This is a copy of a post I listed under General questions which is where I generally lurk......<P>Hi all,<BR>You don't know me well. I have been around for awhile but mostly lurk. I was spooked by wondering who could be reading posts so I am hesitant to share details because of what I am asking prayer for. This is also why I don't have a profile. I do not want my words to be used and misconstrued.<P>I need everyone to pray tomorrow from 1pm (est). Someone is trying to unfairly prosecute my husband. He has made poor choices in the past. But he is being lied about. Someone has used his friendliness against him and is trying to take away his license to practice medicine. This woman has persued him and harassed me. I wish I could provide details but I can't. What is really sad is that anyone can say anything with no proof. We are left to defend ourselves (acually him) against lies (10,000.00 in legal fees!!) It could end tomorrow or drag on for a 4-6 months.<P>Selfishly, I have been through enough this past year. I need this to end so we can heal. My husband has done all the right things but this is a cloud that hovers.<BR>This can only end by a MIRACLE FROM GOD. He is all powerful and the only source of hope. I am asking believers to join with me in asking for divine intervention. I am asking God to not allow any weapon formed against us to prosper.<P>Please pray. I pray for you all at night when I can't sleep. I feel like you are my friends.<P>Thank you!!<BR>Sara