I have good news .

I shared on the other thread that I have been very restless the past few days, sensing that something was up and feeling like I needed to be praying/intervening for my husband...

Two things have happened.

First, I was wondering why he called me three times from work the other day. Not like him to call so often, and I knew there was something wrong. Last night I asked him, but all he would say was that he had been depressed and wanted to raise something with me, but he changed his mind and wouldn't say what it was. He said it was something that was from a long time ago, and that it comes up sometimes when he is depressed.

Last night I was so restless lying in bed, thoughts were streaming thorugh my head, so I made myself still and asked God to speak to me, and I lay quietly and listened.

And God told me what was bothering my husband. It is something that happened years ago when he was a new believer, and we were first married.

Anyway, all this time my husband has had the fear that he might have done the 'unpardonable sin'.

He has come to the end of himself and wants to turn back to God, but scared that God will reject him.

For him this is extra hard because he was rejected many times as a young child by numerous foster families, and his birth parents- not because of anything he did, just the system, but he was too young to understand that.

This tells me that he is ready to give up and start doing things Gods way, but the enemy was telling him that God would reject him too.

So I was praying a few minutes ago about this, asking God for instructions concerning this.

Just then the phone rang and it was my husband.

He was at work, but called to tell me that as of next week he will be going to another city, (close to where i am) to work for a friend of ours .

He said, "It will get me out the city and away from everything here ".(meaning away from the OW).

I am crying for joy.
