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Could I get some help with the definition of an addiction?

Now, this may seem stupid as we’ve been there/done that. H is a recovering alcoholic of 16+ years. However, I think we have another problem. Stock Trading. I call it gambling. He doesn’t see it as a problem whatsoever. I do.

If someone, anyone, everyone, could give me some input I would really appreciate it. I will give further info later but right now I just want to know what to use to identify the behaviors.

I understand that we can’t use the MB principles if there is an addiction present. I have been beating my head against the wall with the EN’s not being met.....but if we have an addiction, I am powerless to affect the situation.

Sooooo, help me out here.

Thanks a million!

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It's a compulsion or dependance, on an act or substance, where the person feels an inability to control their actions despite the fact negative consequences may result.

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"Never forget that your pain means nothing to a WS." ~Mulan

"An ethical man knows it is wrong to cheat on his wife. A moral man will not actually do it." ~ Ducky

WS: They are who they are.

When an eel lunges out
And it bites off your snout
Thats a moray ~DS
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Sugarandspice. Here's a copy and paste.
What are the signs, symptoms, and patterns of addictive gambling?
There is little logic in the gambling patterns of the addict. Among the common elements relevant to all gamblers irrespective of their subgroup are:

association of gambling with "subjective excitement, dissociation, and increased heart rate" often described as "equivalent to a drug-induced 'high.' "
downward spiral of gambling – when gamblers lose, they attempt to recoup losses through further chasing. Even if they acknowledge the reality that gambling has led them into financial problems, they irrationally believe that gambling will solve their problems
subjective allure of the addiction
self-feeding nature of the addictive cycle
predisposition to magical solutions that are central to the addiction experience.

How is gambling addiction diagnosed?
The most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR) published by the American Psychiatric Association includes these criteria for a diagnosis of Pathological Gambling:

A. Persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) is preoccupied with gambling (e.g., preoccupied with reliving past gambling experiences, handicapping or planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble)

(2) needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement

(3) has repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling

(4) is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling

(5) gambles as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression)

(6) after losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even ("chasing" one's losses)

(7) lies to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling

(8) has committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement to finance gambling

(9) has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of gambling

(10) relies on others to provide money to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling

B. The gambling behavior is not better accounted for by a Manic Episode.

The site has a great set of links as well.

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If your spouse is unwilling to give up the behavior as a lovebusting behavior, then it is likely an addiction.

If the behavior is more important than a spouse, it has become the primary relationship.

I call that addiction.

The MB principles are not useless in an addiction situation, you just can't expect the same level of result. (ie a completely non lovebusted - POJA'd marriage). You can certainly apply many of the concepts in your own behavior.

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Thanks to all for your help! I will try to respond to each here with examples and maybe you can further assist me?? I have been living with this/in this for so long it becomes hard to be objective.

I feel like I did when the drinking got to be too much. He didn't see it as a problem but I did. I was finally to the point that I was ready to leave him simply because I couldn't handle it. When it finally resulted in A #2 he sought treatment.

It's a compulsion or dependance, on an act or substance, where the person feels an inability to control their actions despite the fact negative consequences may result.

AskMe, I see this to be true but H doesn't. I don't think he has experienced any negative effects yet. The money loss of course is not his fault. There are a thousand reasons why he isn't further ahead than he is. (And, he is not ahead). He has no clue that he doesn't have control over the amount of time he is spending on this. That once he sits down in the morning and fires up the computer, there is nothing that will stop him. (Imagine how mad I was when I had to haul the garbage container to the road through 4 foot snow drifts at 10 am because he didn't plow yesterday or today and it has been snowing and blowing non stop, all the while he is in the warm house, still in his robe, trading-no watching-the stocks go up and go down grrr).

Aphelion...Thanks for the links...I will check them out as I have more time.

association of gambling with "subjective excitement, dissociation, and increased heart rate" often described as "equivalent to a drug-induced 'high.'

FAA- I see this in him also. He has said that his hands sweat as he is trying to get in or out of a trade in a hurry. He gets really giddy. It is definately a thrill seeking type experience.

