Hello,<P> I am new on this site. I was just browsing the web site and ran across this web site. I have read a lot of interesting topics. My prayers are with all of you. I am asking for anyone that believes in God and believe his will be done in my life to help me understand why I can not move on with my life. I am a 35 year old female, I was married for only 2 years and in those 2 years the Lord bless me with a beautiful baby girl, by my husband. <P>I love my husband, when is enough?.<P>I feel like my husband made a decision of allowing the devil to destroy his marriage. The sad thing is he has remarried to young lady that was a member of the church we both attended. To make this topic short. I still love my husband, not because he is the father of my child, but because, I felt that when I prayed to God and asked him to bless me with a husband, he blessed me with this man. I do believe that God knows what is best for me. I have tried to move on with my life as well as trying to block memories and my ex-husband out. But each day I am reminded of him. It has been 1 year since our divorce. I have not met anyone nor have I been involved with anyone, because my heart is still with him. <P>I want to be happy, feel my happiness is with him. Our child does not even have a relationship with him to no who he really is. I have no clue of how I am really feeling. Because I think of him all the time. And you would think a year is enough time to aleast heal a litte.<P>WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?<P><BR>