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2Bnormal #1612646 03/16/06 09:31 AM
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2BNormal, since I WROTE the words, I hardly need to examine them. Those words were not "bashing;" they were TRUE. If you murder someone and I say that you are a "murderer," is that "bashing?" Of course not, it is a TRUE FACT. And that post was not delivered with the intent of "being helpful to 2BNormal" but as an expression of MY THOUGHTS. [of course, one could argue that the truth is always helpful, regardless of whether someone finds that "helpful"] All posts do not revolve around you.

So, I am sorry you have an "issue" with that, but that is your issue alone.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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MelodyLane #1612647 03/16/06 09:39 AM
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Thank you so much, Lexxy and LadyClueless! <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I do tend to piss off the foggier ones, huh? I seem to have a knack for that; its part of my charm. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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MelodyLane #1612648 03/16/06 09:41 AM
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I am not a "foggy" WS. I am well recovered and can see pretty clearly the uncalled for treatment I received from MelodyLane.

As posted by the moderator at the top of this forum, we are to respect each other's opinions. My opinion was "not respected".

If you all see otherwise that MelodyLane's post I quoted in my earlier post was respectful to me, then I guess you all like this kind of uncalled for treatment from her.

MelodyLane, we are never going to agree. Please refrain from posting to me in the future. I don't need your thoughts if you are going to treat me as you do.

Thank you.

2Bnormal #1612649 03/16/06 09:47 AM
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Let's analyze this logically, shall we?

I've been trying to figure out what about your comments and questions push my buttons.

Assertion: She's been trying to figure out why your comments bother her.

Everything always seems logical, seems to make some sense, but ends up in circular arguements, in power plays, with you getting that last stab in. I knew I'd had those feelings before. Then it struck me. It's "crazy making" talk. It's the kind of comments, arguments, attacks, that are typical of addicts and alcoholics. It brought back those memories of my exWS before he got into Recovery, and when he was having his affair. It's "Dry Drunk" behaviors!!


The above is not a logical argument. It's an explanation. It follows the form "X because Y" and therefore assumes the result and works backwards.

It wasn't asserted to be a logical argument. It can't be treated as a logical argument because it's not valid as a logical argument. It's simply an explanation of an anectdotal experience.

If we were using logic, then this would be a combination of the Ad hoc fallacy and anecdotal evidence fallacy. However, this statement does not appear to be attempting to establish a definite proposition aside from the opinion of the author and thus an explanatory tone is to be expected and accepted. (ie. we can resonably conclude that the above statment is indeed the opinion of the author. It's validity outside of that opinion is unknown and unasserted.)

Part II:

How rude and obnoxious of you to say so

Not an argument. Once again, we can conclude this is the opinion of the author. It's validity outiside of that opinion is unknown and unasserted.

But, I think perhaps it's the LOGIC and REASON that bothers you,

Assertion: Logic and reason bother the original poster, heartmending.

This looks like the beginning of a Straw Man argument since the original poster, heartmending, never indicated that logic or reason in general was troublesome for him/her. It might also be an example of the fallacy Circulus in demonstrando (the premise appears to be a conclusion the author is attempting to reach), a red herring (an irrelevant argument that is used to distract), or a simple non sequitor (a conclusion drawn from a premise that is not connected to it).

Let's see,

because I have noticed that you use a high level of feeling and emotion in your posts,

This is anecdotal evidence. No necessarly invalid as it relates to the opinion of the author.

which is the antithesis to a reasoned argument

Premise: High levels of feeling and emotion is(are) the antithesis of a reasoned argument.

Possible logical fallacies:

Red Herring - an irrelevant argument that is used to distract.

Affirmation of the consequent - arguments of the form "A implies B is true, therefore A is true." I'm sure we're all aware that anything false implies a true across an implication so that fallacy here should be obvious. (The consequent in this case being that there are high levels of emotion or feeling.)

