I need to ask my friends here at MB (seems like the only friends I have anymore) how I handle this situation.
My WW just lost her job, and since it was a "dream job" that seems to have been the most important thing in her life, if I am doing OK with this. When it happened, unexpectedly and handled with no class, she was blindsided ( I Know the irony of the Karma isn't lost on me since I was blindsided with the news of the A), I just listened and held her and was just there for her. I told her I was not there to tell her how to feel, that I thought the whole thing was handled badly and that she had every right to feel bad. I have tried to be supportive and offer only MHO on things and not try to tell her how to deal with it, like I might have done in the past. Things are better and she is dealing with it better than even she thought possible, but I am worried that this will hurt her more on self esteem. Any suggestions about what I should do ?
I must admit I do wonder if this will drive her back to OM, ( if she really has ever stopped seeing or talking with him like she has told me). I know that's selfish and I keep it to myself. One other thing, she still has no real affection towards me, SF every once in a while, but that's not what I mean. I mean no unsolicited I love you's no seeking a comfort hug , it's hard to explain, but I sometimes feel this will never return and if this crisis doesn't bring it back, will it ever come back.
Any one care to give me some guidance ? Thanks