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Quick rundown of what has happend. Wife started and affair in May, saw the guy one time and ask for a seperation. She filed for divorce in June, she still needs to pay 400 for the rest of the fee.
Ok well I moved out and for the next 4 months from May to now its been crazy. As soon as she moved out she got her tattoo, started to drink, go out, drop off my daughter to her mothers house all the time.
Well a month and 1/2 after I moved out I moved back in because I had no place to go. Well by that time the affair guy (he was married to) call it off and my wife and I started to get along ok. But by that time she had also had sex with 2 other guys. Well on Saturday we took a trip to the beach and made love for the frist time im 3 months. It was so great, and I thought after that we would make up. Little did I know that the affair guy called her that day. Well you know the rest she went back to see him.
Well I moved out and while dateing my wife, the movies, dinner, we still were getting along really well and I knew she was seeing the other guy.
Well the affair ended really bad, his wife found out, my wife got hurt and I had to hear all about it. So from then on out I got the "I need time to see if you changed". I was verbal abuseive at times and got addicted to online gaming. Im doen with the gameing part of that.
Well it was a bad week this week, I cried alot and she got sick of that. She had told me she wanted a divoce in April but I got sick so she put it off.
All this time tho, she has called me everyday but 1. In the morning, at night, called me to say she was going to the store, called me to tell me she was going to take a nap adn so on and so on.
Well lastnight it blew up big time. I got so mad at her and let her know how I was feeling for the last 4 months, she lost it, sobbing so hard and screaming I could hardly hear her on the phone. So today no contact at all.
So is this to late to save? I have tired for 4 months to make up for my being a a-hole but it seems not to work. She tells me she needs time and that I have no idea what she has been thru or what she is thinking. Any ideas>?
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How long married? Any kids?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Have you read about Plan A? Being the best man you can be for your W. NO LBing (which sounds like you have been doing alot of) Wooing her back, dating, etc. sounds good.
MOVE BACK IN!!! Is it your house too? The biggest mistake is for the BS (you and me) to move out.
The other guy: The A probably is still going on. ""She tells me she needs time"" Usually is a good indicater. You must be in your house. You can then keep closer snooping tabs on her. It is very easy for her now to sneak out to the OM, party, and even get more tatoos!
Sounds like she went off the deep end there for a while. Maybe a little self-destructive, realizing what she had done?
If the A is continuing, call up the OM's W pronto!!
Why are you crying all the time?!?!? (Yeah, we know, we know.) Very unattractive to the ladies. Look into ADs-Anti deprssnts. The ADs will help this immensly. People here scoff at their use, but then praise them for keeping the rollercoaster more level.
""that I have no idea what she has been thru or what she is thinking.""
It's funny but most everyone here in the halls of MB knows exactly what she has been thru and what she is thinking. ALL THE STORIES ARE THE SAME!!! It is almost spooky how similar and predictable the WSs are.
Stay here posting and read His Needs/Her Needs. Start Plan Aing your butt off. NO MORE LBs. No more crying in your beer! Get ADs. MOVE BACK IN YOUR HOUSE!
It's not too late to save it, if you want to. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />
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Im 40 she is 37 we have 2 kids on 19 other 8. both live with her. I did move back in for a month and 1/2 untill she told me about the other 2 guys.
She was molested by her father at age 8, my daughter just turned 8 in March and she turned 37 in April. I get the I love you just not in love with you crap.
She says she wants to have the fun she never had for 20 years.
The affair is way over. The wife called my wife and boom it was way done. They hate eachother now totally.
So what plan b now?
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No, GO HOME. You can't work on your marriage if you aren't there. Moving out was a terrible mistake that only enabled your wife to carry on her affairs unimpeded. Plus, you need to be there to protect your daughter. GO HOME. That is the first step.
Krusht gave you excellent advice, please listen to him.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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God I would love to move back home again. But boy would that cause a mess. We rent and I think she took my name off the agreement, I think. How do you move back in and not kill eachother. The first time I moved back in she invited me. See this sucks to becasue without my help she cant live there. She cant afford it without me.
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Did I blow it lastnight by really letting her have it. Stuff I have felt for 4 months came rolling out of my mouth. I hurt her again <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
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Falcon, go home. Go there and tell her you are sorry you blasted her last night and that you are home to work on your marriage. This is your home, too. If she wants to be seperated, she can move out herself, but leave the daughter.
I honestly don't understand why you would move out in the first place. She is the one who had the affair, she is the one who wanted to seperate, why would you move then?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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She makes more money then I do. And I was kinda of made to by her parents. I know sounds stupid and now they cant belive they made me leave. But when I did go home it was very good for 3 weeks. We had some fun, lots of sex, and I paid attention to her and listend to her. It was so different then it had been.
