GC……I know you’re in a time zone an hour east of here and you have a day job….what are you doing up at that insane hour. Were you “entertaining” perhaps? Hmmmmmmmm?

NewOutlook…..I’m so sorry. My jaw dropped when I first heard about your WH wanting to return, I’m so sorry it was all for naught. Though the first cut may be the deepest, the second is almost always fatal to a marriage. I hope that crack lawyer you had on retainer has the appropriate actuaries and accountants to ensure your WH’s business earnings and assets are appropriately divided.

ARK, thanks for the validation…..them kids are work, but are such a source of pride for me. I will not be marginalized in their lives……won’t happen.

Weaver……I figger life and God have little they can do to me now that will keep me down. By the way God…..that was not a dare.

These past few days I’ve thought about dating again......... I think I’ll wait….

OK...that's long enough, excuse me I have to make a call.