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#1034199 10/17/02 10:01 AM
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<small>[ October 19, 2002, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: TORO ]</small>

#1034200 10/17/02 10:12 AM
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I wish OM would post on here. I mean if what they are doing is so RIGHT, then why not come on here and explain it all to us. Maybe they could enlighten us all.


#1034201 10/17/02 10:24 AM
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Sure, TORO, I got alot to say to a lousy OM.


Hey... OM...

There are two kinds of OMs.

1. Just risking his life for some nookie = stupid
2. Actually loves her = hopeless loser

For number 1:

Fool! Better watch your back. There is no animal in the world more dangerous than a betrayed husband. He sits around all day thinking of ways to kill you or mess up your life really good. If the husband feels like he has nothing to lose, you are in serious danger.

For number 2:

Hey chump, you are getting played. She is *USING* you for whatever she was missing at home. When the time comes, she will realize what a *LOSER* you really are for poaching on a *MARRIED* woman.

In the *UNLIKELY* event she leaves her husband to be with you, everything changes. Suddenly, it is *YOU* who have to worry about her going out to find some *STRANGE* Hey, she cheated on her *HUSBAND*, what makes you think she won't cheat on an immoral loser like you? She will. She obviously has issues, and she won't get rid of those issues by running from them. They will be *YOUR* issues too. (Sucker)

You may be good at the romance stage and able to suck vulnerable women into your game, but you have no end game. You do not have what it takes to sustain an actual adult relationship. You need serious help. Psychological and Spiritual.

For both 1 & 2:

A man who commits adutery with a married woman is going to burn in hell forever. Don't believe it? Better hope you are right. Be that as it may, you will get yours. Karma? Better hope there is no such thing. You better hope that the betrayed husband has more morals and self-control than you, otherwise the last thing you will ever see is his smiling face as he blows your stinking head off.

Die scumbag.


There you go, TORO. By the way, I do not advocate killing/hurting the OM. As much as I wanted to, and as much as he deserved it, I did nothing and he self destructed his own idiot chump weak self. I didn't want to lower myself to his level.

Don't forget, if she wants a guy like that, you don't want her at all. Hope she comes around.

Good luck, man.

ST -> NSST -> BTST -> OT

#1034202 10/17/02 10:38 AM
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Very early after D-Day I read a good quote that any BS and any OM should take to heart:

The best revenge on a man who would steal your wife is to let him have her.

Yo OM dude -- keep this in mind: It will seem to be going well. You'll think you found your soulmate. You'll feel pretty damned good about snaking her off from this guy she whined so much about. Then one night you might have a tiny little tiff, a bit of a fight. Nothing big.
But maybe she's late coming home, or the cell phone is turned off, or you get a hang-up call, or she sits up at the computer after you've gone to bed.
Or maybe it's not her you end up with. Still, you did it. What makes you think whoever you're with won't or can't?

That's when the doubts come, dude. And that's the legacy YOU get to live with.

#1034203 10/17/02 04:48 PM
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Heck, TORO, I've got a message for BOTH your WW and this OM turd, since they'll probably "Check out" your threads 2gether.

First, WW: You'd be amazed, if you'd stop and look and listen, at just how much TORO has grown in the short time he's been on this 4um. He'll never be the same H he was before. He'll be so much better, so much more supportive, so much more loving. He's already a terrific father 2 your children, but you know that. This OM turd can't replace him. He just can't. I can only hope that when you get tired of the OM and toss him out with the OTHER garbage (the spent coffee grounds and watermelon rinds), that TORO will still be interested in reconciliation. Because if you don't get over this fantasy R with this lying, cheating sack of sea-going salty salmon $h!t soon, some lovely young lady with a big heart is going 2 snatch him right up and live happily ever after with HIM and YOUR children! Pic2ure that, while having dinner with your OM this weekend.

OM turd: Sorry for calling you a turd so many times, but... ...well, you're behaving like something of a turd right now!

