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E - Sending Carolyn an e-mail explanation. All ok here.
Married 22 yrs
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OC Born - 09/08/04
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Nut - I'm glad all is ok...we were concerned. We hadn't heard from you in quite a while.
Thank you again ladies....
My H spoke with the attorney...she said that the paperwork has to go to the courts now...if it doesn't reach them before the hearing date, then we will still have to go to the court...I won't mind though...I hope that woman is there.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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i dont understand why you would need to go. doesnt it just automaticaly drop. they achually set up court date without knowing outcome of results first. cant the lawyer just fax a copy to the courts. or even you would think the ow would just call and have it all dropped. if i was her i would be way to embarressed to show up. im not a lawyer of coarse, but i still dont see why you should have to go to court now. anyway just curious, but in your case im sure your tottally okay to go. i know i would be, again congradulation to both you and your h. sometimes i think it takes somthing big for us to learn our lesson, ill bet your h never does it again. imtswife
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The attorney says that we would still have to go.
The OW filed with the child support office and the court for child support...although they are both in connection, they still have their red tape.
The attorney says that more than likely the DNA results will get there ASAP. The case has been retracted, but it has alot of offices to hit first. I'm not stressed, cause I would love to go and just stare her in the face.
I believe he has learned his lesson....he is scared to death...I want him to stay that way.
ETA - These are all Petitions...they must be judged by a Judge.
Last edited by crazyhurt; 05/08/06 09:51 PM.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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I am so happy for you. I love it when I hear news like this. I would bet the OW has no clue to who the daddy is.
Do you have anything in writing where she swears it could only have been your husbands? If so, speak to a laywer, she lied!! SUE HER!!!!!!!!!!! I know of a case where a ow swore she was only with the XMM, and he and his wife's laywer was a good one. Had the OW sign some paperwork swearing it could only be his, etc. IT WASN'T. They sued her and won some $$. She was introuble all over the place, with them, insurance fraud, etc. It was wonderful to watch her get beat up by the courts.
OW family was upset at the MM and his wife for holding her accountable for her actions. Funny, how they expected the MM and his wife to be held accountable, but when the tables turned, suddenly it wasn't fair? It was wonderful to watch her get her due.
Check into it!
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exactly crazy, it is isnt over until the judge bangs the gavel and stamps dismissed on it. It is definately in your interests to attend the hearing and make sure that it happens. You might want to take Lynn's idea though and see if you can make a petition for costs. The money that you payed out for the lawyer doesnt have to be unrecoverable.
The worst the judge can say is no. <evil grin>
BW -33 (Me) WH-38 M- 4 years/together 10 OC (girl) born 03/03 D-Day 08/02
True friends stab you in the front - Oscar Wilde
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I'm tempted..but as crazy as I think I am for saying this (because you know she didn't give a dang about me or mine, but)...I really do feel sorry for that baby....and any money out of the ho's pocket is food out of the baby's mouth...so, I won't be the nasty one like I want to be.
Lynn - Thank you, thank you, thank you...you really helped me along this road.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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you trully are a caring and loving person.
i to think you could get her to pay all your attorney costs. but then that would prolong this longer and im sure what you want most is it too all just go away now, i know i would.
yea your h is scared its a good place for him. i believe mine learned to. funny but to be honest i dont think he would had learned or felt so bad had the ow not got pr. sad, but true. he needed this to happen, or i could have ended up moving in with him. the same apts ow lived in. when she told him she was pr no way was he going to live there. i was glad i didnt want to live in that neighborhood anyway, but sad that it took that. that is when he really felt the guilt, before that i think he felt justified because i left him.
i dream about having the same results as you. to be honest i would understand why we had to go through all this, because h wouldnt have felt the pain he caused me. this way he got to feel somwe of the pain.
anyway, im still so excited for you both. imtswife
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Thanks imtswife...I dream that everyone would have these results....not one woman on these boards deserve to go through any of this mess.
I'm going to keep praying for everyone...you never know...there will be other's.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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OK but if that was the ow involved in my case i would sue her just to teach her a lesson.
Just like imtwife said unless it gets extreme they never learn a lesson... imagine future or past other women NOT getting involved with a mm because look what happened to so and so or in the past to themselves. WOW what a concept.
Something has to disuade them since morals and the right thing just doesnt do it for 'em
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I can really understand what you are saying crazy about not wanting to take food from the baby, that is so sweet of you and it confirms what I have always felt from your post, that you are a sweet person.
