Doubt and mistrust are enemies of a M but friends of the A.
What is your H doing to reassure you of his commitment to you and the M? Next question, is if he is doing enough, what r u doing for closure and how can help?
My husband seems to know when he needs to give me an explanation of where he has to work and when, especially if it is not his normal working hours, like in the cases of clearances. I must read like a book when I am uncomfortable with something that he is doing. He usually explains it or cancels it to be with me, even though I have not asked him to.
My husband has not made a committment to our marriage other than to say he would stay long enough to see if he falls back in love with me and will be faithful to our vows.
He is kinder and more intune to my feelings, we have been talking about the future together, retirement, places to live, etc. I have to say, my husband has always been one to be slow in committing to things, but once committed, can be counted on to complete whatever task is at hand.
As far as closure, I really don't know what to do. We are having more normal days, as time goes on, we can laugh and have conversations that are not as stilted as they were a few weeks ago.
No, my xwh is not doing enough for closure. We both still need to fill out our en lists as well as the other lists, I still need to learn how to voice my concerns with him, face to face. Right now, the only way I can address my concerns with him is through pencil and paper. Otherwise, I get sidetracked or shut down by his supersensitivity to things I say, and are misinterrepted as LBs. He also has not learned to voice his concerns, which we all know leads to more conflicts. He still has the issue of having a problem doing recreational things with me that doesn't include visiting his mother or taking a ride with him.
I find myself feeling jumpy, and totally insecure when going places with him. For example, we went to Home Depot for home improvement items, I am trying to keep up with him and feel like such a klutz, tripping over my feet and totally self-conscience. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />
He has also returned to his pre EA behavior in critisizing the way I look, walk, stand, talk, look, etc...........
I know this is mental abuse. This is a habit that is deeply ingrained into my husband. He did this also with all the people that he loves, expecting perfection out of them and trying to help them achieve this by offering unwanted or unasked pointers, which I interept as shortcomings of my character.
It's like someone suddenly took the blinders off him.
He has noted the following things about me recently.
My face has more wrinkles, my arms are more flabby now (I have lost considerable weight in the past four months), I look fatter when standing with my arms behind my back, etc. etc. Believe it or not, he stopped critisizing me when he started his EA. I didn't know why he had stopped trying to improve my appearance or mannerisms, I just thought, wow, this is so nice. Little did I know he had stopped because he had already withdrawn from me and our marriage.
That is why it is almost a relief that he has started caring enough to critisize me, (if that isn't the screwiest thought)although the remarks cut like a razor, because I already feel not good enough, and less than loved, because of the o/w's youthful appearance, beautiful long brown wavy hair, huge, expressive brown eyes and her warm open personality that is outgoing and fun.
I do not measure up in looks, or personality, although I do have integrity and strong moral character.
What would help me would be for my husband to start talking about what bothers him instead of holding it inside to fester, and bubble up in anger at a later date.
Also, he could help me by expressing his appreciation for all the things I have changed and done for him in the last few months. He could acknowledge his greatfullness that I am willing to give our marriage another try, and for the care and sacrafice I am will to make to help both him and his mother. He could ask me out to dinner or to go see a movie, anything.
He could reassure me that I am enough, being just me the way I am.
He could reassure me that he wants to be with me, not her.
Right now, I feel that he does not like what I look like or who I am.
I also think that if she had wanted him, and had left her husband, he would have left me and our home and never looked back.