Hello! My friend and I accidentally found evidence this past June that her husband was cheating on her with a woman at work for about 3 years. While the wife was shocked, I wasn't. I saw something happening between them at least 3 years ago or more. At that time, and in between too, I had recommended this site and Dr. Harley's books...but nothing came of it then as the wife was afraid of counseling and the husband was very closed to it.

In any case, the couple are now in counseling and reading Dr. Harley's books, but the issue I have is my friendship with them. I don't know how to be a friend to them in their current situation. I honestly have come to greatly dislike the husband over the past few years as I saw him becoming more and more vicious to my friend. Last I heard too, he was still not very open to counseling, but is trying his best. Some part of me fears, though, that he doesn't really love her. But that's just me.

If anyone has words of wisdom for me, I'd appreciate them. I'm the only one who knows about his affair and the wife has been coming to me constantly about this and their counseling issues. I feel I may know too much and that she has become too dependent upon me. Help please. Don't want to lose a friend, but don't want to be a counselor to her and get overwhelmed too.

Thanks in advance.