Replaced, you and I have got to stop drinking Coke this late at night! I think we're following each other around on the board.<p>Well, I think an A is, on the surface, pretty much a bilateral plan A, except for the fact that there is no reality to it..there is no balancing checkbooks, picking up the kids..the junk stuff that really wears a marriage down. It's like a fantasy Plan A.<p>I think lots of WS probably plan A the BS without us knowing, not because they are thinking of the OP, but more like they're trying to level the playing field. In retrospect my SO did this, mostly so he could see if I would respond more to him..wish I had known it the time it felt like he was demanding more of me. And maybe he was..maybe that was his way of saying "open your me". But I had those dealing with reality blinders on.."things" like appointments, work, house cleaning, raising kids blinded me to the whole A and the fact that I was getting unhappier by the minute.<p>So, I don't know that I would assume his mind was elsewhere. And, in retrospect, I don't think I would assume he didn't love you.<p>I think we've all heard a different version of "I never stopped loving you, but I'm "in love" with her, or "I don't know if I ever loved you" but, I think those are all true statements taken in context and at the time.<p>An analogy would be like a vacation..sounds wonderful when you've been stuck at home..can't wait to's great while it's going on, but you still want to be home with your's not that the 5 star hotel isn't beautiful..but it's not yours. It's not that you don't love the restaurant and never doing the dishes..but you start to miss not having to get dressed to eat and just wanderinginto the kitchen and grabbing a PBJ in your jammies.<p>And I think that's the dynamics of the is a vacation..the shame of it is, if both of us had spoken up..we could've gone on one together.