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My WS has been warming up to me in conversation. Does NOT want to talk about the relationship so I don't bring it up. Tonight I stopped by her place as our DS is sick. When I left I (by habit) gave WS a hug. She turned cold as ice and it really bothered me.

Her EA relationship is faltering as I have my ways of finding out (he is seeing 3 women at once now).

She told me last night she is going to church more often because of overwhelming guilt.

What is my wife feeling? Should I ask her if she wants to talk about the guilt? Or should I just continue to rebuild myself and let her deal with it?

Also tonight she heard that I may take a new position at another firm. She said that is good so I can get a cute little chicky-poo. Now why would she say that? I have never cheated! What was that all about?

PS. She loved the diamond necklace I gave her for Valentines Day.

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</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by BHINWI:
<strong> My WS has been warming up to me in conversation. Does NOT want to talk about the relationship so I don't bring it up. Tonight I stopped by her place as our DS is sick. When I left I (by habit) gave WS a hug. She turned cold as ice and it really bothered me.

Her EA relationship is faltering as I have my ways of finding out (he is seeing 3 women at once now).

She told me last night she is going to church more often because of overwhelming guilt.

What is my wife feeling? Should I ask her if she wants to talk about the guilt? Or should I just continue to rebuild myself and let her deal with it?

Also tonight she heard that I may take a new position at another firm. She said that is good so I can get a cute little chicky-poo. Now why would she say that? I have never cheated! What was that all about?

PS. She loved the diamond necklace I gave her for Valentines Day. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Dang, Keith- I can so totally undestand you. My wife won't touch me either, and told me she's glad I'm working at the hospital cause some nurse will be there to take care of me. Like that's what I want.

Same question ladies: 2 lonely, loving, growing husbands that need some women's input...


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Not all women are the same <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I wouldn't accept a diamond neclace if I cannot even hug, my H or anyone else...

Why would 'any she' say to get a cute little chicky-poo...
- man treated her like that, or needed the one
- I don't want you and it'll be easier not to see you pain, so get happy with someone else (or - you are a good man and I want you to be happy too)
- vanity, checking if he's still hers (she might want it or not, doesn't matter)

Also, I ( I ) cannot imagine loving someone and not touching him...

When I learnt to watch what my ws does and not what he says, I stopped losing my energy in vain, and focused it to more productive paths - to make myself again pleased and happy, regardless of what ws says, moreover what he does...
And, at that time he turned back...
Too little too late, in my case.

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Belonging to Nowhere:
<strong> Not all women are the same <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" /> </strong>[q/quote]

Well, thanks, BtN- not sure that helped or not - B bought his wife the diamand necklace for a specific (his WW would) understand. My question was more specific. Both of us (K and D) have spent a gret deal and invested a great deal of time in working on oursleves - not to 'impress' any women, but to inprove ourselves. We still have the same ??? - perhaps only undetanding the specific Ens of each sepecific woman mz\ay be the answer - but we still feel that there must be sonme sort of mystery that separates us from our spouses (maybe just the aliens...) or is there some kind of Venus/Mars division???


<small>[ February 16, 2005, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: tanelornpete ]</small>

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Your questions are focused on alien activity. Not t/b confused with the Mars/Venus syndrome cleared up by the book: HNHN. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

So u 2 are BS' who worked hard on your individual plan A and are not happy that the WS didn't react as you expected?

Your plan A is about you and for you. As long as the WS stay as a WS, they will NOT appreciate any plan. All your gifts and good deeds will go unwarranted. WS are even spiteful enough to wish their BS on another person. Mine tried to match me up with his former friend. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="images/icons/shocked.gif" /> The guy was a nice guy and a good catch but not my type. More of a good friend since that is what we are. LOL!!!

So you learn to throw back the fog babble or discard it. Look at them with that look of bewilderment or let them know they are babbling. I vote for letting them know they are babbling. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

Move forward and remember those plans are for you, not them.


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BH, I see you have sadly been here a number of times <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> .

But I thought it may be worth mentioning that during the fog, post-d-day when Squid ejected or did not return my affaction, I stopped it. Dead.

I was very loving, but " ILY" became " I care very much", hugs became smiles with eye contact etc.