Vacuous argument - no proof is offered the high levels of feeling or emotion are, in fact, the antithesis of a reasoned argument. Perhaps, the author here, Melody Lane, is referring to the various logical fallacies in the Appeal to Emotion category( Appeal to consequences, appeal to fear, appeal to flatter, appeal to pity, appeal to ridicule, appeal to spite, or wishful thinking). This is suspiciously audiatur et altera pars (not bothering to state all the assumptions used to construct an argument).

. You value nice, empty words over straightforward truths and "think" with your emotions, rather than reason and logic.

Possible logical fallacies:

Petitio principii - the premise is at least as questionable as the conclusion.

Non sequitur - the premise is not logically connected with the argument.

Non cause pro cause - something has been identified as the cause of an event that is not been shown to be the cause of the event:

I've noticed you use a lot of emotion and feelings in your posts.

You value nice, empty words over straightforward truths and "think" with your emotions, rather than reason or logic

That is probably why I find your posts so vacuous.

Simple opinion, we can assume it's valid for the author, Melody Lane, but make no assumptions about it's validity or truthfulness otherwise.


But, I think perhaps it's the LOGIC and REASON that bothers you, because I have noticed that you use a high level of feeling and emotion in your posts, which is the antithesis to a reasoned argument. You value nice, empty words over straightforward truths and "think" with your emotions, rather than reason and logic.

Is not a valid logical argument. It is more likely to be an explanation rather than an argument ("a connected series of statements to establish a definite proposition" - Monty Python sketch)

It has no validity as a logical argument due to the large number of logical fallacies that render it utterly meaningless in any deductive sense. It does, however, have validity as an opinion and true respresentation of the thoughts/feelings/opinions of the poster, Melody Lane and, as such, can not be refuted as her personal truth.


As an aside, I make no claim to be 'any good' at building logical arguments. I am, as Melody Lane might say, highly emotional and use my feelings to 'think' and process information rather than sequential processing or deductive logic.

I do not believe that logic is necessarily useful for discussions regarding human experiences because .. let's see if I can present an argument for this (bear with me, I'm awful at this).

Premise: Logic is not a set of rules or steps that describes or governs human behavior.


People often don't behave logically.
Therefore logic does not describe human behavior.


Vacuous argument: No proof is offered to support the premise. False always implies true across and implication.

Darn! Let's try again


People often want illogical things.
Therefore logic does not describe or govern human behavior.


Vacuous again!

I mentioned I was bad at this, didn't I?

Since I have a hard time proving that logic has anything to do with the human experience, it must follow that logic does not describe or govern human behavior.


Argumentum ad ignorantiam - just because something hasn't been proven to be false, it must be true.


Ok.. last try.

Logical arguments have certain, specific, and defined characteristics: a proposition, a premise, a set of inferences, and, finally, a conclusion. There is no evidence (that I have found) of a mechanism that ensures that a human being will use those characteristics in decision making. Therefore, the absence of logical characteristics to an argument seems to imply that logical arguments are not used. (ie. if you must have certain ingredients to make a logical argument and those ingredients are not found, then it can be determined that the conclusion is false.)

Aha! Now we're getting somewhere. We know that the only way an implication can be false is if the premise is true and the consequence if false. This seems to be getting close, though I'm sure it's a pretty weak argument. I told you I was bad at this.


What appeals to one person may not appeal to another, huh?

This I agree with 100%.


P.S. Oh. Somehow I thought logic was going to be discussed. Darn. I guess I'll post this anyway for any who are interested. Darn my slow typing.

2Bnormal #1612650 03/16/06 09:48 AM
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2BNormal, with all due respect, you are one of the foggier posters here. If we were going to have a contest, you would make the top 10, IMO. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Your posts are repleat with fogged out rationalizations, excuses and spin.

I will tell you what is really disrespectful. It is BEING thoughtless, cruel and cowardly. There is nothing disrespectful about pointing it out, though.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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2Bnormal #1612651 03/16/06 09:49 AM
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2B -- I understand that you feel that was directed to you personally.

But step back for a second and consider that Mel was not attacking you "personally", but your view and those who supported your view (and there were many...)

