Hey, The ow in our life wants to take a 3rd shift job with a new company, which means she wants H to keep the OC overnight. The OC is a 4 month old baby, we have 2 sons together age 4 and 18 months. My H and I talked about it and we will be keeping OC overnight, he will pick her up on his way home from work at like 5pm and he will take her back to her on his way to work at like 8am...I have no idea when this bimbo thinks that she is going to sleep with the baby there during the day, but her sleep isn't my concern. The OW said they told her that they could get her on dayshift in about 4 months, my concern is after these 4 months, how hard is it going to be on my children and the OC when she no longer has us, and what if it takes longer than 4 months, I mean this child will be use to being with us. What should we do to make this easier? Has anyone else ever dealth with this.


Married 5 1/2 years 2 sons 5 and 2 years 1 daughter 1 year old(h oc) Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle