
The day is at an end,
time has gone by,
Nothing left to do
but gaze at the night sky.
When that's done,
what's left but self inspection?
What have I done wrong?
or is it best to say
what have I done right?
or is the truth quite simply
that I have done nothing and
this is truely my plight?

A wolf without a pack,
A moonless night,
loneliness may describe,
but it falls short.
My heart seems surrounded by
an impenetrable fort.
Vast towers can see through
miles of time into the past,
each minute goes by.
No second will last.
The fort stands firm,
life all around,
guards at every corner
insuring no life
makes its way in.

Invaded by life so many times,
and each time left alone,
the heart must be heavily fortified,
guarded, insuring the security of
its lonely future.

Though love may be a precious commodity,
there's nothing lose, if nothing is received.
This, something maybe too long I have believed.
Is two better than one,
is it better to have some and to lose,
than to have none?
Some say yaa,
some desperately fight for nay.
If only I could go back to age of 8 and play.

The sky is moonless,
the heart heavily protected,
nothing's going to get through,
no need to worry,
so now, Can I rest,
running to a dream, that maybe I won't be me.