It helped ME because I did not feel so rejected and it also made Squid miss my touch that she had gotten so used to over the years. Inside two months of diligent care, but no phyisical affection or ILYs, Squid's love for me started to return in patches.

We rebuilt our son's bedroom storage together ( had a great time for a couple of days !) and Squid told me (afterwards) she was GAGGING for me to hold her and kiss her then, but did not instigate as she felt unworthy AND wa snot sure of her feelings yet - after all they had betrayed her ( and me) recently.

Two weeks later we were having a lovely evening with friends when Squid and I bumped into each other as we left the bar restrooms.

She held me and kissed me like her life depended on it.

She has held and kissed me a LOT ever since. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

So not advice, just an example. Backing off to give her the opportunity to miss my touch and affection while still receiving my care and support worked really well in our case.

All blessings.

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Keith and David (you thread jacking little sucker...lol):

Have you guys actually *read* Surviving an Affair??? I know you have it David, but are you skimming? Are you thinking "Oh that part doesn't apply to me?"

I can only speak for my WS, but he didn't want any *hugs* from me, he didn't want me to tell him I loved him....he visably bristled when I did say it. So, I stopped doing that. I could still fill his EN's without doing those things.

The "cute little chicky-poo" comment in my opinion was just to get your goat, to transfer some of what she's feeling onto you....You know the WS has to make what he/she is doing YOUR fault, or they wouldn't be able to live with themselves.

Plan A....which you are both in, is about filling your WS's EN's, whatever those may be, and NOT expecting a reaction, or for them to reciprocate...that is why it is SOOOO EXHAUSTING...you're needs aren't getting met AT ALL, they are too fogged to care about your needs.

Keith, the necklace was a very nice gesture for Valentines day.....perhaps, the way your wife is feeling right now, she doesn't feel she "deserves" a hug from you......so.....now we know this.....we stop trying to do it. If she initiates a hug...GREAT. If she doesn't, you don't offer. DO NOT TALK ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP, OR THE OM, UNLESS SHE BRINGS IT UP!

My WS would make "boyfriend" comments constantly...because hey, if I had a boyfriend (In theory) then it'd be okay for him to have a girlfriend. Whenever he said something like that I'd say "Ummm I'm not going to date, I'm married"....they are projecting, they are trying to make you the *BAD* guy, so they don't have to be.

You are trying to make yourself a viable alternative to the other man, you are filling her needs without asking for anything in return (You, of course 1st must know what those needs are), you are being loving while they are being a complete and total [censored]. Which confuses them, they think "Wait, I'm doing X,Y and Z" and my husband still appears to love me....what's up with that?!?! I'm so horrible to him, and he still acts in a loving way towards me.....THEY AREN'T GOING TO TELL YOU, but somewhere in their little pea brains the thought does pop up.

So do the EN questionnaire....David I know you've tried this one, and Keith, not sure if you have.

You can't *fill* their needs, if you don't *know* their needs......and I don't think I'd even bother giving them the questionnaire of your needs, they can't fill them right now anyway.

Plan A, Plan A, rah! rah! rah! I know that you are both guys, and I assume it's a little harder for you to be stepped all over, like a WS tends to do...it's some testosterone thing I think, it just makes you less apt to be able to take all that punishment, and not tell your WS to F-Off.

But, you have to put your feelings aside. I was very adept at not even thinking about the OW when I was with my husband....that was my time to work on him. Yes, I'd get little flashes, but I'd make a conscious effort to say "NO! I'm not going to think about that!"


Yes....continue to rebuild yourself. NO....don't talk about the guilt, unless she wants to talk about it.....and when and if she does ALWAYS USE "I" STATEMENTS. In example: "I feel sad because you have feelings for another man" ....as opposed to "You make me feel sad because you have feelings for another man" Like it or not boys they are not MAKING you feel anything, YOU are making YOU feel bad about it. Just as you are powerless to control your WS, they also don't have the power to MAKE you do anything.....you are reacting to what they're doing. Is it their fault you're in pain ABSOLUTELY....but you have to accept a little of the blame for the situation that made the A possible.

