offline OP
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Now then,

Just for fun I thought I would write up some of the memorable quotes from my WW, since she ceased to become the mild, gentle family girl that I married. It would all be highly amusing if it weren't for the circumstances. In truth it is nothing but sickening.

Here's some affair fog gibberish and gobbledegook...

Email from WW 4 weeks after she left me and 2 days before I discovered OM waiting for her at an airport in London (she stayed with her family in Australia for a few weeks before moving to UK):
Dear GH31, The truth of the matter is GH31, while I have been in Australia, you have done NOTHING to win me back. If a woman leaves her husband, the duty falls on the man to win back her good graces.
I was curious to see what you would do, and you disappointed me. Must I always direct you in life?? I don't want to do this all the time. I want you to think creatively and passionately, but you seem so totally clueless. This is why I stay away. I had considered the notion of your returning to Australia and I concluded you probably would have somehow won me back. But you never tried. You always stay within your comfort zone. You never put yourself out for anyone, or take a chance. I think with something as important as this, you should have. I definately would have done so if the situation was reverse. To be honest, we probably would be together right now, if you had done SOMETHING. ANYTHING. I expected flowers, a lovely heart-felt letter, you on the doorstep, something. Like usual you disappointed me.

I know romance comes hard to you. You like to complain about things, I didn't like it in France when you compained about the price of the meal. That was so unromantic. Some things you should think and not say out loud. You need to remember that money is replacable. Good times and days of your life isn't. You shouldn't dampen a moment with complaints about costs. You do it all the time. You are capable of making good money, you are always going to work, so live a little.

I don't have my glasses with my at the moment, so I can't really write much.

Do you understand where I am coming from???

Also, can you please check with you work collegue about gettings our tax back. I was told you simply send the piece of paper to a particular government department and you get it back in 2 weeks. I don't want to go through one of those agencies.

February 2008, an email the same day she gets picked up by OM at the airport:
I am thinking of coming over soon to sort the tax out, pick up my mail, see you to chat etc. As I mentioned to you, I don't have much money at the moment. Could you please put some in my German account for me to keep me going and buy a ticket etc I would appreciate this greatly. (approx. 250 Euro or so)


March 2008, said as we're enjoying coffee and pastries together in Berlin:
"It would be great if I could merge you and OM together"

Later that same day:
"It's destiny that we will get back together GH31"

"GH31 I am going to come back to you, but first I am going on this holiday with OM to France"

"Of course we have a marriage GH31."

April 2008, said with a straight face as she is about to fly back to England to be with OM:
"Don't go with other girls GH31. What if I want to come back to you in the future?"

"I just want to be friends with you at the moment GH31"

"I'm just having a break for now..."

"I'm not ready to get back with you yet GH31. This was too much too soon"

April 2008. After WW goes back to OM I fly back to Australia and tell her not to contact me until she is 0% or 100% certain that she wants our marriage. I receive the following SMSs:
I think you are crazy for flying back to Australia today. Europe is so much better


I am bound to come back to you some day I just need to get over the resentment I have for you.

May 2008, I receive these SMSs after I refuse to reply to any of her SMSs for a few weeks:

Hello GH31,

I have done a lot of thinking these past few days and I have to admit I feel angry at you for leaving Europe. You should not have gone.

You gave up and thought of your own well being. I'm trying to sort through my emotions at the moment and you flew back to comfortable Sydney. You should be here.

Living in Munich would have been fantastic. I have no doubt that I would have joined you, I just didnt know when.

Today is Wednesday and I would easily go today. But you left.

Why dont you contact the employer in Germany and get your job back? Fly back GH31. I want you to fly back. We could have a nice life in Munich.

I love Europe. I love the four distinct seasons. I love the snow, the winter. I want us to have a good new years eve.

Fly back GH31. Call the company and arrnage your job to start on the 12th.

Do it....

You will tire of Sydney soon, there is still so much to explore in Europe. I prefer it here.

Anyway, I'm flying to Vienna tomorrow. I am not giving up on my travels like you have.

You made a mistake by flying back. I thought we made progress during our recent time together. I only flew back to England so I could sort things out. I know what I need to do.

Just fly back.

W xx


I think the fog is lifting. I feel at a bit of a loss without you

I want the family all together again and enjoy each other like we used to

When do you start work at your new job? I hope you are not planning to move out because I intend to return soon

When I come back to Sydney I will be returning to you for good

I look at these communications with a mixture of sadness, pity, disgust, outrage and disbelief. It just shows you how sick, deranged and depraved people will behave and speak when they are in the throes of an affair. And they don't realise they're doing it half the time.

My situation is still very, very far from resolved.


Me: 36
FWW: 36
1 son born in Dec 2009 - confirmed mine through DNA test
1 daughter born in Nov 2010
Together: 13½ years
Married: 10 years

PA/EA: January 2008 to July 2009
FWW left for OM: 01/28/2008
FWW returned for 9 days: 04/2008
FWW returned 05/21/2008

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She needs to be out of the house and all financial support cut off pronto.

Not to mention you need to get her and you tested for any STDs.

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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Seriously, with no kids you should kick this woman to the curb. This is disgusting.

"GH31, let me sow my wild oats and rip your heart out while you wait for me. Don't do what I do. Just sit and wait. I'll be back after I've blown a few guys and screwed around a bit. I'll be all yours once I'm done."

Seriously! Come on!

You're young! 32 is very young. Get yourself a hottie in her late 20s and start over with a clean slate and a woman that deserves it and not one that has disrespected you in such a horrible way!

D-Day 28 Feb 06
Plan D (Not by choice) - 24 March 06


She moved away with the kids April 08. I contested it and got a lot more time with my kids. She's unhappy that I want to stay involved in their lives and don't settle for being an "every other weekend" dad.

Never going to happen.

Ongoing personal recovery through the help of friends, family, and DC United Soccer!
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GH31 Offline OP
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Here's another few said just after she came back to me in Australia in May 2008. I had caught her in a whole heap of lies and exposed them to her:
"I like lies..."

"Why can't you just turn gay, or date my sister GH31? That way you will always be around..."

"I think it would be great if we could be friends and meet up a few dates per year for coffee, like on our anniversaries..."

"I think you should enjoy your freedom while you have it..."

I'll post a few more when I think of them!

FWIW I am just about done with this adulterous, dishonest slagheap of a wife that I have. The beautiful mild, family girl that I married seems to have died.

Plan B preparation is underway and unless WW checks out the LB and EN questionnaires like she said she would and have a chat with Dr. Harley, Plan B will be implemented next week.

Me: 36
FWW: 36
1 son born in Dec 2009 - confirmed mine through DNA test
1 daughter born in Nov 2010
Together: 13½ years
Married: 10 years

PA/EA: January 2008 to July 2009
FWW left for OM: 01/28/2008
FWW returned for 9 days: 04/2008
FWW returned 05/21/2008

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Originally Posted by GH31
I look at these communications with a mixture of sadness, pity, disgust, outrage and disbelief. It just shows you how sick, deranged and depraved people will behave and speak when they are in the throes of an affair. And they don't realise they're doing it half the time.

It's mind boggling to say the least. If the situation wasn't so personally hurtful you almost have to laugh...almost.

Hey is this thread for you GH31 or can any BS post their WSs fog gibberish?

BW - me
exWH - serial cheater
2 awesome kids
Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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GH31 Offline OP
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Hi Blackraven,

Anyone can post their WS's outrageous fog gibberish. I want to build a collection of the most eccentric, ridiculous and deranged quotes.

Whilst my WW has read from the pro forma affair script a lot, I noticed that there seemed to be a few quotes unique to her so I wanted to share them.

My favourite is still:
"Don't go with other girls GH31. What if I want to come back to you in the future?"

...which she said with an absolutely straight face.

It's unbelievable when you witness this person that you love and adore become literally insane - and spouting all manner of deranged gibberish and gobbledegook. I can tell you, her face even looked different. She has this facial expression which I have only ever seen since the A started.

I confronted OM in England by phone the other day and I met WW for lunch later on. I could tell by her tone of voice and that facial expression that she had called him and found out I had confronted him. She was furious and said:
"You broke your word..."

