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I imagine most of you won’t know who I am or remember me? For those of you who do, a big HELLO! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> For those of you who were so instrumental in helping me keep any semblance of sanity and held me via cyberspace when I needed it, Thank You! You all know who you are. I will remember you all and love you all for the rest of my life.
I started lurking here in March and joined Marriage Builders in May of 1999. D-day for me was February 21, 1999. An anonymous phone call is how I found out. This is nearing the time of the forth year anniversary of that day! Boy isn’t anniversary a horrible term for it?
By the grace of God, Dr. Harley’s Surviving An Affair, the Marriage Builders web site & Discussion Forums along with the wonderful members, I was able to keep most of my sanity and reach the goal of saving our Marriage.
It was a long hard battle. I have read my old posts occasionally and they show me the steps and how slow the progress was. My husband said he’d try but insisted that he was no longer in love with me and hadn’t been for a long time, years! That was news to me, but I did know our marriage was a miserable place to be. He had found the OW and I just delved deeper into my depression and the comfort of my bed, where my dreams were the only happy place in my life. I had gotten to the point of not feeling anything; I was numb as a person. On D-day I was healed of the illness of depression, and boy oh boy did I feel then. Pain and agony I never knew was possible. Grief so severe death sometimes looked like the only means of escape.
My husband also insisted that he was madly in love with the OW and he’d never get over her and their relationship would always feel unfinished. My translation to that is “interrupted” as it never had the chance to run its own course and come to any kind of reality. It was all good times fueled by the excitement of being new, forbidden and hidden. She bent over backwards to be the “woman of his dreams.” A position I once held. His withdrawal was long and painful for him, as it was for me too.
They worked together and continued to do so in the factory where they built pick up trucks. They cried in one another’s arms hidden in the cabs on the assembly line during breaks. It was all very dramatic and public within the world they knew in the factory. They were under scrutiny by the group of people that finally decided after three years I needed to know what was going on. I think in retrospect that because of all of this drama it made him feel more bound to her. The fog was very thick.
I was a mess. I cried all of the time. I did crazy things, so crazy that I am too embarrassed to admit to by typing them here. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> It hurt so badly often manifesting it self physically. I lost 26 pounds in five weeks with little effort. There were days when I couldn’t even swallow the bite of food I had just forced in my mouth. I got closer to God which was one positive consequence of the whole situation. One thing happened right away, we both began to threat each other with a kindness we hadn’t had in years. He started being tender to me.
We still did have arguments. There were times that I found very scary. I remember distinctly being in the hallway in our bedroom and crying while we were discussing something and him screaming “Don’t you understand I don’t want you’re a$$!” I wanted to die. I’d never felt so desperate in my life. One moment I would do anything to get him to stay here and the next minute I would tell him to get out. I even tried to pack his clothes on a few occasions. He wouldn’t leave. Now it wasn’t because he didn’t want out, but because this was “My house, and I’m not going anywhere.” When he would tell me that he may leave I was begging him to stay. There was the time he told me “I have never loved anyone in my life as deeply as I love OW.” In the next breath he said “Maybe I love you more, because I am here after putting up with all this $hit?” He was a very confused and hurting man. The only time I saw him cry was over the pain “everyone” was in and his loosing/giving up her. Once when a mutual friend of theirs told him that she felt the only reason he had an affair with her was to get his wife back, he cried and was nearly hysterical. He just kept saying “She couldn’t think that, she couldn’t believe that.” He was so concerned about hurting her regardless if it was at my expense. When it came to her and I back then, I always lost. <img border="0" alt="[Teary]" title="" src="graemlins/teary.gif" />
Things slowly were getting better between us, but his feelings for the other woman, whom he saw every day at work, were not diminishing. Finally after eight months he transferred to a different shift and department. I can honestly say that after the transfer things moved along in a positive manner at a much more rapid place. He also admitted to that being so.
In April of 2000, fourteen months after D-day my beloved husband looked at me & smiled and told me he loved me. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> It had been a long hard haul but we were on the road to recovering our marriage. It got better gradually with each and every day. That doesn’t mean it was “all better” and perfect, but we had jumped over one huge hurdle. The proverbial roller coaster continued to run around the track, it just didn’t have same intensity it had before.
