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I came across this study of women and infidelity. The study was speaking of cheating being in the genes and how women's preferences for men change. Interesting article. But look one was said...and this is not me saying this ladies, so don't shoot me. I just thought this to be interesting:

"There is a myth out there that women cheat simply because they are not being emotionally taken care of by their partners. This is B.S., and a convenient excuse for women to behave like whores. Women cheat because they are naturally inclined to be kniving sluts. How does this work?

Women are genetically programmed to get pregnant by the best possible sperm donor and find the man most likely to stay around and help them take care of the children. Many times this is not the same man. Men who are the best possible sperm donor usually get lots of sex and have no interest in sticking around. This is why women will actively seek out one man (poor schmuck) to provide emotional and financial support; meanwhile they are slutting around with the best "Alpha Male" they can find to be impregnated by. There is even a specific term for this type of female behavior: "cuckolding." Usually this occurs without any knowledge on the man's part.

This has contributed to the evolution of mankind (only the best males have a chance to reproduce). In other animal species, males can tell when their females are ovulating - however human females have lost this trait in order to aid this process. When women are ovulating, they prefer strong Alpha Male types, while the rest of the time they prefer the soft schmucks that will pamper them.

A recent study of divorced couples who had not made any claims of infidelity backs this up. DNA tests were done on the children of these couples and in more than 50 percent of the cases, the woman's husband did not father the children. The men were clueless.

Women are simply treacherous and not worth committing to, and this explains the rising decline in successful marriage. I hope this clears a few things up for everyone.

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Similar studies show that men are unfaithful because doing so ensures that their genetic materiel gets passed on after their deaths. Just keep in mind that an unfaithful woman cannot exist without an unfaithful man.

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Well, TMCM, that is not necessarily true. There are many men out there who are sleeping with a married woman, but they themselves are not married. The guy with my wife right now is not being unfaithful to anyone.

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"A recent study of divorced couples who had not made any claims of infidelity backs this up. DNA tests were done on the children of these couples and in more than 50 percent of the cases, the woman's husband did not father the children. The men were clueless."

A study of divorced couples is not unbiased.

Beware of becoming a woman-hater because of your experience.

My WH had lunch with OW the day after I had major surgery. He called the hospital and said, "Do you want me to come visit you?" Well, my response was "No, no, if you're too busy don't come". I was concerned about his stress having to cart two pre-schoolers to childcare, take care of two elementary school kids, and go to work. I got out of the hospital four days later and one week after that he broke my arm because I threatened to call OW. It was four more months before I learned he was in fact having an A.

That experience certainly affects me but doesn't turn me into a man-hater. In fact, I realize all too well how the BS can become the WS and am avoiding other men -- but not because I hate them!

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by solon:
<strong> .... This is B.S., and a convenient excuse for women to behave like whores. Women cheat because they are naturally inclined to be kniving sluts.

....This is why women will actively seek out one man (poor schmuck) to provide emotional and financial support; meanwhile they are slutting around with the best "Alpha Male" they can find to be impregnated by. There is even a specific term for this type of female behavior: "cuckolding." Usually this occurs without any knowledge on the man's part. Kayla's edit note - poor, helpless, unsuspecting sperm donor

.....When women are ovulating, they prefer strong Alpha Male types, while the rest of the time they prefer the soft schmucks that will pamper them.

...The men were clueless.

Women are simply treacherous and not worth committing to, and this explains the rising decline in successful marriage. I hope this clears a few things up for everyone. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">If this "researcher" were writing for a credible research institution, or a credible news publication, his personal bias would have been easily discovered, his personal mysogynistic bent would have been outed, he would have been summarily fired on the spot. No credible research or news publication is going to give this "researcher" the time of day. No legitimate researcher will interject inflammatory adjectives to punctuate his or her point. No credible journalist is going to ruin their career by writing this crap either.

BTW, the research may have some validity, but the oh-so-transparent bias, invalidates the conclusion entirely.

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Ok solon, hold on here,

No all women are created equal. We don't all cheat, nor want to cheat. And beware, men are found to cheat too.

I think we all have impulses, instincts. There are times when we see a glorious body (at the beach) or are paid attention to by that cute clerk at the grocery that we feel that impulse...but we don't act upon it. There are a variety of reasons people get involved in A's, from impulse to seeking a relationship out to escaping a bad relationship, but all of them make the conscious choice to do so...it is not merely chemicals that control us.

That said, please be careful out there...it is very easy for the BS to get involved in a revenge A.

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What a preposterous article. Solon,who is the author of this proposed study? I'd like to see it or at least research who this person is. He/she sounds very bitter and foul mouthed against women(surely a man).