Then found out about the other 2 guys then she started with OM again, by the way she told me out right. "Im going to see him again". I stayed then because she stoped going to the bars and running around. And she only saw him maybe everyother week. She did tell me she wished she could have her cake and eat it to. Then she talked about an open marriage. I said no.
Of I were to head back home say this week it would cause ****** to break loose. She says we are at different placeses and she is sorry she hurt me and sorry she is not "in love with me anymore". I know she is worried that ill never trust her again, and she cant trust me (after lastnight I dont blame her) that I wont be the a-hole I was. But she does not understand im in such pain everyday its hard not to blow up.
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falcon, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I'm in the "move back" camp. Is your wife in IC? Has she ever dealt with her CSA? If not, now is the time to start. She is acting out classically and the fact that one of your children is the age she was when it happened is also very "classic". Have there been any other things happen lately to trigger her behavior? Such as her abuser getting sick or dying? When someone is sexually abused as a child their most basic boundaries are violated. The one that most people don't think of is her skin. We all take that for granted. I know it's hard to understand if you haven't been there. Heck, it's hard for some people who have been there. It gets into the "well, I was abused and never did anything like that." But think about it. Everyone can see your skin boundary. It's easy. Well, someone violated that boundary among others when your wife was 8 years old. Look at your 8 year old child and think about someone doing that to him/her. Maybe that will put it in perspective.
Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that your wife has a license to do anything and everything she feels like doing for the rest of her life because of what happened to her. This should be a wake up call for her. This is her chance to get help, reach out, heal herself. This is her chance to become the person that she was meant to be, to become a survivor and not a victim any longer. As long as she remains a victim she will be vulnerable to anyone who has no respect for others boundaries. I know this feels like it's about you, but it sounds to me, from what little I've read here that it's not. I know that doesn't diminish your hurt. It doesn't make it go away or even make it better, but with a lot of help and understanding (notice I said understanding not patting on the back) your wife can become the wonderful caring compassionate person she truly is.
ML, please don't tell falcon to get into a fight over their child. Unless I missed something, his wife is not neglecting abusing the child. Yes she leaves him/her with a relative, but she's not leaving him/her in the car or at home alone, etc. You may disagree with me but her poor decisions may make her a bad wife, but certainly don't make her a bad mother and doesn't mean that she doesn't love her children.
Me-50 Divorced 6/15/2006 Remarried 10/25/2008
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I wish she would listen to me, I have beged her to see someone. She tells me that it has nothing to do with the abuse, she says it has nothing to do with me. She tells me she wants the fun she had missed, she hangs out with 28 year old girls with kids, they all have booty calls. She never smoked or drinked, she does that now. I am very judgmental I know that she says I never let her be her.
The first month I did worry about my baby girl but now she is ok. My wife either leaves her with me or grandma. She does love her child very much.
Everything seems to have to be about HER. Funny the other day she called me up to tell me she fit into a smaller size pants. And all the new cloths she has gotten she says are for me. Dont understand that at all.
When she could not make her rent she gave the affair guy 400 bucks, she got it back after it ended but what the heck is she thinking. I am so worried about her. I tried so hard to be a friend to her. I was there for the break up of the affair with phone calls all the time telling me what was going on.
She did see someone about 10 to 13 years ago for the abouse but no clue what she did she wont talk about it.
I do feel so bad for her, she told me not to long ago about the time she took a gun and put it to he fathers head, he moved she got scared, she was 8 freaking years old.
Must tell you to the family all have been sexual molested, her dad, mom, sister, her family, his family. It just goes on and on. They wont deal with it at all. Maybe im fighting a uphill battle.
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Pay attention
You are a grown up man, not a little boy.
Own your life starting right now.
YOU need some counseling on how to behave.... you CAN control your temper and your mouth .... You just have to decide to censor yourself in action ... it's not that difficult
YOU call a counselor and YOU make an appointment for yourself to go ... NOT for marriage counseling but for personal help to learn some handy-dandy techniques to recognize when you have reached your boiling point ... and for ideas, suggestions and guidance for what to do when you recognize you're about to blow ....
There is a better way of behaving in a crisis ... and you ought to make it your business to find out how to do that ... and then immediately put into practice what you've learned.
Imagine what you wife will think when she finds out that you took the initiative to improve something bad about yourself. Won't that be impressive.
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Do you know you could be the most powerful man in the room is when everyone else is yelling and excited?
