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KiwiJ #1689118 09/09/06 11:49 PM
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Hi Kiwi,

Hummmm.....so....'drunk' acts are not a rarity!

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lunamare #1689119 09/09/06 11:52 PM
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....actually....'drunk' may not be the only thing that could apply, I guess....

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lunamare #1689120 09/09/06 11:53 PM
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LOL, Luna, I know, especially in the 70s. Most of them manage to at least perform. Joe Cocker just stumbled around the stage and mumbled (he mumbled at the best of times but this was horrible). It was embarrassing and pathetic.

lunamare #1689121 09/09/06 11:54 PM
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I am going to sign out, now...and not because of lack of interest...but I would like to get up tomorrow morning..... and since I am no Superman.... I need my beauty sleep!

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KiwiJ #1689122 09/09/06 11:58 PM
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Oh dear, Todd, I fear that you and Superman Rob could never be friends in real life. You just mentioned BS & T and Donovan in the same sentence as "good music" as though they could be possibly be good music.

Rob, who is the same age as you, is PASSIONATE about his music. John Mayall, Fleetwood Mac (before the girls), Little Feat (man, I love Little Feat too), Robert Johnson, the Stones, the Who, Spencer Davis, Gary Moore - shall I continue.

I like all the groups you mentioned so what is the problem.

Que pasa?

lunamare #1689123 09/10/06 12:10 AM
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Todd...are you considering R without NC with OM? ...or are you planning to make it a pre-requisite?

Oh, heavens no. NC with Other Men will be a first condition. And then it goes from there.

ToddAC #1689124 09/10/06 12:52 AM
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Boyfriend is still alive and still boyfriend.

He had a travel to another dimension when I took him to the old part of Mexico's downtown. While I complained about the infinite number of street vendors whe kept laughing in amusemnet.

Todd I'm affraid tomorrow he'll be your partner in suferings. He put spoons of Pico de Gallo over a Tampiqueña beef.

He's sleeping, I hope, in a hotel near by.

I didn't dye the lashes, lol.

Lunamare, nice monologue. I've never been married. I offer my unsolicited advice to Pio just to practice my nagging abilities.

Good to see you'll as always. <img src="/ubbt/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by larousse; 09/10/06 12:54 AM.
larousse #1689125 09/10/06 03:29 AM
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I offer my unsolicited advice to Pio just to practice my nagging abilities.

That's quite alright. One less thing to miss about gemela not being here. You are satisfying my nagging EN.

piojitos #1689126 09/10/06 06:15 AM
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Oh, heavens no. NC with Other Men will be a first condition. And then it goes from there.

Geesh, Todd....even for the sake of DS3...couldn't see you lowering your standards THAT MUCH!...next on the agenda I guess would be....the 'trust' issue...as a known fact around here is that WS's have been known to......'lie'!!!!! .... LOLRF.....

Hi Larousse...glad to hear you changed your mind about your lashes....or....were you pulling our leg all along???.... I can be sooooo naive!

Lunamare, nice monologue.

....well...just doing my part to keep thread on first page!

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lunamare #1689127 09/10/06 07:45 AM
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A coworker just got back in from vacation. He told me his brother who has been married for 30 years was told by his wife that she wants a divorce. I said "let me guess - affair". He said yes. I asked is she had lost weight, started exercising, etc. He said she had lost 20 lbs, was wearing miniskirts. Said it was a guy her age from her hometown. I asked if she subscribed to classmates.com.

Anyway, I told him to tell his brother about this site. Supposedly the brother does not know about the A. Only the children know about the A.

piojitos #1689128 09/10/06 08:18 AM
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Good morning All!

The morning has started well. Two sons are up playing the computer game, oldest is still asleep, it's not raining but not hot & humid either.

Things will not stay calm though when OS gets up. He ran over a big rock while mowing the lawn yesterday & the blade is so bent it hits the ground. He must attempt to fix this & there will be drama galore. He thinks this gets him off the hook for cutting the grass. Wrong.

He's up. I'll let him eat first before springing the news of unpleasant work ahead. I told him yesterday he'll have to fix the blade but how could I expect him to "remember" when it was so long ago.

