Marriage Builders
Ok, I really need advice on this one. I was at home with W and kids when OM calls. Then she talks to him with me standing right there in front of her cooking dinner!!!! Then she gets upset with me for being upset!!! Granted it wasn't a pleasent converstaion (she was mad at him for breaking a date), but c'mon already!! I was just beginning to think we were making some progress, then this! I am thinking of going into Plan B now, but I've only been doing Plan A for a short while (D-day was 8/2/02). This one really hurt. We had a decent conversation afterwards, and she cried about how sorry she was (for hurting me, not for A), and I was I believe, very calm about it. But I just don't think I can take any more of thisl. I know I've seen many BS's work Plan A for a year or more, but I don't think my heart can take that long. That was a huge LB for me. She still insists she needs to date both of us to see what she wants, and admits that she is using both of us but seems ok with it. The only positive I can see is that she seems truly remousefull for hurting me. Any BS's or WS's with any wise words? I am planning my Plan B letter even now.
It's hard to give you advice. Your W and mine sound a lot alike. Lots of remorse, etc., but no real change in action--and not enough empathy to do what is right and treat you like a human being. I just went to Plan B because I got fed up with all talk no action, and I'm kind of sorry I didn't do it sooner. I have become really ambivalent about the possibility of reconciling. So I would say, ask yourself a few questions: what is best for your own well-being? are you sure you want to reconcile? if so, how much of Plan A can you take before your "bank account" dwindles.
Two things, mtd...

One, get call block on your home phone and block the OM's number. I did that, but I don't think the OM has the cojones to call here anyway.

Two, this is all pretty fresh to you, so please consider going to your doctor and getting on some mild anti-depressants. They will help you deal with these difficult feelings in a rational manner.

Read read read!

First of all....I don't know your whole story as I don't come over to this part of the message boards that often......but......

One of the things that gets me is the fact that a WS says that they need to date BOTH the OP and the S (spouse) to see what they want.


By doing this you are enabeling her relationship with the OM.

Of course she is ok with it....she's getting her cake and eating it too....and will continue to do so until either YOU or the OM take yourselves out of the picture.

Mind you it's not a fix for the M.....but it eases up the BS's pain. I myself did not go into a full blown Plan B.....but applied it in my own way.

Your W was being very disrespectful of your feelings to take that call from the OM. She should have told him to call back at a better time....preferably when you were not there.

Sometimes as a BS we have to finally make that decision to stand up for ourselves and say....I'm not going to let you do this to me anymore. It is our decision's proven that our WS's will do whatever WE allow them to do to us.
Thanks for the advice. I wrote my Plan B letter but I'm not sure if I'm quite ready to give it to her. I like your idea MissPriss, I think I will continue with my seperation for now and detatch myself from the situation a little. Try and force the OM to fulfill more of her needs while he's still in his M. If possible MP, could you tell me a little about how you applied Plan B? Maybe I could apply my own version.

Having 3 daughters, I couldn't go to Plan B as there was ALWAYS something my H and I needed to talk I couldn't completely avoid him. (though at the time I wanted to)

My H and I seperated 3 times.....not by MY choice though. The last time he left I decided that I wouldn't call him about anything.....unless I absolutely had to.
For the first 6 weeks I only called to ask him ?'s about the bills...and kept the conversation to a relationship talk at all.

If one of our daughters wanted to talk to him....I dialed the phone # but handed the phone to them before he answered and let them talk or leave a message.

I let him see the girls whenever he our house....but left him alone with the girls. Always made sure that I was busy with something else. He is their father afterall and I didn't want to deny him the time with his daughters no matter what he had done to me......but avoided him at all costs.

All this was very hard to do at the first 2 times that he had left I had begged and pleaded constantly for him to come home and this and that.....I'm sure that was very attractive. NOT!

I guess you could say that I used the Tough Love approach rather than a modified Plan B.....I think that Plan B is almost impossible when you have children.

After 6 weeks of being seperated and avoiding my H....who was still involved with the OW....he started calling me more....talking about nothing really....just calling alot.

I was ready to move on with or without him. I was accepting it.....wish I had done it sooner.

It was so much easier to work on myself when I wasn't concentrating on him and what he was doing or how he was feeling....or even what choice he was going to make.

Anyway.....I got so over that I actually met someone and went out on a date......I think that was a turning point. (I'm in no way saying you should do this)

The day of the date my H called me 17 times from 4:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m........on my cell phone. He was jelous. He couldn't sit down and couldn't work.....and all of this in front of the OW.

He had been telling me for 6 weeks to go find someone.....and when I did....he couldn't handle it.

After this.....before this actually...his relationship with the OW was already bad....petty arguments....the OW acting like a spoiled child and ranting about stupid things.

My H starting inviting me to do things with him and the girls on his time with them....before he wouldn't as to not raise their hopes. He started inviting to his place for the whole weekend.

While there one weekend the OW called and got mad because he wouldn't bring the girls to her small sons B-day party....even told him that if he didn't want them around her to drop them off somewhere so he could come alone......some nerve.

My H was fed up with her and they ended their relationship mutually 1 week later.

He had been telling me that he was going to end it with her.....and I had told him that I would believe it when I saw it.........I was not pressuring him to be with me at all at this time....I was actually turning him down on some of his invitiations. make my very long story short.....the A ended mutually....and within 2 weeks my H was talking about us getting back together and how happy we could be and all that.......and we are.

It took alot of hard work on his part to convince me that it wouldn't happen again and that the OW was completely out of the picture.

Sorry this is so long......but my story is so long with ALOT of twists and turns. Hope that helps.
Sorry Miss Priss, I just read your post. NO it was not too long, it was actually very insightful. I have been doing just that, though almost at the same time my WW began calling me more often. I know it is still too early to believe she is coming out of the fog completely, but it is nice to see her head pop out every now and then. And I have actually turned her down once (though it was because I had prior engagement), but it was nice to hear her disapointment. Not to hurt her, but to know she really wanted to spend time with me. I am glad to know that things are going well for you and I hope my story has a similar ending. Thanks again MP!!!

Hi, this is C from P's thread at JFO. (The really long one) Generally, I don't intrude into other's threads, but since I saw you posted over there I thought I would read this.

There is no such thing as a modified Plan B. It's like being pregnant or honest, it either is or it's not.

Plan A is a strategy to separate the spouse from the lover. To show that you acknowledge your part in the breakdown of the marriage, and to demonstrate your willingness to be the husband your wife has always wanted. That you can and will avoid LBers and learn to meet her needs.

Nothing else. Plan A cannot and will not restore your marriage while your wife is involved with another man.

You should do Plan A for as long as you can remain pleasant and avoid LBers. But you also need to be radically honest about how badly her affair is affecting you. EVERY time she sees or speaks with OM, you should tell her that it is the worst pain you have ever experienced, that she is tearing your heart apart.

When you find that you are becoming disrespectful.... unable to tell her how you feel without throwing in a few..."your so selfish," or when you find that your feelings for her are lessening, or when you begin to exhibit symptoms of stress (change in apetite, sleep patterns, difficulty concentrating) then it is time to go to Plan B.

Plan B is risky. At first it will push the WS into the arms of the lover. And it's difficult. You will definitely struggle with the overwhelming desire for just a little contact.

Plan B is not about teaching the WS a lesson or forcing her to "wake up." It's sole purpose is to protect you from further pain, from real health risks due to the stress, and of course from further trashing of your LBnk.

The hoped for side effect is that when the A ends, and nearly all do, she will recognize the good work you did in your Plan A, and want to reconcile. That doesn't mean Plan A needs to go on forever. Frankly, it can be done in a letter if the pain is so great that you can't take it. Men generally can hang on in Plan A longer than women. Most women can't do a good Plan A for more than a couple or weeks.

As I said, nearly all affairs end. If you haven't started telling family and friends, you might want to. Opinion is divided on this, but Willard Harley is a STRONG advocate of telling, and I agree. Tell your parents, her parents, your church leader, anyone who would be an advocate for you and your marriage. Affairs don't handle the light of day very well. They exist in a fantasy land of secrecy.

In Plan B, which is absolutely brilliant BTW, the idea is that now she must get all her needs met by OM. Right now, it's a great deal for her. You meet some needs, he meets some needs. Quite the racket. When you cease to meet the needs you are, it will all fall on his shoulders. He cannot possibly measure up.

You mention how she "needs to date you both," (sorry but the time for that was before she said "I do" ) and I think she probably tells you how she would miss him. Well, imagine how she will miss YOU, when you are not there. This OM can NEVER be the parent of her children. He is living in a fantasy land with HER. Introduce children to that mix and he isn't going to look so wonderful.

As she has doubts, and expresses them to OM, you can bet the arguments will ensue. Withdrawals from the LBnk will be in order. The stress of being full time in the real world is a big wake up call to an affair.

Affairs continue often times for as long as the BS allows. Which is not to say that you are at fault. But the two biggest mistakes that are made are:

1. Not being honest about how much her affair is hurting you. Yes, she will be upset and possibly even angry to hear that. But Honesty is NOT a LBer. No matter how she reacts. To be dishonest is however a LBer.

2. Delaying Plan B too long, I see over and over again how BS's wait until they virtually hate the WS before going to Plan B. By then they've fallen into some strong lovebusting patterns of anger and especially disrespect. And since they have not only lost their love for the WS but their LBnk is far in the red, they only want to end the M rather than do the work of recovery when the A ends.

TMD, I don't know your whole story, but the pattern is very familiar. I hope this helps. If you have other things I can help you with, I'm always found at JFO, just ring.



5 years intensive study MB principals
Currently enrolled in MB coaching program
I can name chaper and verse for any MB question you have <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

<small>[ September 02, 2002, 01:49 PM: Message edited by: cerri ]</small>

While I respect your opinion.....I do not agree with it.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> There is no such thing as a modified Plan B. It's like being pregnant or honest, it either is or it's not.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">If EVERYONE here were to do Plan B exactly the same way..or by the book..then we would have to assume that every situation is exactly the same....and we know that is not the case.

Every situation is is every person.

I've been here for well over a year now and have seen modified versions of all of the MB Principles. I've modified some of the Principles that they worked for me.

I disagree with this also.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Plan A is a strategy to separate the spouse from the lover. To show that you acknowledge your part in the breakdown of the marriage, and to demonstrate your willingness to be the husband your wife has always wanted. That you can and will avoid LBers and learn to meet her needs.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I never once thought of Plan A as a strategy to seperate my H from the OW. As most all of us know.....the BS has no control over seperating the 2....since we have no control over anyone other than ourselves. I don't think the word strategy has any place in Plan A. It almost makes it sound as if one is planning the way they will get their WS a game.

I saw Plan A as a way for me to work on myself....once I realized my part in the destruction of my marriage.

Plan A was me working on me.....since I can change no one but me.

To say that one needs to show willingness to the WS that they can be the W or H that the WS always wanted really gets me too.

How about the fact that the WS rarely ever tells the H or W exactly what they want in a spouse. We do not know these things unless we are told about them.

What about the W or H that the BS wants?
I don't agree with the concept of the BS becoming a doormat while waiting for the WS to "make up their mind".

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> As I said, nearly all affairs end. If you haven't started telling family and friends, you might want to. Opinion is divided on this, but Willard Harley is a STRONG advocate of telling, and I agree. Tell your parents, her parents, your church leader, anyone who would be an advocate for you and your marriage. Affairs don't handle the light of day very well. They exist in a fantasy land of secrecy.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Telling is often the biggest LB.
And to say tell those that would be an advocate for your marriage.....seems like more strategy to me. Like trying to get all these people on your side before the game ends.

This is not a game....and only the H and the W can decide on reconsiliation...and only they can make it work. Telling other will help with being able to talk about it.....but it won't get the marriage back on track.....and often times will backfire and be a HUGE LB.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Affairs continue often times for as long as the BS allows. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The BS is not allowing the affair to continue.....just as we had no control over the beginning of the affair....we have no control over the ending.

The only thing that the BS does is to choose to stay through the duration of the affair.....or end the marriage.

The Harley's say that the affair has to die a natural death.....that means that the BS cannot push it to end....that would be a selfish demand.

The affair has to die on it's own...without any input from the BS. IF the BS pushes the WS to end the affair.....the most likely thing that will happen is that contact will eventually ensue again....and it will go on until it dies a natural one or both parties deciding not to persue the relationship.

Throughout this whole site things are modified....because the situations and the people are different.

It seems to me that you are saying that t_m_d should not modify anything he sees on this sight to possibly work better for him.....that he should stick to the basics.

Plan B is hard for people with children.......there is no way to take yourself out of the picture completely when children are involved....hence....a modified Plan B.

Quite fankly...some people are often too scared to go into Plan they modify it....and sometimes it works.

Just as sometimes Plan A and B work....and sometimes they don't....depends on the situation and the people involved.

JMHO <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

While I respect your opinion.....I do not agree with it.[b]

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> There is no such thing as a modified Plan B. It's like being pregnant or honest, it either is or it's not.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">If EVERYONE here were to do Plan B exactly the same way..or by the book..then we would have to assume that every situation is exactly the same....and we know that is not the case.

[b]Every situation is is every person.

This is a direct quote from Dr. Harley, " There is no such thing as a modified Plan B." Heard it many times, almost weekly on his radio show. You can get it Mondays and Thursdays 1pm CT, click on the link above.

I've been here for well over a year now and have seen modified versions of all of the MB Principles. I've modified some of the Principles that they worked for me.

Five years intensive study MB program. One weekend, One coaching seminar, work with Dr. Harley with my own cases/clients. While I agree that some things must be fitted to the individual and to the case, the principles are not really modifiable, if you still want to call them MB.

I disagree with this also.[b]

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Plan A is a strategy to separate the spouse from the lover. To show that you acknowledge your part in the breakdown of the marriage, and to demonstrate your willingness to be the husband your wife has always wanted. That you can and will avoid LBers and learn to meet her needs.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">[b]I never once thought of Plan A as a strategy to seperate my H from the OW. As most all of us know.....the BS has no control over seperating the 2....since we have no control over anyone other than ourselves. I don't think the word strategy has any place in Plan A. It almost makes it sound as if one is planning the way they will get their WS a game.

Also a direct quote from Harley. He says it every week on his show, with those words, and in person at his seminars.

I saw Plan A as a way for me to work on myself....once I realized my part in the destruction of my marriage.

Yes, of course it is, which is what I said.

To say that one needs to show willingness to the WS that they can be the W or H that the WS always wanted really gets me too.

Here's the Plan A/ Plan B link. Plan A / Plan B

I don't agree with the concept of the BS becoming a doormat while waiting for the WS to "make up their mind".

I never suggested becoming a doormat. But Plan A is nothing more than a willingness to end LBers and to meet needs in the hope that it will give the WS reason to rethink the A. To negotiate the end to the affair by showing that you are willing and able to do what needs to be done to address your part in the unhappiness of the marriage.

Telling is often the biggest LB.

And to say tell those that would be an advocate for your marriage.....seems like more strategy to me. Like trying to get all these people on your side before the game ends.

Telling is not a LBer. It's seeking help from friends and family who might be able to influence the WS to end the A. Is it a game? I don't know. But the BS is only doing what is necessary to piece back together what the BS has shattered by his/her cruel and thoughtless behavior.

Harely always advocates telling. Always.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Affairs continue often times for as long as the BS allows. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The BS is not allowing the affair to continue.....just as we had no control over the beginning of the affair....we have no control over the ending.

Also a direct quote from Harley. Sorry.

The Harley's say that the affair has to die a natural death.....that means that the BS cannot push it to end....that would be a selfish demand.

Have you had a chance tob listen to the show? Read SAA? Read this site entirely? Read HN/HN, G&T, FIL/SIL, LBers, been to a seminar or a weekend? Of course he says the BS should push it to end! A demand would be insisting. But implementing a strategy which makes the BS more attractive, by being honest about how the A hurts, and by eventually going to Plan B if needed are ways to either encourage the WS to end the A, or to preserve the LBnk of the BS in Plan B.

The affair has to die on it's own...without any input from the BS. IF the BS pushes the WS to end the affair.....the most likely thing that will happen is that contact will eventually ensue again....and it will go on until it dies a natural one or both parties deciding not to persue the relationship.

No, not at all. Yes most affairs die a natural death, but input from the BS is essential. The BS should be doing a real Plan A, which is to meet needs and to eliminate LBers. He or she should be honest about how much the A hurts EVERY TIME the WS sees the OP, he/she should tell others in their life, and even take other measures.

I once heard Harley advise a woman whose H was having an A with an illegal immigrant to call INS. She did. Affair over. The BS is not a passive observer at all.

Throughout this whole site things are modified....because the situations and the people are different.

You may be talking forum, but I assure you that if you talk to Willard Harely it is NOT modified. I wouldn't cite the info here at the forum as good MB advice most of the time.

It seems to me that you are saying that t_m_d should not modify anything he sees on this sight to possibly work better for him.....that he should stick to the basics.

Yep, that would be right.

Plan B is hard for people with children.......there is no way to take yourself out of the picture completely when children are involved....hence....a modified Plan B.

It's very difficult with children. I agree. But there are ways to have an intermediary, or in the worst case scenario to communicate about the children only with email. I still go for the intermediary if at all possible.

Quite fankly...some people are often too scared to go into Plan they modify it....and sometimes it works.

Plan B is scary and it's risky. It should be done only when the energy reserves for Plan A are exhausted, or when it becomes apparent that the A is going to continue in spite of good Plan A work.


<small>[ September 03, 2002, 10:36 AM: Message edited by: cerri ]</small>
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> There is no such thing as a modified Plan B. It's like being pregnant or honest, it either is or it's not.

This is a direct quote from Dr. Harley, " There is no such thing as a modified Plan B." Heard it many times, almost weekly on his radio show. You can get it Mondays and Thursdays 1pm CT, click on the link above.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Sorry to disagree......but look around this board for a while and you will see many modified Plan B's.....and it's working.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Five years intensive study MB program. One weekend, One coaching seminar, work with Dr. Harley with my own cases/clients. While I agree that some things must be fitted to the individual and to the case, the principles are not really modifiable, if you still want to call them MB. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I've read what you've wrote about your intensive studies and all that.......several times.

Saying that things must be fitted to the individual and to the case is not modifying it?

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> I saw Plan A as a way for me to work on myself....once I realized my part in the destruction of my marriage.
Yes, of course it is, which is what I said. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I think you misunderstood what I meant in that statemenet.

I worked on myself for me.
Not to show my then WH that I was willing to be the W that HE wanted.......but to be the person I (stressing the word I) wanted to be.
Had I changed only to become the W that my then WH wanted then I would no longer be myself. One cannot live for someone else or to make someone else happy.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I never suggested becoming a doormat. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> did not. But it is stated by Dr. Harley that the BS becomes somewhat of a doormat...and encourages it...during Plan A.

I have read this site...many times over..and HN/HN. I have not attended the seminars....have not had a counseling session with Steve or Jennifer.....nor have I heard the radio show.

I don't agree with someone becoming a doormat on purpose in the hopes of it working to get their spouse back.

I don't agree with someone putting up with emotional and verbal abuse in hopes of getting their spouse back.......but that is what some of the principals tell you to do. To ride it out in hopes that the WH will decide to end the affair and resume the marriage.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Yes most affairs die a natural death, but input from the BS is essential. The BS should be doing a real Plan A, which is to meet needs and to eliminate LBers. He or she should be honest about how much the A hurts EVERY TIME the WS sees the OP, he/she should tell others in their life, and even take other measures.

I once heard Harley advise a woman whose H was having an A with an illegal immigrant to call INS. She did. Affair over. The BS is not a passive observer at all. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Is it also possible that because of the BS's input that the WS will eventually come to resent the BS for their initial input. Just as the BS builds resentment for the affair itself?

I've seen it over and over....and not just on the MB site. The BS pushes for the affair to end....and the WS either ends up resenting the BS for it.....or contact never really ends.....because it's being forced to end.

All of the cases that I have seen where the affair ends a natural the BS staying out of the ending of the affair have ended up with the 2 parties having the affair never contacting each other again. Whereas when it's pushed contact between the 2 lays low for a while....but ensues once they feel it's safe.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Telling is not a LBer. It's seeking help from friends and family who might be able to influence the WS to end the A. Is it a game? I don't know. But the BS is only doing what is necessary to piece back together what the BS has shattered by his/her cruel and thoughtless behavior. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">To my understanding.....according to MB Principles....only the WS can determine what is an LB to him or her.

Again.....from cases that I have seen.....the BS that tells everyone that might "be on their side" usually backfires.
The WS accuses the BS of playing games....which is exactly what it looks like.

The purpose of telling should be only for support of yourself......not in trying to get them to convince the WS to end the affair. Only the WS or the OP can end the affair with long term results.

As for the lady that called INS.....of course the affair is over.....she's had to leave the country. Such is not the case in MOST affairs. Most BS's cannot get the 2 that far away from each other.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Throughout this whole site things are modified....because the situations and the people are different.
You may be talking forum, but I assure you that if you talk to Willard Harely it is NOT modified. I wouldn't cite the info here at the forum as good MB advice most of the time.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I'm sure most of the posters here would really enjoy that comment.

Yes....I am talking abou the forum. Some of us cannot afford a session with Steve or Jennifer....cannot afford to go to the seminars....some of us cannot even afford to buy one of the books. So we come here to ask questions from those that are going through the same thing and those that have worked it out. Sometimes that is all that one can do.

But the advice from those that come here works.....even though it may not live up to your standards.

It worked for me.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">It seems to me that you are saying that t_m_d should not modify anything he sees on this sight to possibly work better for him.....that he should stick to the basics.

Yep, that would be right. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">So he should follow everything by the book.....even if it isn't working for him?


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> Plan B is hard for people with children.......there is no way to take yourself out of the picture completely when children are involved....hence....a modified Plan B.
It's very difficult with children. I agree. But there are ways to have an intermediary, or in the worst case scenario to communicate about the children only with email. I still go for the intermediary if at all possible.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Sorry to say....but I've not seen one case where the parents NEVER have to actually talk to each other or see each other when there are children involved.

When my children are involved....I'd rather go to the source than wait for an email that may not be read for a while.

Some of us aren't lucky enough to have someone that is willing to be an intermediary...or are in a situation where both parties have access to an email account...hence having to modify Plan B to fit your situation.

There are cases where I think that absolute NO CONTACT at all is essential, such as physical and verbal abuse.

JMHO <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Well, I think you did MTD a great disservice by blasting a poster who, in my book, is probably one of the top five people on this site regarding MB program, coaching, etc. And worse yet, you blasted her because her very MB-aligned advice was not consistent with the majority population of posters on this website!