Plan A does work! The concepts and principles here do work! Plan A becomes a way of life. Of course backsliding happens and you can get complacent. Then you have to snap yourself into attention and get back on track.
Now four years later I have my husband back. I know he loves me. He is an extremely handsome man. He is very visual with attractive spouse being a huge thing to him. Well, I have gained so much weight that I am anything but physically attractive. He still loves me. I can tell when he says it, how he looks in my eyes, how he holds me, and well the list goes on and on.
There are times when triggers hit me. The blows aren’t as hard but can still bring me to tears. I can honestly say that there has not been a day that I at least haven’t thought about it and her. I harbor horrible feelings towards her. Feelings I never thought I would feel about anyone in my life. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> I still need much work in this area. It’s a chink in my character. I believe the one way that would have put most of this far behind me would have been if we hadn’t made our marriage work, if we were apart. That is an option I didn’t want then and don’t ever want. The love and happiness far out weighs the sadness and pain.
One thing that I feel will make me freer of all of this would be for us to move far away. Just as Dr. Harley recommends. In a little over four years we will be moving to the other side of the country. We have been looking for land to build our home on. Yes we have a future. We have plans for that future. We have common goals and both look forward to spending many more years together with the good Lord willing.
My husband never went to counseling, never read any book, never spent any time on this web site except for a rare occasion or two when I badgered him into reading a post. I think that the total times were twice, and I really can only remember one time. He made fun of me sometimes for coming here or found it aggravating. Yet somehow he learned the terms and would say “You’re love busting” or some other reference to them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> He never wrote a No Contact letter or shunned her. He never did a cruel thing to her then or since. He never even spoke words of No Contact. He said it was just understood that the relationship they had was over. He never believed he could ever get his love back for me and had a time frame in his mind as to when he would go if he didn’t. He truly believed we would end in divorced.
I have learned that you must work on a marriage all the time. You must never take it or your spouse for granted. Love is like any living thing, it needs air, water and food to survive. If you give it light it will grow & thrive. You can’t pass out too many sincere compliments and words of appreciation. Everyone (at least that I know) wants to be adored, loved and know they are number one. One function the OP usually does very well is to heap on plenty of admiration. I also learned how important recreational companionship is. I learned that when your pain becomes too much it is very therapeutic to reach out and help someone else. God often has a way of working things out when we aren’t paying attention because we are busy helping someone else. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
I don’t post here anymore because the baton was passed to newer members when I wasn’t looking. When a post would catch my attention, usually someone else had posted and said what I was going to, much more eloquently. I do lurk and check in on here almost everyday. I don’t read all the posts and I don’t know the whole story of most members. There are so many of you now! When I first came here I was number 1813. Now because of the dreaded disease of infidelity there are at this moment 25,577. I don’t know if there will ever be a time when I don’t come here? I’m not able to contribute to helping people here by posting so I try to be content with extending my thoughts and prayers to everyone here.
In closing I would first like to apologize for this being so long. I am afraid that was my MO here on the forum…I just plain talk too much here and in my life away from the web.
Secondly although you may never meet in person, know that everyone here at this moment will be a part of you forever. Don’t argue and post disrespectful judgments regarding other members or their situations. I feel the need to tell you all to be supportive of each other here. By being supportive and remembering that most everyone here is or has been in extreme pain, you are helping to heal them and maybe their marriage. You’re helping to stamp out the disease of infidelity. For many members the only kindness extended to them today will be that which they receive here on the forum. I urge you to please remember that with each and every stroke of your keyboard. In the early days here we always made sure we were lovingly supportive of each other. We cared deeply and did anything we were able to do to make a difference and help each other. Yes we cried together and shared horrible pain, but we also laughed together. We were a family and most of us came out whole and are better people for it.
The last bits of advise I want to give to you, and forgive me if you find it offensive, is pray, pray and pray some more. The power in prayer and prayer in numbers is amazing. Hold on to your faith, keep persevering. Don’t give up hope or quit trying. We are living proof that it is possible for only one person to do most of the work while the other is resistant and have a complete turn around and become a recovered Married Couple.
Recanting this all has been difficult and painful. I guess I didn’t realize how much of it I had put away. Still I felt it was a necessary to do so. I should have done it last year at this time and didn’t. I’m trying to give back to a place that gave me so much.
