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You said "funny thing is that today the phrase "I love you but i am not in love with you" popped in my head. I know that this has been said many times by the WS but do BS ever feel this and say it. I am sort of feeling that right now."

I feel like that quite a bit and I am a BS...I love my H very very much, and sometimes I do get the old feeling of being in love with him....But alot of times, I feel like we are together because it is a habit. I guess that is because we haven't been working on our M much lately. When we do and we are communicating, I do feel "in love" but then something happens, and it goes away...

I just wanted you to know that you are not alone in feeling this way. My H never said that to me, and I haven't said it to him either, but I do feel like that...I feel like so much has been taken away from us due to the A...Maybe it's a respect issue, too, I don't know...

A glass of wine sounds really good right about now, S&C67!

BW (Me) 39 FWH (41) Married 14 yrs DS 4/2000 DD 12/2002 DD 8/2005 PA 1/05 - 9/12/05 D-Day 10/13/05 Status: Trying to rebuild
MAMAFISH #1657505 05/11/06 02:43 PM
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It's 5:00 pm somewhere, right????

"It's the simple things in life, like the kids at home and a loving wife, that you miss the most when you lose control. Everything that you love starts to disappear..."
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I'd prefer beer today, if that's OK - but I would take wine or liquor too .... and I will be having some soon.

At least my (F)WW is out of town until Sunday. This is the first time I can ever remember in 18 years of marriage that I am actually glad she is gone and wouldn't really care if she didn't come back.

She's given me the "not in love with you" crap sandwich - sort of funny how that and all our other problems seemed to come out right as her EA started - what a coincidence.

I haven't told her that, but I feel that way. Right now she is really pissed that I told OMW about 3 weeks ago. I think it's funny. If not for the kids, I would think it was real funny.

OTOH, I do have a lot to smile about too - W is gone for 3 days, I have a great job, 3 great kids etc. Sooner or later I may give up the crap sandwich and move on sushi too - I do know what you mean years.

193296 #1657507 05/11/06 03:31 PM
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Thanks mamafish...i am glad that i am not the only one. I have never said this to him and he hasn't said it to me either. Another thing i dont understand is how can a WS say they love you and dont want to leave you but still have an A. I was told that he never intended to leave me for her....oooohhhh don't I feel really special. I am good enough to stay with but not good enough to be faithful to.

losttiger #1657508 05/11/06 03:49 PM
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Ok you are special enough to stay with and to be faithful too.

It just seems like they were grabbing for a brass ring when they already had a diamond at home.

I dropped the I love you but I am not in love with you bomb on my FWW. Told her couldn't be in love with someone I don't know.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657509 05/11/06 04:01 PM
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how did that bomb go over with FWW? Is that an LB?

193296 #1657510 05/11/06 04:07 PM
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Oh it was an LB alright. Sometimes you wish you can take them back but I can't.

I dropped the bomb after spending $200 on a night out only to walk in after a smoke and see her flirting with another man. Wouldn't have gotten that far if she just appologized but she denied she was flirting. Trust me she was.

I dropped it that freaking night.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657511 05/11/06 04:13 PM
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Can't say that I blame you for that - I don't know about you, but sometimes it is impossible for me not to LB - unless I want to say nothing - especially if I've had a few - I think I've gotten better, but I have had problem with LB's.

I guess I won't tell my W that - unless she tells me again - then I will. You know, even before she told me that, I had to hear her tell a freind that on a phone call I taped - a great thing to hear -

Actually, I may just skip that and tell her I don't love her at all anymore - I guess I need to decide if it's true or not - and it may be.

193296 #1657512 05/11/06 04:24 PM
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It is hard for me not to LB sometimes as well. I have emotions and when my FWW did that I really did not know her anymore.

She has never said that to me but she has surely shown it to me. LOL

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657513 05/11/06 04:38 PM
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I am constantly LBing. I hate that side of me, but sometimes his lack a emotion drives me crazy so much that I LB just to get some reaction from him. It never really helps so you would think that i would have learned by now.

losttiger #1657514 05/11/06 04:51 PM
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I don't LB for that reason (I don't think) - I tend to LB because I am so mad right now - it's very natural. I have gotten better, but about 2 weeks ago we were out with friends and W said something that got me started and I pretty much went on a non-stop LB binge for about 2 hours -

That's how mine usually starts - W will make a smart [censored] comment and I can't take it - but I have gotten a ton better - now I just don't say much in response and calm myself down -

that way it is actually W doing the LBing, not me. She LB's a lot now - don't know if she doesn't realize it or doesn't care - I am sure that is why I am glad she is gone for a few days and I am questioning whether I even love her at all - this love bank is pretty much empty

193296 #1657515 05/11/06 05:00 PM
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That sucks. I travel occasionally and to be honest it feels great to be away from her.

She is usually so nice because she knows that I could hook up when I am gone. Never have but she knows I could.

My FWW LB's all the time too.

