Hi All!
Haven't posted in quite awhile. My W and I are still in divorce court. Lawyers are doing their thing. She filed last September and her lawyer just sent me a proposal to try and settle affairs and avoid court...well her demands were outrageous. She wants everything and me nothing. I told my lawyer...lets just go to court and have judge decide. This back and forth will end up costing more.

CA proposed me pleading guilty to disturbing the peace (for Violation of PO back in Dec). She understands what we are going through. I told lawyer to take it so we can get this behind us. Wife hasnt spoken to me since end of last November and I really miss her. I have realized I must move on. I still keep faith that God will enter and perform a miracle. My wife doesnt speak to any member of my family and still uses a 3rd party to exchange our daughter. She is so bitter towards me. I feel good....the days of self-pity are few and far between now. If anything I hope she and I will be friends again someday. She knows I care still. I still send her a card(support) home to her in my daughters' bag. I did send her flowers and a card on Mother's Day. I had daughter sign it and I wrote that I am glad God provided me with a great mother for our daughter. My daughter said she put them on the dining room table. I guess I have tried to be nice so she can see I still care and have changed from the pathetic hounding chasing man I became after separation. I know there is life after her, but would still like to have a chance of life WITH her.
It has been a rough 2 weeks for me. I finally had my knee surgery done and it feels great. Then 5 days after knee surgery I had emergency eye surgery. I tore my retina and they had to go in and repair before I lost my vision. It was scary, but I am fine. Somewhere in here I have to believe God has a lesson and plans for me.

I posted a couple pics on the mb website of me and my daughter. I hope everyone keeps the faith. Till next time!