So, if she wants to talk, talk. If she doesn't want to talk don't. Here's another trick, DON'T call your WS's UNLESS you have something particular you NEED to ask them. Let them call you, DO NOT PURSUE THEM. They don't want to be pursued......they don't know what to do with that, and it validates all the reasons they've made up in their minds as to why it's okay to have an affair.

Again...Keith....you say you think your wifes EA is coming apart, that's good.....let it. I sometimes think people think that their WS is having an EA only, because they can't face that it may be a PA (**Hint** If you think it's an EA because they told you it wasn't physical....well, they lie about everything else right?) If I were you I would just go ahead and assume it's physical....one is no more damaging to a marriage than the other one IMO.

So...I guess what I'm trying to say is.....do what you need to do to change the things that your WS finds as a fault in you. Fill their EN's without expectation of a thank you, or any reciprocation.

That's all folks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


<small>[ February 16, 2005, 03:53 AM: Message edited by: CarenMc ]</small>

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Thanks Caren - no I'mm not skimming SAA - It's so hilighted its getting hard read - LOL.

My concern may be different that Keith's - I may be on the verge of Plan B - see another post where Orchid 2x4d me.

I'm just scared of going into plan B, and may be grasping at straws trying to avoid it......

Sorry I jacked this thread


<small>[ February 16, 2005, 04:01 AM: Message edited by: tanelornpete ]</small>

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Thank you very much.

I have ordered Surving and Affair. I also read Her Needs / His Needs and filled out the EN questions for my WS cause I know she would not do it at this point. I now know she wanted more attention / affection from me. So, yes, I do take some responsibility for this.

I also know that the EA very well could have turned into a PA when I was away for a week in July. When I left, I knew she had feelings for this guy. When I came back, she was totally different but denied everything.

I will use your advice. I will just be nice to her even though she treats me like dirt.

She brought me cookies today and is bringing over a roast tonight for the kids (I have to work late).

I need to be patient and understanding. I need to change me, not her.


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I think they are projecting their guilt back on you. It is easier to detach from someone you don't like or allow yourself to like. My IC says the feelings won't come back unless the actions support those feelings. Hugs and kisses, SF, smiles...even if at that point in time they are not genuine, they will trigger a chemical change that supports loving feelings.

So they don't like to feel the pull in that direction, it makes it harder for them to be mean to you. The comments as well are all about projecting back to you. My WH says things like "No one out there will want me", like it is my fault that he moved out.

My IC also says..if you want to kiss your WS, then kiss them. Don't ask for permission, but also don't have any expectations. If their rejection hurts you more than the act of kissing them, then the decision is yours. Same with SF...if you want to have SF and they are willing, don't read too much into it.

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I'm with Caren. It's not just women. WHs do it, too. My WH can only give the most minimal hugs and pecky kisses. I think when they are deep in the fog, they just can't give more. IMHO

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Also tonight she heard that I may take a new position at another firm. She said that is good so I can get a cute little chicky-poo. Now why would she say that? I have never cheated! What was that all about?

My WH says crap like that all the time!!!
About two weeks before I found out about his A, he called the grocery delivery boy "mommies boyfriend" in front of the kids!!
He tole me he said that because every time this boy (in his early 20's) brings our groceries we chat at the door. He's a friendly kid - does that with every customer and there would be no such thoughts in my mind. It really pi**es me off though when he says that. That is only one example.

Now, I know why - it is out of GUILT
because of his own A!! Arghhh!

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My W was different about the girlfreind's comments. She would make girlfreind comments to me all the time basically our whole marriage. She would also say someone would sweep me off my feet because of the way she treated me. I think she said those things: a-so that i would say no way i only want you, and b-so that she would be prepared if ever did happen. And, that might be why it happened.

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I can't tell you the number of times my WS has told me through this that I will find a girlfriend. When she did this 9 years ago, she suggested that I was perfect for my best friends wife!!! She said she thought his wife and I belonged together. That really ticked me off. After all, what was I supposed to to, break up their marraige!

Yesterday my DS was sick so I stayed home from work and then when in later when my DD got home from school. My WS stopped by and gave us cookies (my DS and me) and then dropped off dinner last night. Does this tell me anything? She has been friendly lateley but then cold. I know for a fact that the EA/PA is not working out.


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