Yes - a peek into the deranged and twisted world of a wayward mind. I make no apologies for confronting the worm - he is very scared that I will arrange for damage to be done to him.

Me: 36
FWW: 36
1 son born in Dec 2009 - confirmed mine through DNA test
1 daughter born in Nov 2010
Together: 13½ years
Married: 10 years

PA/EA: January 2008 to July 2009
FWW left for OM: 01/28/2008
FWW returned for 9 days: 04/2008
FWW returned 05/21/2008

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Originally Posted by GH31
Anyone can post their WS's outrageous fog gibberish. I want to build a collection of the most eccentric, ridiculous and deranged quotes.


Only two that come to mind at the moment:

"This doesn't mean that I love you any less"
(This was on D-Day after the first time she cheated on me. We'd been a serious couple for 2 years, she'd told me that she didn't want to have sex before she was M'd - but then gave her virginity away to someone she met while overseas, someone she didn't really care about, actually having sex with him for the last time the night before returning to me).

"I know exactly how you feel"
(This was on the second D-Day - after breaking the news of her 2-year A to me, she told me that the OM had cheated on her too).

(see "MiM's Story" for more details)
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FWH's initial rationalization for the affair on d-day:

"I didn't think you'd care." skeptical think crazy frown :twobyfour:

BW - me
exWH - serial cheater
2 awesome kids
Divorced 12/2011

Many a good man has failed because he had a wishbone where his backbone should have been.

We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot.
--------Eleanor Roosevelt
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Originally Posted by GH31
"Why can't you just turn gay, ".....

rotflmao rotflmao......only because I can relate....my WS told me I should become a lesbian... skeptical

Here's a few.....

"I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you either...."

"I found my happiness but you REFUSED to let me have it...."

there are many many others, some even most comical, thank God I was well versed in fog-speak by the time I heard them.



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"she's crazy, i'm not with her, she's making all of this up"

this is after i found text messages about how she was glad that she had him back again, oh, and a voicemail about what she wanted to do to his body.... about 10 calls coming in and out to each of their cells in one day.

a month later... she returns a love letter from him in the mail.

"I already told you about this."

umm, no you didn't. it's a poetic writing, signed i love you baby...

"most of what i write is exaggeration, not true fact. i didn't mean all of the things i wrote."

Last edited by deeplysaddened; 10/21/08 09:00 PM.
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GH31 Offline OP
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OK guys you will like this one...

After my WW left me on 01/28/2008 to be with OM she came to visit me a few times. Once I discovered OM my whole world fell apart and I made the terrible mistake of spending the night with a woman. Although I felt entitled to do it at the time, I felt sick afterwards and told my WW about it during one of her visits. She seemed indifferent about it at the time but I received this email the day after she went back to OM:

Hello GH31,

When I came to visit you yesterday, it was for two reasons. 1) To do my tax return and 2) to tell you I don't feel upset with you anymore.

I wanted to spend the day with you to see how we interact with one another. I wanted you to do and say all the things that would tempt me to come home. I wanted you to make me feel loved and wanted.

We had a nice day.

When I was at the airport, I was disappoinbted that you didn't say anything wonderful to me before we parted company.

When I was on the plane I started crying because you spent the night with another girl when I advised you against it. You are not acting like a man trying to win his wife back, but easily moving on. If the situation was reverse I would NEVER want to be with anyone else, I would be trying to win you back.

This has been a test GH31 and you failed. I would never expect you to start fooling around with other girls, I want you to sort things out with me.

I want you to cancel your date with the girl on Saturday and desist from any further dates with anyone.
I am so upset.

I want to have a new start and I'm waiting to see what happens with your job applications.

I have NEVER wanted us to brake up permanently. I just want you to change and now you are messing everything up GH31.

I've cried so much this morning, I feel so sad. I don't want you to be with anyone other than me.

Lately I've been thinking about all our good times together. How I always use to watch you go off for your surf and eagerly waiting your return. I use to enjoy watching you through the window, carrying your surf board, walking down the street.

I don't want to abandon our plans, our future. We always made a great team.