I know it&#8217;s not going to impress you, but I counseled with Jennifer Harley Chalmers from September 2000 through April 2002, and I can tell you that the Harleys are not proponents of modifying their Plans. They&#8217;ve developed these Plans to the point of knowing what is proven, and that&#8217;s what they recommend. To the letter. Even the no-contact letter taken verbatim out of SAA.

As far as telling the world about the affair, yep, that&#8217;s standard Harley method also. If wife hadn&#8217;t proceeded immediately to no-contact after D-day, Jennifer&#8217;s firm recommendation was to get OM&#8217;s wife, our friends, everyone involved by knowing exactly what was going on. Besides, the OM&#8217;s wife has a right to know too, doesn&#8217;t she? You&#8217;d be a proponent of &#8220;tell all&#8221; too if you were in her shoes now. &#8220;Tell all&#8221; is still the standing order to this day, but thankfully we&#8217;re in month nine of no contact, and on the way to recovery.

But it is stated by Dr. Harley that the BS becomes somewhat of a doormat...and encourages it...during Plan A.

Want to tell me what page of what book you read Harley state Plan A means being a doormat? I was in a Harley-coached Plan A for over a year, and never once was the &#8220;doormat&#8221; word used, or even implied.

I have read this site...many times over..and HN/HN. I have not attended the seminars....have not had a counseling session with Steve or Jennifer.....nor have I heard the radio show.

Yes, and I am sure you have good intentions. But slamming someone for having differing views than your own, and in this case, more informed knowledge because of extensive counseling with the Harleys and pursuing coach certification in their program&#8230; Well, I think you get the picture.

I won&#8217;t even comment on the rest of your justification responses of how right you are, the cases you have seen, etc. Cerri could quote you chapter and verse where you&#8217;re wrong, but it wouldn&#8217;t matter to you. Given your responses, I don&#8217;t think you&#8217;d recognize it if even Willard Harley himself posted on this site, and would likely blast his staunch, hard-line, no modification counsel. THAT is what is scary about this site &#8211; the fact that MB-consistent advice can be so staunchly contradicted by someone who doesn&#8217;t even own the library (I think Surviving an Affair is a mandatory read for anyone touched by an affair), much less spent any time being &#8220;coached&#8221; by a Harley.

In this case, your good intention of adamantly defending your own &#8220;JMHO&#8221; opinions drove away a poster who was trying to provide MTD with some truly valuable, MB-consistent advice.

First of all.....I highly doubt that I drove anyone away with just my opinion.

Second....I was not slamming anyone. Would you kindly show me where?

Third, I have SAA in my posession and have read it. Not that an explanation is needed but I was trying to edit my post to add it when our power went out......and forgot to come back and add it.

If anyone slammed anyone it was cerri for saying that the majority of the posts that people make on this site are not constructive.

I don't need anyone to tell me how right I am.....I don't believe I said that I was right....I was simply stating my opinion....which I am allowed to do. I did not break any rules within my post. I also don't think I was disagreeing with cerri personally....I was disagreeing with a principle...not a person.

The Harley's may not be proponents on modifying their Plans......but it does happen.

I don't need anyone to tell me chapters and verses either.......what makes her so right and me so wrong?

I never said she was wrong and I was right.

I'm talking about different things working for different people. Even the Harley's will admit that their Principles aren't going to work for everyone.

My whole point was that telling t_m_d that he should do nothing other than what is said on this site and in the books isn't really reasonable.

He should take whatever he can and use it to HIS advantage. Use what works for HIM. If that be using the MB Prinicples along with other Principles then so be it. But to tell him that by not doing it by the book is well.....wrong.

Anyone that knows me knows that I do not live in a box. Why am I not allowed to post what I have seen without being bashed?

I have just as much right as cerri to have an opinion.....whether I agree with hers or not. This is not mud slinging. This is 2 adults having a conversation about their opinions. I do not join in or condone bashing of any sort.....but I do offer my opinion...sometimes I come off the wrong way.....but I am allowed to have it...and I am allowed to disagree as long as I do it in a respectful manner.....which I do believe I have.

I was not slamming cerri because of her opinion.......yet a 3rd party comes in and starts slamming me because I have a different opinion........isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

I will go back on the fact that I said that Dr. Harley says that in Plan A you become somewhat of a doormat and encourages it. I was wrong about that ( I can admit when I'm wrong). I read that statement states that the BS can feel like somewhat of a doormat.

My whole point that cerri came into this post telling t_m_d that there is no modified Plan B......when I am proof that there is. I will admit it because I am proud of the way I handled myself throughout my ordeal and my xWH are now happily together.

I modified it because not ALL of the MB Principles worked for me. So I took things from here....and there.....and it worked for me.

To sit here and say that you can only do it this way or that way for it to work.....isn't realistic.

My opinion may be different.....but at least I can look outside of the box.

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> THAT is what is scary about this site – the fact that MB-consistent advice can be so staunchly contradicted by someone who doesn’t even own the library (I think Surviving an Affair is a mandatory read for anyone touched by an affair), much less spent any time being “coached” by a Harley. </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Kindly tell that to the hundreds of people on this site that do not have the money for the books and "coaching". Not everyone can afford it so they have to make do with what they can afford.

Just because I don't have the $ for the "coaching", I'm not allowed to have an opinion.

<small>[ September 03, 2002, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: Miss Priss ]</small>
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Miss Priss:

I'm talking about different things working for different people. Even the Harley's will admit that their Principles aren't going to work for everyone.

</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Have you EVER heard one of the Harleys admit that their principles won't work for everyone?

The only thing I've ever heard along those lines are people who are "born liars" due memory loss from a brain injury caused by trauma or disease. This he says he cannot help.

Severe abusers with a history of exteme physical violence would be the only other write off. And even in those cases, WH reccommends that the couple separate in a Plan B scenario until the abuser agrees to get help, and then that they date with limited contact for an extended period of time. Only after that does he suggest ending the M. And I think that's considered more a failure of the one spouse to do the work, than of his methods.

Other than that? Boy, I don't know. A lot of things were brought up by many in the professional field at the conference I attended in DC, and Harley never once says that his stuff isn't for everyone. In fact, he says quite the opposite. Frequently, loudly.

I don't have a problem with modifying things. I have a problem with calling in MB. It's not. MB exists within rigid guidelines. You can take what you want and use it where it fits. But then call it something else. There is no such thing in MB as a "Modified Plan B."


While everyone is trying to figure out who is right lets get back to you. My opinion is that you need to cut ties with her. She has been disrespectful to you in your house. There is no reason that she should feel the need to date the OM and have you waiting for her at home. Plus I would have a "come to Jesus" meeting with the OM about calling YOUR home. If she feels the need to contact him then she can find other ways to do it. She should not bring that in to your house. I had these situations arise in my M and recovery.

Actually the night I found out about her A's I called the OM and told him under no uncertian terms was he co call the house and IF he did not heed my warning there would be repecussions. Now I know that was a LB, but you know what? WHO CARES? I needed to stand my ground and lay down the rules of our house. Several times while she was in her fog we argued. Even though we fought I still did everything to show her I was an honest and caring and loving person.

The final straw was one night she was talking to him on her cell phone on our patio. She had been telling me she wanted to work on our M all this time, but was not fully willing to do it. I go fed up and said "hope he can make you happier than I could". I walked out the door before she could even hang up the phone. I was not mean, but I showed her that I was not going to tolerate her antics. I have too much respect for myself to do that. It did not even take a couple of days before she got real serious about us.

Now we are on our way to a great recovery. She communicates with me unlike she ever has and allows me to check up on her at anytime with out question. She checks in with me all the time to let me know where she is. She is doing all this for me to show me that she is trying and that she wants our marriage. It time she will not need to go to those extremes.

My opinion (not that it means much) is that you need to take a firm line with your W. Show her you are not going to be used, be confidant in yourself. If she thinks that you cant live without her then she will keep doing what she is doing. If you show her that you dont need her, but you want her. Then she just might make a turn around.

There really is no right and wrong way. Every one is different. The Harley books are excellent blueprints to recovering your marriage. But like all blue prints, there are revisions to be made to make it work better for you. I found SAA to help me deal with my feelings and what to expect in the recovery process, but it was up to me to plan out my plan A and how to approach it.

Be firm with your needs and your feelings. Dont let her disrespect your home with her selfish actions. Tell her if she needs to do this... then there is the door. But dont lock it behind her. Give her the option to comeback after she has proven herself.

goodluck to you and if you need someone to talk to .. e-mail me.

Wow, uhm, thanks everyone. I think. I really opened up a can of worms here didn't I? I hope I am not the cause of any trouble, I just wanted a little advice:/. Really, thank you EVERYONE. That means everyone who offered their .02$ worth. I do appreceiate everyone taking time from their lives to try and help with my problems. Determination, Sad Tiger, Miss Priss, Cerri, Persistand, Madnav, thank you ALL very much. Hehe, I guess I should be more careful as to the questions I ask from now on. I have already taken everone's advice into consideration and will mover forward accordingly. Madnav, you may be happy to know that I have moved in with my mother for the time being, and have no intention of being her "little lost puppy". I do want her, but I have enough self respect to know that I can go on without her. Again thanks everyone, and uh, watch out for those hornet's nests ok? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

I am not sure if this is the right thing to say, but congratualtions. You have made a HUGE step. Now the ball is in her court. This will allow her to figure it out on her own. When she realises that her OM can not fulfill everything that she needs. Then things will be different. It will be a trying time for you and she probably do everthing she can to pull you back home. Draw your line in the sand and let her know that "this is what it is going to take" for you to CONSIDER coming home. Stand your ground. She has made the mistake and she should be the one to walk through fire to get you back. Then when she has "figured out what she wants" (which is a cop out phrase in my opinion).Then start on the road to recovery with her.

This approach worked for me and I feel it showed her that I was not going to put up with her shenanigans and that I did not need her but I wanted her. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />

Once I felt that she was sincere in her feelings, I met her half way and started finding out what was the root of our problems. Things are starting to get better than when we first got together.

Good luck


Well, now that you’ve taken your first step toward Plan B, I think you ought to follow through and do it by the book. This includes a Plan B letter to your wife. (Otherwise, she’s just gonna think you’ve moved out as punishment, instead of Protection of your Love Bank.)

I pulled some Plan B guidelines that Cerri posted to Broken Hearted in my JFO post (After Long Plan A, Just Found Out). BH is being coached along the way in her Plan B. If you’re interested, you might go to page 220 and start reading her posts and responses. Here are Cerri’s notes on Plan B letter that she posted to BH:

Plan B:
1. I love you
2. I married you for life
3. I want to stay married to you
4. This thing that you are doing is too painful for me to bear
5. Until you end the affair and agree to never see or speak to her again, I do not want to see or speak to you
6. (In the case of children) I have asked _____ to act as intermediary with the children.

If you haven’t done it, you need to get a Plan B letter out ASAP. If you don’t have Surviving an Affair – buy it immediately and read it. It’s a great read for someone who’s life has been touched by an affair.

Thanks Persistant. Despite all the "conflicting orders" (joke) everone's advice has been big help. Please don't stop if there's anything more you could add!
Ok, I was all set to go to Plan B. Had my Plan B letter typed out and everything. Then she comes home and tells me that her feelings for OM have dwindled(sp?) to almost nothing. UGH!!! How dare she? So now what? I have not gone to Plan B yet. The talk we had that night (this was 2 nights ago, when I was going to give her my Plan B letter) was very, very, long; and actually very constructive. I doubt she has completely cut off contact with OM because I don't want to pressure her right now. BTW, this brings another reason for the delay. She has told me that the OM just isn't making any love band deposits (not her words, but the general idea) and she is slowly letting him slip away. My question is, should I continue on to Plan B anyway? I have read that I should not go to Plan B until my love bank balance is very low, and right now I don't feel myself having any hateful feelings for her. Should I take advantage of the OM's lack of attention to her and make as many deposits as I can as quickly as I can? I do feel I could Plan A for a while longer before losing my love for her. Also, since I have moved out (per mutual decision) she has fallen behind in her bills (rent). I have been supporting her and the boys financially, but I cannot pay her rent and mine as well. I am just not THAT well off. Not much I could do about it either way, but I do feel I should be there for her. I can find her a place to stay that I could afford. So many questions, so few brain cells. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> Her own sister thinks I should just give up on her, but I don't think I'm ready to do that just yet. Besides, she's 17, so doesn't she know everything? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> I am thinking of keeping Plan A going for a short while longer. What do you guys think? What do the wise ones say? Other opinions would be VERY appreciated? To B, or not to B. That is my question.

<small>[ September 15, 2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: madly_truly_deeply ]</small>
There sure is a lot of advice...If I was in your situation and I wanted to continue working on the relationship, I would be buying table dances at the local strip club using her credit card...It may not save the relationship, but at least I would have some fun and have some great locker room conversation topics...
UHM....thanks for the uh,...advice deeds. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
Sounds more like she is throwing you a bone to keep you interested in her rather than a willingness on her part to change her ways and rebuild the marriage. Your posts doesn't even say that she wants to end contact with OM and rebuild the marriage. The story about her father's illness may or may not be true, but it should not be a factor in your decision of whether you should go into plan B or not. Your eagerness to return to her may be setting you up for a steep downhill turn on the emotional rollercoaster if she is lying to you about her feelings for OM and if that is the case, your love bank will be seriously depleted.

One reason for going into plan B is to preserve the remaining love you have for her in the eventuality that she demonstrates a genuine willingness to rebuild the M. If your love bank at that moment in time is too low, then you may not have enough emotional energy to want to rebuild the M. You will be so emotionally drained that the tendency to divorce her will be greater than the desire to work on rebuilding M. Don't kid yourself that recovery will be a piece of cake, it will probably be more difficult than dealing with your WW's fog and continued contact with OM. If you don't beleive me, just ask any of the folks on the recovery board whether it was easy for them to work on their marital recovery.

So think about what I said before you decide to go back to her.
Hey MTD....
Ok, somewhat anxiously I'll tell you what I think. I would also highly encourage you to call the radio show tomorrow (monday) and talk to Dr. H. I think he'll suggest the same sorts of things I will, but hey, if not.... I'd go with him. Unless you really feel like he didn't get the picture, but I doubt it. The number is just a click away on the radio link above. 1pm CT, call at the top of the hour, so you're sure to get in.

Then she comes home and tells me that her feelings for OM have dwindled(sp?) to almost nothing. UGH!!! How dare she?

Really, what is with this woman, ya go to all the work to do a Plan B and now she thinks the A might end. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I doubt she has completely cut off contact with OM because I don't want to pressure her right now.

I don't know that I would "pressure" her either. That could be seen as demand. What you can and should do, it tell her how much it hurts you when she has contact with him. Factual, not judgemental. So it's, "I feel ______when you see OM."

NOT, "You're so selfish and don't care how much it hurts me..." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

She just found out her fater in Alabama has some very seriouse health problems and I'm afraid going to Plan B right now may seem like I am abandoning her.

Yes, it would. And this is a great opportunity to rack up points.

She has told me that the OM just isn't making any love band deposits (not her words, but the general idea) and she is slowly letting him slip away. My question is, should I continue on to Plan B anyway?

I would stay with Plan A, but really add the honesty level. How well do you know her needs? Has she indicated what it is that OM does for her that you were not?

I have read that I should not go to Plan B until my love bank balance is very low, and right now I don't feel myself having any hateful feelings for her.

I think that answers your question. She's rethinking the A, and you have the energy. Do you have a good Plan A plan? Would you like help with one?

Should I take advantage of the OM's lack of attention to her and make as many deposits as I can as quickly as I can? I do feel I could Plan A for a while longer before losing my love for her.


I can find her a place to stay that I could afford. So many questions, so few brain cells.

Did you ever read Agatha Christie? Detective Poirot always talked about the "grey matter." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Anyway, this is what I would ask Harley. My first instinct is to say move back home. But I need to think on that a bit. There' pros for ending the affair and cons in terms of recovery. Ask me again, after it ferments in my grey matter.

Her own sister thinks I should just give up on her, but I don't think I'm ready to do that just yet. Besides, she's 17, so doesn't she know everything?

Yeah, taking advice from a 17yo girl probably isn't your best bet!! LOL

I am thinking of keeping Plan A going for a short while longer.

If you have the energy and the will to do it, given where the A is, I think it's an excellent idea. But I also think you need to have a really well put together Plan A, not a shotgun approach but focused and detailed.

To B, or not to B. That is my question.

Very cute!

Hope that helps. I'll check here over the next couple days if you like. Just let me know what questions you have.

Thank you Cerri:). You're great. You're H is lucky to have such a wise woman at his side(can you tell I'm kissing up <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> ). First, I would love some more thoughts on how to work a good plan A. I'm doing my best, but I feel like I keep mucking it up. As for the EN's that OM is meeting, we have talked about it but she can't seem to identify what he does (or just won't tell me about it). She says "he just has a way of talking to me that makes me feel really good about myself." <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> I suppose "Ilove you now more than ever" and "I really want you to be part of my/our life forever" were'nt enough for her. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> Anyway, thanks Cerri, you've been a great help. Hope to hear again on your Plan A ideas. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> By the way, just reread my post and my spelling <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> , I am quite ashamed. Sorry. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Hi MTD...

Did I ever tell you I really like the name? Is it after the song by KC and Jojo? That was our first "our song."

[bThank you Cerri:). You're great. You're H is lucky to have such a wise woman at his side(can you tell I'm kissing up <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> ). [/b]

As I tell my children all the time.... flattery will get you everywhere!! LOL

First, I would love some more thoughts on how to work a good plan A. I'm doing my best, but I feel like I keep mucking it up.

Can you give me a list of what you have been doing? As detailed as possible?

Also, talk to me about any LBers that she has identified as being a problem. It doesn't do a whole lot of good to be meeting needs and making deposits if you're spending them away at the same time..... A description that sounds sadly like my checkbook!!

As for the EN's that OM is meeting, we have talked about it but she can't seem to identify what he does (or just won't tell me about it). She says "he just has a way of talking to me that makes me feel really good about myself."

Oh yeah.... this I get. Ok, so we're definitely going to put conversation close to the top of the list. AND we're going to note that it is full of friends of good conversation, and lacking enemies of conversation.

Are you ready for homework???

I suppose "Ilove you now more than ever" and "I really want you to be part of my/our life forever" were'nt enough for her.

Nope. That actually goes under the heading of affection. Which I suspect she has a need for as well, most women do. So it goes on the default list until proven otherwise.

But here's the touchy thing about women and affection. As much as they may need it, it's a very intimate need. So if she's not feeling connected to you, then you have to do it gradually and in a way that does not feel intrusive to her. Pouring it on too strongly can feel like someone standing too close. It's uncomfortable. So, we'll start with little non-threatening gestures.

Am I right in thinking you don't have children? How are you handling finances? It seems you are still supporting her in some way? Does she respond to admiration?

Take a look at the ENq... or at the very least the list of EN's and give me your best guess as to what her top 6 would be.

Ok, so list of EN's, list of LBers (yours), list of what you've been doing, and then we have a place to start.

By the way, just reread my post and my spelling <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> , I am quite ashamed. Sorry.

My kids call me the spelling and grammar police. But with long nails and a notebook keyboard, the typos just seem to have take on a life of their own. I just blame it on the blonde thing. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Hi, Cerri <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> . Sorry I've been away. Here is the info you wanted. As for my name, yes it is. Very good, you're the first person to notice. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" /> As for Plan A, I've just gone back to the basics, the things I did when we first got married; buying cards and flowers ets., taking walks in the park, going to see a movie, and waiting on her pretty much hand and foot. The only LB's I can see are that I have a tendancy to dwell on the R's with the OM, especially OM#1 who was a good "friend" of mine. And yes, I believe my LB deposit/withdraw ratio is much better than my checkbook also. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> Yes, I know conversation is a big one for her, but the content of the conversation is a tough one to crack. She won't go into what they talk about. I know he says things to her that make her feel absolutely wonderful, but I have no idea WHAT. Also, as it turns out, while conversation is very high on her EN's list, it is very low on mine so I am having a difficult time adapting to this. Going to back and check out the compatability section after I post this. Yes, I am SO ready for some homework <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> Her EN's as best I can see (she won't do the quest., she thinkst they are silly) are (no particular order) conversation, affection, admiration would be the biggest ones (her self-esteem is VERY low). The biggest LB's would be my talking about OM's, I have a tendancy to interrupt her when talking, and a few bad habits that have greatly improved in the last few weeks. This is all I can think of so far (like I said, so few brain cells), but I will let you know if anything important pops in <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Thanks again Cerri, you are terrific. (sucking up again) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
]Hi, Cerri <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

As for my name, yes it is. Very good, you're the first person to notice.

I have one of those weird memories. Like an encyclopedia, but don't ask me where my shoes or car keys are, cuz I have no idea!!

As for Plan A, I've just gone back to the basics, the things I did when we first got married; buying cards and flowers ets., taking walks in the park, going to see a movie, and waiting on her pretty much hand and foot.

Ok, so we need some definite actions that you will do on a regular basis, and a ckecklist to keep you on track.

The only LB's I can see are that I have a tendancy to dwell on the R's with the OM, especially OM#1 who was a good "friend" of mine.

Bringing up anything that's in the past, like OM1 is off limits. Well, unless there is still contact. Is there?

Dwelling on mistakes of the past is a big LBer. It could be considered and AO, in terms of it being punishing. If the action is truly in the past, (unlike an ongoing A) then the only way you can bring it up in the present is to negotiate for change. When we talk specifics, we'll talk about how that works.

Yes, I know conversation is a big one for her, but the content of the conversation is a tough one to crack. She won't go into what they talk about. I know he says things to her that make her feel absolutely wonderful, but I have no idea WHAT.

It's not just the "what" it's the "how" as well. And we can work on that. I would suggest that if you have some time today that you tune into Oprah... is she still on?.... and take notes on how she talks to her guests. Note the eye contact, the engagement, the participation and the being present entirely with the other person. This is your first assignment. Report back to me what you see.

Going to back and check out the compatability section after I post this.

There's a compatibilty section??

Her EN's as best I can see (she won't do the quest., she thinkst they are silly) are (no particular order) conversation, affection, admiration would be the biggest ones (her self-esteem is VERY low).

Those are common for women. How do you know her SE is low?

The biggest LB's would be my talking about OM's, I have a tendancy to interrupt her when talking, and a few bad habits that have greatly improved in the last few weeks.

Do the conversation assignment, and let me think about putting some other ideas together. How much time are you spending with each other having fun? That's going to be next on the list.

Later..... I'll post back with some more detailed thoughts tonight or tomorrow.

I have one of those weird memories. Like an encyclopedia, but don't ask me where my shoes or car keys are, cuz I have no idea!!

Are you kidding, it took me 40 mins to find my toothbrush this morniing!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Ok, so we need some definite actions that you will do on a regular basis, and a ckecklist to keep you on track.

You mean other something other than what I'm doing? A checlist...I can do that.

Yes, I know talking about OM's is a big LB. I am actually getting quite better about that one, mostly because she is more open with me about them. I never ask for the "gory details". When we do talk about them, I ask only about her feelings; before and after and what she was thinking about...that kind of thing. Like I said she is very open and I never get angry during these any more. As for OM#1, there was accidental contact when he came by me house. You see, he wasn't aware that I knew about the A's. Needless to say, he left VERY quickly. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Yes, I did my "homework" Mrs. Cerri, I watched Ophra. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> I did learn something. I am a horrible conversationalist. I never realized it before. As I said, conversation is at the bottom of my list of EN's, so I never really thought it important to build my skills in this area. I'm a good talker, but I don't listen for kaka. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

By the way, she's always had a low self-esteem. She's built up a tough exterior over the years, but in her heart she is very insecure about herself. Fall into her admiration EN maybe?

Anxiously awaiting your wisdom oh great one (there I go again <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> ).
Ya'll have this sad but true picture of me never moving from computer and not sleeping doncha??? LOL

Are you kidding, it took me 40 mins to find my toothbrush this morniing!!

Well, I was going to say that I never lose my toothbrush, but then I remembered that one time, and that other time and then the time that........................

You mean other something other than what I'm doing? A checlist...I can do that.

Yep, and tomorrow, I'll have some concrete things to put on it. Tonight my brain is mush from finally finishing my web site, meeting with the program director for a family continuing ed organization about teaching some relationship classes, and most of all from watching two kids' football games..... ewwwwwww.

Yes, I know talking about OM's is a big LB. I am actually getting quite better about that one, mostly because she is more open with me about them. I never ask for the "gory details". When we do talk about them, I ask only about her feelings; before and after and what she was thinking about...that kind of thing. Like I said she is very open and I never get angry during these any more.

But she is still seeing him.... them..... right? And you are not living together but she spends time at your house? No kids?

As for OM#1, there was accidental contact when he came by me house. You see, he wasn't aware that I knew about the A's. Needless to say, he left VERY quickly.

Is she still seeing him too?

Yes, I did my "homework" Mrs. Cerri, I watched Ophra.

Good job!!!!! Oh and that would be Ms. Cerri <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> I haven't entirely abandoned by xtreme feminsit ways... LOL

Write this down, it will go on your plan that we'll talk about tomorrow, but you can think about it now. Watch again, maybe a couple days over the next week. Write down phrases that she uses that show interest, engagement, attention, and that keep the conversation moving. Also, any other conversational techniques that you observe as showing the other person that they are interesting and heard. Be as specific as possible. See how many you can come up with... post the list here.

I did learn something. I am a horrible conversationalist. I never realized it before.

Excellent!!! Having awareness is the essential first step in making changes. While we're at it, read the link here about conversation re: WH. I think there's also a link to learning how to meet that need. Read that also. Add to your Oprah list things that you find are particularly fitting for you.


As I said, conversation is at the bottom of my list of EN's, so I never really thought it important to build my skills in this area.

Well then my young Jedi, it is time we turned our attention to that matter...... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

By the way, she's always had a low self-esteem. She's built up a tough exterior over the years, but in her heart she is very insecure about herself.

You didn't answer my question of how you know this?

Fall into her admiration EN maybe?

Quite possibly, but even those with healthy SE can have a need for Adm.

b]Anxiously awaiting your wisdom oh great one (there I go again <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> ).[/b]

It would be more likely to go to my head if I didn't have teenagers who delight in letting me know that I'm an idiot and know nothing about anything!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> Well, that and the fact that I can't find my new house keys.... sigh.......

Back in the morning to talk about honesty, infidelity, and affection. There's a combination!

No, I guess the other link is just to an ad for HN/HN. BTW, which if any of the Harley books do you have?

Let me know before I post a bunch of stuff I could just as easily have you read by referencing the page numbers!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />


Ok, I'm awake now <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Here's what I suggest you do, and report back to me on Tuesday.

1. Watch at least 2 more interviewing type shows. Write down phrases that keep the conversation going, show engagement and participation.
Write down other things the interviewer does to let the other person know that what she/he is saying is important and heard... body language, eye contact, etc.
I would not reccomend late night shows like Letterman or what's his name... oh yeah Leno... they are very bad conversationalists, tend to interrupt and blow off their guests.

2. If you do not have any Harley books, order one. My number one suggestion is SAA. If you call the radio show, they'll send you one for free.

3. Read anything you can find on affection, honesty and infidelity here on this site. Use the search feature.

4. List some things you can do every day that you think will meet her need for affection. Detailed: what, how often, when

5. Think about what your deadline for Plan A is going to be

6. Fill me in on the status with OM... she was backing off a bit?

7. Maintain the status quo for the weekend if you can. No RT's, no LBers, be as pleasant as possible. We need to talk about honesty in terms of when your spouse in having an affair. We'll do that next week.

I see that you have 3 boys. I guess that's the very best reason to do everything we can. I'm leaning towards a short Plan A unless there are radical changes soon.

Remember, Plan A will not repair or restore your marriage as long as there is contact with the OM. It will only show that you can and will do what needs to be done. When the A ends, the most vulnerable part of the process begins and that is getting a commitment to recovery.

Go back and read my first post to you on this thread. It has some valuable MB info.

C <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Hi Cerri. Sorry it took so long to get back. Been busy. Here is my update for the weekend.

1. Watch at least 2 more interviewing type shows. Write down phrases that keep the conversation going, show engagement and participation.
Write down other things the interviewer does to let the other person know that what she/he is saying is important and heard... body language, eye contact, etc.
I would not reccomend late night shows like Letterman or what's his name... oh yeah Leno... they are very bad conversationalists, tend to interrupt and blow off their guests. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Watching 'till my eyeballs bleed. Watching everything from Oprah, Montell, to Goodmorning America (the interviews), 60 minutes and even Larry King:eek:

2. If you do not have any Harley books, order one. My number one suggestion is SAA. If you call the radio show, they'll send you one for free. </font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial"> </font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I do not have any of the Harley's books, but I will go buy SAA tomorrow.

3. Read anything you can find on affection, honesty and infidelity here on this site. Use the search feature.

Reading, reading, and rereading oh wise one <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

4. List some things you can do every day that you think will meet her need for affection. Detailed: what, how often, when

Ok, things I can do, or did/will do? I'm not very creative, so the list may be short. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

5. Think about what your deadline for Plan A is going to be

Deadline??? I've never considered it. I thought I should just go until my lovebank was getting to low and I was making lots of LB's.

6. Fill me in on the status with OM... she was backing off a bit?

OM #1 is out of picture. OM#2 is occasional contact because he hangs out where she works <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> A is over though. OM#3 is a different story. It is no longer a PA, but she still talks/sees him frequently. He also hangs out where she works. She will not quit her job or commit to NC with OM#3 <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

7. Maintain the status quo for the weekend if you can. No RT's, no LBers, be as pleasant as possible. We need to talk about honesty in terms of when your spouse in having an affair. We'll do that next week.

Ok, no LB's that I know of. What's an RT? Last night was wild. While we were out on "date", we were leaving a resteraunt and actually saw a man hit by a car (he'll be ok). We were first to him and she helped him a great deal (she is a licensed CNA, why she doesn't do this instead of waitressing is beyond me <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> )

I see that you have 3 boys. I guess that's the very best reason to do everything we can. I'm leaning towards a short Plan A unless there are radical changes soon.

Yes, 3 beautiful boys. They are my life now. Keeping focused on them has really helped me keep my sanity through this. What do you mean "radical changes"?? How short of a Plan A?? As always, thanks again Cerri, this means a great deal to me.

BTW, I am still trying to figure out all these dkdksl buttons, so if any of my posting is mucked up, I'm sorry <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . And my grammer and spelling skills are really not this horrible in RL, my typing skills are just THAT bad <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
Ok, now I am REALLY P'ed!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> She just called as I was posting a moment ago to see if she could go out Friday night, if I would watch the kids when I get off, or ask my mother to watch them so she could go out with "friends". These are the same "friends" that encouraged her to go ahead with A's, cuz "it makes you happy, doesn't it?". AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! She told me, "if you let me go out Friday night, then on Sat. night, I will try and get off early so WE can go out". I'm sorry, when did "Let's Make a Deal" come back on the air?? Do I look like Monty Hall?? Please, not even Monty Python would touch that one!!!!

Another question Cerri regarding OM's#1+3, and opening door on A's. Right now, both of our family's know about A's. Her parents are REALLY P'd at her right now. The OMs' familys' don't know right now. OM#3 is married, and as I said, OM#1 was a good friend of mine whose good, CHRISTIAN, mother had me over to dinner a couple times. Should I tell their families? Should I tell OM#3's wife? Should I tell my former friends mother? She would probably through him out of her house <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Can you hear that? That's the sound of me NOT CARING!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> Also, she said OM#3 is in a M that is all but over. But these are his words to her and the story has changed several times. From "they never speak to eachother, EVER!" to "they are still civil because of the situation" to "they do go out once in a while as friends" and finally to "well they still have sex every now and then". Hmm, sounds like a buch of kaka to me <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> According to what he tells her the only reason they are not D'd yet is he owns a house in Virgin Islands he wants to sell before D. He doesn't want her to "get the house". Florida is a no fault state, doesn't that mean that a judge would order the house sold and then split the earnings when it is done. They have no kids together. Also, I believe he owned the house before they were married, so why is he worried? Hmm, more kaka me thinks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> Sorry for the rant, that phone call just P'd me off. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

<small>[ September 15, 2002, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: madly_truly_deeply ]</small>
Morning!!!! (Did I mention I'm one of those really odd people who like Mondays? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Watching 'till my eyeballs bleed. Watching everything from Oprah, Montell, to Goodmorning America (the interviews), 60 minutes and even Larry King

Excellent! Then you should have a good list of phrases and techniques for me!

I do not have any of the Harley's books, but I will go buy SAA tomorrow.

Tell me when you have it.

Reading, reading, and rereading oh wise one

Good, talk to me about the things you are learning. What especially pops out at you?

C: 4. List some things you can do every day that you think will meet her need for affection. Detailed: what, how often, when

MTD: Ok, things I can do, or did/will do? I'm not very creative, so the list may be short.

Post list here: _______ <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Deadline??? I've never considered it. I thought I should just go until my lovebank was getting to low and I was making lots of LB's.

Nope, all the best plans have a goal and a deadline. If you go til your LBnk is totally trashed then when the A ends, YOU will be the one not wanting to reconcile. And that would be a tragedy. We'll set a deadline, and when that time comes we can reevaluate how you are feeling and what your energy level is, and decide how to proceed at that point..... more Plan A or go to Plan B.

OM #1 is out of picture. OM#2 is occasional contact because he hangs out where she works <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> A is over though. OM#3 is a different story. It is no longer a PA, but she still talks/sees him frequently. He also hangs out where she works. She will not quit her job or commit to NC with OM#3

Ok, here's my opinion on this whole affair thing. As the BS we tend to get caught up in ending the A, and then think that things will heal themselves. But as you will see as you read through SAA, that's just not the case. IMO, the MOST vulnerable time is when the A ends.

At that point, you, as the BS, really need to insist on the conditionns for recovery before resuming the relationship. Otherwise, the risk of another A is very great.... as you know by the fact that she is now on #3.

One of the conditions of recovery is that the circumstances that led to the affair(s) be eliminated. That includes LBers, neglect of needs, AND things like her job where she meets and gets to know these men. That condition must be removed, or there is no chance of real recovery.

For my H, part of it was having a job that required travel. He is a senior level engineere in the manufacturing field. When he travelled he paid for sex, lots of it. Strippers, hookers, did the porn thing online at work. One of the things he needed to do was to find a job with NO travel. None. It was non-negotiable. That's pretty tough given what he does, but it was possible.

Ok, no LB's that I know of. What's an RT?

Relationship Talk <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> I made it up! LOL

Last night was wild. While we were out on "date", we were leaving a resteraunt and actually saw a man hit by a car (he'll be ok). We were first to him and she helped him a great deal (she is a licensed CNA, why she doesn't do this instead of waitressing is beyond me

When we get to that point, she will need to change jobs. Right now, it's part of her addiction to finding men to have affairs with. She is "protecting her source" by remaining in that job, and your marriage cannot recover while that continues.

Yes, 3 beautiful boys. They are my life now.

Are there children who are not beatiful?? LOL... Yes I know what you mean. Mine have literally kept me alive when things were really bad.

What do you mean "radical changes"?? How short of a Plan A??

She will need to show some indication that what you are doing is making a difference. That she is willing to end contact and to make adjustments to put your marriage first. I'm thinking 6 months at the very longest, possibly less depending on what happens.

And my grammer and spelling skills are really not this horrible in RL, my typing skills are just THAT bad

That's what we ALL say!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />


<small>[ September 16, 2002, 09:14 AM: Message edited by: cerri ]</small>
Ok, now I am REALLY P'ed!!!!

Good job, coming here to vent.

She just called as I was posting a moment ago to see if she could go out Friday night, if I would watch the kids when I get off, or ask my mother to watch them so she could go out with "friends". These are the same "friends" that encouraged her to go ahead with A's, cuz "it makes you happy, doesn't it?".

What did you say?

AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!! She told me, "if you let me go out Friday night, then on Sat. night, I will try and get off early so WE can go out". I'm sorry, when did "Let's Make a Deal" come back on the air?? Do I look like Monty Hall?? Please, not even Monty Python would touch that one!!!!

Well, I understand why you are upset. But, she does have the right ideal in negotiating for what she wants. That's really what MB is all about. However the primary rule is that you both must be happy with all aspects of the trade at the same time.

So, trading something that would make her happy but you unhappy just doesn't cut it. That's called sacrifice, and it's not the way to marital bliss.

So, the appropriate thing to do in this case is:

1. Thank her for asking you how you felt about it.... I know, she didn't really, but let's plant the seed anyway.

2. Tell her honestly how you feel. No.... that doesn't mean saying, "How could you ASK such a thing... you know I hate those people.... they did things to destroy our family!!"
THAT is an AO and disrespectful.

How you feel is... "I'm really uncomfortable with that idea. I don't like that they encouraged your relationships with other men, and that makes me afraid for the future."

3. Ask if she would be willing to think of solutions that would work for both of you. Some that come to mind is that you both go out with her friends, she goes for only an hour and checks in with you when she gets home, you invite her friends over to your house for drinks and snacks....... There are an infinite number of ways to handle this if you are both willing to work towards the same outcome... which is that you are both happy at the same time with the solution.

Should I tell their families?

If there is still contact, maybe. Have you talked to any of the men themselves? I think a good place to start is to tell them that you love your wife, that you have children toether, that you will do whatever it takes to make the marriage work, and that they are hindering that. Appeal to whatever ethics they might have. It doesn't always work, but sometimes it does. No man wants to get caught with his pants down and the husband in his face!!

Should I tell OM#3's wife?

Absolutley. She is an ally.

[b[]Should I tell my former friends mother? She would probably through him out of her house[/b]

Yes, especially if you think she will read him the riot act on the ethics of intruding on your marriage.

Also, she said OM#3 is in a M that is all but over. But these are his words to her and the story has changed several times.

That's the normal course of events in the stories that get told. I still would tell his wife. I doubt she knows the marriage is all but over! She may have a whole different view of things!

Sorry for the rant, that phone call just P'd me off.

Better here than at her!! That's what this place is for.

Now, back to homework for you grasshopper. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Hiya, Cerri:) Just more updates I forgot to post. My WW moved back in with me this past week. Not because of reconciliation, but because she just had nowhere else to go. I'm not complaining. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Also, we talked to her parents about helping her out, so they now know the whole story also. And boy did they hit the roof. They laid into her really hard, much harder than I ever did even. Her parents think very highly of me, but I thought it strange they were very forgiving of my mistakes, but really hit W hard for hers. Not the way I would've done it, but I'm not her parents. Anyway, they refused to help her until she quits her current job and cuts it off with OM(#3). Don't know if I agree or not. On one hand, I would love nothing better for her to quit her job and end her relationship, on the other hand they were really brutal on her and may have only made things worse in my opinion. But again, I'm not her parents. Anyhow, not sure if any of this is important, but I wanted to keep you as informed as possible <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> By the way, I forgot to mention how proud I was of her of the way she handled the accident I mentioned in my previouse post. She really took charge and kept things under control until authorities got there. And yes, I told her how proud I was also. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

And where are those assignments that you are supposed to have today????????

My WW moved back in with me this past week. Not because of reconciliation, but because she just had nowhere else to go. I'm not complaining.

No!!! Me either, this gives you a good chance to work hard on your Plan A. But it also makes it all that much more important that you monitor how you are feeling, and that you eliminate LBers.

Anyway, they refused to help her until she quits her current job and cuts it off with OM(#3). Don't know if I agree or not.

HUH???? What's not to agree with??? That is the very best thing they could do for you, and what I wish all parents of WS's would do. It's the only ethical response. I'm impressed. Don't undermine that gift!!

On one hand, I would love nothing better for her to quit her job and end her relationship, on the other hand they were really brutal on her and may have only made things worse in my opinion.

Well, she may have felt badly about being beaten up, but soooo???? She should feel badly, and she should hear that what she is doing is absolutely non-negotiably unacceptable! And not just from you. Friends and family should take a stand that says we love you, but we will not tolerate nor enable this thing that you are doing.

Heck, if my family and friends had done that when I had the A, I might still be married to the father of my kids. Yeah, I might have been angry, and I might have ended some relationships, but their refusal to enable what I was doing might have caused me to stay in my marriage. And that would have been a greater gift of love than looking away.

Anyhow, not sure if any of this is important, but I wanted to keep you as informed as possible

Very important. I think that your position should be that you are grateful for their support of your marriage and your family. And that you will continue to do everything you can to be the husband she's always wanted.

Now, if she does indeed quit her job and end contact, you need to be prepared for the withdrawal... No doubt you've been reading about that in the assignments I've been giving you??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

She really took charge and kept things under control until authorities got there. And yes, I told her how proud I was also.

Very, very excellent. Good job. Feel free to tell her again when it crosses your mind and she's around.

Now about those lists you should have for me?????

Hiya, Cerri. Sorry I'm late. The dog ate my homework. Actually, I've just been busy. Lot's of LB's the last couple of days. Mostly today.

On to my homework first. Watched lots and lots of interview type shows. Oprah was the biggest help (can't believe I'm saying this <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ). Larry King wasn't much help as his interviews were more like interrogations <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> . But here's what I've gotten so far. I don't think it's so much what you say, but how I direct the conversation. There were phrases; "What did/would you do?", "How do you feel about that?", "What do you think should have happened?", "Do you think that A had anything to do with B?". It would appear to be a matter of directing the conversation around the person and their thoughts/feelings. Like I said, Oprah was the best, Montel was pretty helpful too though. Not sure if this was what you were looking for, but the best get so far. I'll keep watching, I've got a long way to go. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

Her needs for affection are just the simple things. I've gotten back into telling her not just how much I love her, but also how proud I am of her. How much I really want her in my life. I try to be careful to remain somewhat detatched, so she doesn't get the idea I can't live without her. I do have some self respect left. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> I also try to remind her what a great mother she is. One item I try to harp on so to speak is what a great W she was and COULD be again, even better so than before. Sometimes I get the idea that with me trying to build her SE, she starts to get it into her head that I must try to "win" her back. I don't believe that is the case, is it?? You asked me before about her SE and how I knew it is low. It always has always been low. She is constantly worried about how she looks, her weight etc..., she won't even think about leaving the house unless she has her makeup on. She is forever looking in the mirror worried about what other people will say when they look at her. I am pretty confident that the OM's played on this EN to get what they needed. I'm by no means excusing her actions, but it may provide some insight to the root of the problems. She has been a victim of abuse for much of her life, emotional, physical, and sexual. Mostly by family members. This is probably where the SE problems are mostly derived from.

Now, as for my LB's. Had a huge one today. OM#3 is striving to be a singer, and he gave my W a demo disk with some sample songs on it. She thinks it sounds great, to me it's crap. But the really bad part is that the third track on the CD was OUR WEDDING SONG!!!!!!!! Naturally, my male ego took over and I turned it into a huge argument about respect, and how our marriage was a complete sham at this point, and why do we even bother saving it...etc..etc... Then I told her (hang on to your hats <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ) that if he was so great, and such a wonderful singer, and made her feel so da**** good, she should just go get her freak on with him and forget about me and the kids. She should just move to Georgia with him like he wanted her to. I wonder if he told this one to his W? Maybe I'll save him the trouble <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Anyway, I know this was a huge LB, but she was actually the one to apologize and smooth it over this time. And we actually had a good talk once the yelling was done and over with, so maybe it wasn't a complete loss. I still feel pretty bad about picking a fight though. I've been really good about it so far, pretty disappointed in myself to tell you the truth. Ok, I've done my homework, as well as I could, and it may not seem like much, but I did get a lot out of it.

As always, thanks Cer, you're great <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> (what, me suck up???)
Sorry I'm late. The dog ate my homework.

You forget, I have children... teenagers at that.... you can't use that excuse with me!!

But here's what I've gotten so far. I don't think it's so much what you say, but how I direct the conversation. There were phrases; "What did/would you do?", "How do you feel about that?", "What do you think should have happened?", "Do you think that A had anything to do with B?". It would appear to be a matter of directing the conversation around the person and their thoughts/feelings.

Yes, Oprah is excellent. So, I'd like you to get some notecards and write those phrases on them. Carry them with you.... cut the cards in half to make them smaller and more portable if you like. Number the cards. Look at them frequently.

Also, take a sheet of notebook paper and number it down the side with the same number of cards that you have. Make 7 columns, one for each day of the week.

Now, twice a day, look at your cards and your accounting sheet, and make a note of how many times you are using each phrase in conversation with your wife.

It sounds like a lot of work, but without a quantifiable plan that shows measurements, you cannot hope to know that you are staying on track. Good intentions are great, but the proverbial road to hell is paved with them.... or so I hear.... I personally don't believe in hell, but that's another story. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

I'll keep watching, I've got a long way to go.

Practice time.... grasshopper....

Her needs for affection are just the simple things. I've gotten back into telling her not just how much I love her, but also how proud I am of her.

Well the one is affection and the other is admiration. But both are cool so go with it. You seem to have an intuitive grasp of the fact that she needs to hear that SHE is special to you. Not just that you want her there to meet your needs, or to be a parent, or because she is female.... but because she is herself. This is a really important ingredient for women, especially when it comes to affection

How much I really want her in my life. I try to be careful to remain somewhat detatched, so she doesn't get the idea I can't live without her. I do have some self respect left.

And that is gaining you what?????? You can have all the self respect in the world, but is it going to snuggle up with you at night???? Let her know that you do need her, and that you want her. Sure you can live without her, you did. But she needs to know that you want her there with you.

I also try to remind her what a great mother she is.


One item I try to harp on so to speak is what a great W she was and COULD be again, even better so than before.

This might border on disrespect. I would be careful with this concept. I think the idea that you want to get across is that YOU will be the husband she's always wanted, and together you will create a lifestyle that you both find wonderful... at the same time.

Sometimes I get the idea that with me trying to build her SE, she starts to get it into her head that I must try to "win" her back. I don't believe that is the case, is it??

Well, to a certain extent, it is. I would guess that if I could talk to her, I would find out that you were not meeting her most important EN's and that in addition you were doing things that were offensive or painful to her.

Now, having an A... much less more than one.... is NOT the ethical way to address those things. And the fact that she was unhappy with the state of the M is no excuse. Ever.

But Plan A is about showing that you are willing and able to make the changes necessary for her to be happy in the M.

I think I said this to you in my first post. Plan A will not restore love to your marriage, nor will it heal it. The A needs to end, there needs to be n/c, and conditions of recovery need to be laid out. Only then will you have love rebuilt. It takes about 2 years from the time the A ends.

You asked me before about her SE and how I knew it is low. It always has always been low. She is constantly worried about how she looks, her weight etc..., she won't even think about leaving the house unless she has her makeup on. She is forever looking in the mirror worried about what other people will say when they look at her.

Well, when I was in my 20's I was very much that way too. I would be careful to believe that you know the inner workings of her mind though. (I'm very guilty of this.... I'm always certain I know what H is thinking/feeling and why... now I've learned to just not SAY it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) But, as I was saying, what you may take for SE issues, could be something totally different such as anxiety.

Try this for a couple of weeks. No labels. View her in the moment only. So, for instance, in one moment in time she may be very self-confident... like at the accident scene. And in another she may be less so. Each of those ways of presenting herself is true. She is both confident and timid. She is a multi-faceted person who changes in conjunction with the events around her. Allow that. Remove the labels.

I am pretty confident that the OM's played on this EN to get what they needed. I'm by no means excusing her actions, but it may provide some insight to the root of the problems. She has been a victim of abuse for much of her life, emotional, physical, and sexual. Mostly by family members. This is probably where the SE problems are mostly derived from.

How awful for her!!! Been there, BTW. So I understand perhaps some of what she carries around. Yes, he probably listened to her stories, told her that he would love her no matter how damaged she felt, and convinced her that he saw only the beautiful parts. That's his Giver kicking in big time. If the fantasy relationship came to an end and he had to deal with her in real life, then he would have a much different outlook.

Naturally, my male ego took over and I turned it into a huge argument about respect, and how our marriage was a complete sham at this point, and why do we even bother saving it...etc..etc... Then I told her (hang on to your hats <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ) that if he was so great, and such a wonderful singer, and made her feel so da**** good, she should just go get her freak on with him and forget about me and the kids. She should just move to Georgia with him like he wanted her to. I wonder if he told this one to his W? Maybe I'll save him the trouble.

Ok, if you are going to do Plan A, then you need to be able to express how you feel, without going to this place. (Oh, and I've been there too..... the yelling the screaming the disrespect.... I think I have the gold medal!!!!)

So, what could you have done differently? First I think you need to learn to walk away. Find a way to relax and cool off when you start to get impatient. DO NOT wait until you are at the point of blowing up. By then it's too late. Think..... frustration.... walk away. Do you know that when you become really angry, the part of your brain that takes over has not developed past the age of 2???? So you are literally a 2yo having a temper tantrum.

Once you have calmed down, and I would give this AT LEAST half an hour, then you can come back and talk about how you feel. Which is what??? Offended that the cd is even in your home?? Hurt? Sick to your stomach? Afraid? All of those things are about you. You don't have the right to insist that she do anything, including get rid of the evil thing, but you have the right and the obligation to talk about how you feel.

I'm wondering why on earth you even listened to it???? Why would you put yourself in that kind of a position? It only hurts you, and as you found out, led to something that did damage to your M.

Anyway, I know this was a huge LB,

Ya think????? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

And we actually had a good talk once the yelling was done and over with, so maybe it wasn't a complete loss.

Ok, lecture number 1, paragraph 1: There is no place for anger in marriage. It is abuse. It stems from a belief that we have the right to tell someone else what to do. so fights are a no no. The biggest taboo. Learn these simple steps: 1. Close mouth. 2. Walk away.

Losing your temper is always damaging. And you can't afford that. Your Taker is looking out for your best interests, but the strategies it uses... demands, disrespect, and anger are not in your best interests.

Ok, I've done my homework, as well as I could, and it may not seem like much, but I did get a lot out of it.

Good, that's what we're after. Did you get SAA? Let me know when you do.

As always, thanks Cer, you're great

And did you know I'm always right too???? LOL LOL LOL LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Hello Cerri <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Just wanted to keep you updated on what's going on.

And did you know I'm always right too???? LOL LOL LOL LOL [Big Grin]

Can't argue with you there. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> (sucking up again)

Ordered SAA online today. Should have it in a couple of days (I priority mailed it).

Doing what you said with the cards and stuff. I have a lot to learn, but it's working. Not only are we talking more, but we have more meaningful conversations as well. I can tell it means a lot to her that I am listening.

One item I try to harp on so to speak is what a great W she was and COULD be again, even better so than before.

I can see how this would be disrespectful. I have steered away from things like this. Instead I try to focus on what a great mother she is (she really is ya know). I have also made sure to tell her repeatedly not just how much I love her, but WHY I love her. I think these are some things she was missing. I simply took it for granted she would always know <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> .

She is a great mother, and a great W (except for the obvious) and I really do want her with me for life.

Haven't LB's since the incident in the car. Wow, looking back, I really was acting like a two year old <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . I have apologized to her and explained to her that I know how I responded was childish and wrong. She seemed to appreciate that also. She really is a wonderful woman with so much to offer, I wish she would see it in herself. She has this view of herself as this big ugly monster who doesn't deserve to be happy.

I would also like to add that things are really starting to look up this last week or so. Despite the fight in the car, we have really been connecting again. I even catch her looking at me sometimes like she hasn't in a long time. It gives me hope for our future together. I know it doesn't mean we will make it, but it gives me hope none-the-less. Also, she hasn't seen OM in over a week, and hasn't had a meaningful conversation in much longer. I am not pushing for NC yet, but it may happen on it's own. Like I said the relationship was not very good by the time I found out anyway. She still goes through some withdraw though. She doesn't say it, but I can see it. Things like the CD and others. She still talks about him a little, but not nearly as fondly as she was 8 weeks ago. I know it doesn't actually mean it's over, and the only thing I have to go on is her word <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> (and my snooping). But she has been completely honost these last few weeks and it means alot to her that I am believe her. She knows I still snoop, but she understands why. She stil apreciates that when I can't find something out on my own, I am happy to take her word on it. We both still have a lot of work to do, but I can't help but be optomistic. She really likes the changes she sees in me, and so do I. Her changes are coming, though much more slowly. I understand that though. I have put up with this much, I can be a little more patient. She has begun searching for another job also. One more suited to her abilities. I know this is hard for her, I will be as patient and supportive as I can. The LB'ing has been cut down considerably on my part. She knows that I honostly credit her for helping me become the person I am now, and I keep telling her we can help eachother become better yet.

Ok, I'm rambling now, so I'm going to give it a rest tonight. I will be back when my thoughts are more in order <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> and I can post something more important.

Anything you would like to kow that may help? I'll be here <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

BTW-I ordered SAA online today, and priority mailed it. Will let you know as soon as it comes in (should be a couple of days).
BAH!! You'd think by now I would know how to use all these stupid little buttons.
Good morning!!!

Ordered SAA online today. Should have it in a couple of days (I priority mailed it).

Good job!!! Let me know when you get it.

Doing what you said with the cards and stuff. I have a lot to learn, but it's working. Not only are we talking more, but we have more meaningful conversations as well. I can tell it means a lot to her that I am listening.

Woooo hoooooo!!!!! That is sooooo excellent!!!!! As you find things that are working particularly well, mark those cards somehow or add a new one if it's something you stumble on that you don't already have. I am soooooo pleased to hear that.

[/b]I can see how this would be disrespectful. I have steered away from things like this. Instead I try to focus on what a great mother she is (she really is ya know). I have also made sure to tell her repeatedly not just how much I love her, but WHY I love her. I think these are some things she was missing. I simply took it for granted she would always know[/b]

Good. Women really need to know that they are loved because they're special. That SHE is the one you want, not just any warm body to feed the kids and take up half the bed. I told Persistant to get a couple of disgusting romance novels and read those for inspiration.

Single men with lots of girlfriends know this instinctively. No woman wants to hear that there needs to be a Plan for falling in love. She wants to be swept off her feet and to believe that you find her so irresistable that you can't be away from her. Think along those lines.

She is a great mother, and a great W (except for the obvious) and I really do want her with me for life.

Sounds like you are feeling better about everything too!

I would also like to add that things are really starting to look up this last week or so. Despite the fight in the car, we have really been connecting again. I even catch her looking at me sometimes like she hasn't in a long time.

THAT is what I want to hear. The look never lies. Now, you should know that as you recover and begin to restore those feelings of love, that they will come and go. There will be days that she feels in love with you, and days when she doesn't. Might even swing back and forth during the course of one day. That's normal and to be expected. Continue with meeting needs and avoiding LBers.

It gives me hope for our future together. I know it doesn't mean we will make it, but it gives me hope none-the-less. Also, she hasn't seen OM in over a week, and hasn't had a meaningful conversation in much longer. I am not pushing for NC yet, but it may happen on it's own.

A n/c agreement really should be in place. Let's see what happens with the job thing.

Like I said the relationship was not very good by the time I found out anyway. She still goes through some withdraw though. She doesn't say it, but I can see it. Things like the CD and others. She still talks about him a little, but not nearly as fondly as she was 8 weeks ago.

It takes anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months to get though w/d. she's doing well.

She knows I still snoop, but she understands why. She stil apreciates that when I can't find something out on my own, I am happy to take her word on it. We both still have a lot of work to do, but I can't help but be optomistic.

One thing I think you could talk about a long these lines is accountability. That you each know where the other is 24/7. You exchange schedules and update them as needed. There should also be full accountability for money. And it needs to work both ways. This is to protect BOTH of you. When there are no secrets it's pretty hard to fall into habits that hurt your spouse.

She really likes the changes she sees in me, and so do I. Her changes are coming, though much more slowly. I understand that though. I have put up with this much, I can be a little more patient.

This is a really good place for you to be. There's lot to be done, but you are certainly on the right track.

She has begun searching for another job also. One more suited to her abilities. I know this is hard for her, I will be as patient and supportive as I can.

Wow!!! Way cool. I wonder if her parents kick in the butt did some good too?

BTW-I ordered SAA online today, and priority mailed it. Will let you know as soon as it comes in (should be a couple of days).

If you ordered it from MB it should come pretty quickly. The Harleys are excellent about getting that stuff out. I'll have some suggestions for how to read it, so let me know when it come. And if you don't have a highlighter..... go buy one.... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

BAH!! Cerri, I did it again. I'm not sure if what I did was so wrong though. You tell me what you think. I was at the grocery store after work (I was going to by my W a card) when I ran into OM#3. He didn't see me. I was going to confront him as I have been trying to get him for a couple weeks now. He doesn't have a phone, so I just went by his house every now and then but he nor his W was ever home. However, he was with his W, and I was afraid of losing my temper. So since I knew where he lived, instead of confronting him I went his apt and left a note on his door. I told him that I know everything, I don't appreciate what he has done to my family, and I asked him to leave us alone (maybe a little presumptuous. I NEVER wrote anything derogatory or threatening in the letter. I appealed to whatever sense of decency he had left (he's already proven to be a liar and a cheater) and leave my W and my family alone so we could work on our marriage. I even said "please". I said please to a man who was doing the hootchie-cootchie with my W!!! And now she's P'ed at me!! Maybe she has a right to be, but I don't care. She's spent the last 2 years being selfish and doing what felt good to her to make her happy. This was my turn. This was my slamming the door in his face. I told you she hasn't seen him in a week. She told me today she doesn't want to see him anymore. Why did she get mad them?? She is afraid his W will find it first. I hope she does. She has a right to know. I asked her if his W doesn't care like she says, then what does it matter. She says she is worried he will come to her job and create a scene and get her fired. I think she is trying to protect him and still cares what he thinks of her. I maybe wrong. I think she believes everything is going to quietly slip away and nobody will have to deal with the consequences of their actions. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> . He has to know he cannot arbitrarily do this and not expect repurcussions.

So PLEASE tell me, Cerri. Am I wrong? Am I just being hateful and selfish? *sigh*

What were you saying about good intentions???

Need input PLEASE!! Have I really screwed up?? I don't think so, but hey, I've been wrong a few (million) times before.

<small>[ September 25, 2002, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: madly_truly_deeply ]</small>
An update on my above LB. After OM read letter he went up to WW's job and they had a very heated argument. Details are sketchy but my understanding is that he left and told her he hates her and never wants to see her again. He said he is going to file charges against me for harrasment, for leaving a letter on his door??? Can he do that?? I seriously doubt it, especially when it will mean providing the note as evidence <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . Now my WW thinks that she just doesn't want a R because of all the problems. She is mad at me becuase he has every right to be upset. I guess sticking one's genitals into my W isn't enough to validate my getting upset. I am just about at the point where if it upsets her so bad she can forget about us and go comfort him.

I guess I should be happy about the end of the R, but I am not happy about her taking his side. I kind of wish his W had found the letter first <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> .

O.K. Cerri, I know I've got it coming so let me have it. I'm a big boy, I can take my medicine. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />
By the way, I did not vent at her as I did in my post. Just had to get it out. Thanks Cer!!
Hate to but in, but...

I confronted the OM here too. My W asked me not to and I complied for a long time. I know it's not for everyone, but I think for some (me!) the confrontation is a necessary step--standing up for yourself, your family. A caveman-ish marking of your territory, too I suppose <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> . I would like to think someday my WW would appreciate that I was willing to stand up for our family, even in a caveman-ish way.

I think the WS is caught between wanting to protect the OP and realizing that they can't. It also brings things that have been secret out into the open. That leaves them (WS) feeling powerless, fearful and that comes out as anger.

It will pass. It's part of what they call "withdrawal" around here.

My W's anger lasted about 1.5 weeks...if that helps.

<small>[ September 24, 2002, 11:04 PM: Message edited by: Riff ]</small>
UGH!! Cant sleep, I am so P'd off right now. Thanks for the input Riff, it does help a bit. Where do either one of them get off being P'd at me. He can screw my W and I'm just supposed to get over it, but I leave a stupid letter and all he** breaks loose?? What kind of BS (not betrayed spouse this time <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> ) is that??? She says she didn't even want to look at me today. She barely said 2 words to me when she got home from work. Then she cried on the way home because of what he said. Maybe I should just let them have eachother. If this is how he acts when I do something, imagine how he can get when SHE p's him off. I hope he does call the police. Think about it. First off, he can't prove it was me because I didnt' use any names in the letter, and since he's already proven HIMSELF a liar and a cheater, how likely are the authorites to believe him? Second, he will have to provide the letter as evidence. I bet he can't wait to do that. Third, and most importantly, I checked with the local authorities and I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!! So to he** with both of them. They deserve eachother. Let them go baste in their own stupid juices for a while and get a dose of reality. You're right Riff. Maybe this was a huge LB, but at this point I don't give a kaka. It is time I stood up for myself. I am tired of being a doormat. I know this isn't good for my M, but right now I really don't care. I will probably feel differently when I've had a chance to sleep on it but right now I don't CARE!!!@ She says she didn't even want to look at me after that, now she knows how I felt after I found out about the A's!! What right do they have to be mad?? He screwed my W for crying out loud. He can't actually expect not to suffer any repurcussions can he?? Is he really that stupid? He claims I threatened him, the closest I came to that was when I said that IN THE BEGINNING WHEN I FIRST FOUND OUT that the only thing protecting him from me was WW. Since almost day 1 I have known where he lives and works, what he drives, what his W drives. And I got it all with almost no effort. He gave me most of it unknowingly. He called my house from work, DUH!! I have caller ID. And it only took few questions around the bar where WW works to find the rest out about him. I love my W, but enough is enough. I want her with me more than anything, but I've had enough of this fog crap. It's time to wake up and smell what they're shoveling. I thought we were ready to try and start a good recovery, but I think maybe it's time for Plan B, or even Plan D. I really don't know if as much as I love/want her, if I can put up with this anymore. I am venting here instead of at her in the hopes I will clear my head by morning and be able to talk to her rationally in the a.m.. Wish me luck. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />
BTW, you're not butting in Riff. I always welcome advice or criticism from anyone. I usually get the latter more often than not but what the heck. It all helps. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
Dude, seriously, you're spinning out of control. Chill.

Your W's reaction is normal, predictable even. I know it's crazy-making, but get a grip. In a week or two, she'll settle down.

Try to keep the lines of communication open. Ask how she's feeling about it. Try to find out why she is angry. She too needs to vent, so try and let her. Make it safe for her to share her feelings with you.

Give yourself a day or however long it takes to cool down first.

Think of it this way, this is a perfect opportunity to prove what a keeper you are and what a LOSER the OM is. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

And if that doesn't work (if you can't get there from here), just back off. Don't let your W's being angry get you all upset. Detach a little...till things improve.

<small>[ September 25, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Riff ]</small>
OK. Got up, took older boys to school. Did my daily workout. Still feel outraged. Have to admit, I think my taker is in complete control right now. And I'm not really caring about it right now. Up all night fuming about this, trying not to LB so I vented here. Got up with kids and took them to school. They usually hava a calming effect when I'm upset like this. I just can't remember being this upset except when I found out about A's. The rage is just overwhelming. WW is still sleeping with baby. Think I will catch a shower and go for a ride. Maybe go and get a milk shake. A real milk shake. Yes, for breakfast even. I think that would be nice. Then I'll come home and take a nap before I go pick the boys up from school. Maybe this will help me relax. I just don't know anymore. Really. Who are they to be P'ed off at me??? When do I get to be P'd off at somebody without it blowing up in my face??

Yup, taker in absolute control right now. Gotta make him step aside for a while. Gonna go now. I will post more later.
Since my taker is in charge now, it has just occured to me that I have spent the last two months apologizing for my mistakes and flaws. She has yet to offer an apology or even ask for forgiveness from me yet. She continually says she feels like a bad person, but no "I'm sorry for what I've done", or "will you ever forgive me?". The closest I have heard yet is "I'm sorry you're hurting". BAH!! HUMBUG!! bunch of kaka to me. poop on it all.

Whoa guys..... I take a day off and all heck breaks loose around here!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Hi, Riff.... pleeztameecha.... I'm Cerri.... infamous witch of the really long thread at JFO. No, really a witch......... never mind......

So then, ya did the confront and ask to butt out thing, did ya??? GOOD FOR YOU!!!! (Didn't expect that, did you??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> )

Telling is great. And his violent reaction is one of the reasons why that is so. Do you think he deposited love units by having a raging public argument with your wife, embarrassing her, and threatening legal action? I think not! I think he showed her an ugly side she didn't know existed.

What about POJA you say??? Well, when a spouse is having an A, or refusing to end contact, then the things you need to do to save your marriage, end the A, preserve your family, are NOT subject to POJA.

Let me state that again: You do not need your spouse to be enthusiastic about the things you do to end the affair.... telling, snooping, confronting, making it public.

Why not? Because the integrity of the marriage has already been breached. The things you do to salvage the remains, with the hope of getting to recovery, are picking up the pieces. They are necessary actions driven by the betrayal of the WS.

You should have confronted him the moment you knew about the A. I would say that you should have told his wife as well. Along with your family, her family, your friends, and your religious leader. Affairs do not do well in the light of day. They are able to function well only in the fanatsy world of secrecy.

So she's mad at you. Bummer for her. She'll get over it. You don't need to apologize for what you did. I would suggest however that you empathize with her about how terribly horrid he was when he came to her workplace.

Express shock and dismay that he could treat her so badly. And whatever you do.. NOT ONE TINY BIT of the anger you are feeling gets directed at her. Dump it here.

Tell her you understand that she is hurting. And let her know that you will be there for her. I suspect that she is feeling a little more of the w/d things, having all this blow up in her face. Wait it out, it will pass. Be supportive, show care, and protection is essential.

Now about the apologizing stuff. Yeah, it's pretty typical that the WS doesn't offer an apology for the pain the BS feels. I'm sorry, I wish it were different, but it seems pretty common. It's part of the fog and the denial about what a terrible thing infidelity is. Try to let it go. I know it's not fair... but nobody said life was going to be fair.

And one more thing. I don't like labels. She's simply your wife. The WW thing will cause your resentment to linger longer than if you drop the label.

Sounds like you thought of some ways to relax and destress. I hope it helps. Let me know if you need anything else. I'll be around here til about 2 my time... CT. Back pretty late tonight though...

You did the right thing, it's not always easy, and sometimes you have to get through the consequences of it, but it was the right thing to do.


Get the book yet???
Oh and..... my standard lecture on the Taker:

The Taker is NOT a bad guy. The Taker is the part of you that watches out for your best interests.

The Giver doesn't give a rat's patooti about what happens to you or how you feel. The Giver would spend you into the poorhouse and put you in the grave just so it can help other people.

Your Taker keeps that from happening. BUT it's the Taker's STRATEGIES that get you into trouble. See the Taker doesn't give a hoot about anyone else. Just wants to make sure that you are fat and happy. So the Taker's instincts are to use demands, disrespect and anger to get what it wants. THAT's where you need to be careful.

So you have these warring polarities going on all the time. And it gets us into trouble when we allow EITHER of them to rule unchecked. When the Giver gets its way at our expense, the Taker will rear its ungly head and start charging about like the proverbial bull in the china shop.

What we need to learn to do is to sit back and see where each wants us to go, and then to use our intelligence to figure out how to keep both sides happy at the same time. And that is a whole new level of fun that you'll be headed for soon!