Where have we landed? At a place where the grass is greener on this side of the fence and where we both know how blessed we are. We are at a place where we know we can count on one another to always be there and we are best friends again. I hope this helps some of you? I hope it provides you with new hope. That is affirms that Surviving an Affair is possible and you can have your marriage restored. It will never be the same but it is possible for it to be better in some ways and the relationship to be deeper. A “New” marriage if you will.
Now I’m going go light a candle, a tradition that was started here and many of us once shared in doing together. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Hugs to one and all, Samantha <small>[ February 17, 2003, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: Samantha * ]</small>
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How neat! I came to the library for a weekly check-in of sorts, and HERE IS SAMANTHA! <applause!!> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Wonderful message Sam, and do me a favor, will you? Send your address and phone number to my email, okay? I want to <gasp!> write you a... letter ... <ohmygosh, will wonders never cease?>.
Lots of love, and I always liked your L-00000-N-G messages!
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Samantha: What a great post...I really needed to hear something positive like that right now. My details are in my signature below.
I really wonder if my H will ever come out of the fog though. Next week he starts a new job 2 hours away and will move into an apartment over there. The OW was with him the last two weekends helping him move in, etc.
He tells me he doesn't know what he wants, but seems to be leaning toward her. Never says he loves me anymore, although we have still "acted" like things were normal for the most part. I told him I am trying to be patient while he figures out what he wants.
I think him living alone may make a difference, in maybe showing him what he's missing. It will also give him more time with OW (although she lives 7 hours away). I almost think that's the problem, that they didn't see each other that much and so never had any reality in the relationship so maybe that will change now.
Ok, now to my question....what was it that made your H decide to stay with you? Has he told you what you did to make him realize he did love you and wanted to be with you and not her? I'm in plan A and looking for all the advise I can.
Again, thanks for your story...it really helps give me hope and make me think all the praying I'm doing is worthwhile!
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You are truly blessed. Just hearing your story inspires me to hang in there and wait for the Lord to do his work.
I, too, recently discovered that my wife has been lying to me about her activities for over a year. I just confirmed her EA had become a PA only a few weeks ago.
Having read SAA the A dynamic has become crystal clear. It is unfortunate; however, that this new understanding does little to mitigate many of the intense feelings that come with her betrayal.
For me as well, the experience has truly brought me closer to God. For that reason alone, I have been able to maintain some semblance of sanity during the process. I know the road will be long, and this is just my first step.
One terrible thing about the A, is that I had been close with her family, and during my withdrawal, they had chosen sides as to the cause of the break up. Even with the disclosure of the affair, they are fixated more on assigning blame than focusing on the present and what we can do about the future. It is especially disheartening that they are people of faith, but their love for their daughter is so strong, they fail to see that they're enabling of the A will likely cause her to continue in this spiritually harmful path.
So, I struggle to remain strong. I am in Plan B. There is little left to do but wait, and continue to strengthen my relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that the illusion she has with the OM fails sooner than later, as my beliefs constrain me from doing anything but being patient -- and patience is difficult.
Thank you for a truly inspirational post.
God Bless.
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Samantha, I don't believe a post has made me cry in a long time, but yours did.
I'm so happy for you.
Thank you for all the times you held my hand as it took so long for me & my H to reach reconciliation and recovery. I remember you saying, "I think this is the last bump in the road. You are going to make it." If I hadn't believed you, and as you've counseled, returned to my faith, I don't know if I would have had the strength and the happy, recovered marriage I have.
God bless you.
(hi sheryl <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> nice to see you post )
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I just want to say a big thank-you <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> for taking the time to share your story, complete with a happy ending. We all need to hear that with time, love, patience and a good Plan A (and/or B) that it can work, we can save our marriages.
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Great to hear from you Samantha! God Bless you.
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adding my congratulations and heartfelt thanks to you for the wonderful post. so happy you and H have recovered and moving forward in your renewed and stronger marriage. look forward to the day i can post a similar message. meanwhile, i'll remain here, gathering information and support from all my kind "brethern" who meet here to help one another.
God bless you both, and YES, i believe in prayer.
What God has joined together..............