Try 2 have a good weekend, if you can. Your affair partner is an emotional wreck, and she's only going 2 get worse. Maybe you could cheer her up by reminding her just how wonderful a mother and wife she has been. That's what attracts guys like you 2 women like her, right? You're not interested in sex, are you? A good religious background, right? You were planning on attending Bible studies and going 2 church with WW, right? I mean Mrs. Toro, sorry!

I hope your mom didn't bite you on the leg 2 hard last night when you came home from work, but I bet she did bite you. Better get a rabies shot.

#1034204 10/17/02 04:50 PM
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Thanks Optimistic Tiger (good post) and chorus: Didn't think her flying to see him would bother me as much as it has. Pretty low day. Still have 3 more to go before she leaves there, not that that will solve anything, but, well you know. Yes, I'm sure he is happy he stole my wife. She didn't even give us the slightest chance. Maybe that tells me more about her than I thougt I knew.


I will be posting an e-mail she sent to me later tonight, would like your input on what she said.

#1034205 10/17/02 04:59 PM
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2Long, as usual I always look forward to your posts. You actually made me laugh again. I believe everything you say. You right as well, I am not the same person I was even a month ago. My life has forever changed. I do feel as though I have grown. And right now, I can say to myself, its her loss. Everyone tells me I will find someone wonderful. Sometimes I wonder, even though for next year or so I'm not interested in any relationship except that with my boys. They need me more than anything now, and I'm not going to let them down, EVER. My next relationship will come when the time is right, for me and my boys. I haven't seen them since this morning, (I had to travel to San Jose, Ca) and I miss them already. But i'll be home in a few hours and they'll be laying with ME tonight. Best feeling in the world.

Thanks again.


#1034206 10/17/02 05:34 PM
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Hey TORO I just got up (I work the graveyard shift) and saw another thread of yours and I just couldn't resist giving my few remaining brain cells a workout.


I'm not going to blast you out of the water this time (I've done that already in TORO's other thread) so please consider reading the following.

Can you really trust somebody that instead of dealing with her problems in her M decides to wait until somebody else comes along to sweep her off her feet? Is that the kind of person you are willing to put your trust and faith in? What makes you so certain that after she leaves her H (TORO) and moves in with you that she won't start feeling dissatisfied and eventually leave you? The first betrayal is the hardest for a WS but the subsequent betrayals become easier and easier to committ until they become part of the person's make up. If she betrays you later down the road, it will be a lot easier and less heartbreaking for her than her present betrayal of her H (TORO).

I hope that you still have enough brain cells left to realize that your R with another man's wife is a losing proposition for EVERYBODY.

#1034207 10/17/02 06:02 PM
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Hi TORO -- I've got something for your OM.

So, OM, I don't know why you're bothering with TORO's W when there are so many other women out there that would be a perfect fit for you/just like you. Take my WH's OW for example, she's young, gullable, has no morals, willing to drop everything at a moments notice to have sex with a man who can't commit to her, doesn't seem to have a very high opinion of herself, and seems to be able to conduct a guilt free relationship.

OM, I really think you ought to think about dating other people's OWs. Would solve a lot of problems here at MB and over at TOW. Lots of people in pain and yet, if the OMs and OWs could get together I bet everyone could find some peace and happiness.

<small>[ October 17, 2002, 06:02 PM: Message edited by: unsureheart ]</small>

#1034208 10/17/02 08:41 PM
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I ditto Unsurehearts!!!!! EXCELLENT! as was everyone elses two cents <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Love this thread.....

#1034209 10/17/02 10:49 PM
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Because my friend, Chorus can be a little verbose <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" /> and because OM tend to be a little slow <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> , here you go:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dear OM,
TORO's wife cheated on him to be with you. Eventually, she will cheat on you to be with some other guy. If she were a car, would you even consider buying it? DUH!

P.S. "Verbose" means he uses a lot of words.