Wouldn't it be informative to know real numbers of infidelity in marriage. Heartbreaking but informative.

Pio - I don't know about all your earlier experiences with infidelity but you certainly sound like you're enjoying this time with your girls.

I found immediate relief when ex moved out. The tension was horrible. I was able to step off the egg shells & not try to taylor things to ex's comfort level. We are all freer to be & it's been great for all of us.

Larousse - yeah! a living BF. A great place to start. He's not an exBF & that sounds like a story. Did he buy you a ring & trinket from a machine? Good to hear you opted to say your vision VS have sexy lashes.

Hi luna :-)

Be back later.

Formerly nam here since 07/31/03 coastal, CT
nams #1689129 09/10/06 08:26 AM
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You couldn't give me a quick rundown of your status...or....direct me to your 'thread' if you have one.... but let me guess....I can read 'minds' a little bit.... it involved an A!

Last edited by lunamare; 09/10/06 08:28 AM.

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lunamare #1689130 09/10/06 08:33 AM
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As Bugs Bunny would put it....What's up, doc?

Anybody out there?

I will not go away.... (and do very much needed housework....) ....until, like in a 'relay' team, somebody comes on to 'take over the baton'.....

Ain't I a real trooper, now!

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lunamare #1689131 09/10/06 08:39 AM
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....or, like Todd, I will start to 'google' some lyrics of my favourite Italian singers....

Anybody heard of a song called 'IL CUORE MATTO'.....from 'Little Tony'.... big hit in Italy a few decades ago...


Un cuore matto che ti segue ancora
e giorno e notte pensa solo a te,
e non riesco a fargli mai a capire
che tu vuoi bene a un altro e non a me.
Un cuore matto, matto da legare,
che crede ancora che tu pensi a me,
non è convinto che sei andata via,
che m'hai lasciato e non ritornerai...
Digli la verità
e forse capirà;
perché la verità
tu non l'hai detta mai...
Un cuore matto che ti vuole bene
e ti perdona tutto quel che fai,
ma prima o poi tu sai che guarirà,
lo perderai, così lo perderai...
Un cuore matto, matto da legare...

Let me know if anyone is really interested in knowing a quick summary of what's all about...

HINT HINT HINT...... it does apply to a 'common' experience to all of us here at MB!

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lunamare #1689132 09/10/06 08:45 AM
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...in case some are interested in knowing more about Little Tony... an Italian 'Elvis Presley' wannabe.....

check out this site: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Tony

...only thing....you need to know how to read....Italian!.... LOLRF!

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nams #1689133 09/10/06 08:56 AM
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Yes I am enjoying my time alone with the DDs. I am a bit frustrated though trying to sort through the dozens of papers they insist on sending home every night. I'll be glad when that abates and all we get is homework. Fortunately G2 chenged their back-to-school night so I don't have a conflict now between the two DDs. I can go to both. Homework is done for the night. DD1 has PE tomorrow and what color dies DD1 have to wear? I forget. I think we will start picking out clothes at night instead of in the morning. They are out playing now but in a bit I'll have them call WW and then hit the showers.

I have no life of my own any more but, on the other hand, there is nothing else I would rather be doing besides looking after the DDs so I don't really need a life. I need to trim the palm tree this weekend. That is one job I just hate. There is nothing good about cutting back a palm tree.

lunamare #1689134 09/10/06 08:58 AM
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....anybody ever heard of....MINA.....whose voice is comparable to Barbra S......

Here are the lyrics for one of her duets with Alberto Lupo.... of PAROLE PAROLE (she sings 'canto'....he speaks 'parlato')

If you have never heard her sing....check her out.... even if you don't understand what she sings.... her voice is 'heavenly'!