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My Dear Sweet Sam,
Four years ago! Wowww! In some ways it seems like so long ago,,when we used to IM one another til the wee hours of the morning and send each other marathon emails. In other ways it seems like yesterday, (and it possibly was! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> ) still there for the little extra push when we hit another bump in that Recovery Road.
You are a wonderful person Sam and I'm sooo pleased with the way things are going for you, your H, and your family. You deserve the BEST! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Edited to add.......I lit my candle!! <small>[ February 17, 2003, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: Nerlycrzy ]</small>
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I am so happy you posted this. To me, this is the essence of MB. Although I could not recover my marriage, I did recover me. I took a lot of strength from your posts as you struggled and stayed your course. What you have written here can only give another hurting soul hope. It’s important and appreciated.
You said, “I don’t know if there will ever be a time when I don’t come here”. Likewise, I never fail to find wisdom here.
“For many members the only kindness extended to them today will be that which they receive here on the forum.”
I wonder if they could put this in as default text in the reply window?
Now I’m going to go light a candle, because that was and still is, a good thing.
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Samantha - How wonderful to see your name here and even more wonderful that you have written such a beautiful post. I'm one year behind you, and my journey was long and hard as well. My H was "in love" with OW and not with me ...period..
Well, that was then and this is now!! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
I hope that those who are still struggling in the early stages of recovery will read this post over and over...
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<img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Hi, Samantha! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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Just wanted to pop in and say HI Samantha! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Mitzi <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
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new_beginning/Sheryl, HoldingMyBreath, Awake, Lor, Jen Brown, mthrrhbard, Simmy, Nerlycrzy, InShock, Alberta, FaithHopeLove & Mitzi.
Thank you all for stopping by. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> It is so nice to see my old friends and the newer members I don’t know well yet. I wanted to respond to each of you individually, but I have had a killer migraine since early last evening. As soon as I can see straight, think clearly and keep my head up without being nauseous <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> I will do just that. Please forgive me for having to put that off. This blasted headache better go away soon. I have to pack and go shopping for vacation. We are supposed to leave Friday at 3 a.m. We’re taking our new Fifth Wheel to Florida and it will be our first trip in it.
I will be back as soon as I can.
Hugs, Samantha
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Sheryl it was so good go to hear from you. I keep getting the e-mail back I send to you so I thought you weren't getting it?
I wrote you with the all my info and have sense heard back from you. So even though the ole'mail demon says you're I'm not getting through, I guess I am! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
Don't go getting writers cramp on me now. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> While I am gone write me at my AOL addy OK. You know the addys. It is easiest for me to access on the road.
"Love ya like my luggage!" <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
Oh my, first I'd like to offer a big {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Holdingmybreath}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
Now don't give up hope and keep praying.
My husband's decision to stay with me came about because of many things. One was his wedding vows. I know that seems ironic but that was part of it. He was raised in by a very Christian Mom and his vows meant a lot. He kept saying "God left no out clause."
The biggest single reason at that time also was our daughter. He loved her very much and had told OW he wasn't leaving until his job was done raising his daughter. At the time Sabrina was twelve.
Regardless of the above he was dangerously close to leaving me. He and OW planned on getting married! Then bam the anonymous phone call came my way and all hell broke loose.
Before finding this site I started Plan A of sort although I didn't know what it was. He said he'd try to make our marriage work but held little to no hope it would. He said regardless of whether he'd go to hell or not, he would not remain miserable in this marriage forever. He had a time frame in mind and I believe that was between one and two years.
Your husband moving farther away from the OW is a plus and let their affair see the light of day. Stay in Plan A.
By your signature line I see your pregnant! Congratulations. I believe like Dr. Harley says and any reason a spouse stays in a marriage is a good one. Let's see if this blessed event may bring your husband around?
Is there anyway you can move to his location if not in with him? Plan A is a lot easier to accomplish while one is in close proximity.
My husband had a saying and it was "Act as if." He acted as if we were going to remain married even though he felt we wouldn't. I would "Act as if" if I were you.
Is your husband planing on being there for the birth of your baby? The birth of a baby is an amazingly moving experience and can bond people in a remarkable way.