(1) is preoccupied with gambling (e.g., preoccupied with reliving past gambling experiences, handicapping or planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble)

He will talk about a past trade for a long time. Either good or bad. If it is good, he is gonna do them all that way from now on. But, then he doesn't. Then if it doesn't work, he makes up new reasons for the failure. None of the reasons are his fault mind you. They could be anything from the stupid internet to the trading site/government regs not letting him trade the way he wants to due to his balance. (We've put more money in a few times because he swears if he had a larger balance and could make bigger trades it would work better. It doesn't. I have told him I will no longer agree to putting more money in there.)

(2) needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the desired excitement

I guess I covered that one with #1.

(3) has repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling

Check. He has made all kinds of rules for himself to follow, all of which are long gone. He changes the rules as he goes. I used to call him on all of them but it just got to be so nasty and changed nothing so I quit. He said "what difference does it make it if I trade, I'll just treat it like my job...I'll get dressed, showered etc in the morning, trade, and when the market closes I will do my work (snow, outside, whatever). But that didn't last very long. Now, like I said above, he sits in his robe till whenever. And I am disgusted by that. I hate it.

(4) is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling

Yep. Although he hasn't attempted to stop for a long time now so he acts pretty happy because he is always trading.

(5) gambles as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression)

Yep. I see it as a way to escape reality. He won't do what I think he should be doing to finish up with his customers to close out our season. And I think some of those feelings are present too. But he denies that (I have mentioned stuff in the past-I don't say much anymore)

(6) after losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even ("chasing" one's losses)

Yep. Usually not the next day, but the same day. Even if he sells because he wanted to and he made money on it, he will follow that stock again until he has all the good reasons to buy it back. Then he'll say "I've always made money on sXYZ stock, its' been very good to me" etc. Even if it hasn't always been , he seems to forget the "bad times".

(7) lies to family members, therapist, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling

At first I thought no on this one. But, he tells others how good he is doing when I know he isn't. He will buy a stock at X price. Then is goes down for 2 days. Then on the third day it is up, but not to X where he bought it. He will say to me or others "My stock was up $100 bucks today". I either have to ask or I find out later that he is still in the whole but he is taking credit for it being up like he is in the money when he isn't. That one makes me real mad.

(8) has committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, or embezzlement to finance gambling

Nope, Thank God!

(9) has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of gambling

It gets in the way of our business. And it keeps him from getting a job in our off season because he thinks he can make enough with trading (he can't) and when he doesn't he says it's because his account isn't big enough.

(10) relies on others to provide money to relieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling

Causes me a lot of stress wondering how to make this much money last until spring while he trades. This year he has finally said he will get a job and him and his brother have gone to a specific big money place to look for work and it is there. He needed to finish up around here and then be available to go there. Well, he isn't finished here, and he's not ready to go there. I asked him if he is gonna go for that job (it is either for very high wages or we buy our own semi for even bigger money) and he said he isn't interested in working for wages. So, I guess it's the truck job, which is fine with me, but when? He is on the internet all day and night either trading or looking for trucks, but he hasn't shown much action in getting anything done about the job yet. And, it makes me mad but I expected it. I told myself when he started talking about the job and the big money that it probably won't happen. I have learned that this is how it goes. Funny how he isn't interested in working for wages for someone else (mind you the wages are 23-30 bucks an hour) but will sit and play with the stocks all day for no monetary gain or even a loss.

If your spouse is unwilling to give up the behavior as a lovebusting behavior, then it is likely an addiction.

If the behavior is more important than a spouse, it has become the primary relationship.

I call that addiction.

The MB principles are not useless in an addiction situation, you just can't expect the same level of result. (ie a completely non lovebusted - POJA'd marriage). You can certainly apply many of the concepts in your own behavior.

Bramblerose-I think that is the bottom line. He knows how I feel about it. I have explained it every which way. Yet it is more important to trade than to keep me happy. So, what does that tell me? How important do I feel to him? Not very. I am applying MB concepts to this but I belive it resulted in his cake-eating type behavior. He happily trades when I am meeting his needs. Or, he unhappinly trades if I'm not.

Well, that's my story. There's more but that tells the basics. And writing it out helps clarify it for me.

But, what do I do about it? That is the hard one.

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I'm gonna respond to myself...

H's behavior is really getting on my nerves! I honestly can't stand his trading. I am ready to scream and run for the door. It is all he talks about or does.

