I'm having a problem telling if my WW is truly committed to us. She came to me Sept 20th saying she wanted us, she needed my help and would do anything.

In the time since I have seen some things to lead me to believe her (her spending the night a few times, planning for the future, hanging out) but then again I have yet to see her take the necessary actions I feel are pertinent.

I gave her a list of things that needed to happen such as email/cell phone information needing to be changed and for her to allow me access. Nothing has happened in this area so she is still probably in communication some how. She said she will make these changes when she moves this weekend. And she has yet to write up a NC letter.

We had agreed to her moving back in with me for this week which she hasn't fully done. Her idea of moving in is spending the night when she can.

She leaves this Sunday and I'm "scheduled" to possibly move with her in a month pending on whether I decide to go or not. So I was hoping for more of a sign as to whether she's truly committed or not.