As I watch you sleeping<BR>so peacefuly and so deep,<BR> I can't help but wonder who you're holding in your dreams.<BR>Is it me, is it her, <BR>which of us do you really prefer.<P>I hear the you speak as you lie there lost in sleep, <BR>It's never my name on your lips that I've kissed a million times, no not mine but hers <P>Who are you holding in you're dreams<BR>I have loved you more than half my life, all I ever wanted to be your wife.<BR>I need to know do you still care, will you stay with me or return to your affair.<BR>I suppose only time will tell who you hold in your're dreams <BR>Right now it's her maybe one day it will again be me<P><BR>------------------<BR>Deb<BR>------------------------<BR>You can't have a rainbow without the rain<P><BR><p>[This message has been edited by not again (edited May 31, 1999).]