STBX hasn't been nice to me lately. The D is getting ugly, right down to fighting over issues with our DD.
So tonight when he brings DD home he asks if the D is really what I want. He states that the D could be over by the end of the month. Ok I am floored. He has this new GF and life is great. I asked him if it is what he wanted and didn't get a straight answer. Both of us skirted around the subject. I told him that I already fought for the M and he doesn't feel that I did. He said that I always threw the A in his face. I explained that I needed time to heal and he needed to be accountable and when he was staying out to 2am I didn't feel safe, therefore things could of never worked the way they were, but I did fight for M.
He left saying "I just wanted to see what you wanted before it was done"
Ok I don't know what to say. My DD talked about going out to eat with GF and her son. So apperantly he is still seeing her. I don't know what to make of any of it and I don't know what to say back to him. H always liked me wanting him and knowing that I was there. Well I don't want to be just there. So much has happened and I don't really know how I feel about him anymore. I don't want to stall the D because I end up getting hurt every time. H wouldn't even say much so he wasn't asking for another chance. All he kept saying is "ARe you sure you want this?"
How do I proceed from here? And what should I think?

I guess I just see a man that sees his cake eating days coming to an end and now he is a bit nervous about his choices, but still won't make a committment.