OMG, where do I begin?? I don't think I got everything I wanted. But I did get what I needed. And here I thought I had gone and flushed it down the crapper. Anyways, here it goes. My W (notice not WW) came in to see me at work today. I dont' know if I've mentioned it before but I had previously left my full time career and kept only a part time job since then. I left my career only partially to work on my M (I left career just before D-day) but I have stayed part time ONLY to work on my M. Anyhow, my W came into my place of employment today to drop off the kids with me before going to work herself. She tells me she needs to talk to me. I (naturally) assume the worst. So I prepare myself to have my heart ripped out of my chest just to watch her dot he Mexican hat dance on it. Instead, she says (she will be moving into new apt. first of month) when she moves in, she would like me to move back in with her!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> She asks if I can leave past behind me. I say I can forgive, but I don't want to forget. Otherwise the lessons we learned and the pain we endured were for nothing. BTW, at this time I am actually restraining myself from doing cartwheels etc... So we talk about it a bit, go to store and pick up a few items. We go back to my POE, swap the kids out, and for the first time in 2 1/2 mos. she tells me she loves me, and what's more, I could see she meant it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . I didn't get the "I'm so sorry", or "I've been such a fool", or anything like that. But I realized that that's not what I'm after. All I was after, and what I got, was for her to look at me the way she did when we got married seven years ago, and an honost-to-God commitment to work on our M. I did indeed get exactly what I needed. I realize we both have a lot of work to do. And some ground work to lay. And I don't think I'm ready to move over to the Recovery board just yet. I'm still working on myself. I like the person I've become/becoming. And more importantly, so does she. We talked a small bit about POJA, and Radical Honosty. But mostly we just basked in the moment. I honostly expected to have to wait much longer before hearing her say these things, and even a part of me expected to have to go to Plan B or even D before I got anywhere near this close. I know that it is entirely possible I am getting my hopes up to high. But just thinking back on the way she looked at me when she said "I love you", I can't help but believe that this is for real. She has agreed to no contact, though she hasn't found a new job yet, so he may show up there again. Hopefully it won't be to start trouble if he does. And don't think for a moment you guys are rid of me yet. You can't be that lucky <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Especially not you Cerri. I'm nowhere near done with you yet. I will have so many questions and problems that will require your omnipotence you may as well just camp out in my front yard <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . But for now, I'll just enjoy the moment. The moment I realized that my efforts were not in vain. It won't be easy, it won't be quick. But if it were, would it realy be worth it anyway? Thanks to all who have helped me already, and to those poor souls who venture into my world to help me in the future (You do realize you're stuck in my world forever right Cerri?) LOL. I have much more to say, but don't know how to say it or even ask the questions I have to ask yet. So I'm going to enjoy my family for a bit, and I'll be back later.
Hi MTD...

Oh dear, dear, dear, dear..... Why do I have to be the bad guy. Oh my.... Oh ooohhhh...

Ok, well here's the thing. The most vulnerable time of repair and recovery for a marriage when there has been an A, is right where you are now.

When the A has ended and the WS wants to reconcile.

You the BS, are so relieved and so happy that at last the hellishness seems to be over and that your spouse actually wants to be part of your life again, that you do things that are not in the best interest of long term recovery.

Living together again without getting a firm commitment to the recovery process is going to backfire on you big time. I wish there was an easier way to say this, or that I didn't have to say it at all, but it's not the thing to do...... yet.

This is the make or break point. This is where you set the stage for real recovery and marriage that can be all you want, or one that is mediocre at best or destroyed by another affair at the worst.

Most marriages that are hit by infidelity do not end in divorce due to the affair. They end in divorce because there is no plan for recovery.

Please, let's talk about this before you jump in. I can help you through this minefield and you can get what you want. But the recovery road is very narrow. You can email me if you want at ..... and be sure to sign up for my newsletter at

BTW... Joan of Arc is me. It's my story. Or part of it, anyway.


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">BTW... Joan of Arc is me. It's my story. Or part of it, anyway.


</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">No wonder that statement of 'most women can't do a long plan A' sounded strangely familiar.

I won't ask why you did the name change (none of my business anyway), I'm just glad that you finally got out of Persistant's never ending thread and joined the rest of us. Your wealth of experience will benefit us tremendously and may also send business your way (hey we all got to make a living, right?).

Thanks again Lone MB Ranger (who was the masked woman riding that white horse?) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I want to back up what Cerri is telling you: don't jump in too fast, if she isn't ready for a recovery plan, then at least put a time-line on the whole thing: don't just leave it hanging in the air, and assume that it will all just "work out", since you both love one another.

My ex, after 6 months of dilly-dallying about after her A, still couldn't decide what she wanted, and still refused conselling. She even refused to read the material I had downloaded off the MB site for her to read. She just wasn't interested, refused to read anything, and believed in her heart that ANY form of counselling or advice would be aimed at HER, and the "wrong" she did in the marriage. Please emphasise with your wife that this is NOT so. Try as far as you can to encourage her, and promise to make effort on YOUR part, to repair the damage YOU caused in the marriage. This might help.

This is really good news. Proceed with cautious optimism.

Well done with the work for far. Good Luck!

Hi TMCM...

No wonder that statement of 'most women can't do a long plan A' sounded strangely familiar.

And if you spent as much time as I do reading and listening to Bill Harley, it would sound even more so!!

I'm just glad that you finally got out of Persistant's never ending thread and joined the rest of us. Your wealth of experience will benefit us tremendously and may also send business your way (hey we all got to make a living, right?).

Out of P's thread???? Heavens no!!! That's my home. You didn't think I was like a real person with a house and all did you??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> LOL

Business would be an amazingly wonderful thing. I often wonder how I'll fit it all in as things heat up here. I've been positioning myself for better exposure, changing my ads, networking, joining organizations that will give me even more visibility. The subscriptions for my newsletter have been pouring in. It's just about ready to send. Gotta make sure it emails ok. Have you signed up yet????


Thanks again Lone MB Ranger (who was the masked woman riding that white horse?) <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> [/QB][/QUOTE]
I'm baaaack. Sorry I've been gone so long Cerri. Taking care of stuff that I've put off toooooooooo long. Not that I procrastinate or anything. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Now that I've got my head out of the clouds, here's how it stands now. All contact with OM('s) is ended. She has made a committment to me, to work on our M. My question is this, what type of plan do we need to begin working on our recovery? I have no idea how to proceed from here. We know what we (both) did wrong, and we both want to spend our lives together. But we're not sure what to do keep the past from repeating itself. We can make promises all day long, but that alone doesn't mean we'll have a happy marriage. I am ecstatic, but not dillusional. Well, not completely dillusional anyway. So, now what?

Why do I have to be the bad guy.

Who? You? Hehe, you've helped to keep me from stripping down butt naked and running down the street screaming "WEEE-OOOHH, WEEE-OOHH". Seriously, I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but thank you. From both of us. My W would like to thank you also. She is here beside me as I type this out (pointing out all my grammatical mistakes as well), and she knows what great support you have been for me, as has everyone here. Even the ones who've never read my thread, just for having the courage to post their own stories. Now, I'm not a very patient person these days so GIMME STUFF. I WANT ANSWERS AND I WANT THEM NOW, NOW, NOW!!!! Please <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> .
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by cerri:
Hi TMCM...
Business would be an amazingly wonderful thing. I often wonder how I'll fit it all in as things heat up here. I've been positioning myself for better exposure, changing my ads, networking, joining organizations that will give me even more visibility. The subscriptions for my newsletter have been pouring in. It's just about ready to send. Gotta make sure it emails ok. Have you signed up yet????
C</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Just be careful with the business not consuming you like it did your ex.

No I haven't signed on yet but as soon as I end this post, I will.

Just be careful with the business not consuming you like it did your ex.

No I haven't signed on yet but as soon as I end this post, I will.

What me??? Get obsessive??? Surely you jest!!!

If you did indeed sign up through my site then I'm having technical troubles.... what a surprise with the way this week and a half have gone..... I have no new signups, and I can't seem to email out of that address either.

Maybe I'll just take the day off???? LOL


Help, I can't find your website. I thought I could find it on my own without asking for directions (typical male behavior eh? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) but I can't. Please point me in the right direction. Thank You.
I'm just glad that you finally got out of Persistant's never ending thread and joined the rest of us.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Cerri leave the Persistent thread!! ha ha ha ha ha ha

Good luck MTD, glad your M is moving in the right direction. I'm interested in hearing the recovery path as well...

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by TooMuchCoffeeMan:

Help, I can't find your website. I thought I could find it on my own without asking for directions (typical male behavior eh? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) but I can't. Please point me in the right direction. Thank You.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">LOL LOL LOL LOL Remind me never to take a road trip with you at the wheel <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

newsletter went this morning, but I'll send you a copy if you get me your email address...
Thanks JoA (see I can keep your secret identity a secret, Cerri, DOH! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ).

I bookmarked it and put my e-mail addy but after I pressed send, I waited, and waited, and waited for confirmation that never came. Tried it a couple of times but again the same thing.

<small>[ October 01, 2002, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: TooMuchCoffeeMan ]</small>
Sorry MTD for hijacking your thread. I feel so Al Quaeda. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by TooMuchCoffeeMan:
<strong>Thanks JoA (see I can keep your secret identity a secret, Cerri, DOH! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ).

I bookmarked it and put my e-mail addy but after I pressed send, I waited, and waited, and waited for confirmation that never came. Tried it a couple of times but again the same thing.

Here's my e-mail addy:</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">There seems to be some delay with the confirmation. I get 2 or 3 feedback forms for every one addy. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

HA!! I really did have a dissociative disorder years ago... so I never really do know who I am!! LOL

I got a confirmation e-mail from you, thanks, and the first copy of the newsletter.

When you said it was a labor of love, you weren't kidding, it's awesome.

The theme of honesty is so right on the money.

MTD where are you???? How are you doing? I'll be gone Wed thru Sunday... so don't panic if I'm not around.

Hello Cerri...I'm here <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . I'm sorry, during the move I didnt' have access to a computer. My dsl service hasn't transferred yet so I'm still using my mommy's PC <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Not much time now, but I'll hop back shortly and update you. Many, many, many, many, etc... (get the idea??) questions for you. Things aren't going badly, but I'm still worried <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> . I am afraid we are already beginning to fall into the same trap. Gotta run, bug ya later. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by madly_truly_deeply:
<strong>Hello Cerri...I'm here <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . I'm sorry, during the move I didnt' have access to a computer. My dsl service hasn't transferred yet so I'm still using my mommy's PC <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Not much time now, but I'll hop back shortly and update you. Many, many, many, many, etc... (get the idea??) questions for you. Things aren't going badly, but I'm still worried <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> . I am afraid we are already beginning to fall into the same trap. Gotta run, bug ya later. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Now tell me you didn't ignore my pleas and move back in together without a recovery agreement???? sigh..........

I told you I'm gone for the rest of the week, right? Ok, good. Back on Monday.

Hi Cer, *sigh*. Not entirely. It's just not a very complete agreement. Honostly, we just weren't sure where to proceed. BTW, my SAA never made it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> . We have some plans for keeping communication open, and we have set aside time every week to spend together and as a family. We are happy with the way things are going, but we're still left with the question "What next?". So, I guess my question to everyone is, What next?...

BTW TMCM, don't worry about hijacking my thread. I like the attention. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by madly_truly_deeply:
<strong>Hi Cer, *sigh*. Not entirely. It's just not a very complete agreement. Honostly, we just weren't sure where to proceed. BTW, my SAA never made it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> . We have some plans for keeping communication open, and we have set aside time every week to spend together and as a family. We are happy with the way things are going, but we're still left with the question "What next?". So, I guess my question to everyone is, What next?...

BTW TMCM, don't worry about hijacking my thread. I like the attention. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Uhhhhh.... so ya coulda asked me!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

I can help you guys with a recovery plan. Is wife on board with the idea? Is she reading posts with you? (Hi Mrs MTD!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> )

I hope Monday is ok?

C-ya then...


Who did you order SAA from? This site? If so call 888.639.1639 and let them know you didn't get it.
Here's your update for the week Cerri. Things are going pretty well. My W is doing a great job of meeting my EN's now. I am trying my best to do the same. I have a questoin however. I have heard that a BS can become ambivelant about reconciliation it they wait too long to move from A to B. What about after reconciliation? In all honosty, I have had a kind of "whatever" attitude towards life the last couple of weeks. Is this common? My W is doing a great job, don't get me wrong, it's just that sometims it seems like I could care less if she tried. I haven't told her how I feel yet becuase I'm not really sure how to explain it. I do love her. I haven't changed my mind or anything. I just feel like it doesn't matter one way or the other. By the way, I found out just after we reconciled about OP#4 <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . But it's not an OM, it's an OW <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . WTF!!!! I don't think that has anything to do with the way I feel right now though. It just seems like she wants things back the way they were. I feel like I have put all this effort into making myself a better husban, but she feels like she does not have to change herself. Actually, I can't say that completely. Maybe the changes are just more subtle and gradual than mine were. After D-day, I changed myself fairly quickly. I already knew what was wrong with myself for the mostpart (at least what I thought was wrong) and what I wanted to make better. I just needed a catalyst. Maybe it's different with her. Any thoughts? I could really use your insight, I know I need to tell her how I feel but I want to be careful how I handle the situation. Look forward ot reading you soon. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Sooooo.... did you ever get your book? And how's the computer situation? Have yours hooked up yet?

My W is doing a great job of meeting my EN's now.

That's great. But what about the other conditions of recovery? N/C? Honesty, Time, Care, and Protection? Are those ironed out? Are you both being accountable for time/whereabouts/money 24/7?

What about after reconciliation? In all honosty, I have had a kind of "whatever" attitude towards life the last couple of weeks. Is this common?

I really don't know if this is common. That's a good question. I wonder if it's the letdown after working so hard and hurting so much? An energy drain so to speak?

Also, how much of that is due to resentment and your Taker popping up?

I could see that you might feel that you worked so hard to get to where you are, and she gets to just waltz back in as if nothing happened. And then your Taker could be suggesting that she needs to meet your needs for a while to even the score?

The thing is, in marriage, you don't get to even the score. Well, ok, you can... but then you won't have a marriage to write home about!

My W is doing a great job, don't get me wrong, it's just that sometims it seems like I could care less if she tried.

That's a symptom of w/d. A way to protect yourself from more pain. Are you feeling some fear of being vulnerable and in love because of the things she did that were so painful?

I haven't told her how I feel yet becuase I'm not really sure how to explain it.

Well, dishonesty in your marriage was part of what got you to where you were. So you can't go down that road again. I think you need to take a good look at how you are FEELING and discuss that with her. I really think there's some fear and resentment issues going on there.

The fear in particular is what you need to talk about. We can discuss how you would do that if you like.

But it's not an OM, it's an OW <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> . WTF!!!!

Well, even I was shocked at that, and I don't shock easily. There needs to be n/c with that person too, ya know.

It just seems like she wants things back the way they were. I feel like I have put all this effort into making myself a better husban, but she feels like she does not have to change herself.

Exactly. And because you did not define the conditions for recovery before you got back together, you are left feeling taken advantage of. Which, you are.

Any thoughts? I could really use your insight, I know I need to tell her how I feel but I want to be careful how I handle the situation. Look forward ot reading you soon.

I think you should tell her that you are uncomfortable with the way things are, and that you want to negotiate for change in some areas.

Why don't you let me know what it is you need from her that you're not getting and we can put together a plan for negotiating?

Hi Cerri. Sorry I've been away so long. Things are interesting to say the least around here. W and I are actually doing really well.

Why don't you let me know what it is you need from her that you're not getting and we can put together a plan for negotiating?

I'm not really sure what I'm not getting. Like I said, she's doing great at meeting my EN's, I just felt kinda "blah" about everything. As far as that goes, I am feeling much better about everything now. You were right (gee, imagine that <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> ) about the plan for recovery. I thought we had it all worked out, but we didn't have a REAL plan, just a sort of "handshake agreement" instead of a contract. Yes, by the way, there is NC with any of OP's. Kind of.

Interesting story here. Let me fill you in. We (W and I) went out last week, whole dinner and a movie thing. Afterwards we stopped to get a drink at a little hang out in town. Guess who walks in. OM#3. As you can imagine it was really awkward, for them. I have a confession. I got a morbid satisfaction watching them both squirm as we passed eachother (we left immediately and passed him on the way out). We passed within two feet of eachother. Him looking one way, her another, and me looking at both of them smiling. Yes I know it's sick, but I couldn't help it. She was very upset about this and I won some love points for comforting her.

Here's the better story. This one has happened twice now by the way. I was at work today when OM#1 came in (he was my friend at one point during the A). He comes in to purposely try to "get at me". Like I said he has come in twice. And as it is, there is nothing I can do becuase where I work he is a customer. Anyway, I was just going to ignore him when he said quite possibly the lowest thing I have ever heard anyone say in my life. He said "So, when you kiss her, can you still taste my d*** on her breath?". Kinda rude eh? Anyway, I kept my composure (barely) and came home in a wonderful <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> mood. Told W what happened. Then I went out in the back yard and threw a temper tantrum. Mature eh? Put a couple of holes in the fence. Think I broke my hand, not sure yet. W was very good during this. She left me alone during my tantrum, then iced it up for me, comforted me. She was very kind and apologetic. Didn't help much at the time, but I see she did the best she could. Just for the record, I am not a violent person and have never in my life raised my hands at someone in anger so don't get the idea that I like to go around beating people up. Although in this case I think I would like it very much. It was what he said that set me off. Enough of that though.

I've realized that I've ignored a few of your questions as of late. Can I start the lessons again professor? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> We have agreed to work out a new plan for the future. I have told her how I felt before. Actually we are working out a plan slowly but more slowly. We spend a couple hours each week talking about things we feel need to improved and the things we think are working out great. We try not to focus on too much at one time so as not to get off track. As I said, we are doing quite well under the circumstances, I just think we could use a little more help. She disagrees but that's one of the things we're going to talk about tonight when she gets home.

You asked me one time if she would be interested in posting here. She's not having it. At least not right now. She thinks we are the only help we need. That "love will conquer all". Yeah, that's worked out great so far hasn't it?

Anyway, that's the long and short of it. Eagerly waiting your response oh wise one. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
You were right (gee, imagine that <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> ) about the plan for recovery.

Ahhhhhh young grasshopper... now you learn what all who know me have found. I'm ALWAYS right! LOL LOL LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> We have a little joke at our house. After agreeing to respectfully disagree about something, it will turn out that whatever it was, was exactly as I said. So, then H will just stare at me until I say..."Just say it." To which the obligatory response is, "I hate it when you're right!"

So I'm not quite arrogant enough to think that I know everything, but in this case, I do know about what needs to be done for a good recovery. Mostly cuz I didn't do the best job of it when I was in that position. Am now.

I thought we had it all worked out, but we didn't have a REAL plan, just a sort of "handshake agreement" instead of a contract. Yes, by the way, there is NC with any of OP's. Kind of.

Well, that's much better than not having discussed it at all. And it certainly is a good place to begin negotiating for what it is that you need for full recovery. Here's the drawbaxk though. See, when the WS has left the home, or in some way severed that living together arrangement, then when the A ends and he/she wants to reconcile, you hold the cards. You have the opportunity to set the conditions under which the relationship moves forward..... before it moves anywhere.

Now, once she and you are living together, you've entered into a partnership arrangement again. One in which you are bound to follow the rules for living together. So, you can't really lay out the conditions and say..... here it is, take it or leave it..... because once you have re-entered the R such a statement then becomes a demand. So, you'll have to start flexing those negotiating muscles!

Here's the basic rules for getting what you want and need. It starts with Honesty. Without that as the groundwork, you're going nowhere fast. You need to be Honest (and unfortunately, in today's world I need to state that you must be radically honest.... ) about the way you feel about your spouse's actions, choices, decisions, suggestions. You need to be Honest about the things you want, and the things you don't want.

Your Honesty must be delivered as factual information about you. Not as judgements about what the other person is or is not doing. Simply statements about you, how you feel and what you want.

Then you can request what you would like to have happen. "Honey, I'm unhappy that your job puts you in contact with______. I'd really like it if we could discuss ways that you would have no contact, ever." From that point the two of you can brainstorm solutions for how that might happen. Transfer, different hours, new job, new duties....etc.

But here's the thing. You cannot insist that your spouse enter into those negotiations with you. So the burden of making it pleasant and safe falls on you. You must entice her into negotiating with you by letting her know that it will be pleasant, and maybe even fun. If the smile ever slips from your face, then it's time to change the subject.

Ok.... well I've rambled enough on that topic, I'm sure we'll come back to it later....

We passed within two feet of eachother. Him looking one way, her another, and me looking at both of them smiling. Yes I know it's sick, but I couldn't help it. She was very upset about this and I won some love points for comforting her.

Very funny. Good job on staying cool and pleasant. I think it might be in your best interests to find new places to go out so that there is no chance of seeing him. It brings the A back into the present, reminding both of you. It will only make one or both of you feel bad in the long run. (Sorry to be a party pooper <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> )

Anyway, I was just going to ignore him when he said quite possibly the lowest thing I have ever heard anyone say in my life. He said "So, when you kiss her, can you still taste my d*** on her breath?". Kinda rude eh?

Kinda?????????? That's exactly what I mean about needing to get away from situations where you need to come into contact with the OP. It brings up bad feelings... for both of you. Which is what causes LBnk withdrawals, and the loss of the feelings of love.

Then I went out in the back yard and threw a temper tantrum. Mature eh? Put a couple of holes in the fence. Think I broke my hand, not sure yet. W was very good during this. She left me alone during my tantrum, then iced it up for me, comforted me. She was very kind and apologetic.

Ok, but do you see what you're doing here? It's an Angry Outburst. And it could be construed as punishing her! Now, I'm not saying that any one of us wouldn't have felt like doing exactly the same thing, but the net result will be harm to the marriage. You need to have NO CONTACT with these people.

I've realized that I've ignored a few of your questions as of late. Can I start the lessons again professor? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> We have agreed to work out a new plan for the future. I have told her how I felt before. Actually we are working out a plan slowly but more slowly. We spend a couple hours each week talking about things we feel need to improved and the things we think are working out great. We try not to focus on too much at one time so as not to get off track. As I said, we are doing quite well under the circumstances, I just think we could use a little more help. She disagrees but that's one of the things we're going to talk about tonight when she gets home.

So, how is that going? What I would suggest you do is to get the book HN/HN... Read one chapter each week, separately, and then get together to discuss the questions at the end of each chapter. This would help you pinpoint what it is that each of you needs, and to get the other person's perspecive on how you would feel about doing those things. It would keep you on track, it's a positive forward way of doing things.