My head is still pounding and we are leaving here in a little over 14 hours for Florida. I have so much to do. I also am afraid this reply is not making as much sense as it should with this flippin headache.
One thing I did was to remember just how I was when I fell in love with my husband. That woman had all but disappeared by the time of D-day. I started doing the things I did back then. I got back to the woman he fell in love with. I did all the mushy, gushy and thoughtful things again. I showed him how much I loved and adored him.
I have to run but I will try and get back here. You can e-mail me if you'd like to. My address is published on the "Roll call index" page. Look for a Blessed Samantha. I will have internet access while I am away some and I will do my best to get back to you.
Keep praying and keep believing.
You're welcome and I will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
I will tell you everyone, his family and mine felt HIS affair was my fault. Don't buy into it inside. I accept my part in the demise of the marriage but not in HIS choice. Accept inside only what you are responsible and give the rest to God.
Everyone else
I have to run but I will try and get back as soon as I can.
Samantha <small>[ February 20, 2003, 10:51 AM: Message edited by: Samantha * ]</small>
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And another big "Hi Samantha" too!
What a terrific post. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />
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Hi Sam, and thanks for your help. Continued happiness to you.
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Hi Sam!!!
You helped keep a fair number of people sane back in those crazy days - me included. I am so glad to hear of your continued happiness.
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Samantha: Thank you for your insite and I do plan to keep praying, hoping and keeping time on my side as long as I can. It amazes me that I don't get more down about things, but I keep thinking what's meant to be is meant to be. I do know I'm maybe not being realistic with myself in that he really could leave me, but I guess I deal with that when I have to.
I know that he is in deep though. He has said they want to see if they have a future together, and that because of the distance, and OW having boys in school they don't see a way to be together until the summer of 2004...I guess so they aren't moving the boys during the school year. So they have made "plans" of sort, although I know a lot is up in the air....where would they work, live, etc.
I won't move with him right now because I'm going into my 7th month and wouldn't want to change doctors, job, etc. Plus our house is now for sale so I'm going to stay and live here. I have a lot of friend and family support here as well. I have been doing plan A since mid November...and a pretty good job I think for the most part. So I think this is the chance for him to see if he misses me.
We are definitely in the Act as If mode....He has said he worries that I'm getting my hopes up too much even, and I have said that's all I have right now, is hope.
He is planning on being there for the baby's birth..in fact I'll probably move over to his apartment afterwards for a time for him to help out with the baby, etc. So yes, I'm hoping that the birth of his first child (probably only if he does leave me as OW is 45 with no intention of having more children...I'm 31 and with as easy as this pregnancy has been am probably meant to have children)that it does help to push him into staying with me and the baby.
Part of it is I don't think he's really thought out how he is going to be a part of this baby's life if he lives 2 hours away from me, and also many hours from OW....he'll have to choose between the two on weekends and that could cause some reality to sink in.
So it's great to hear your success story and how these things can be quite bad and still pull through. I know I have a couple events with him moving and the baby coming that could shake things up, so I'm staying in plan a and doing the act as if!
Thank you again!
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We are supposed to be leaving at 3 a.m. and it's not going to happen. I am still sick as a dog with this headache. I can't fathom riding in the truck for 1200 miles right now.
K so nice to see you. Remember when I thought you were a BW? LOL What a goof ball I can be.
WAT if my memory serves me correct it was the other way around, you helped me.
WOW! Starpony, I was just thinking about you a few times in the last couple of weeks. I remember you being one of the members who first replied to me when I came here. It's so flippin great to see you reply here. As soon as I saw your name I got the biggest smile on my face.
I remember You, Nerly, FHL, Inshock, Lor, TNT, Lostva and Wassi (to name a few) and the fun we'd have between the pain, tears and sorrow. Remember that parties gals and guy? When we would have the pontoon parties and drag the OP's around behind us? If we were feeling generous we'd let them be in a dingy? LOL
Now where in the heck are TNT, Lostva & Wassi?
I still have the awful headache Adan have had to postpone the trip for probably a day, hopefully not more than that. I'm not able to see very well so I am going to close this for now. I just wanted to say hello to the three of you before we leave.
I should have internet access while we are gone at the last campground. I will try and get back here and chat a bit more.
Tons of hugs and love to all, Samantha
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