2 days until I am going to go get my things from my house, I was
served with a restraining order yesterday, so I cannot even contact
her, she has changed all utilities over to her name, and had my cell
phone cut off, I would say that it is just about over, I still feel bad,
and guilty, but at the same time I am free from the sin that
destroyed the marriage, I have decided to get myself together and
move on, it will be very hard to go to that house I am going to have
to have a police escort as well. Writing here is very therapeutic for
me and I know that there is some one out there that can relate to
what I did and what I am going through because of the pain that I
have caused my wife, I will still have to see her in church and she
has already changed her hairstyle to a style that she knows that I
like, it is going to be all right I know however the pain of what I did is
going to haunt me for a long, long time. 2 days to go..........