I make no excuses for my conduct and I have had absolutely no contact with the woman in question ever since (8 months). However, the hypocrisy of my WW simply beggars belief. This email was written 2 months before she eventually moved back under the same roof as me.


Me: 36
FWW: 36
1 son born in Dec 2009 - confirmed mine through DNA test
1 daughter born in Nov 2010
Together: 13½ years
Married: 10 years

PA/EA: January 2008 to July 2009
FWW left for OM: 01/28/2008
FWW returned for 9 days: 04/2008
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These are the few that I can remember off the top of my head at the moment...

"I know exactly how you feel, Verve. I felt that way before I moved out." Ok, his heart was crushed because his wife left him to go mess around with a 19yr old...while he was pregnant. Yep, he knows just how I felt.

"It just doesn't feel right anymore." This said after he came over wanting to have SF because he "wanted to be with his family more than anything". I guess he didn't want to be with his family too bad, right? It felt 'right' having SF with someone he barely knew, but not his wife. Hmmm....that sounds logical.

"I never meant or wanted to hurt you ever."
Then why do it?

And I've heard this since he came back... "I didn't leave because of OW, she had nothing to do with it." My reply was...well you were f-ing her within days of leaving, so sorry if I don't believe that. and if things were so bad why didn't you leave before you met her?

Yeah, those are the ones that come to mind right now, though I know there are many more, including the whole I love you but I'm not in love with you speech. Blah.

You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The person who is always finding fault seldom finds anything else.

I pity the fool. - Mr. T
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My favourite conversation came from a phone call the Monday after I moved out of our home after being abandoned there.

STBXWH "Just for the record, that girl is a friend of Gails."

Me: "Oh, so does that mean she is a lesbian too?"

STBXWH "I think so."

Me: "Well, you haven't asked her?"

STBXWH: "It just didn't come up. But, she's a just a friend."

Me: "Well, I would love to get to know your new friends. Why don't we get together and meet?"

STBXWH: "Yeah. That would be a good idea."

Me: "Keeping in mind of course that I probably wouldn't get along with her very well."

STBXWH: "Why not?"

Me: "I'm not particularly fond of lesbians that sleep with my husband."

STBXWH: "Uh. Hang on, I have a another call. Oh, I have a customer just walking in. We'll have to finish this later. Bye."

Last edited by Ms_Manners; 10/21/08 11:09 PM.

FBS - 28

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OH! This is one of the best ones and I almost forgot about it. When I found Ike's car at OW's apartment complex he said, "I'm not there, my car is just parked there. How do you know where I am? I might be somewhere else."

Seriously. I'm not joking.

You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The person who is always finding fault seldom finds anything else.

I pity the fool. - Mr. T
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OMG! I remember that when you posted it.

At the time I couldnt believe someone could believe such rot was believable!


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While I lay bleeding to death in a small emergency room in the middle of nowhere.

"Don't send him in that helicopter, it's too dangerous. Let ME drive him to the hospital."

After surgery the next day and the Dr. told her to feed me.

"Why didn't you just die in transit, it would have much easier on me."

"You know "god" sending you a wakeup call for humiliating me."

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top.
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Wow GH31.

Reading those notes from WW I just have to feel so sorry for her. She seems to be trying so desperately to end her A and each time she gets close, you do yet something else wrong.

It's almost like you are inventing new ways to keep her from ending the A. Like you are clairvoyant or something. How do you always know the one thing that will stop her from leaving OM?


Bad karma I guess.

Poor little WW.

Last edited by piojitos; 10/22/08 07:51 AM. Reason: grammar
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I don't know which is worse, P's wife wishing he died in transit or GH's wanting him to turn gay.

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I said on a thread yesterday that I would never strike a woman, let alone my wife.


Last edited by Maverick_mb; 10/22/08 10:26 AM. Reason: TOS Violation

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Originally Posted by Pariah
While I lay bleeding to death in a small emergency room in the middle of nowhere.

"Don't send him in that helicopter, it's too dangerous. Let ME drive him to the hospital."

After surgery the next day and the Dr. told her to feed me.

"Why didn't you just die in transit, it would have much easier on me."

"You know "god" sending you a wakeup call for humiliating me."

That's completely psychotic.

What a despicable "human being".

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