I posted this on another board. Another poster suggested I post here also. Thanks!

Hello! Though this is my first post, I'm not new to this site. I've been reading this site for six months now. Just started lurking the boards a month ago.

I'm afraid my husbands involved with an EA. It's a strong suspecion but I have not actual proof. My husband has been growing distant to me. It urks him to no end to carry on a conversation with me. He acts like I'm a child and scolds me often in front of others. Like he does our sons. When he comes home from work he changes, eats supper and sits in front of the tv for the rest of the night. It wasn't as bad over the summer. Since the new season has started he doesn't want me to interupt his tv schedule.

Yesterday I was looking for my ils new cell number on his cell phone. I picked it up and looked in the recent call list. There I saw this girls number he works with had called. I didn't think much of it so I set the phone down and went to my desk to pick up a pen and paper. In the mean time he picked up the cell. He handed it to me and after I wrote down ils cell I looked back at the received call list and he had deleted her number.

I've asked him about my feelings he's having an affair. He told me that he was tired of hearing about it. This is the second time I've asked. The first time I asked jokingly. He had such a strange reaction to me asking. So I descided to ask him again and he was mean about it. He told me they talk alot and to get over it.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not here saying poor pittiful me. I want to know what to do? I try to make this house peaceful for him to come home too ya know, take care of all the household & yard chores. I want our home to be a haven for him. He just acts like what I do isn't enough for him.

Should I be suspecious? Sorry to ramble!