5. Stop blaming yourself for his actions. You are in no way responsible...even if you are Attila the Hun!
I agree with almost everything else but I can't totally agree with this...There is no WAY you are DESERVING no one is... but you ARE in some way "responsible".
PLEASE HELP, I’m a FWW and I believe the
choice of a WS to have an A is NEVER the fault or responsibility of the BS. Yes, the
circumstances in the M and lack on the BS part to fulfill the EN’s of the WS might have
contributed to make the WS vulnerable to the attention of the opposite sex, but it’s still not the BS fault or responsibility that the WS had actually
decided to
act on their feelings and get involved in an A.
To have an A is not a solution to unfulfilled EN’s and problems in a M. If the WS felt unhappy or unfulfilled in the M, it was his/her responsibility to
talk to the spouse about his/her unhappiness in the M and seek professional help
with the BS (if necessary). But in stead, the WS has
chosen to remain silent and react on the inappropriate attention of an opposite sex person and engage in an A. For THAT the WS needs to take 100% responsibility and the BS can’t share any responsibility in this.
If you believe that it was a flaw in your husband's CHARACTER YOU will never be able to do ANY of the above....It wasn't IMHO his character, but the fact that you (me and everyone else that is in this mess) left our spouses in a place of vulnerability because of the needs we didn't fill and the OP did) There is NO WAY an A could have happened when we were all the "apple" of our spouses eye.
PLEASE HELP, from my point of view and perspective as a FWS, I believe WS’s stray and/or can become vulnerable to A's because of the following reasons:
1) Unmet EN’s and/or problems in a M
2) Pure selfishness and/or a character flaws and/or lack of morals.
3) For reasons/ circumstances other than problems/issues within the M e.g. personal problems/issues and baggage a person bring into the marriage and/or personal weaknesses & vulnerabilities and/or failure of WS to protect themselves against their own weaknesses/vulnerabilities.
4) Combination of the above.
During my friendship with XOM I became vulnerable and tempted to have an A because of
nr 3 above...it was not about me feeling unhappy or unfulfilled in my M at all... Actually I was very happily married at the time and was not aware of any major unfulfilled EN’s in my M. It was al about
me and unresolved issues within
myself at the time... Unfortunately and sadly it took the pain & devastation of an inappropriate involvement with another man to make me realize these things, seek help and address the issues within myself... Chances are big that this is also the case with Deannek’s H (any every other WS/FWS).
Some people have “voids” in themselves (and these “voids” can be there because of different reasons and not necessarily because of unmet EN’s in the M) and then they try to “fill” these voids in destructive and wrong ways… Some try to fill in with alcohol or drugs… Some try to fill it in less destructive ways like emotional eating, compulsive spending, working etc. There are a MILLION ways people can try to fill these “voids” and negative feelings within themselves… And then there are those who try to fill these voids with destructive and inappropriate attention from other people…like having an A… Often when opportunities arise & people are tempted, they are not strong enough to resist and then become involved in an A.
Therefore, IMO betrayal goes much deeper than just unfulfilled EN’s in a M. Yes, this can definitely be a part of it, but it’s more complex and goes deeper than this. I believe the main problem with WS’s is a
failure to protect themselves against their own weaknesses/vulnerabilities. The problem is, usually the WS is not
aware of these weaknesses/vulnerabilities before it’s too late… And by the time they realize it they are already too deep in and find it very hard to go into reverse (because it’s like an addiction) and therefore decide to progress with the destructive and wrong behavior… And by the time they became aware of those things, they are so caught up in the ‘fog’ and rationalizations, they can’t ‘think straight’ anymore… It’s a huge and vicious cycle…
Certainly unmet EN’s in a M can play a
huge role… No marriage is perfect and of course all the most important EN’s of spouses are not 100% met all the time (if it was, then we would live in a perfect world), but I strongly believe it goes much deeper and the problem mainly lays
within the WS. The fact that many people in unhappy and unfulfilled M’s DON’t stray and betray their spouses is a clear proof of this. The bottom line is that BS’s are never responsible or can take the blame for the WS A, no matter what the situation is/was.
Just felt I needed to share this with you...