Yes, it was 2 years ago today, I remember it well. I had finally found a "reason" that made some sense for what she was doing.<p>I got to work at 7:00AM and waited by the fax machine for WorldCom to fax over the missing phone bills. I saw all the calls, I saw the billing address was to her GF's house, I WAS RELIEVED IN A WEIRD SORT OF WAY!<p>I asked to leave work at 9:00 AM as I was in no frame of mind to concentrate on work things that day. I remember calling the counselor on the way home and telling her, her response, "I'm surprised". Yeah right. I had previously given the counselor lists of behaviors like the trimming down, all the new clothes, the drawer full of thongs, her response to this was "she's just distancing herself from you". I should've known the counselor was no good since she was 50 something and dressed like a 26 year old.<p>It was such a feeling of relief overall, for about a half a day, then, nothing but sleeplessness and the anger of betrayal.<p>Sorry for rambling so much. I must say, I've traveled a great journey and learned much along the way. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.<p>Thank you to all who have been supportive of me over the past 2 years:<p>NSR
and many many others.<p>Rick37, where are you?<p>I owe you all BIG TIME and want to concentrate now on helping all the others (the Newbies) here. There is so much pain here and I see posts all the time where I have a good notion that infidelity is going on but the poster doesn't yet know it. <p>I guess I'm an old timer now, even though I have nowhere near the number of posts that most Old Timers have.<p>Thank you all, and God Bless.<p>Jay<p>[ June 20, 2002: Message edited by: catamount82 ]</p>