This morning he said he had been thinking a lot about our business and what he wants to do. We've talked about it alot before-no new info. No action on his part either. Typical.
He said he is reaching a point where he wants to do what he wants to do. Not what everyone else wants him to do.

So, later on he mentions to my son how he just wants to do what he wants and trading is part of that. I'm within earshot but he is not talking to me about it. Then, other son is looking for a computer part so dad can take to his friends because he is gonna show friend how to trade. I am glad he will be somewhere else to trade, because I don't enjoy watching him/listening to him, and he is really not here for me, even though his physical body is here. He won't make eye contact or really talk to me all day.

I am really sick of it. And if he goes to trade with his friend and gets his ego stroked it will not end. And he knows I don't like it so he will call it a good thing that he is out of my hair.

Am I the only one that sees this? Am I the only one that cares about it? I'm afraid I will have to leave him over this and then he will be free to do what he wants.

Did I mention he is playing with the last of his retirement fund? And that he still hasn't looked for a job? Damn this is making me mad!

Thanks for letting me vent.

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I'm afraid I will have to leave him over this and then he will be free to do what he wants.

He's free now. It's only in your mind that by staying married he is somehow controlled.

Did I mention he is playing with the last of his retirement fund? And that he still hasn't looked for a job? Damn this is making me mad!

So...you cant change, control or cure him...what are you going to do for you?

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I have been doing a lot for myself and slowly becoming stronger. The whole time I am thinking that I am not doing my part to meet his needs because I am so shut down from him.

The truth is I don't trust him. Not with a lot of things. Not for my basic care. I don't get from him the basic level of care I desire. As in, if trading is such a big issue for me,and it has been for many years, why is it more important for him to do it than to keep me happy. I am not asking him to give up food. And this is not a money generating thing, although he thinks it will be one day. (I think if it hasn't started to generate cash after 7-8 years, it aint gonna.)

So, what will I do from here? I am going to go to an al-anon meeting tomorrow and/or wednesday night.

And, I am gonna read in HNHN about the care parts. It seems it may make a little more sense now. That is my assignment for the very near term.

This morning H was leaving to go to his friends house to trade and he said something about "going to work". I said it's just a new place to play. He go tense but said nothing. I said to son-"he sure doesn't like me not calling it his job". Son said "oh, I know, he told me." I asked what he was told and he said "Dad said it makes him mad that nobody takes this serious and considers it his job".
He has never once used the money from his trading account to pay the bills (on a monthly basis). He has had to take some of it out for big purchases, related to our business. And that makes him really mad.

Anyway, I will continue to work on me, and if possible after Christmas I am going to move. (BIL may have to move in to the guesthouse).

Hmmmm. Sad indeed. Care, Protection. I don't feel it. Gonna go read about it. I think I want it.

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Ok...this is gonna come out rather harsh but I don't intend it to sound that way.

Doing an inventory of what you need is a great start to understanding what you want.

The mistake is focusing on getting it out of him!

Refering to your husband's pasttime as a 'new place to play' is a very disrespectful judgement.

You don't have to like it. You don't even have to agree with his protest that it is 'work'. But if you are feeling starved for emotional connection to your husband, ridiculing something he finds near and dear is not a good way to beckon him closer!

He believes (or rather justifies) what he does as work. So what? You can't and won't change him. Adding insults serves no purpose, and only makes you less of a person.

Does that mean you should encourage it? No way.

The question you have to answer is what you need for yourself. And if he is not willing or capable of offering those things,then it is up to you to decide what YOU will do about it, and I don't mean "what you will do to force him to change".

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Thanks BR.

I know it was a DJ. And there have been more of them lately, as the trading is ramping up. I have just kept my mouth shut for a long time...I need to go back to that. But that leaves me feeling resentful because he won't talk to me about anything else, so there is nothing for me to talk to him about. I am just stating this as how I have been handling it, not as it being the right way to do it. I am looking for a different way to handle it.

I guess I am starting to realize tidbits of what I need and I get sad that I will not get it from him. That he is incapable or unwilling. So, that is why the al-anon and the HNHN about care. What do I need?

I know I can't change him. I would have a long time ago if I could.

I read some of your writing on the admiration thread I think and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me. I think I can learn a lot from you <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> .


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Maybe this will help ~ insert the word "trading" for the word "infidelity":

Detachment with Love

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