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Hardly wonky sounds ok to me too LOL !
You go girl !

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
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Well my timezone chums ! Hot and dry here isn;t it ? <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

32 degrees here and lovely except when you try to sleep ! It was mor ethan 20 degrees overnight without a BREATH of breeze to cool us !

I understand France has issued a drought warning which does not bode well for the vendange <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

I sat in my little car being baked for three hours yesterday afternoon - I have a strange tan - arms to the elbows, face except for sunglasses patches !

Summer in Northern Europe - gotta love it !

Enjoy the day, friends

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Lucky you!

We've been having torrential rains, even some mountain rivers and streams overflowing. I was beginning to feel moldy! The sun is out today and it should warm up some. I have tons of work here in my home office, but will get out into the garden and perhaps a bike ride.

Me BS 44
XH 45
M 20 years
DDay 11.29.04
Separated 12.29.04
Plan A 24.02.05
Plan B 10.9.05
Plan D 2.2.06
Divorce 13.6.06
OW - former friend and D12's x-godmother (Skunkypoo)
OWH - philander, XH's former best friend (still shares skunkypoo with XH)

Anger = drinking a rat poison and waiting/wishing the rat would notice you drink it and the rat die from it.
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When summer is nice, Britian is a lovely place to be, but it happens so rarely... In Wales at the weekend the weather was marvellous, and we had a lovely time. I hope it keeps up while the kids are off school this summer !

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We're having a wonderful warm week here in Belgium. That's good for the repair works (have to dry) in my new home. And good for everybody's mood.

Just found out why WH is being so friendly... GF#1 broke it off... and GF(to be?)#2 is mad at him because he's still meeting GF#1, which is strange since she's also seeing some other guy herself.. Oh the wonderful world of free relationships!

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
The Neutral Zone Theory
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Impressive silence at noon.
I had BBC1 tele on and the one minute silence was a strong statement.

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
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I had a conference call that started at midday UK time. Everyone joined at 12:02. Very touching.

One suicide bomber was a 19 YO boy.......

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Been enjoying this thread. When I was in 'stan I stared down a boy about as old as my oldest son. No older than 15 yrs old. Had a gun when he should have had a football.

Are they that desperate that they would enlist their children so?

Mind boggling. I am reluctant to fight BECAUSE I have children. USING them to fight I can't even comprehend.


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Bomber details here

* shakes head *

18 and 22 two of them....

One of them Jamaican...bizarre

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Going to be a great weekend, cool breeze but sunny. Have a good one.

Hey b0b thanks for the trick of putting some washing up liquid on the kids waterslide, they dont half zoom past you.


Me 40 WW 38 (NC since 18 June 2005) SS9, DS4, DD2 D/Day 24 April 2005 EA/PA 1/05 to 4/05 Both working at relationship Been here before with exWife, and will not be here again!
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FAR you too mate.

We're having old frinds over with their kids tomorrow evening, and Squid and DD12 are running a charity 5K for Cancer on Sunday.

Have a good un !

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Hi, I'm based in ibiza but go back to the uk frequently. My adult children and other relatives live in northern england.

I've been happily married for almost 35 years...we were very young when we met. We've stood by each other through thick and thin. The last occaision when I had a breakdown and my wife rescued me by encouraging me to take early retirement and our moving to ibiza a year ago.

I started to recover very quickly; she commented that I was looking younger & she'd got the old me back. I settled on the island very quickly, she was more unsettled at first. We worked hard at making new friends. I befriended one guy & introduced him to my wife and the rest of my family who were over from england at the time.

I had to go to the uk by myself for two weeks returning on 2 july 05. We'd been apart before during the year but this was the first time she had stayed behind. On 4 july she told be that she had fallen in love during the 2 weeks & couldn't give him up.

She said she loved me but was 'inlove' with him; I had done nothing wrong..just one of those things. She did say though that I've always loved her too much & done too much for her. He's a musician, younger than me & she finds him exciting. She still wants to be my friend but has moved in with him (200 yds away).

She's staying in his small flat at night & coming home during the day. He's a stranger & can't satisfy all her ENs apart form passion & excitement, so she comes to me for the others...company etc. She also works here & uses all the facilities.

I don't seem to have made any headway in persuading her to give him up. She feels enormous guilt, feeling she has hurt me and the children but is still compelled to leave me.

I'm in a A going on B situation now. The presence of an alien who looks like my wife hurts too much. I also feel she's having her cake & eating it, using me as a bridge to when the OM can meet more of her needs, if the affair lasts. On Thursday I told her to stay away from me & the house until monday. After that, who knows?

I haven't told many people including the ILs who think a lot of me. I'm hestitant to do anything hasty or light fires all over the place.

No one should be expected to stay in a loveless or abusive marriage. Our marriage was/is wonderful and well worth fighting for.

This is my first post so I'm still finding my way round MB.

Help, advice & support urgently needed!

35 years happily married

D-day 4 july 2005

WW left for OM

2 sons 25 & 27 DIL 24

Plan A until 28 oct 05

Plan B underway
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Hello mate ! Welcome to the best club in the world that nobody wants to be a member of <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />

As I already said you're doing GREAT so far ! There is GREAT HOPE for yoru marriage HONESTLY !