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ML, please don't tell falcon to get into a fight over their child. Unless I missed something, his wife is not neglecting abusing the child. Yes she leaves him/her with a relative, but she's not leaving him/her in the car or at home alone, etc. You may disagree with me but her poor decisions may make her a bad wife, but certainly don't make her a bad mother and doesn't mean that she doesn't love her children. IMP, as the child's father, he should be told to protect the child from her irresponsible mother. I certainly wouldn't classify a good mother as one who is carrying on multiple affairs, cats around all night, and kicks her father out. That is not a stable atmosphere for a child, not to mention that it greatly increases the chances that the child will be molested by one of the "men" she drags home. Her behavior clearly demonstrates her irresponsibility, and he has a responsibilty to protect her. I'm Precious, we need to keep this in perspective and remember who the real victims are here. It is not his wife. Her victims are her husband and her daughter as a result of her destructive behavior. Being sexually molested does not justify abusing your family.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Falcon needs to center himself ... and calm down because it is very likely his wife is not a good parent right now despite loving her kids ... she is putting her own health at risk and that is not something a good parent does.
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Falcon, Pep is right about the lovebusters, they have to stop. You are rightfully upset, but it doesn't help the situation when you blow up at her.
I realise that she will be angry if you move back home, but she will get over a little bit of anger. You can't work on your marriage, nor can you protect your daughter if you aren't there. You are the only sane person left in your D's life, you should be there to protect her. Your moving out only enabled your W to carry on her affairs with ease. With you there, it will be much harder for her to do.
If you cannot move back, for some reason, I would suggest getting a temporary custody order of your D so you can remove her from that situation.
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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He has to control himself because if things continue to deteriorate with his wife HE should take the kids not her !!!!!
And he needs to demonstrate to everyone that HE is the sane stable calm one.
Falcon .... DOCUMENT your wife's activities
Keep a journal of this stuff ... and keep it where she cannot get to it. In the trunk of your car (unless she has a key) in your friend's house.... just away from her.
If it ever comes to a custody issue, your handwritten dated journal/diary can be used as evidence to prove her as unfit. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />
She may be doing drugs. See if you can get some of her hair and send it to a drug lab.
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Falcon, do you think she is doing drugs? Is she drinking heavily?
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt Exposure 101
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Ditto what Pep says.
I'm not sure what to tell you about the CSA. It doesn't sound to me like she's dealt with. One of the big red flags is that she won't talk about it. Not that she needs to go around telling everyone about it or tell you the details, but one the biggest things with CSA or emotional or physical abuse, etc is secrecy. The don't tell anyone, don't talk about it. But you can't force her either. You can only let her know that you care.
As far as her saying that she just wants to have fun because she never had any, I can understand. She didn't ever have any. Even if she had done all those things before it still wouldn't have been the same. It wouldn't have been carefree or innocent. She lost that. Everything she did after that was tainted. There was no innocence. And while she can recover, move on, become a survivor, she can never get that innocence back, she can never get her virginity back, she can be who she would have been if it hadn't happened. As I'm sure you've guessed, I've been there. My abuse was worse than some. It certainly was not as bad as others. (If you want to grade it on a scale, which is what we as humans are determined to do. Everything is a "game" of sorts. Who's been treated the worst. Who's behaved the worst. ETC.) I'm just 2 years into this journey. It's heartwrenching at best, infuriating more than you'll ever know at worst. I have a long way to . Getting out of victim mode is very difficult. It's hard to say and accept that life isn't fair. It will never be fair. Those total pieces of s#%t will never get what they deserve. But if I don't make me better and become a survivor they have won the ultimate game. And if they win, it's because ultimately I allowed it. And I have to do it for me. It took me almost 40 years to wake up, look around and start figuring out how to get out of the pit I was in. The light is bad sometimes, I lose my footing sometimes, The boundaries are still blurry sometimes (not with other men. Just with people in genereal). But I'm still here. I'm learning. I'm finding me.
Sorry to get off topic. You do need to get your temper under control. Be an example. Sit down and count the costs. It's not easy being married to a survivor of CSA. I know this site doesn't advocate ending a marriage and I certainly don't either. Unfortunately they can't all be saved and even if your wife wakes up tomorrow and decides that your marriage is her #1 priority, it will be hard- one of, if not the #1, hardest thing you've ever done.
My one last suggestion is to read whatever you can on CSA. If it's allowed I can give you a few suggestions. Would a moderator or someone who's been around along time let me know if this is ok. If not, go to your local Borders or Barnes and Noble or wherever and starting looking for yourself. It doesn't have to be books especially for partners of. Read the books that are for survivors themselves. They will help too.
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By the way what worries me is it seems she does not want to work at anything. She says she is happy who she is now, I know she cant be. She broke up a family with the affair, his wife found out. She lost her sister. pissed off her mom and dad. About destoryed me. How can she like who she is. The only ones that seem to like it are the girls friens she hangs out with. 28 year old losers.
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