You asked me one time if she would be interested in posting here. She's not having it. At least not right now. She thinks we are the only help we need. That "love will conquer all". Yeah, that's worked out great so far hasn't it?

You could give her my email and let her know that I would be happy to anwer any questions that she has about how things are going, or what to expect, or whatever. You do have my email, right???

Anyway, that's the long and short of it. Eagerly waiting your response oh wise one.

Sorry so long, it's really been the month from he**.... which I don't even believe in!


Oh, and to answer the topic line of your new post.... Yes, Plan A ends when the A ends and you enter the recovery stage. Plan A is NOT a lifestyle choice. You should be negotiating for the things you want and need in your marriage. Plan A has the element of one sided giving. You cannot and should not do that long term.

Email me if I don't get back here and you're wondering where the heck I got to.

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Cool]" src="images/icons/cool.gif" />
Me again <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> .

Here's the basic rules for getting what you want and need. It starts with Honesty.

Actually, we've been practicing just that. I had a huge page written out here then my PC went straight to the blue screen of death before I had a chance to post my reply <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> . Here's a small example. I have a huge problem with her flirting. She is a huge flirt. She does it with everybody everywhere we go. She constantly needs to feel aproval from everyone (remember the low SE?). I know she doesn't really mean anything by it, and it's just a part of her personality, but it really bothers me. So we had good talk, I was honost but pleasant. I never accused her or attacked her in any way. She responded very well, she said she didn't realize I was uncomfortable with it, but under the circumstances she understands. She promised to, and has, kept the "flirtatious" part of her personality out of her gregariousness. I know it's a small thing, but I thought it was a step in the right direction. She actually even brought up a concern with me. Appearently, I tell her "I love you" too often. She said she feels smothered. I didn't get defensive or anything. I explained why I say it as often, which is because before, I didn't say it enough. But I do understand my saying too often can sort of nullify the effect those words have, especially if there's no action behind the words.

I think it might be in your best interests to find new places to go out so that there is no chance of seeing him.

Yeah, we're working on that. Right now, moving or changing jobs just isn't an option. Instead we're looking for alternative things to do together. Trying new things.

Ok, but do you see what you're doing here? It's an Angry Outburst. And it could be construed as punishing her!

Yeah, I realized that after a while also. Actually she pointed it out. I threw in a few choice phrases when I spoke with her. I didn't mean them as an attack, but that's how they sounded. So we talked about what happened, what I should have done, what we will do in the future if anything like this happens again. Like I said, she was a huge comfort in this thing.

Our talks are going great. She has agreed to do the EN and LB questions with me. And has even talked about reading a few of the books with me. Though she's more interested in reading Dr. Phil. Oy. Oh well, it's a start <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . I will give her your e-mail, if you don't mind though.

Sorry so long, it's really been the month from he**.... which I don't even believe in!

LOl, you don't need to explain to me Cer, you're helping me, remember? BTW, if you don't believe in hell, how do you explain Mr. Rogers and his nieghborhood????

Thanks for clearing up the Plan A by the way. I guess the point I was making would actually fall under negotiating maybe?
HellOOooooOOooooo from the land of children, pets and basketball practice <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Actually, we've been practicing just that. I had a huge page written out here then my PC went straight to the blue screen of death before I had a chance to post my reply

Sorry, been there many times myself. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Here's a small example. I have a huge problem with her flirting. She is a huge flirt. She does it with everybody everywhere we go. She constantly needs to feel aproval from everyone (remember the low SE?).

Ok, so in my self appointed role of being nit picky...let's look at that statement. It is prefectly ok, and actually obligatory in terms of honesty to say that you are offended or uncomfortable with her flirting. But to say WHY she does it (at least to her... to me is ok...) is disrespectful. You are in essence telling her that you know what she thinks and how she feels. You don't, unless she tells you, and even then it is subject to change at any time.

I know she doesn't really mean anything by it, and it's just a part of her personality, but it really bothers me. So we had good talk, I was honost but pleasant. I never accused her or attacked her in any way.

Very good. Honest, pleasant, factual... not demanding.... all right in line with the way to get what you want, or at least start a dialogue.

She responded very well, she said she didn't realize I was uncomfortable with it, but under the circumstances she understands. She promised to, and has, kept the "flirtatious" part of her personality out of her gregariousness. I know it's a small thing, but I thought it was a step in the right direction.

Well, it depends on how you look at it. Taken alone, stopping the flirting may be a small thing. But in the global concept of taking your feelings into account when she makes her decisions, and being able to follow through with a change in habits..... in my book that HUGE. It says a lot about her willingness to do what it takes to recover. I'm impressed.

She actually even brought up a concern with me. Appearently, I tell her "I love you" too often. She said she feels smothered. I didn't get defensive or anything. I explained why I say it as often, which is because before, I didn't say it enough. But I do understand my saying too often can sort of nullify the effect those words have, especially if there's no action behind the words.

This is even better. It's far more difficult to be honest about the things that bother us than most people think. If I were you, I would go one step further, and ask her what kinds of things you could do for her to show that you love her. If saying the words feels smothering, is there something she would like. Flowers? Candy? Clothes? (my favorite <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) Jewelry? Hand holding? Back rubs? Email notes? Little cute gifts? Brushing her hair? Running a bath with candles, music and no expectation of sex..... I'm sure you can think of more.

Yeah, we're working on that. Right now, moving or changing jobs just isn't an option. Instead we're looking for alternative things to do together. Trying new things.

Very good. I think if you go to the questionaires section of this site, there's an inventory you can fill out together that lists recreational activities. It's fun to do and to talk about.

How about this, why don't you print out 2 copies, fill it out, and then take her out for dinner or just coffee and talk about your answers. Plan to spend at least an hour and a half away from home, just the two of you, doing this exercise.

Yeah, I realized that after a while also. Actually she pointed it out. I threw in a few choice phrases when I spoke with her. I didn't mean them as an attack, but that's how they sounded. So we talked about what happened, what I should have done, what we will do in the future if anything like this happens again. Like I said, she was a huge comfort in this thing.

Yes, discussing what to do in the future is a good idea. You personally need to have a plan so that never again do you lose your temper in the presence of your wife. Zero tolerance. And in actuality, there should be zero tolerance for losing your temper at all. If you do it in some situations it can easily become a habit that gets out of hand. I don't want to have to be sending you to anger mgt!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Our talks are going great. She has agreed to do the EN and LB questions with me. And has even talked about reading a few of the books with me. Though she's more interested in reading Dr. Phil. Oy. Oh well, it's a start <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . I will give her your e-mail, if you don't mind though.

Reading the books and discussing will do way more for you than doing the questionaires. I personally don't like Dr, Phil. I object to his methodlogy of being rude and confrontational. Since I think that kind of behavior has no place in relationships, I guess I find it offensive as a teaching tool. For me, it obliterates the message.

Yes, certainly give her my email. I'd be happy to answer questions or to help out with whatever. Maybe when I finish my book, she'll find that helpful... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

BTW, if you don't believe in hell, how do you explain Mr. Rogers and his nieghborhood????

Excellent point! And then there's the lower levels of he** comprised of Barney and the Teleetubbies!!!! LOL LOL LOL

Thanks for clearing up the Plan A by the way. I guess the point I was making would actually fall under negotiating maybe?

Yes! Thank you!!!! It's my personal crusade to remove that terminology for anything other than what it was devised to do. See, there goes that obsessive streak again!


Hi Cerri. Not much time. Just wanted to let you know I read your post and will think about what you said. Get back to lyou later <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Just to let you know that several things are getting very busy here. (See my thread at JFO) If you post something to me, and I don't show up.... PLEASE send me an email and let me know that you're waaaAAAAaaiting. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> I'm just as happy to answer questions, but I might not see them as soon as I did in the past. Don't be afraid to bug me by email.

Back again folks. That's right, it's me,it's me, it's MTD....

Question. In another post on this thread I mentioned a cd OM#3 gave to my W. It was his demo as he is aspiring to be a singer (it's kind of hard though when he has absolutely NO talent, JMVHO). I was in our car today and looking for some tunes, Sir Billy Joel to be specific (IMVHO one of the finest musicians who has ever lived <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> ) and guess what I find. You guessed it folks, his cd. It was at the bottom of the stack and looks like it hasn't been used in a while, actually it doesn't look like any of them have, but still. The point is she still has it. I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she just forgot it was there. That is the most likely scenario. But still, doubts linger on. My real question is this. How should I approach this with her. I considered just throwing it away, but that didn't seem right. After all, it's not my property. But I would feel more comfortable to see it go bye-bye.

Any thoughts???
Now really MTD, don't you know me well enough yet to know what I'm going to say??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Number one step for all issues in marriage = Honesty. So, what you need to do, my dear, is go to her, and just as nicely and courteously, and pleasantly as possible tell her exactly what you said here.

You were digging for The Piano Man (my baby bros favorite musician) and you came across the cd. Tell her that you felt a little ishy seeing it and that it brought back memories and feelings that aren't helpful in recovery.

Then ASK HER for her input. How does she feel about it, and what would she suggest doing?

If you agree with her suggestion, then great! You've got a plan and things are super.

If not, then with the same smile you started with, say something like..."That's a good idea, but it's not really working for me. How would you feel about_______?(whatever it is that you want.)

Be sure to ask this in a real spirit of wanting her input, and with the intention that you won't do anything until you both are happy with the outcome. LISTEN with your heart to what she has to say about your idea.

Once again if she agrees, then conflict solved. If not, then you need to, together, figure out a way to deal with the cd that you can both be happy with in the end.

This is POJA at work. Yes, having the cd is ishy, and that's not ok. But the way to resolve conflicts in marriage doing it in a way that makes the health and safety of the R the top priority.

If for any reason the discussion gets even the tiniest bit unfriendly, stop it immediately. Tell her that you don't want to force your way, and that perhaps you should talk about it a little later.

Then talk to me about what the difficulty is, and we'll figure out what the next step will be.

Thanks for emailing me, I wouldn't have seen your post this week. H is on vacation so we are playing hookey!!!!

Oh, and simply throwing it away would be classified as a selfish demand..... getting what you want regardless of how she feels about it.
You were digging for The Piano Man (my baby bros favorite musician)

Your baby bro has excellent taste. And actually, Piano Man was the exact song I wanted to hear. Right before I listen to Only the Good Die Young. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Thanks for the advice. I'll talk to her and let you know how it goes.
Hello Cerri. Miss me? I talked to her about the cd(s). There are actually several, but the rest are just songs he copied for her. The one that REALLY galls me is the one where he is singing to her himself. And our wedding song at that!!! (BTW, maybe I should call the BSA or something about him copying copyrighted material <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . She said she would get rid of them. She asked if she could keep one that she particularly likes. I said I won't force her to get rid of it, but it makes me uncomfortable to have it around. As of now, she hasn't gotten rid of any of them. She probably just hasn't thought about it, but I do. She doesn't understand that this is really a big deal for me. *sigh* Guess I'll try again.
By the way, just a small story I wanted to share with you. My kids inadvertantly LB'd on behalf of my W. My oldest son (he will be 7 in Dec) asked me "why they can't go to the ball games with mommies friend anymore?". He was referring to the church baseball games OM#2 used to play in, my W would go watch him WITH MY KIDS. She would take MY KIDS to his house to play. She also let him drive MY CAR. She was obviously hoping that my kids would come to accept him so she could go off into her fantasy life with him. Blah, blah, blah. BTW, they broke up because he was seeing someone else <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Go figure. What's this world coming to when you can't trust your own affairee. I told her about what he said and she just broke down into tears. I guess it's good she's remorsefull, but sometimes it doesnt' help me. It's like she's remorsefull, but not very supportive of me trying to get over this. She just wants me to forget like it never happened. Oh well, back to negotiating with radical honosty. Geez, if I'd have know it was going to be this tough, I might have just let her have her OM's and get on with my life. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

Update you later.
Hello Cerri. Miss me?

Well of courseI missed you!! LOL!!!

She said she would get rid of them. She asked if she could keep one that she particularly likes. I said I won't force her to get rid of it, but it makes me uncomfortable to have it around.

Very good. You could also offer to copy or purchase the music she likes when she gets rid of the cd's that make you uncomfortable.

Although having them is an independent behavior, (a new sub category of LBers in the Annoying Behaviors genre) and under the terms of POJA they need to go. You are right in that you cannot demand anything, even the elimination of a LBer. If all were perfect in the world, when our spouses brought up something that offends us we would drop everything and fix it.

But, being human, it doesn't always happen that way. So, it is always helpful if you, being the one offended and asking for change, could find a way to make that change a pleasant experience for her.

One way would be to do as I suggested above and offer to copy, download, or buy whatever music it is that she likes so well.

As of now, she hasn't gotten rid of any of them. She probably just hasn't thought about it, but I do. She doesn't understand that this is really a big deal for me.

As a general rule we tend to be a pretty unempathetic lot. Of course she hasn't given it much thought. The cd's don't annoy or offend her. And she likes having the music.

Once again, make it easy and pleasant for her to do what you want. Bring it up again, no judgements, no snide comments about forgetting or not caring how how you feel. Presume innocence... that she is doing the best she can in the moment.

Then, offer to dispose of them yourself. Say something like, "I know how busy you are, and that it probably is hard for you to get rid of these things. I really appreciate that you are willing do what I asked. How about if I just do it for you?"

Should she jump to do it for you? Sure. But hey, marriage is cooperative. Lend a hand and offer to make it easy. End result (hopefully) the cd's are gone, and you've earned points for being a nice guy. Win, win.

My kids inadvertantly LB'd on behalf of my W. My oldest son (he will be 7 in Dec) asked me "why they can't go to the ball games with mommies friend anymore?".

Ouch. Well, technically one cannot LBer for another person, but I get your point. If, when you were separated you had talked to your kids about what was happening and how you felt, then this would be an easier discussion now. You could simply remind your son that mommy having these friends hurt you, and that you and mommy decided you weren't going to see them anymore.

But, now that you are back together, any conversation you have with the kids needs to be one that both of you can agree to enthusiastically. I believe that you need to say something to your son, kids have an incredible intuitive sense, and he knows that there are things under the surface that are icky.

At a time when you and Mrs. MTD are calm, ask her how she would like to handle those kinds of questions if they come up again... which is likely to happen. A suggestion would be to agree to tell your son a simple version. Mommy had a friend that dad didn't get along with. And because mommy cares about how dad feels, and you both agree to be considerate of each other's feelings, she (and the boys) will not be seeing this friend again.

It is a valuable lesson for a child that parents/spouses need to consider how each other feels when making choices. Even choices about whom to have as friends.

It's like she's remorsefull, but not very supportive of me trying to get over this. She just wants me to forget like it never happened.

Well, she is on the right track. If you believe that you have all the information you need about the affairs.... who, what, when, where..... then really there is no point in bringing it up again. Talking about it makes both of you feel bad, and withdraws love units from each of your love banks.

I understand that it's very hard from the point of the BS, so many things are reminders and you just feel like you need to let your partner know how badly you've been hurt. (Been there, remember <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ) But, if your goal is recovery and creating a fulfilling marriage, then you need to not talk about those things.

Certainly you can vent here or with other friends when it gets overwhelming. But in the end, the more you place your focus on making the present really good, then the more you will be building the marriage you want.

Oh well, back to negotiating with radical honosty. Geez, if I'd have know it was going to be this tough, I might have just let her have her OM's and get on with my life.

Nah...... you know I wouldn't have let you get away with that!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

Hiya Cerri. Sorry I've been away, busy (as if you didn't understand what that was like...).

Just wanted you to know, the CD issue is now a non-issue. We reslolved it quite well. They are gone. All of them. She did it quite willingly too once I was able to make her understand how I felt.

I do however have another problem. A couple of problems actually. My first one is this. I am having a bit of a problem getting past the past, er, so to speak. It seems like everytime we move forward there's something there to slap us in the face, and I am having a hard time not thinking about her giving herself to another man. It occupies my mind much of the time. Just an example, yesterday I talked to an old mutual friend of ours vie I-M. His GF worked with and was friends with my W during her first A (with my "friend"). It turns out they knew of the A (or at least suspected) and didn't tell me. They didn't want to start any drama they said. Some friends. Anyway, it brought up another subject. My W has asked me not to see some of my friends that know about the A's and now think quite badly of her. She still insists on seeing her friends that knew of and actually some of them encouraged her A's. How F'd up is that?? I told her we should just both make new friends as part of our starting over. She seemed to go along with that idea. I just wanted your take on the situation. BTW, some of the people she doesn't want me to talk to anymore are pretty good friends of mine I am hesitant to give up.
Hiya Cerri. Sorry I've been away, busy (as if you didn't understand what that was like...).

Nahhhh... not me! I just sit around all day, eat chocolate and watch daytime tv <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Just wanted you to know, the CD issue is now a non-issue. We reslolved it quite well. They are gone. All of them. She did it quite willingly too once I was able to make her understand how I felt.

Excellent!! Now keep this in mind, cuz we'll talk about it in a sec.

I do however have another problem. A couple of problems actually. My first one is this. I am having a bit of a problem getting past the past, er, so to speak. It seems like everytime we move forward there's something there to slap us in the face, and I am having a hard time not thinking about her giving herself to another man. It occupies my mind much of the time.

Unfortunately, that's the way it is right now. As you move forward in recovery and you build a lifestyle that makes you both happy at the same time, those feelings and thoughts will become less and less.

Some things you can do to help. Don't bring it up in conversation. The A was in the past, and now is the time for recovery. Address issues is the now, and don't dig up stuff from before. Yeah, I know that some of the now issues hinge on what happened in the past, but keep it about now. Don't dredge any more than you have to.

When you start having those thoughts, acknowledge that they are present, and then let them go. Don't invite them in and have them sit down to chat!! Find a pleasant topic to turn your mind towards instead.

I know how this feels, because it still happens to me fairly frequently. Sometimes I can move on easily, and sometimes it takes a little more work. Interestingly, those kinds of thoughts tend to intrude more when things are calm and good than when there's a lot of conflict. It's normal if icky, and you need to deal with it without LBers. Sorry, once again, so not fair.

My W has asked me not to see some of my friends that know about the A's and now think quite badly of her. She still insists on seeing her friends that knew of and actually some of them encouraged her A's. How F'd up is that??

Well, it seems screwy to you, from your POV. But when you look at it from hers, it makes sense. She feels awkward around your friends, and probably like they are judging her, or thinking that you should have just dumped her, or whatever. Her friends OTOH saw her through a time that was frightening and difficult, so she doesn't have those awkward feelings when she's with them. It's not about what she did, but about how she feels when she's with certain people.

I told her we should just both make new friends as part of our starting over.

YES!!!!! That is the wisest thing you have said yet, my young jedi... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

BTW, some of the people she doesn't want me to talk to anymore are pretty good friends of mine I am hesitant to give up.

Ahhhhhh.... now comes the tough part. Remember that condition in recovery that says "Creating a lifestyle that makes you both happy at the same time?" Well, it was bound to come to this eventually, and here it is.

Yes, there are things about your lifestyle, friends, hobbies, habits, whatever... that she's going to find objectionable, offensive, or just plain uncomfortable. Those things need to change. In a spirit of cooperation, putting the M first, and making her feelings a priority.

The temptation here is great to say... Gee Wifey, you're the one who had the A.. so obviously your enabling friends need to go, but I didn't do anything wrong, so I get to keep mine." However recovery is a joint venture where you both take responsibility for the other's happiness and for doing what it takes to have a great M. That means that if there is something, anything that your spouse isn't wholeheartedly in support of, you eliminate it from your lives. And you do it without punishing her in any way. You let her know that how she feels is far more important than any friend you might have.

Remember the cd issue? To her it wasn't a big deal because she wasn't feeling the ickiness that you were. This is kind of the same thing on a larger scale. You aren't feeling the ickiness she feels about your friends, so for you it's hard to see why it's so necessary to move on. Try to put yourself in her shoes and to feel what it must be like for her. Empathy doesn't always come too easily, but it really is essential in marriage.

The question you need to ask yourself is this, Is the loss of love units you will sustain in her LBnk, and the resulting hit to your M, worth any friendship?

I didn't think so!

Good. I knew you'd see it my way... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> LOL

I'm on vacation the 19th through the New Year. Get your questions and problems in early!!

I have another very important question. At what point should I begin to trust W again. Not that there isn't trust there, but she tends to get upset that I second guess her. As I said above, I spoke with some old friends, these friends suggested there might have been another OM, I doubted it, but still questioned her on it. She was upset about this. Was I wrong to do that? To be completely honost, I'm still working on trusting her completely. She says she undrestands that, but she still gets upset about it. It's not that I didn't believe her, I kind of just like to her say it. It helps reaffirm my new trust in her. She doesnt' seem to understand. I have tried to explain, but it's like the above where you said she doesn't take it the same way because she doens't feel the "ickiness". (BTW, how did you know my friends' nickname for me was Icky??). I'm just not sure when to start trusting her completely. I'm not sure if I ever will. I know I will always probably feel the need to check up on her. To confirm I guess. I'll never trust her blindly again. I don't suppose any of us deserve that kind of trust though. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but any feedback would be great. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
Hey there Mr. Icky <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

So now you want my standard lecture on trust huh? Ok, I think I can dig that one out of the memory banks. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

You are right that we really shouldn't trust anyone blindly. Trust is something that comes with full information. When we are informed and we know that our feelings, needs, concerns will be taken into account, then we know that we can trust. Blindly trusting anyone, be it government, friends, spouses, or car mechanics without full info isn't trust, it's ignorance.

So when my H was having a's and I thought I trusted him, it wasn't really trust, it was not knowing.

Ok, so where do we go with that following an affair? First, trust like forgiveness comes at the end of the process. It's something that's earned when the offending spouse demomnstrates that he or she is willing to prove that she won't hurt you in that way again. That she is going to extraordinary measures to protecgt you from the pain of the infidelity. That process, which we call recovery, takes about 2 years. And that is 2 years from when recovery begins (ending the A, agreeing to n/c, meeting needs and avoiding LBers) It assumes that the process is ongoing. If there's a slip or a return to the lover (or a new one) then the clock resets.

So when she says that she feels like you don't trust her, she's right. You don't. And you have good reason not to.

So, what kind of things can be done to rebuild trust? First is accountability. You should each be accountable to the other for time, whereabouts, and money. This is not punishment for having the A. It's the kind of precaution that you should have been taking all along, and that would have made it nearly impossible to begin an A. Obviously, radical honesty is part of this.

Second, is meeting each other's MIEN's. You should be scheduling as your highest priority 15+ hours a week with each other. During that time you should be meeting the needs of Affection, SF, conversation, and recreational companionship.

Third, you should both be working to eliminate LBers. (Duh)

Finally, using POJA it is essential that you work together to create a lifestyle that makes you both happy at the same time.

If you diligently on those issues until they become habits I can guarantee that your trust issue will resolve itself.

One other thing that goes a long way towards rebuilding trust is sharing with you oppoprtunites she may have to be dishonest and didn't. For example, let's say she unexpectedly gets off work for an afternoon. She has the opportunity to do something that would hurt or offend you. But instead she calls you immediately and let's you know that she'll be off work. You and she then discuss her plans for the afternoon, you agree enthusiastically, you know where she will be and you can verify that info at any time.

That kind of situation played out over and over will show you that she can be trusted in the future. It's also something you should be doing as well.

Ok, did I get it all? You're doin' good!!!

Make it Merry!!!

This question is mainly for Cerri, but anyone is welcome to put their 2cents in. Please do in fact.

The question is this. My W and I are just starting into recovery. We have 3 kids, 7,6, and 3. What I want to know is, at what point, IF EVER, do you tell the kids? Is this something they should know about thier parents at this age? Should we tell them later in life, or should we maybe just let sleeping dogs lie? Just a thought.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by madly_truly_deeply:
<strong>This question is mainly for Cerri, but anyone is welcome to put their 2cents in. Please do in fact.

The question is this. My W and I are just starting into recovery. We have 3 kids, 7,6, and 3. What I want to know is, at what point, IF EVER, do you tell the kids? Is this something they should know about thier parents at this age? Should we tell them later in life, or should we maybe just let sleeping dogs lie? Just a thought.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Good grief.... must you tax my poor little vacation weary brain so early in the year??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Well, it's an excellent question, and one that I don't have the answer to, but you and Mrs. MTD do.

"Huh??!!" You say? Well let me just put some concepts out there and then we can talk.

While you were separated and while she was involved with the OP you would have been well within your rights to tell the kids. In fact I'm sure I would have recommeded it. No need to look at POJA issues when you are doing all you can to end the A. At that time the focus is on stopping the behavior (affair) which is essentially the same as stopping addictive use of any sort.

BUT, once the A is over AND you have agreed to commit to recovery, the rules change. You are now committed to following POJA. Simply put, you are now committed to doing only those things that both of you are enthusiastic about. All decisions about your life and what each of you does must be good for both of you at the same time.

So, the answer to your question is "How does each of you feel about the children knowing?"

You see, POJA adresses the things you DO. (As opposed to the things you DON'T do.) So your enthusiasm needs to be regarding whatever action you take. If one of you doesn't feel great about doing something, then it doesn't get done.

POJA does not require that you both feel great about the things you don't do. Until you negotiate to enthusiastic agreement, you do nothing and keep negotiating.

My guess would be that your lovely wife would be appalled at the idea of telling the kids. If that's the case, then you drop it, or if your negotiating skills are good you explore respectfully her feelings in depth.

On a practical note, I think you might want to have a talk with your wife about how you will handle it when/if one of the children brings it up. This is a very delicate conversation, you'll need to be very careful to remain considerate and respectful.

Does that help at all?

Happy New Year!!!!

Ugh. Ok Cerri, here you go. HEEEELLLPPPP!!!!! I've posted this at GQII also just to see other's responses, but I really need YOUR insight. PLEEAASSEE. Here's what I posted.

What do you do when OP breaks NC? My W's OM#2, with whom that particular A was over before D-Day has broken NC. About a week ago he came into the resteraunt with some family. He knew she worked there because his mother had come in there and talked to my W. She went out of her way to avoid him but he went out of his way to make himself seen. It passed without incident (as well as possible anyway). Then 2 days ago, a phone call comes in while my W is at work. The name does not appear on the caller ID, but the person asks for W, then hangs up when finds out she isn't here. A short while later, another call comes in and the name comes on the ID display this time. It is a woman's first name but the last name is OM#2's. Coincedince??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> Sure, and I've got Jimmie Hoffa stuffed in my closet with Elvis. My W and I area almost 4 mos into recovery and I am afraid this may set us back badly. I am also worried because I am also a MGR at this resteraunt and if he comes in there while I am there, get the idea. So what to do? I'm at a loss save for going to his house and launching a pre-emptive strike <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Not very smart but would make me feel a whole lot better.

So what do you think?

A pre-emptive strick would be the intelligent thing to do to make it very clear to the OM that you are not going to sit back and let him try to start an affair with your wife again. I would notify his wife about what her huaband is doing.
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by madly_truly_deeply:
<strong>Ugh. Ok Cerri, here you go. HEEEELLLPPPP!!!!! I've posted this at GQII also just to see other's responses, but I really need YOUR insight. PLEEAASSEE. Here's what I posted.

What do you do when OP breaks NC? My W's OM#2, with whom that particular A was over before D-Day has broken NC. About a week ago he came into the resteraunt with some family. He knew she worked there because his mother had come in there and talked to my W. She went out of her way to avoid him but he went out of his way to make himself seen. It passed without incident (as well as possible anyway). Then 2 days ago, a phone call comes in while my W is at work. The name does not appear on the caller ID, but the person asks for W, then hangs up when finds out she isn't here. A short while later, another call comes in and the name comes on the ID display this time. It is a woman's first name but the last name is OM#2's. Coincedince??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> Sure, and I've got Jimmie Hoffa stuffed in my closet with Elvis. My W and I area almost 4 mos into recovery and I am afraid this may set us back badly. I am also worried because I am also a MGR at this resteraunt and if he comes in there while I am there, get the idea. So what to do? I'm at a loss save for going to his house and launching a pre-emptive strike <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . Not very smart but would make me feel a whole lot better.

So what do you think?

MTD</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">The first thing you do in any marital conflict/issue/crisis is what?????

C'mon grasshopper you know this one.... The bedrock foundation without which you can go no where. HONESTY!!!!

Have you talked to your wife? Do you know how she feels? Have you told her that you are terrified and ill at the thought of contact?

"Honey, I want to talk about something, and unfortunately it's kind of icky, and I'm afraid to bring it up. I'm going to do the best I can to keep it safe and pleasant for you even though the topic is horrid. Please stop me if I hurt you in any way, and I promise to take a break and then try again. You are the most important thing to me, and I know I need to protect and care for you."

Then go on to tell her that you saw OM and it appeared that he went out of his way to be seen by her. And then tell her about the phone calls. Every detail, exactly what happened. Then tell her how you feel. THEN ask her how she would like to handle this. And THEN stop and listen, with your heart.

Notice that I'm not suggesting you tell her what you would like to do. Get her input and suggestions first. Find out how she feels. Honor and validate those feelings, they are hers and they are non-negotiable.

Once she's given her input on how she would like to handle this you have two options. If you like her suggestions... run with it. If they don't work for you, THANK HER for them... and ASK if you could offer some ideas as well.

If possible build on the ones she has given. Using the info you have about how she feels, try to come up with ideas and suggestions that take those things into account AND would work for you.

This is the heart and soul of negotiation. It is what Willard Harley's work is all about. Making decisions about your life (the little ones and ther really hard ones) that are respectful of and take into account how each spouse feels. In that way, and only in that way, can you build a lifestyle that majes you both happy at the same time.

I agree this is emotionally charged and that will make it more difficult to do. You've had some good practice with some other issues. If you think you can't do it, or if you get stuck.. CALL ME. I'll walk you guys through this.

Now take a deep breath, you'll be fine. The biggest danger here is not OM, it's slipping into a pattern of making decisions that hurt each other. OM you can't control.... the other thing you can.

Hiya Cer. Ok, situation taken care of. Let me clear some stuff up cuz I was a little hyped up when I posted this. I wasn't there when he came in, she was. She volentarily told me about it, her sister (whom works there also) confirmed everything my W said. No problem witht the trust issue. She was completely honost. I told her about the phone call. Not much was said over the phone, hung up on me. I did tell her how I felt. She feels immensly guilty. We have actually talked seriously about moving to another state. We have family in AL (yuck) and are considering going there to get away from everything(everybody). You know about the situation I had with OM#1 (my friend) and we occasionally still bump into OM#3. I ran into him at a gas station a couple of days ago. I didn't get gas, I just left. Good times.

Hey there.... what's up???

Sorry I'm late. I still don't have everything sorted out yet. I just keep having these very bad feelings/thoughts. I can't seem to get over OM's. I know I already bugged you about this, but it's not getting any better, it's getting worse. I dwell on it all the time. I have a hard time thinking of every thing else. Not just her being with OM, but mostly the lying, sharing her hear with someone when she kept me out so long. I feel constantly like I don't measure up to OM's... While in the "fog" she talked constantly about how great OM#3 was and I can't seem to get over it, any of them for that matter. I'm having a very hard time letting go. The problem is not her. She is doing everything I think she could possibly do. She is meeting all my EN's, and then some. I just don't know what to do about this. She feels I am falling into a depression. Maybe she is right. She read my computer journal the other day (it's nothing secret she knows she is welcome to read it anytime, it's just a timeline if you will of the day's events, also I am not very eloquant speaker but on pen and paper/computer I can write you a beautiful story or poem). Actually I like her to read it because it's easier to convey my feelings that way. I have a hard time expressing myself. ARGH. Way out on a tangent right now.

When she spoke of OM's she spoke of how great they were, most specifically OM#3. if you remember, she was still involved with him on D-day. She spoke of how handsome, sweet romantic (none of which describes me), she also talked about what a great lover he was, and he made her feel like I never could. She said she didn't know it could be so good. This is a very hard thing for me to deal with. One of the hardest things. Did I not give myself enough time between d-day and reconciliation?? I love her, don't get me wrong, but these thoughts wont' leave my head. We were making love the other day, and she was getting a little frustrated with me. She wouldn't say it but I coudl tell. I couldn't help but think to myself "I bet OM#3 never had this problem". I know that's wrong. I knew it at the time, but that didn't stop me from turning it into an argument and us sleeping on opposite sides of the bed. ARGH!! I can't even describe what it is I'm feeling. I just don't know what to do. I know what I'm supposed to do, but not how to get it done when I can't even describe it myself. I just feel so frustrated with myself sometimes I want to whack myself in the head with a shovel (figuratively speaking naturally). I know it's not much to go on but please HELP!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />
MTD you might want to check out Rose Red's thread titled Husb. prefers OW to me as a lover..... because it talks about the same issue you are dealing.

Dear, dear.... I didn't warn you about this strongly enough, did I? I'm so sorry.

Yes, this is pretty common. It happens to most of us with varying degrees, and it seems you got hit pretty hard. When the A is going on and the BS is doing Plan A, then the whole focus is on what you can do to stay pleasant and to convince the WS to end the A.

When that happens and you begin negotiating the conditions of reconciliation and recovery, your whole focus shifts to how relieved you are the the A is over. And you are almost on an emotional high because your spouse has come home.

But then, that eventually wears off and reality begins to hit... hard and fast. The cares of every day and the little irritations combine with the really hard work of recovery and that brings you down pretty quickly. You realize that life is not going to be just yummy great because the A is over and your spouse is home. (We all know that intellectually, but our hearts have other ideas <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> )

So then, the haunting begins. Thoughts of the WS with the OP. Reliving and rethinking the things she said while having the A. Comparing ourselves to what they said about the OP..... you know what I mean... And hey, if you're like me... it sometimes feels like there's a whole lot more than 2 people in your bed!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
Torturous, absolutely torturous.

So, first some practical suggestions, and then some marriage suggestions. Both are equally important... but if you only do one set, choose the marriage suggestions.

First I would highly reccomend that you see your family doc and ask about anti-depressants. (No this is not a sign of weakness... it's a sign of intelligence to take care of your health.) It takes people a few tries sometimes to find a med that works for them, but see if you can start with Wellbutrin... it has minimal side effects, especially in regards to sex drive.

Then I would suggest that you have a plan (gee I love that word!! LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) for what to do when those thoughts begin to intrude. For example, you can acknowledge that they are there (if you try to ignore them they just get bigger and uglier) and then you can replace them with some other thoughts.

Yes, that takes practice and time, but it will work. At first it will seem like there's no way you can get those things out of your head, but as you refuse to follow the thoughts where they want to lead you, you'll find that it gets easier and easier. The key is having a set replacement thought ready and waiting.

Now, marriage suggestions. Are you spending 15 hours a week together.. just you... doing things you both enjoy? That is the number one way that you will rebuild your marriage and eliminate the resentment (which is in essence what you are expereincing.)

As you learn to meet each other's needs, avoid the things that hurt each other, make your decisions in a way that is good for both of you, and of course base all that on honesty... then eventually the resentment and the haunting will subside.

Now, about honesty. This is one thing that you don't need to be sharing every time it comes up. If you have a journal that's open, I think that's fabulous. But for Mrs. MTD to be reading daily or weekly that you are having flashbacks and thoughts about the A will not help your marriage recover. It will simply continue to make her feel bad as well.

Not fair, you say?? Absolutely so not fair. But you can have justice, or you can restore the feelings of love in your marriage.

You've been through a lot. I suspect that some of what BS's experience is very much like PTSD. BE gentle with you. Explore the medication option. Have a plan for heading those thoughts off as soon as they start. And most important, do the things needed to restore the marriage, ESPECIALLY the 15 hours per week.

Eventually those things lose their power to hurt you.

Questions??? You know where I am!!! Hope that helps.

Hi MTD....Can I borrow Cerri for a few posts?

Cerri, since you brought it up....Time together. This 15 hour bit is something that H and I have never made a priority and I recognize the importance of it, however I have alot of trouble with trying to fit this into my life.

Of course I know you well enough to hear ther Cerri voice in my head that says YOU MUST FIND A WAY. OK, the problem...with the little one with Austism (the other big A in my life)...sitters are extremely difficult to come by. Part of my new un-approved by Cerri plan is to find a way to make the 15 hours work. The only way I can do so is with kids present. I can manage about 5 hours per week kid free time alone. That is with huge effort. Can we count time with kids if we do things like go somewhere that kids can be busy so that H can have undivided attention? Can you please help me find a way to make this work?


Oh, MTD....I still constantly struggle with the resentment and OW thoughts. Nine months later. I think about it many times a day. I try to acknowledge the thoughts and remind myself that given the choice...H would rather have me. Don't stuff your feelings...they will manifest in other ways. Accept and find a way to make peace with it. I suppose it is one of those time heals kind of things. I'm still working on it.

Well, look at that, you ARE here!!!

PDD:Hi MTD....Can I borrow Cerri for a few posts?

Why is it I suddenly feel like a Pokeman Card or a favorite sweater?? LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />

Cerri, since you brought it up....Time together. This 15 hour bit is something that H and I have never made a priority and I recognize the importance of it, however I have alot of trouble with trying to fit this into my life.

Uh huh.... <C nodding and listening>

Of course I know you well enough to hear ther Cerri voice in my head that says YOU MUST FIND A WAY.

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> Ahhh.... the sweet rush of power....

OK, the problem...with the little one with Austism (the other big A in my life)...sitters are extremely difficult to come by.

Yes, this does make it more difficult to accomplish, but OTOH it makes it even more necessary. The stress of having a child with special needs particularly in a step family situation makes it even more imperative that you have time to reconnect just as a couple.

Part of my new un-approved by Cerri plan is to find a way to make the 15 hours work. The only way I can do so is with kids present.

<nodding, non comittally>

I can manage about 5 hours per week kid free time alone. That is with huge effort.

How are you going to squeeze that out?

Can we count time with kids if we do things like go somewhere that kids can be busy so that H can have undivided attention?

The problem I see with that is the focus issue. Although the kids will be otherwise occupied your attention will by necessity be divided. You'll still need to have half a brain concentrated on making sure that they're ok... not kidnapped.. not beating up on each other... you get the idea.

See, it's not just being together for those 15 hours, it's being available and ready to meet the needs of conv. aff. RC. and SF.... hard to do when you're listening for children.

So, let's see what else we can come up with for some of that time...

Here are some thoughts I have and you can tell me to what degree you've explored them.

Hiring a high school girl for after bedtime or early on weekend mornings. You might check with your scout groups or other community/church groups, often these have incentives or requirments for doing service of some sort.

Trading childcare time with another parent of a child with special needs.

Bartering something with a person who has some skills in childcare.

Doing things at home once the kids are in bed...or setting aside time that they know is off limits... just for the two of you.

Some things that would be helpful to know.. what kinds of things do you like to do together? How did you do it when you were dating?

What kinds of things have you done as a family?

Helpful at all?? Let me know.


<small>[ January 21, 2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: cerri ]</small>
But then, that eventually wears off and reality begins to hit... hard and fast.

That is exactly what happened! Seriously came out of nowhere on me.

(We all know that intellectually, but our hearts have other ideas )


it sometimes feels like there's a whole lot more than 2 people in your bed!!

Again, YUP!!!

First I would highly reccomend that you see your family doc and ask about anti-depressants.

Yeah, I've been thinking about this too, but right now, because I've recently changed jobs I don't have the option for health insurance just yet, and since changing jobs has effectively cut my income by about 2/3 (no kidding <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ), doing it without ins. is pretty much out of the question.

Then I would suggest that you have a plan (gee I love that word!! LOL ) for what to do when those thoughts begin to intrude.

Any suggestions on how to do this? What about radical honosty? My W knows something is wrong, but I haven't come completely clean about this yet either. I simply don't know how to approach it without her thinking I dont' want her anymore.

The key is having a set replacement thought ready and waiting

What do you suggest?

Are you spending 15 hours a week together.. just you... doing things you both enjoy?

We are for the most part, though sometimes we end up cutting short, mostly because of babysitter issues. Tommorrow though we are going to a fight, we're going to hope a hockey game breaks out <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . I have tickets for the Tampa Bay Lightning. They're not Bucs tickets, but I dont' have five grand to blow on SB tickets <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" /> .

Now, about honesty. This is one thing that you don't need to be sharing every time it comes up. If you have a journal that's open, I think that's fabulous. But for Mrs. MTD to be reading daily or weekly that you are having flashbacks and thoughts about the A will not help your marriage recover. It will simply continue to make her feel bad as well.

Unfortunately, that is EXACTLY what happened.

Ok, so I need to make sure the fifteen hours things happens, no excuses. It is a must, I know teach. But when I talk to her during these times are sometimes the most active times for my imagination, if you know what I mean. She will say something and I'll wonder, did she say that to OM's?? One thing is we've never had the "gory detail" talk, where I ask where, when and how. I didn't think it was necessary. I actually thought of it as counterproductive. Am I right in thinking so? Sometimes I think that if I knew the whole truth that maybe my imaginagion wouldn't run so rampant. But then maybe I think I just want to ask to punish her, make her go through everything again. AAARRGGGHHH!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

I WISH THIS WOULD ALL GO AWAY!!!! Why won't it stop? Even now, it's all I can think about. <slamming head into refridgerator door repeatedly>

Another thing I should tell you, I haven't held back so far, why should I start now. Lately some of my thoughts have come in the form of violent daydreams towards the OM's. The problem is, I know how to find all 3 of them, and I am beginning to worry I may do something stupid. I know it sounds really crazy, maybe I am. I can look in the mirror right now and say I would not do anything so dumb, so childish, so STUPID. But what about tommorrow?? Or the next day? How long can I push these thoughts out of my head, or just go above them?

I really think I'm losing it!!

<small>[ January 21, 2003, 04:56 PM: Message edited by: madly_truly_deeply ]</small>
Hi C.

Why is it I suddenly feel like a Pokeman Card or a favorite sweater?? LOL

Actually you are alot like a favorite sweater. Warm and comfortable. Thanks for all of your help through these months.

Yes, this does make it more difficult to accomplish, but OTOH it makes it even more necessary. The stress of having a child with special needs particularly in a step family situation makes it even more imperative that you have time to reconnect just as a couple.

Well, I never thought about it that way before, but it certainly makes sense.

I can manage about 5 hours per week kid free time alone. That is with huge effort.

How are you going to squeeze that out?

Well, my idea is that I can be available for lunch most Fridays. 1.5 Hrs. I have a sitter on <onday nights for our class. There is the hour before when the girls are at class...we have that time and then the hour of our class. 2H. I can swing a couple of hours on Sunday when a therapist is with boy wonder. This is a good time to discuss/work through weekly assignments. 2H.

The problem I see with that is the focus issue. Although the kids will be otherwise occupied your attention will by necessity be divided. You'll still need to have half a brain concentrated on making sure that they're ok... not kidnapped.. not beating up on each other... you get the idea.

Fair enough. I was hoping that it would be minimal.

Here are some thoughts I have and you can tell me to what degree you've explored them.

Hiring a high school girl for after bedtime or early on weekend mornings. You might check with your scout groups or other community/church groups, often these have incentives or requirments for doing service of some sort.

This really doesn't work. He can be quite a handful and really needs someone trained to handle him. H had a company Christmas party to go to and my best therapist who has been with him for 4 years was babysitting. C to to peices about God knows what and ended up in a violent rage. She called me crying and said that other that call the police for protection she didn't know what else to do. We had to leave the party very early. You can't prepare a kid to handle things like this and you never know what is going to set him off.

He's been quite a stinker since school started this year. Autitistics do not do well with change and that is a large part of the problem. His world was turned upside down with the move. Change of school, therapists, etc. he is working on a world record for school suspensions this year. He has had at least 20 since school started in the fall. It isn't for the faint hearted. He is supposed to have a full time aide for school...that is another story...they can't find people either.

The real trick is to hire and train more therapists which is not as easy as it sounds. Since we have moved back here in June I have only been able to pick up one more therapist...I am always trying.

Trading childcare time with another parent of a child with special needs.

This is a good approch...however, most of the familes I have connected with, I babysit their children for extra income. Also...most of them have 1-2 children, I have 3-4 depending on where H's D is. I don't expect it would be easy to find familes willing to take that on.

Bartering something with a person who has some skills in childcare.

I suppose this would look more like finding and hiring therapists.

Doing things at home once the kids are in bed...or setting aside time that they know is off limits... just for the two of you.

Oh!!!! Yea! I forgot all about that...6 hours here.

Some things that would be helpful to know.. what kinds of things do you like to do together? How did you do it when you were dating?

Before we started dating, I had my home program running for 4 years already. I had a fabulous team of therapists that were willing to work. Obvious question is why now that I am back can I not just pick them up again. We use college students...speech majors, psych majors, etc. They graduate and get real jobs.

When I moved across town with him, it took me about two years before I was able to amasse a new good team of therapists. When I moved back here, I left them all behind except for my very best one who makes the trip out here for us a couple of times a week. She is engaged and now has a real job, so I probably can't keep her too much longer.