This weekend we got rid of the kids and I tried to show her the greatest weekend. On at least 4 occasions she made smart [censored] comments that really hurt considering we were having a good time. I just kept my big trap shut. Think she was suprised I did not play the game. I kept quite for a while after each one of them.

Your love bank is half empty congratulations. I checked mine the other day someone took everything out of it and left IOU's in there. LOL.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657516 05/11/06 05:12 PM
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I have not been traveling much for work lately - so I haven't been traveling much without W lately - I wish I were - it is good to get away.

I don't think W ever worries about me hooking up when I am gone (and I used to travel alot). I didn't used to worry about her doing that either - now I do. Except that in many ways I don't really care.

My bank may not be in the negative, but it's not just half empty - it was half empty 3 weeks ago - it's empty now.

I think my W is surprised when I don't respond to her smart [censored] comments too - W also shows almost no affection and SF is non-existent - that was not true 3 weeks ago. Lack of SF is a huge LB to me - she thinks she's punishing me. That's probably why the bank is empty now.

193296 #1657517 05/11/06 05:22 PM
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I took an award trip one time and everyone from my work told her about how good I was. She never understood why they kept telling her that. The reason was I had two women that were all over me trying to get me to cheat. I told her about it after her A. I of course didn't. Sometimes I wish I did.

We are such simple creatures us men. SF is my main need!!!!!

My FWW tried punsihing me like that and I just went along. Three weeks without any because she was not respecting my boundries. So if I am displeased with her about her actions no nookie.

I actually made her come to me and ask me. She tried all the normal things to get me to come on to her and I did not. I asked her what she wanted, made her tell me then I made her say pretty please. LOL. Boosted my ego. God I needed that.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657518 05/11/06 05:28 PM
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I would love to make my W do that but it will never happen.

SF is also my #1 EN (actually, honesty may have surpassed it recently) - but not even on her list.

Just a slight difference.

193296 #1657519 05/11/06 05:34 PM
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Oh yes I forgot about honesty too but then again after almost 3 years of dishonesty maybe I am numb to it.

I am currently mulling over her latest ultimatum which is she will let me ask her questions about the A one time then never again. LOL. If I forget a question or a new one comes up I am hosed. I should have called the OM long ago to find out what really happened. Too late now.

Only things I ever find out are the things I already know. Think she is so afraid to tell me because of all the lies she has told.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657520 05/11/06 08:09 PM
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W's A in my case was "only" an EA - . Because of that, there are not as many details that I need to know.

W hasn't told me I can only ask one time, but like your W unless I ask very specfic questions, I get nothing.

For example, about 3 weeks ago I tell W that I told OMW. We were at a bar/restaurant and I had been drinking all afternoon (I know, a mistake).

Anyway, I tell W I told OMW and then I asked her if she had talked to OM over the past 2 mos. (she had promised me as recently as the day before that she hadn't).

Guess what her [censored] response was? "I don't want to answer that".

So, then I said, "Have you seen him since then" Same [censored] response "I don't want to answer that"

2 or 3 minutes later, of course, she admitted she had talked to him weekly and had actually gone to his office a few days before - a 45 min. drive.

Of course, when I heard all that in a 3 min time frame I was in an absolute rage - I LB'd quite a bit and left.

My point is, they must think we are idiots. "I don't want to answer that" ???? What a [censored] thing to say -

I don't have 3 years like you do years, just 3 mos. - it's bad enough hn

193296 #1657521 05/11/06 08:59 PM
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I know and everytime they drop a bomb on us they think we should hug them.

Hey by the way I did this. WTF. All at once a wave hits you. Bad enough she did it. Then she has to lie about it to my face.

I don't want to answer that is what I get all the time. Or what good does it do for you to know the details. How about this there might be a detail in there that I will never ever forgive or forget or move on from. How about I know now instead of finding out 5 years from now.

I honestly think if my FWW was honest in the beginning I would have Divorced her. I kept getting spoon fed the crap until I was numb to it. Didn't even phase me anymore. Now I just want to know everything.

She doesn't understand that there are triggers that make me think about the A. I know it is not her fault when that happens. But then I get mad that she still hasn't been honest with me. At least if I knew I could deal with the triggers better.

BS 38
FWW 35
D Day 10/03
Recovery started 11/06
3 boys 12, 8 and a new baby

When life hands you lemons make lemonade then try to find the person life hands vodka and have a party.
frognomore #1657522 05/11/06 09:37 PM
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My W doesn't understand triggers either - and I can only imagine it must be worse for a PA - but maybe not.

Of course, in my case, the "I don't want to answer that" were in response to "yes or no" questions - how fuc8ing stupid an answer is that?

I think her IC told her to answer like that. Well, give me 6 or 7 beers and tell me that .....

My situation is a little different I think in that if W had told all from the beginning, quit contact with her "friend", not lied to me and acted sort of remorseful, then I think I'd be over it - almost totally.

Of course she didn't and I am now questioning everything.

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