There may be men that are not being "unfaithful" to anyone if they are not married and in a sexual relationship with *another man's wife but that doesn't make them anymore HONORABLE.Cmon..

O <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/mad.gif" />

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okay... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" />
Um...Kayla, this person did not write the article; this was a response to the article. He was just giving his take on the study. The study can be found in sciencemag...or better yet, do a search for "women and infidelity" and you will come across it.

I do not hold his views, but his response was interesting to me. You know, it's kind of funny, I said women may not want to read this and it seems that only women have read it. Hehehe. You all made me smile today <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> thanks.

But seriously, I only hate what my wife is doing. I don't hate her and I especially don't hate any of you. I think you all are especially wonderful because you are here, trying to work on your marriages, despite the fact. I wish my wife were more like you all.

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Your initial post appears to introduce a quote from the original study. If that's not what you want readers to conclude, you might consider editing it to make your intent clear.

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This study made me laugh <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

And just for the fun of it... I'm relating a thing a friend and I were talking the other day that "demostrates" the opposite.

She told me is easier for a men to have an A, women just had to put the shirt up if u know what I mean...
In the opposite, for a women to have an A, she has to connect with OM, him be a good provider, be cheerful, fun, talkative... you know... and the list goes on... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

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I am a fairly new member(several months) who has not posted here very much, but I lurk a lot to learn. I need to say that posting this at all on this forum is inappropriate.

In no way does it help, enlighten or serve to do anything except offend. I will request its removal from this site. I don't find it amusing at all.

Me -- BS,44 -- still deciding whether to give it another try.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by solon:
<strong> "Women cheat because they are naturally inclined to be kniving sluts. How does this work?" </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but WHO performed and published this study? MAXIM magazine?

The reason I ask is because "kniving" is not a word. It would have to be either "conniving" (meaning scheming) or "knifing" (meaning weilding a knife).. and I'm not even sure about the validity of the term "knifing." At the very least, the author who penned the commentary on the "study" is, if not outright illiterate, certainly not properly educated enough for me to put any faith in his (or her) mean-spirited opinion.

As with any "news" reporting these days, remember to consider the source.

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I don't find the posting of this study offensive. In fact, I find the article intriguing. It gives credibility to article I read in the newspaper a while ago in which researchers doing a study into a genetic inherited disease in a village in England in which the inhabitants had lived for hundreds of years came across an interesting result during the study, that was not expected, that in 35 percent of the families in the village, the father was not the biological sperm donor of the children tested.

<small>[ January 15, 2004, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: yosh ]</small>

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don't find the posting of this study offensive.
There is no "study" posted here.

In fact, I find the article intriguing.
It's not an
article" either. The post was a response to an article.

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Well I would appreciate a link so I can see for myself he context in which this quote was made.

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There is no attribution for this "study" of DNA, and, sorry, it just doesn't sound like common sense to me. I know too many kids who look like their married dads, I guess, for a 50 percent number to be even faintly believable.

"Alpha males," "soft schmucks," etc., are cliches. These words pull out blowsy images of Atlas-style musclemen and the men who get the sand kicked in their faces at the beach. Most real-life men are a combination of both. And if you read the posts on here, most of the wayward wives are not trading up in any sense of the word.

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<small>[ February 04, 2005, 06:43 PM: Message edited by: hanora ]</small>

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by solon:
[QB] Well, TMCM, that is not necessarily true. There are many men out there who are sleeping with a married woman, but they themselves are not married. The guy with my wife right now is not being unfaithful to anyone.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">True but I can make the equally valid point by paraphrasing your above statement in the following way:

</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">There are many WOMEN out there who are sleeping with MARRIED MEN, but they themselves are not married. The GIRL with my HUSBAND right now is not being unfaithful to anyone.</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">

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There is no attribution for this "study" of DNA, and, sorry, it just doesn't sound like common sense to me. I know too many kids who look like their married dads, I guess, for a 50 percent number to be even faintly believable.

"Alpha males," "soft schmucks," etc., are cliches. These words pull out blowsy images of Atlas-style musclemen and the men who get the sand kicked in their faces at the beach. Most real-life men are a combination of both. And if you read the posts on here, most of the wayward wives are not trading up in any sense of the word.

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While I do understand this may be offensive to many and somewhat questionable,
it was not intended to offend, just as a point of interest and to bring about discussion. I for one, hope it will not be deleted. It did come complete with a warning after all.......
I don't think we need radical censorship here. I have to wonder if the "quote" had been directed towards men being scandalous dogs, we might be able to see more humor.

I certainly think it was written in true Doe/Smith style and it does make sweeping generalizations, it is still interesting.

Thanks for posting this solon (I am a female, and the BS)

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