A way to look at it tho, that if it did turn out to be your H baby she would not of thought twice taking the food out of your COM mouth.
Forget the extra but at least make her pay for all attorney fees at least. I can see the point some are making, it is getting tiring the way they keep getting away scott free with everything and maybe seeing this will make others think twice. We dont get much of chance to sock it to the OW and if there is a chance you should stand up and at least get a little out of this and send a message to OW
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You have a point Cordelia...
More info: My H called me today to say that someone else from the job has walked up to him to ask him about him getting someone pregnant at work (the OW and he work at the same place, different departments though...don't worry, the place is huge...they never see each other, different shifts). Now we knew that she was opening her big mouth prior to the baby's birth...this is the only other time that someone has walked up to my H....she said that the rumor is all over their department...what do you guys make of this? Do you think that fool is crazy enough to continue this rumor with the DNA being out?
I am really tempted to call her butt now....I've been trying to take the high road...my H said that he would inform the attorney....this is close to harrassment. If any of this mess was to get to their supervisors then they both could be fired...
If a supervisor was to question him he said that he would say..."That woman has been spreading that rumor for the last year...it even got back to my wife...we took a DNA, and here are the results....please ask that she stop..."
Could he lie about the sexual contact? Any suggestions would be appreciated...I would like for him to mail a copy of the DNA to her whole department...but it would surely get to a supervisor then.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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Question ladies,
Are you all sure that we could even do that? I mean is there something that I could read that would allow us to sue her...he did have an affair, and it was possible...so could we still sue?
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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I would say it exactly the way you said..... ..."That woman has been spreading that rumor for the last year...it even got back to my wife...we took a DNA, and here are the results....please ask that she stop..." It is not a lie, she did say that, it is just not saying the whole truth. Only way it would be a lie is if they come right out and ask if there was sexual contact. This might not be the right thing to do, but if it can right down to losing a job over this, if they asked I would deny it, what proof does she have??? She opened her big mouth so let her get fired for causing trouble. Cant believe that she would even do that with her being married. I would be sooooo ashamed to tell anyone. I dont know about getting extra money but yes you have the right to at least get the attorney fees and court cost back. She had the right to ask for it if he was the father. So you would have the right since he is not. In any case where you take a person to court if you lose the suit then you have to pay the others attorney fees if they ask and the cost of filing with the courts. Also you can get back the cost for the DNA test. I remember that from our court papers since there was more then one possiable fathers listed.
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LOL got a bulletine board at work??? Post a copy on there LOL
Just kidding but wouldnt that shock the poo out of her LOL
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That would be soooo gratifying.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
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Ok its all about he said she said at this point.
Unless he admitted it in court that they had sexual contact because that is just a transcript to prove him lying but if he contends that he is not the father of that womans child and said nothing else then Who said he ever touched her?
I would just stick with that if I were your husband that this psycho lady has a crush and is fatal attracting him.
You can ask for all the transcripts of you court hearings it usually costs about 7 bucks a hearing its just to pay for the copying . So if you want to double check before he adamantly denies it do so.
He needs to deny it if he can. She may be leaving the company and has no problem getting him fired as well so she gets so sort of warped revenge i guess. Geesh ya should of took her 1000% sure butt on Maury lol i love when they say that and it turns out to be NOT the father.
I agree that response is just fine.
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If questioned by a supervisor about the paternity of the child, I would leave out the part about taking the DNA, unless specifically asked if they had sex, because that statement implies that they did have a sexual relationship.
And, yes, go after your legal expenses. I have a feeling that, with OWH being so involved, that this could have been an attempt at a scam on both their parts.
"Your actions are so loud that I can't hear a word you're saying!"
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Statement about a dna test wouldnt really imply that there was sex. If she did make a rumor about it, and it got to his wife then of course the wife would really wonder and just to put his wife at ease he could of taken the test, to prove to his wife that the rumor was not true.
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The scam thing....I really think so...I told you all before that it is rumored that she has another OC....I bet she has checks coming in from all over the country...HO.
And not to leave him out, my dumb, stupid, retarded H didn't have the sense God gave him to see a ho in action.
April - Affair May - OW tells H that she's pregnant June - OW's H calls to inform me of affair and pregnancy August - Present - Working diligently on marriage. In counseling at church. December - OC Born - NO CONTACT! May - DNA TEST NEGATIVE - MY H IS NOT THE FATHER. THANK GOD.
My new Title - BS w/ OCS (Betrayed Wife with Other Child Scare)
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