When we were dating we would often go to bars.. have a few drinks...he would smoke cigars and I would chain smoke cigarettes. Since, I have quit both drinking and smoking and many of his issues are alcohol related so that one is definately out. We had some of our best times in those bars.

Activities...movies, dinners, shopping, comedy clubs, plays. Also I used to go watch H play basketball which he likes but the novelty of that wore off. I don't enjoy it and can better spend my time. Sweaty men are sexier when you are dating than when you are married. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

What kinds of things have you done as a family?

Movies, dinners, parties (his basketball friends). Seasonal things like playing in the snow, Renisance festival, swimming, etc.

Helpful at all?? Let me know.

Actually, yes. Kind of brainstorming. And I added the RCQ to the list of Q's to complete.

Thanks...let me know what you think.

Donna Marie
Just to let you both know... the raggy old comfy sweater (who fantasizes about being new, see through, sexy, sweater LOL LOL <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) is here and working today. Back at ya when I get through my mailbox and some phone calls!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Just to let you both know... the raggy old comfy sweater (who fantasizes about being new, see through, sexy, sweater LOL LOL )

I am quite sure that I didn't say raggy. Of course I wasn't quite thinking see-thru either.

Could someone tell me what a "Plan A" is?....Help....
That is exactly what happened! Seriously came out of nowhere on me.

Yeah, I know. I still get hit once in a while. Not too often anymore... but once in a while.

C:First I would highly reccomend that you see your family doc and ask about anti-depressants.

MTD:Yeah, I've been thinking about this too, but right now, because I've recently changed jobs I don't have the option for health insurance just yet, and since changing jobs has effectively cut my income by about 2/3 (no kidding <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ), doing it without ins. is pretty much out of the question.

Ok, I see the connection, and I certainly understand the financial constraints. But let's look at the big picture... your marriage could be at stake here. How about trying St. John's Wort? Some people have good success with it? Also, what about exercise and relaxation/meditation? Try searching on "depression treatement" online and see what you get for alternative solutions.

C:Then I would suggest that you have a plan (gee I love that word!! LOL ) for what to do when those thoughts begin to intrude.

MTD:Any suggestions on how to do this? What about radical honosty? My W knows something is wrong, but I haven't come completely clean about this yet either. I simply don't know how to approach it without her thinking I dont' want her anymore.

Ok, honesty is always good. Honesty is also always about you, and always courteous. How do we put those seemingly impossible-to-mix things together?? You tell her that you are struggling with memories or pain left over from the affair. (those are true statements about you/your feelings) and that you are working on ways to deal with it. Do not drag her into the I-feel-so-bad-because-you-did____.

Reiterate that you are glad she's home, that you are committed to having the best marriage possible, and that you will work through this. And that she doesn't need to fix it.

C:The key is having a set replacement thought ready and waiting

MTD:What do you suggest?

It's hard for me to know what that would be for you. How about I give you a couple of examples from different areas in my life and how I deal with them.

The first is about me and my past, not about relationships. As a child I was abused and I think (but don't know, I have minimal memories) tortured. For years I dissociated and I had terrible irrational fears. For the most part, that is all in the past, but there are times when I'm alone at night that the fears will start/

Afraid of what? I still have no idea... just afraid. But it starts with the thought that I'm alone, that it's dark, that evil things could be there, and then it goes to the "what it" stage...

What if I heard them coming? What if I felt something move in the room? What if I saw someone?

Now, MTD... I'm 41 years old. I've run one succesful business and I'm starting another. I teach, I write, I parent, I interact in the community. I KNOW there is nothing in the dark that's going to "get" me. But if I let the thoughts go one step beyond the "it's dark and I'm alone" place... I'll be 4 years old again.

So I've learned that I stop them there. I refuse to think the next thought. I think about books I've read, emails I need to answer, stuff I need to do the next day, I plan my website, I plan my business strategy. Because I can't go down that thought path.

Now about relationships. I think you know that ours has been difficult.. to put it mildly. So when things get even a little conflicted my thoughts will immediately go to... it's the same as before, it'll never get better, he's hurt me so much and now it's happening again... all holding onto the past.

In a really weird way humans seem to enjoy dwelling on that kind of pain. We get a very perverse pleasure out of torturing ourselves with those kinds of thoughts.

One of the things about what I do in all aspects of my life is this concept of changing patterns, and that includes thoughts. So once in a while I'll find myself slipping into those torturous depths, and then I'll stop and say... no I don't have to go there. And you know what? I get a brief feeling of relief, of it being better, of contentment...AND I DON'T LIKE IT!!!! Now figure that out!!

So what I'm learning is that I need to stop those thoughts before they get to the dwelling and wallowing stage.

How? The first step is to find the trigger. What is it that starts the slide? This will be even before you find that you are struggling with things.... could be a conflict that's not resolved, a need that's not met, lack of sleep.... what is the trigger that makes you vulnerable?

If you can identify that (or those) then you can know where to take the initiative to proactively change what you think.

Some possibilities: your career goals and how to get there, what the kids are doing at school, your schedule, planning the next date, how your team did in the last game, jobs to be done at home.....

You can also DO something that requires thought. Play an instrument, read a book, do a puzzle (ugh!) begin a project.... taking a walk would not be a good idea because it leaves nothing but time to think.

We are for the most part, though sometimes we end up cutting short, mostly because of babysitter issues. Tommorrow though we are going to a fight, we're going to hope a hockey game breaks out <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> . I have tickets for the Tampa Bay Lightning. They're not Bucs tickets, but I dont' have five grand to blow on SB tickets <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />

If I had five grand to blow.... it would NOT be on sports tickets!!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> LOL Jewelry?? Clothes?? In a heartbeat!

Ok, so are you setting aside time each week to plan your 15 hours?

C:But for Mrs. MTD to be reading daily or weekly that you are having flashbacks and thoughts about the A will not help your marriage recover. It will simply continue to make her feel bad as well.

MTD:Unfortunately, that is EXACTLY what happened.

Alright then, no more... journal it here if you must and leave it out of where she can read.

But when I talk to her during these times are sometimes the most active times for my imagination, if you know what I mean. She will say something and I'll wonder, did she say that to OM's??

OMG... yes I know!!!! Just acknowledge to yourself that you have that thought and see if you can let it go. Remind yourself that she is with you, that she's committed to recovery, and that you are too.

One thing is we've never had the "gory detail" talk, where I ask where, when and how. I didn't think it was necessary. I actually thought of it as counterproductive. Am I right in thinking so? Sometimes I think that if I knew the whole truth that maybe my imaginagion wouldn't run so rampant.

You know, I don't have a good answer for this. It's something that I struggle with on and off. We didn't have that talk either. Not for lack of trying on my part... but he just always claimed he didn't remember. So I'm left with imagining all kinds of things.

Could you make a list? Take a week or so to do it. Put down all the questions that are haunting you as you think of them. Email me the list before you decide to give it to her, and we'll talk about it. I think getting it out in the open might be helpful.

But then maybe I think I just want to ask to punish her, make her go through everything again.

And that would not help either of you!

I WISH THIS WOULD ALL GO AWAY!!!! Why won't it stop? Even now, it's all I can think about. <slamming head into refridgerator door repeatedly>

Hey!!! Stop that! The neighbors will wonder where the dents came from!! (I have to admit, the visual is funny, though!)

Another thing I should tell you, I haven't held back so far, why should I start now. Lately some of my thoughts have come in the form of violent daydreams towards the OM's. The problem is, I know how to find all 3 of them, and I am beginning to worry I may do something stupid. I know it sounds really crazy, maybe I am. I can look in the mirror right now and say I would not do anything so dumb, so childish, so STUPID. But what about tommorrow?? Or the next day?

See, that to me says you really need to look at the medication issue. I'm not a doc and I don't know, but it sounds suspiciously like post traumatic stress disorder. Is there a reduced fee clinic you can go to. Hey! Call the United Way. They are fabulous and have helped me find resources on many occasions. Very caring and lots of good info on what's available.

Alright.... I'd really like an update from you before the end of the week. Tell me how you are and what your plan is for making some changes. I don't want to go into the weekend worried that I'll have to come and bail you out of somewhere because you bonked OM on the head with your refrigerator!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

Let me know if those ideas help, and if not... well, I'll see what else I have in my bag of tricks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Kelli38:
<strong>Could someone tell me what a "Plan A" is?....Help....</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Kelli... here is a link to Dr. Harleys Plan A and Plan B descriptions. If you are dealing with infidelity in your marriage (which I assume you are since this is and infidelity board) then I really want to highly encourage you to GET OFF THE FORUM and read the articles, q/a, and other information available at this site.

Posters are well meaning and very caring, but you need a strong background in the concepts and the steps for saving your marriage. You need to get it from the expert.... and that would not be on the forum.

When you're done reading, search me out here or at the Just Found Out board and I'll help you with your questions.

Best to you...


Plan A Plan B info per Dr. Harley
PDD.... well little miss parallel life....

I'm glad to know there are parents in the world who spend more time in the principal's office than we do!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />

We were there just again this morning to redefine our "plan" for the 8yo. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

Alright then, high school kids are out, and adults are challenged, so we'll go with your continuing efforts to rebuild a network of helpers.

I see though that you have managed to eke out another 6 hours bringing our total to 11! Not bad. Now if you could get some phone and email time in there too, well.... we'd be on our way!!

I think the list of activities is good, and I think you'll find doing the recreational Q is fun.

So then, what does that leave? Waiting til he gets home to see how all of this flys?

I think you've put together a pretty comprehensive approach. If it doesn't work you could say you did just about everything.

What do you think he'd feel about going to the MB weekend? The next one is here ya know!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

I don't have your post in front of me, so let me know what I'm missing. I'll be waiting to hear from you!!

Ok, not much but it's a start. I suppose I'll start with the list you asked for.

This is probably the hardest part. I can't even really identify the triggers. My W gets upset she seems to think I should be beyond this already. Gee, I'm sorry to dissapoint her... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> . Ok, rant overwith. I just think of all the little crap. Every time we go past a Days Inn (where she went to be with OM#3) without thinking about it. OM#2 (my old friend) is working for one of those rent to own places, I won't say which, and I every time I pass one (and there are a LOT of them here in Tampa) I start to think about it. I think about how much trouble she went through to hide an A, but wouldn't spend any time on our M. About how she almost ended up in another A (would make that OM#4 and OP#5 <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> ) with a friends brother. This same friend helped enable her A. I feel like a complete moron everytime we see them. She still likes to go into her old sportsbars and see her friends, the ones who helped her with her extracarricular activities. This isn't supposed to bother me. We don't go there cuz she knows it does, but she thinks it shouldn't. It agonizes me cuz I think about what she said about him being a better lover and I go nuts trying to think about what he did that was so great.

I'm sorry I can't be specific, it just drives me nuts and I can't really pinpoint my what I'm trying to say really bothers me. Sometimes I honostly feel it's not worth the effort and I should just move on.

Even at the hockey game it was crap. We were there with a group from work. One of the other male employees sat on the other side of her during the game, and I kid you not, I almost thought she was there with him instead of me. There was no touching or any affection of course, but she spent the whole time talking to me and I had to fight just to get her to hold my hand.

Why am I even bothering with this? Is this really worth all the pain? I don't know, I'll try to sort it all out and give you more later. I promise my next post will make more sense.
Cerri, I have been honostly thinking of asking my W for a D anyway lately, all this just doesn't seem worth it. To much pain. Gotta go now. Thanks.
Well my dear.... don't even go down the D path with me.... you know better than that!!!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I didn't work my little fingers to the bone getting you to this point just to have you bail on me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> Now how would that look on my record??? Huh???? Huh???? Boy, ya could just be a little more empathetic here.....

Oh wait, you're the one fighting to keep head above water... sorry.... ranting blonde witch now settling down and engaging brain....

Alrighty then (as my children who have seen Pet Detective waaaay too many times say...) what to do about the resentment that's eating you from the inside out? A couple of thoughts come to mind.

First, we need to go back to the basics. In marriage, everything you do affects how your spouse feels, AND how your spouse feels about YOU.

That is the number one concept that we need to keep in mind. Next comes this one: In order to preserve (restore/revive) the love you have for each other, you must make your decsions in a way that is good for both of you AT THE SAME TIME.

(Not, I do this thing for you which I hate and then you do something for me which is icky for you.... every decision must be good for both of you at the same time.)

AND until you can agree on what that decision is, NOTHING happens. No decision is made.... that includes how to pay bills, whether or not to discipline a kid, where to go for weekend fun, etc......

So what I see happening with you guys is a failure to follow these rules. You are doing things that are YOU are not happy about. And some of those things are feeding the resentment.

Such as.... going to sports bars where she met with the OM's. Good goddess MTD.... I felt ill just driving past the airport where H used to fly out of when he travelled for work and had his A's..... there is no way in you-know-where (which seems to have frozen over here in the heartland) that I would have EVER gone to the place where he actually met those women. Never. In fact, I don't even want to here the name of those cities!!!

So, if you are uncomfortable going to those places... then you don't go!!! You negotiate until you find some other alternative that works for both of you. If you can't.... well then.... ya sit at home and stare at the walls. You can see that if you follow the "do nothing" rule, there becomes an immediate motivational reason to negotiate!

Now then, if driving a certain route is bringing up those feelings, then don't drive it! Find another way. It's the same thing.... it's a decision about the route you take that is not working for you.

The thing about recovery is that this is the time to create lifestyle that is good for both of you. It's addressing the things that went wrong before and not allowing yourselves to fall back into the pattern of making decisions that is good for one of you and bad for the other. That's the road that led to the A in the first place.

Now, about talking to her about this. Don't. Yeah, that might sound like dishonesty, but it's not. She knows you were hurt by the A, you're not telling her anything new. All you're doing is making both of you feel bad.

Things that are in the past need to stay in the past. There is nothing either of you can say or do that will "resolve" this... or make you feel better about the fact that your wife had A's. So don't go there. It's not a fixable event.

What is fixable is how you handle today and tomorrw and the next day. The things that are triggering your resentment, it seems, are the things that remind you of the A. So get those out of your life. Replace them with something else. Start building some new memories.

Ok, so it's the weekend. Your plans should be things that do not trigger memories or resentment. They should be things that you both enjoy.... maybe a new sports bar and new friends?? Maybe it will take finding a whole new recreational activity. Whatever it is, until you decide on something that you're both thrilled about doing... you stay at home and do nothing.

I'm emailing you too.... I'd really like to hear either there or here that you're ok. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Oh.... which Harley books do you have? Any? Let me know.....

Hello Ms. Cerri...

Ahhh... the internet!!! Email an Inet have been down at work since Wednesday and I've been sick so if I couldn't do it at didn't get done.

well little miss parallel life

No kidding...I had the Student Planning Team Mtg on Tues about Boy Wonder....he's eight too you know. Nine in April.

I'm glad to know there are parents in the world who spend more time in the principal's office than we do!!

I'm sure I have you beat. After every suspension we have a readmission mtg, plus I demand monthy Student Planning Team Meetings. Are you aware of these? It is your right under IDEA. Just ask me..I'll fill you in. With his DX they can't expell him ... it's a daily challenge.

I see though that you have managed to eke out another 6 hours bringing our total to 11! Not bad. Now if you could get some phone and email time in there too, well.... we'd be on our way!!

Phone and email count?!! I thought it had to be F2F. We can add maybe 2H there. How do you count that?

gets home to see how all of this flys?

Well the perverbial crap has already hit the perverbial fan.

It just been an ugly past few days. I had the stomach flu. Ick. H called from airport on Thurs at 8:30 pm. Said he would go home first and then be over. That didn&#8217;t work for me because by the time I picked D up from Pointe I wouldn&#8217;t have kids to bed until 9:30 I&#8217;m exhausted and going to bed too, I've been sick and need sleep. We get up at 5am and mornings are of course chaotic and we are out the door at 7. H is totally PO&#8217;d that I didn&#8217;t &#8220;make time&#8221; for him&#8230;. I guess I am supposed to make up a few extra hours somewhere to give him attention because he showed up 3 days early.

He wanted to go to the Phoenix Open and wanted me to take Friday off&#8230;. Not something I can do without some notice. So I made some personal compromises to arrange Saturday to be open (not an easy task) so I can go to the PO with him on Sat.

Anyway the Thursday thing turned into this big ugly mess. He says that apparently he had hoped for too much from my new &#8220;plan&#8221;, he has no clue what the plan entails, apparently is picturing a huge plan A. He only knows that I was working on a recovery plan. Apparently that looks to him like me bending pver backwards to his whims.

Anyway..late Thursday he called me back to say he was going hunting and would see me next week.

Friday 6pm, I cancel babysitting arrangements. 8pm Fri&#8230;he calls as if nothing has happened.... Can I go to PO tomorrow??? Now, again, I am supposed to rearrange life again according to H. Not Happening.

His responses all thru this are you don&#8217;t feel this&#8230;, you think this&#8230; he has no idea what I think or feel.

I consider his responses to be spontaneous, irrational, and judgmental. I am supposed to arrange and rearrange my schedule to his whim. Additionally&#8230;it is a LB to me when he tells me what I feel and think. He didn&#8217;t know me when we were married and I have changed so much in these past many months that he cannot possibly imagine what I think and feel now.

I know it is the weekend but can I send you my &#8220;plan?&#8221; I know that it isn&#8217;t something that you are buying into but can you check it for me&#8230;for LB, and judgement, demands and all of that other nasty stuff? I am trying to do this by the book and expecting &#8220;text book&#8221; answers from him when he apparently doesn&#8217;t even know what book to read?

Per our last discussion&#8230;I am choosing to not talk to him until he buys into fair play discussion according to my plan and Harley fairplay principles. I did mention that I had someone in mind that he could discuss this with.

Agrrh!!!! Please help me to not screw up what I perceive to be the last straw.

I think you've put together a pretty comprehensive approach. If it doesn't work you could say you did just about everything.

I had thaought so. Becase of that I have told him that I am not bending over backwards until he plays by rules that work. A new standoff. What is the point? Really, I don't see thing changing.

What do you think he'd feel about going to the MB weekend? The next one is here ya know!!

Oh!! I din't realize that!! We have discussed the weekends and are both thinking it would be good. We have also discussed the cruise. I would love to meet w/you but suspect H would be less than enchanted.

Thanks and hugs.

Can you share your new homelife?


Hugs. It's a nasty world we live in and I'm not talking about politics.

My grand advice to careful what you wish for. I had to know EVERYTHING....and my H gave it to me. He wrote up something like a a 4 page documentary.

I also struggle with the many-times-a-day visuals like you do. I wouldn't have some of those visuals if H hadn't given them to me. I even went to lunch with one of the OW's.

I often think that I created my own mightmares. My illusions weren't as bad as the facts that he gave to me.

Make your own choices but remember that you have to live with them. To do it all over again (shiver, major shiver) I'd ask for it all again but I am not sure it is helpful.

Ms. Cerri is wise...listen to her.

What I can tell you for sure is that I would NEVER put myself in a position to go where they went together. We have enough triggers without having our noses rubbed in them.

If you can, make new memories. I also often wonder what is the point?!! Perhaps the answer lies in our futures and in our families, and in hope.

I identify with your situation, take care and God Bless. Thanks for sharing the space....I think we have some simiar issues.

Its a really tough road but we found MB and I believe that God puts certain people in our lives at specific times for a reason, and we don't have to be alone.

Get thru this for you....

Hi Cerri. I'm sorry I'm late with my update. I kinda took a couple days off all this just to try and focus. I am feeling much better now. The lovely Mrs. Rohde has been great these last couple days. I finally realized what I was feeling was more self pitty than anything. That is usually just the opposite of who I am. Normally I scold those that spend their time feeling sorry for themselves, it gets you nowhere fast. I someone post once that being bitter is kind of like taking poison then waiting for the other person to die. So true.

PDD, thanx for the support. Yes, Ms. (or is it Mrs.??, I always muck those up) Cerri is VERY wise. I love your sig line, so true.

Yes I know you worked very hard. Sorry that I gave you a scare. These emotions hit so hard and so fast I don't guess I was ready for them. Now that I've had a couple of days it's a bit easier to deal with them. The lovely Mrs. Rohde I've noticed since I've relaxed a bit is a lot more receptive to helping me with this than before. Gee, imagine that. "Sweetie, I have a problem I think I need your help", as opposed to "Woman, do something for me before I ruin the refigerator!!". BTW, the fridge is ok. I don't know what I was thinking with that gory detail crap, I know it wouldn't do any good. Is it possible I only wanted to hurt her some more? I don't know.

That's all I have time for right now, got a party to set up for, something about a game or something, I don't know <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> . I'll give you more in a day or so.


P.S.--who ya rootin' for this evening?? Tampa right!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you. Things generally tend to look a little better in the light of day, when you've had a little time to vent and think.

Make sure you stick to the POJA and remember to do only those things that you are both enthusiastic about, at the same time.

Go then, and enjoy your testosterone pumped day <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" /> There's not much escaping it here with four sons.... I think the pre-game show started sometime on Thursday!!!

Mayber I'll just immerse myself in some goddess lore to balance out the energy!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Brightest of blessings to you and your family!

Yup, yet again!! For those that don't know, my W had 3OM's, and 1OW. OM's 1+2 have both broken NC, via phone calls, showing up at our job etc.. My W and I (in R since Oct2) are both managers at the same resteraunt. We took the job (it was a huge demotion and paycut for me) so we would have more time together. Both of the mentioned OM's have come in to make their presence known. OM#2 to try and see W, and OM#2 it seems specifically to F*** with me. He used to be a very good friend of mine btw. today, he came through our pick up window. I didn't see him personally. He asked my cashier if I was there, then asked her to give me a note. He didn't give his name, but by her description it was him. Also by his note, which basically said in a nutshell "haha..I banged your W". There was a little more to it, but that's the gist of it. He's done this before, he's always very nasty about it, and no matter how many times I confront him he always comes back. I've been told by the local police there's not much I can do unless I want to restrain him from the business, in which case I would have to let my boss in on why I need him restrained. So what do I do? The only idea that sits in my head right now is to go find him and make sure the very idea of ever seeing me or my W again makes him shudder. I know this really isn't an option, would feel good though. Would probably get me in trouble also. Not what I need right now. Suggestions anyone? BTW, I've even tried calling his mother. Didn't work. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />


OOPS <img border="0" title="" alt="[Embarrassed]" src="images/icons/blush.gif" />
MTD.... I gotta be out today, but my initial thought is tell the boss???

I'll be back this afternoon briefly and out tomorrow too. Sorry, terrible week.

What does your W say?

And don't even think about doing anything rash, I don't have time this week to post bail!!

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