When making a decision that impacts others; such as whether or not to inform another spouse of an affair -- there are very strong opinions. Sort of like starting a discussion on abortion rights; big can of worms with very strong and heartfelt opinions!

So if you were here stating your opinion on abortion -- you might get the same sort of response about morals and values simply because the other side so strongly disagrees with your opinion.

You were not the only one on your post taking the particular position you took. There were others there too supporting you. I think Mel's statement was directed at the entire group, not you personally.

MelodyLane #1612652 03/16/06 09:53 AM
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2BNormal, with all due respect, you are one of the foggier posters here. If we were going to have a contest, you would make the top 10, IMO. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Your posts are repleat with fogged out rationalizations, excuses and spin.

I will tell you what is really disrespectful. It is BEING thoughtless, cruel and cowardly. There is nothing disrespectful about pointing it out, though.

This is YOUR opinion..Hey every opinion counts right??


Lexxxy #1612653 03/16/06 09:56 AM
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2B -- I understand that you feel that was directed to you personally.

But step back for a second and consider that Mel was not attacking you "personally", but your view and those who supported your view (and there were many...)

When making a decision that impacts others; such as whether or not to inform another spouse of an affair -- there are very strong opinions. Sort of like starting a discussion on abortion rights; big can of worms with very strong and heartfelt opinions!

So if you were here stating your opinion on abortion -- you might get the same sort of response about morals and values simply because the other side so strongly disagrees with your opinion.

You were not the only one on your post taking the particular position you took. There were others there too supporting you. I think Mel's statement was directed at the entire group, not you personally.

Calling someone a moral coward...whether it was just me or other posters is NOT respectful.

BTW, Dr. Harley supported my view of letting my husband handle the decision to expose or not expose to the OM's W.

If you would like to see the email I received directly from Dr. Harley, I will post it again here.

2Bnormal #1612654 03/16/06 09:59 AM
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...Stay tune for scenes from next week's thread. Same bat channel, same bat time.

There is a train that leaves the station heading for your destination,
But the price you pay to nowhere has increased a dollar more.
Yes, it has!
And if you walk you're gonna get there though it takes a little longer,
And when you see it in the distance you will wring your hands and moan.

Sing loud for the sunshine, pray hard for the rain.
MelodyLane #1612655 03/16/06 09:59 AM
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I have to agree with you on this one. Sounds very foggy to me, I'm no expert, but have been the recipient of some serious fog lately.

Good call Mel!

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
2Bnormal #1612656 03/16/06 10:01 AM
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Calling someone a moral coward...whether it was just me or other posters is NOT respectful.

BEING a moral coward is not respectful. There is nothing disrespectful about pointing it out.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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2Bnormal #1612657 03/16/06 10:05 AM
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BTW, Dr. Harley supported my view of letting my husband handle the decision to expose or not expose to the OM's W.

What ELSE did Dr Harley tell you, *****? I heard a replay of the show on Monday, and not only was your rendition of his comments very different from what he said, but you left out some very important advice that he gave you. Remember?

Last edited by Justuss; 03/17/06 12:28 PM.
Eagle15 #1612658 03/16/06 10:06 AM
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I have to agree with you on this one. Sounds very foggy to me, I'm no expert, but have been the recipient of some serious fog lately.

Good call Mel!

A person that has been well over an affair for over a year is NOT in a fog. I don't have the same viewpoint as Mel, so that makes me in a fog???....Is she such an expert? I hardly think so.

Eagle15 #1612659 03/16/06 10:06 AM
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2B -- I know that your information was direct from Dr. Harley.

I found that disappointing to be honest with you. I was a betrayed wife. My husband kept that secret from me for almost 15 YEARS.

I cannot describe to you the sorrow and anger I (still to this day) feel about having my life stolen from me. I can never recover those years, the things I would have done differently if I had only had the TRUTH about my own life! I was allowed (by my WH) to make MAJOR life decisions and life altering choices on false information. My entire life would be different today.

My heart goes out to your OMW. She deserves so much better. And if we could only reach you, maybe you could be the one to give her that gift.

