My husband and his brother were having an interesting conversation last night, and well it got me thinking. Basically early on in our marriage my husband spent a great deal of his time with his parents. It seemed to me like he was constantly going over there to fix something, and I would often get upset because he would jump immediately when they asked, but if I did he hemmed and hawed. (He's even taken off days of work to do something for them.) Also, it seemed like he spent so much time over there that we seldom had time to be alone together. Well now my brother-in-law is hearing the same complaints from his wife. He explained to my husband that it was nice after all these years of growing up to finally feel needed. This problem hasn't reared it's ugly head in awhile with us mainly because I go with him now. Sometimes it's a bit of a headache because I really have stuff I'd like to be doing at home, and at times their needs tend to monopolize our time, but there are alot of positives too. <P>Anyway, I was curious if anybody else had experienced this. I don't want to be somebody that's so insecure that she comes between a man and his parents, but at the same time it seems to me that there should be a limit. Also, I know this is still a sore spot between us, because my husband told his brother that I used to complain all the time about it. (Kind of in one of those our wives just don't understand tones.)