I think what you need to do first is study and execute 'marriagebuilders Plan A'.

To quote the wise and excellent Pepperband

The carrot of Plan A

Meeting your wandering spouse's emotional needs.

Making "home" a warm and inviting place to be.

Placing emphasis on what has worked in the marriage.

Showing consistent self improvement in areas where previously lacking.

Stop lovebusting behaviors.

Communicating with a calm reassuring voice and relaxed body language, even in the center of a verbal storm created by the infidel.

Becoming the person any reasonable spouse would want to come home to.

Remaining open to the possibility of recovery.

Offering forgiveness and understanding.

The stick of Plan A

Exposing adultery where it matters most. Exposure that takes the form of a swift and sudden unexpected tsunami of truth.

Not appologizing for exposure or speaking the truth in a kind yet direct way.

Directly communicating the hurt and devastation that the affair has caused.

Not accepting blame for the infidel's choice to become adulterous.

Let the consequences of adultery and infidelity fall freely upon the heads of the adulterous.

Establishing boundaries that disallow the affair to effect children of the marriage, financal security of the marriage, and otherwise ruin innocent bystanders.

Standing up to infidelity as a beast that must be slayed for the good of the family.


Plan A is both a *carrot* and a *stick*.

Plan A which is ~only~ a carrot or ~only~ a stick, is not a true Plan A.

There is a lot of help for a new betrayed Spouse ( BS)in the New BS Toolkit .

It pulls together a lot of stuff that many people contributed.

Pour a long drink and study.

Also Ibiza, I suggest when you get more comfortable and are full of questions, post up a personal thread in General Questions 2.

You'll get more specific help there as most folke here are in the US of A.

I know from our exchanges that you have the grit and love to get your baby back, Ibiza.

These boards are FILLED with exemplary tales of heroism and love where broken hearted BS get their babys back.

You can do it !

All blessings !

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Hi Guys,

I noticed Ibiza has his own thread, welcome my dear, you'll find a lot of friends here willing to help you.

While not all M's can be saved, others are certainly worthwhile saving.. and the WS will be very grateful that the BS kept the faith, against all odds sometimes. It's a battle worth fighting.

In my case it was an impossible fight.
I just found out about another lie and it's weird - I'm still shaking, even though I shouldn't care anymore as I'm ending this M.

There is this woman that H always thought was "so sexy and so wonderful" that has been a friend of him for a long time, even though she didn't want to get sexually involved with him. She went through a hard time and I supported her all the way, which made us good friends because she's one of those persons who will never forget it if someone stands up for her or is there for her when she needs help.

She didn't know about my H's A but she had her suspicions. Today she told me that my H had text messaged her a few times when his A was still "hot", asking her if she'd want to do a threesome with him and OW. Since she didn't know that my H was having an A, and since he'd joke about such things sometimes, she wasn't sure if he really meant it or was just joking. She immediately showed the text messages to her H (very wise woman) who was as annoyed by it as she was. She confronted my H, asking him if he was having an A with this OW, but he denied and didn't "text message" her anymore.

I was shocked. H had been willing to jeopardise yet another M. Not just ours, not just OW's, but this friends' M as well. I then told this friend what had really happened and she was shocked too because what my H had done. She also understood now that it hadn't been a joke; he had been "fishing".

It's so disgusting. I don't think I'll bother confronting STBXRWH with it. It just not worth it, and it doesn't change a thing, it just makes me more resolved.

Sorry for the rant guys and girls... thanks for reading it <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Just needed to get it off my chest.

Last edited by brownhair; 07/18/05 08:25 AM.

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
The Neutral Zone Theory
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BH, that just reinforces your decision to end your ties to this diseased man.

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BH, I echo what b0b has said.

Hope you are OK, despite learning this. How are things with the house?


Me, BS 37 Him, WXH (Noddy) 40 DD13, DD6 Married 14th August 1993 D/Day 2nd April 05 Noddy left us 3rd April 05, lives with OW (Omelette) 28 Divorce final 6th July '06. Time wounds all heels... - Groucho Marx ...except when it doesn't. - Graycloud
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Quite true, Bob. It does. It just pains me how some WS seem to think that they're entitled to do just about anything and that it's ok just as long as they lie and deny.

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
The Neutral Zone Theory
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Thanks Alphin, I'll be ok, I just don't want to see H's face right now. I'm going to treat myself to Star Wars 3.

My house is coming along nicely, just not as fast as I hoped since I really want to move out, now more than ever. I hope to do that in two weeks.

Argh. Yuck.

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
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Y'know BH, I don't recall ever using that word in a bad sense before learning about affairs. Now its up there with 'cancer' and body parts words in its effect on me when I hear it.

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I feel the same way Bob. I'm glad I'll be on my way & starting my own life again soon, and leave H to grow up by himself and see what happiness he'll get from the way he behaves around women. His lady friend was very disappointed in him when she heard the whole truth today (she had half-guessed it) and wasn't sure she wanted to have contact with him anymore - one more loss suffered by his selfish behavior.

[color:"purple"]When we lose sight of the well being of others, it is like losing sight in one eye. (the Dalai Lama)[/color]
The Neutral Zone Theory
Doing the right thing vs being a good boy/girl
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