<small>[ October 17, 2002, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Riff ]</small>

#1034210 10/17/02 10:50 PM
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Thanks Everyone, you guys always know the right thing to say. It's really hard writing this evening. I just got home to my boys, looked at them was thinking at this moment WW is probably in bed with OM. It is very difficult to look at my boys and think their MOM would do this. Besides doing it to me, she is doing it to them and I think that hurts me more than anything. All I want to do is hold them. They will be sleeping with me tonight. It's hard to believe their mother is in bed with another man. I'm trying to keep a clear mind, it's just really hard right now, it's d-day all over. I am going to do a quick thread on the e-mail I received this morning. Apparently her sister and mother wrote her some kind of letters. I guess her mothers told her that if she flew to see him she would not have her family when she got back. I know, kinda tough, but they mean it. They cannot accept what she is doing. Her sister just didn't understand why she didn't even give the marriage a chance. Anyhow, it will be on a new thread.


I hope you all don't think I post too much. if I do, someone please yell and I won't post as much. It really does help me, though.

#1034211 10/17/02 11:45 PM
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I do think she is in a deep deep fog. Sounds like she is still involved in her A?

Let it go for a while, I know how terribly hard it is to do this. It is sooo hard.

I am living proof that a spouse who says they will never come back can eventually say he wants to come back and is willing to work on it, that is what i am now getting as ws is now out of the FOG and sees I am still standing here loving him. I let him do his terrible thing to us, well what could I do?

YOu cant do anything to change what she is doing, so just let go... take it from me.. I lbed like crazy.

You can let go and it does feel good. One day there will be a chance. i am so much less hurt thatn I was a yr agao when this all started , livving proof it can get better.

I know it is very very diff. to be where you are.

Perhaps a kind response from my plan a book. I want you to be happy and I in no way want to hurt you. I love you and will be here for you if you need me. That is along the lines of what I would say. A healthy realtiosnhip allows for seperateness anyway. It is so hard to go through this when someone was your one and only... what are they thinking?

This is marriage not high school dating????

I am so sorry you are e ven here. I am not the best on advice but wanted to share my humble opinion with you.

Keep strong and take care of you adn your own personal growth will come from this. This is a true vehicle for growth wanted or not.

Hugs, HONEY <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

#1034212 10/17/02 11:47 PM
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oops, sorry for the confusion.. my last post was an answer to your ww 's email... so please use it in that persepctive. I had to login and accidently bruoght up the wrong post. hugs, honey

#1034213 10/18/02 01:50 AM
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I am sorry man, but this thread serves no purpose. Well, aside from the warm fuzzies it may give you and those writing this stuff.

I just want to say that if you are hoping for a chance at recovery, well, I truly hope OM and WS are NOT going to read this thread. Every word may be true. But, do not think she will get over the way you cheered people for, basically, repeatedly calling her a wh*re.

Trust me, if they read this it will bite you in the a$$.

I'm sorry for what you are going through. I know how hard this is. Just don't wanna see you add gas to the fire.

Luck to you.


#1034214 10/18/02 01:59 AM
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I want to know what kind of woman misses her kids soccer games. I would never miss my kids games. And I have to juggle dance, soccer or hockey, then Karate in the spring while hockey finishes up. I would not miss any of this. No man is worth it. Not even my H.

#1034215 10/18/02 10:39 AM
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((double post))

<small>[ October 18, 2002, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: Lexxxy ]</small>

#1034216 10/18/02 10:43 AM
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If you really believe that WW and OM are reading this, then you're being petty, vindictive and immature.

There is nothing positive that they will read here. Just them being attacked.

Having her read about what a cheating whore she is? And do you think he cares what a bunch of strangers think of him?

This is Plan A??????

#1034217 10/18/02 10:50 AM
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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Lexxxy:
<strong>If you really believe that WW and OM are reading this, then you're being petty, vindictive and immature.

There is nothing positive that they will read here. Just them being attacked.

Bad Idea.</strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Perhaps, but where is he going to vent his hurt and anger? Perhaps you would care to tell TORO what you would say if you were in his shoes.

<small>[ October 18, 2002, 10:52 AM: Message edited by: TooMuchCoffeeMan ]</small>

#1034218 10/18/02 11:20 AM
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Lexxy's right that it's petty and probably vindictive, but I do think everybody needs a place to vent and there is some humor in this. I tend to forget that OM or OW might actually be reading this stuff.

If we offended you Lexxy I am sorry b/c you have been willing to share your perspective as a WS. My apologies

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