MelodyLane #1612660 03/16/06 10:10 AM
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BTW, Dr. Harley supported my view of letting my husband handle the decision to expose or not expose to the OM's W.

What ELSE did Dr Harley tell you, *****? I heard a replay of the show on Monday, and not only was your rendition of his comments very different from what he said, but you left out some very important advice that he gave you. Remember?

Mel, his comments were to let my husband make the decision. This same response was received in an email reply from Dr. Harley. Yes, he gave other advice, but this was the answer to my question.

Last edited by Justuss; 03/17/06 12:29 PM.
2Bnormal #1612661 03/16/06 10:12 AM
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I have to agree with you on this one. Sounds very foggy to me, I'm no expert, but have been the recipient of some serious fog lately.

Good call Mel!

A person that has been well over an affair for over a year is NOT in a fog. I don't have the same viewpoint as Mel, so that makes me in a fog???....Is she such an expert? I hardly think so.

It matters not how long you have been in recovery. I know people who have been in recovery for 10 years who are more fogged out that others who have been in R for 6 months. The mark of a fogged out mind is one that is still making excuses and rationalizations and is hostile to any suggestion of remorse. Those are the marks of a fogged out person. It is real clear to someone who is NOT in a fog.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.." Theodore Roosevelt

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2Bnormal #1612662 03/16/06 10:15 AM
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BTW, Dr. Harley supported my view of letting my husband handle the decision to expose or not expose to the OM's W.

What ELSE did Dr Harley tell you, *****? I heard a replay of the show on Monday, and not only was your rendition of his comments very different from what he said, but you left out some very important advice that he gave you. Remember?

Mel, his comments were to let my husband make the decision. This same response was received in an email reply from Dr. Harley. Yes, he gave other advice, but this was the answer to my question.

No, they weren't. He agreed you had a moral obligation to notify this woman but wanted your H to do it rather than you. He said NOTHING about getting your h's agreement. I heard the call,*****.

[I have emailed him asking for the transcript]

What was the OTHER ADVICE he told you? You appear to be avoiding that. Why not tell the others what ELSE he told you?

Last edited by Justuss; 03/17/06 12:30 PM.
2Bnormal #1612663 03/16/06 10:16 AM
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Fog or Bleeding heart liberal.

Define "is", and I never slept with that woman, M...... L....

Fog speak, whether you think you are recovered and/or been in recovery for a year just doesn't matter. What matters is how you are recieved and percieved by those around you. The general consensus is FOG!

"Never argue with idiots or WSs, They just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
2Bnormal #1612664 03/16/06 10:17 AM
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The BIG issue I have is that you went on an on yesterday how you do not bash but only disagree.

This post I quoted was a direct bash at me and you attacked my character. This kind of treatment will not be tolerated by me. YOU may disagree with what I had to say on my thread, but the treatment you gave me was uncalled for.

You not only attacked my character but also attacked sfjaj's character by your words.

I am only asking you to examine your words as the words you posted to me were not helpful in any way. I asked you to explain how your words were helpful to me, but you refuse to answer my question.

2BN ... Honestly, it's not worth anyone's valuable time to get into a pi$$ing contest with ML. Look at the pattern here. She routinely bashes WSs and FWSs, even FWSs like you and me who are de-fogged. It's what she does. I've been in pi$$ing contests with her, too, and it's just not worth the aggrevation. ML always has to get the last word in, and while much, maybe even most, of what she has to say has some base in logic and is perfectly in line with MB principles, her one-size-fits-all attitude can be off-base for certain sitches and nearly always, her delivery (especially to WSs and FWSs) leaves much to be desired.

I was always of the belief that we're supposed to be helping one another here. Well, ML has clearly stated that helping people is not high on her list, as evidenced in her post here.

And that post was not delivered with the intent of "being helpful to 2BNormal" but as an expression of MY THOUGHTS.

I think the above speaks volumes about ML's intentions when posting to WS/FWS on this board.

Last edited by GBH; 03/16/06 10:18 AM.
MelodyLane #1612665 03/16/06 10:19 AM
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will someone Please kindly tell the rest of us .......(what this Missing other advice was)??

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