Parlato: Cara, cosa mi succede stasera, ti guardo ed è come la prima volta
Canto : Che cosa sei, che cosa sei, che cosa sei
Parlato: Non vorrei parlare
Canto: Cosa sei
Parlato: Ma tu sei la frase d’amore cominciata e mai finita
Canto: Non cambi mai, non cambi mai, non cambi mai
Parlato: Tu sei il mio ieri, il mio oggi
Canto: Proprio mai
Parlato: È il mio sempre, inquietudine
Canto: Adesso ormai ci puoi provare/ chiamami tormento dai, già che ci sei
Parlato: Tu sei come il vento che porta i violini e le rose
Canto: Caramelle non ne voglio più
Parlato: Certe volte non ti capisco
Canto: Le rose e violini/ questa sera raccontali a un’altra,
violini e rose li posso sentire/ quando la cosa mi va se mi va,
quando è il momento/ e dopo si vedrà
Parlato: Una parola ancora
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Ascoltami
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Ti prego
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Io ti giuro
Canto: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi
Parlato: Ecco il mio destino, parlarti, parlarti come la prima volta
Canto: Che cosa sei, che cosa sei, che cosa sei,
Parlato: No, non dire nulla, c’è la notte che parla
Canto: Cosa sei
Parlato: La romantica notte
Canto: Non cambi mai, non cambi mai, non cambi mai
Parlato: Tu sei il mio sogno proibito
Canto: Proprio mai
Parlato: È vero, speranza
Canto: Nessuno più ti può fermare/ chiamami passione dai, hai visto mai
Parlato: Si spegne nei tuoi occhi la luna e si accendono i grilli
Canto: Caramelle non ne voglio più
Parlato: Se tu non ci fossi bisognerebbe inventarti
Canto: La luna ed i grilli/ normalmente mi tengono sveglia/
mentre io voglio dormire e sognare/ l’uomo che a volte c’è in te quando c’è/
che parla meno/ ma può piacere a me
Parlato: Una parola ancora
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Ascoltami
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Ti prego
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Io ti giuro
Canto: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi
Parlato: Che cosa sei
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Che cosa sei
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Che cosa sei
Canto: Parole, parole, parole
Parlato: Che cosa sei
Canto: Parole, parole, parole, parole parole soltanto parole, parole tra noi

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lunamare #1689135 09/10/06 09:06 AM
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Hi Pio,

DD1 has PE tomorrow and what color dies DD1 have to wear? I forget. I think we will start picking out clothes at night instead of in the morning.

...sounds like a good plan....

I need to trim the palm tree this weekend. That is one job I just hate. There is nothing good about cutting back a palm tree.

....well....you can always use this thread to procrastinate doing the job for a bit....

....what do you thing I am doing here? ....

..I am with you....I ENJOY looking after my boys.... couldn't think of doing anything more worthwhile..... I just have a bit 'too much' time on my hands when they are not around!

DS16 & DS22
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piojitos #1689136 09/10/06 09:14 AM
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A coworker just got back in from vacation. He told me his brother who has been married for 30 years was told by his wife that she wants a divorce. I said "let me guess - affair". He said yes. I asked is she had lost weight, started exercising, etc. He said she had lost 20 lbs, was wearing miniskirts.

Amazing how common infidelity seems to have become. In the US, one-half of first marriages fail. What is not revealed is why most marriages fail. From Frank Pittman: "However utopian the theories, the reality is that infidelity, whether it is furtive or blatant, will blow he!! out of a marriage. In 30 odd years of practice, I have encountered only a handful of established first marriages that ended in divorce without someone being unfaithful, often with the infidelity kept secret throughout the divorce process and even for years afterwards. Infidelity is the sine qua non of divorce."

Only the children know about the A.

How perfectly charming that the kids know.

lunamare #1689137 09/10/06 09:14 AM
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Pio? ....do your palm trees produce....coconuts! ...or do I have the wrong tree! ....is there a coconut tree! .... that would mean...that on a palm tree....one finds PALMS.... like...those used by servants to 'cool' off Cleopatra...

....Sorry....I am up here in Canada.....a long way from 'tropical climate'.....so....excuuuuuse my ignorance....

....and what exactly do you hate about the job?..... hard to climb on top of the tree? .... or afraid to look like a m*********?

.....I know, I know...need to get myself a 'life'.....

Pio....how old is DD1 and DD2?

I wonder how NAMS is doing with OS and getting him to fix mower! ....

DS16 & DS22
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